Your oppinions on the following Ragezone members

Feb 23, 2003
Reaction score
In your dreams
post your oppinions on the following RZ users...

Morphix (Bud the Weiser)
Spunkeh (BlinGer)
BadManMC (Schnitzel)
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I here I go as 1st as always and mines must be the best :moon: :moon: :

Also when you write opinion for me don't put "noob" because there are OTHERS here that are newer.......... :pissed: :pissed: :thefinger:

Exclamation: Lucky mofo that getting things handed in a silver platter, lol!! He's great guy, impossible to piss off, and chats on MSN with a good attitude and won't ignore you, 2 thumbs up

MentaL: Another good guy, sometimes a JACKASS for banning and unbanning few days later. Cool with audio chats on MSN. Likes gothic stuff.........

GohanSSJ: Don't know him, just see his posts and make few comments if its funny. Keeps making new accounts after getting banned, maybe he just needs to make an apology thread and think ppl can forgive him?!?!?!?!?

Tupac: Good looking dude, gets all the hotties!!! Don't know much about him

Capricorn: Cool on msn, had differences but we cool now

NeoSparky: Sexy gal and nice with chats, likes cartoon movies with fuzzy rodents!!!!!

carnage: Had fun during "Spam Day", thx for moment, lol

DonTonberry: Nuff said, the FUCKING MAN! Cool isn't even close the word for this guy, lol

Solares: Web, HTML genious that is the king of the world with his "supernoob" powers, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool with me, and cool with him, nuff said

Becky: Mmmmmmm, sexy chick. Funny, won't ignore with chats and like to get to know more about her :smileysex :smileysex

STEELY: Don't know much about, guess he's cool since hes one of the old timers here, lol

Morphix (Bud the Weiser): Don't know much, only that hes very popular during the past RZ Mir games.

Spunkeh (BlinGer): Cool and funny!! Hes the man!

QuikS: who? All I see is a cat, haha

Akaruz: The supernoob himself!!!!!! The master of all MMORPGS!!!!!!!! Hacker of servers!!! I'm getting lame now, I know.....

Strider: poser

MasterD: It's the white big pun!!! lol...... Big scarface fan and them "mobster" type fan, awesome.

EvilKitten: sweet and great to get to know, will never ignore you in a chat.

Kaoii767: megaman sucks!!!!!!! sike! He likes protoman, all I know about him, likes CS and cool to voicechat, lol

DarkBahamut: hates me, lol

Masami: maltan!!!!!!!!!! Sicily will crush malta and make it sink, muahahah, lol.....

Hulkster: Hey, its fucking me. Hes a lame joker, fucking spammer and is a sex demon towards the RZ girls :smileysex :smileysex :smileysex :smileysex

BadManMC (Schnitzel): the RZ Mir guy that complains when RZMir will be up again

Sipher: mental's new girlfriend that kisses ass to get supernoob status, *kidding*. Nice guy, joker, enjoy voice chats when he feels like it.

Rage: ragefire??? The one that likes to pose??

Makaveli: don't know much, all I know he was at RZ party and is he the fat guy with the nipples that sic trying to lick?? lol!!!

Griffin_Heart: cool dude, kitten's bf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! meow.......

hellprowler: new jersey punk!!!! Yeah gas is cheaper there but its swampland! lol... good guy and funny posts..

Nathan123: the CS guy that plays the drums or guitar I think. Cool...

Rocz: don't know

8694: don't know

-=MR=-: don't know

DiGiDJ: nice boobs

lola*: My wife, sexy lady in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deathsfear: great person to know, but why did she hide??? hmmm....

MrStonker: who??!?!?!

Bazi: the fucking boro fag, hahhaha

Nik-C: if he don't like you, he'll bash you and tell you in your face. Cool when calm and works at a bar with tons of hotties?!?!??! Potential GUESS model!

Whew, I need a vacation now, all that typing and thinking made me tired. Now you all don't bash me with stupid remarks, I said good stuff about you all since you ALL like family here, lol.
Exclamation - nice
MentaL - fucking nice welsh
GohanSSJ - I saw him today on DB ( but i think he doesnt use this account anymore ( to prevent being banned )
NeoSparky - nice
DonTonberry - ehhe nice but for me each post he does 50 p/c he looks like he's drunk
Akaruz - Awesome mod , nice guy , but till Portugal vs England , after that it seems english members got pissed with him ( jk )
EvilKitten - nice
Kaoii767 - nice dude , i need to remember to give him the files again
Hulkster - master of spam , God was blind
lola* - :tp: nice girl , very nice talks
Nik-C - looks a nice guy but I think he can get easily pissed ;) ( jk )
Akaruz said:
GohanSSJ - I saw him today on DB ( but i think he doesnt use this account anymore ( to prevent being banned )
DB? And i have been at my dads all day.. who the fuck is messing with my name...

Mind you that my post wasn't just out of nowhere, someone has been trashing my name a couple of days ago on teamspeak i believe...
Exclamation - Nice guy
MentaL - Same, he is a little bit odd sometimes, but he is cool
GohanSSJ - Meh..
Tupac - Got nothing in common with him really
Capricorn - Depends
NeoSparky - She hates me for some reason, i still don't know why, well not really...
carnage - Don't know him that well
DonTonberry - I'm cool with him atm :)
Solares - Nice guy
Becky - Nice girl
STEELY - Don't know him that much
Morphix (Bud the Weiser) - Same as Tupac, got nothing really in common with him
Spunkeh (BlinGer) - Don't know him that well
QuikS - Nice guy
Akaruz - Don't know him
Strider - Another nice guy ;)
MasterD - He just trys to start shit most of the time, i'm targeted alot...
EvilKitten - Nice girl
Kaoii767 - Dipshit
DarkBahamut - Whore? :tp:
Masami - Don't really know him
Hulkster - Not sure
BadManMC (Schnitzel) - Don't know him
Sipher - Dipshit who is mad at me because i told him he is a shit mod, which he then prooved it again by letting his personal problems effect his moderating which goes against the rules.
Rage - Don't know him that well
Makaveli - There is enough Maka around for everyone :tp:
Griffin_Heart - Don't know him that well
hellprowler - Don't know him that well
Nathan123 - Don't know him that well, but gives me shit without knowing actually what i was saying...
Rocz - Don't know him that well
8694 - Don't know him that well
-=MR=- - Don't know him that well
DiGiDJ - Don't know him that well
lola* - Don't know her that well
Deathsfear - Don't get me started on that thing...
MrStonker - Don't know him that well
Bazi - Ehm what i know about him was like a year ago...
Nik-C - Cool guy untill you get on his bad side. :tp:
Exclamation - sexeh
MentaL - a bit evil
GohanSSJ - banned
Tupac - god lol
Capricorn - fag
DonTonberry - thinks he is sexeh but he is lol
STEELY - funny
QuikS - quix0r oO
Akaruz - bastard, never keeps his promises i hate him
Strider - sexeh
Kaoii767 - a bit lame
DarkBahamut - the sex00000r
Hulkster - funny as hell lol
Sipher - the most evil guy ive ever seen. i hate him!
-=MR=- - getting pist easy
Deathsfear - evil... played ex
MrStonker - i was thinking his real nick is MrStonk
Bazi - gay
iod - 1337
DETH - teh sex0r maniAc, watching porn from 10yr age
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lol all of them are cool i guess except for Deathsfear and iod

iod= wierd/noob

Deathsfear i dont have a problem except when she thinks she knows everys thing

(no offence) lol
lol savage calling me a noob even though you came to me for help atleast 3 times, just because you don't know how to search and you got frustrated over not being able to use notepad to edit a few lines doesnt mean I'm a noob, see a noob is:

1. A person online who is new and/or unfamiliar with the environment.
1a. A "newbie".

2. A person who acts like they know everything (see also, n00b).

Both of which would apply to you more than me.

And to make it look like I had an intrest in the rest of this thread here are the people I can say are cool (rest i don't know):

MentaL - cool
lola* - cool
Akaruz - cool
Hulkster - cool
Kaoii767 - cool
came to me for help atleast 3 times

hmm making stuff up are you

thats wierd you need help

and as for calling you a noob i just called you that
cuz that is what you say to people and calling somone a noob is
dumb and i will never use that word again
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Slective members only:

DTB: Sexy bastard, a.k.a titmania :D
Nik-Cexy: thief... other than that, id marry him lol
Hulkster: 1 out of a million... idiot... (jk) cool guy, luv his jokes on mic... i crack up laughing... btw Hulk... THE YELLOW SHIT!!
MentaL: luv him, a very gd m8 of mine :D
Capricorn: Horny bastard who loves experimenting teh girlz buttz!
Becky: innocent, yet sweet and very happy that I voted her as a mod in EI section, luv her :D
lola*: dont know her, but she seems cool... her fav speech "well if you didnt use hacks..." lmfao
NeoSparky: ma babah, wub her.. innonect, sweet yet evil :D so dont be messin with her
Sexclamatio: pwner of japan, and its girlz, a gr8 m8, :D luv him
Makaveli: pwner of friendship, i dont know him very well but... he is a very cool guy i must say :D
EvilKitten: kitten? Yes? Kittttteeeeeeeeeeeeen!!
GriffinHeart: lmfao, pwn him to much on msn, but other than that very cool guy and honest :D
Kaoii: luv teasing him, as his a very cool guy, and trutworthy :D "Admin on RZ-CS"
ne0n: ma bitch tbh, and im his bitch.. we pwn cs :D
Rocz: cs destroyer... i think steam hate him.. his to l337 for steam...
Akaruz: lost contact with him from irc, very cool guy tho :D
DeadlyEagle: lol his funny at times, only when he has his rich belgium chocolate next to him :D and when he gets laid...
Solares: what will I do without you? nothing, so heres my msg "will you marry.... me?"
-=MR=-: cool guy, has a temper... but other than that cool :D
MasterD: Don of Mafia... his not here to ask you to do something, his here to tell you to do something :D
Spunkeh: lol funny guy, always help him out, made a nice siggy for him, he was happy :D
DarkBahamut: leader of lezbo crew... "They want you to join"

tbh... love you all... :( dunno if you guys knew this :(
i love everyone on this forum no matter how annoying they might be...YOU GUYS ALL ROCK.

*im a lover not a hater*
damnit LOL i guess those anger management lessons didnt payed

Exclamatio: Cool guy, the host of madness
MentaL: Cant say much stuff except great job with these forums
GohanSSJ: Dont know him a lot, seems he wants to get into arguments often :tp:
Tupac: Dont know him
Capricorn: Wants to have sex a lot
NeoSparky: Hot, dont know her at all
Carnage: Dont know him
DonTonberry: Wants to also have sex a lot :tp:
Solares: My MSN hates him >.< Havent got a chance to know him
Becky: Sexy and helpfull :drooling1
STEELY: Dont know him
Morphix: Dont know him
Spunkeh: Dont know him
QuikS: Dont know him
Akaruz: Great guy, helpfull, he works WAY too much
Strider: Dont know him
MasterD: The Daddy? Oo
EvilKiten: Sexy Cute and Cuddly!
Koii767: Nice bud, the only one i can understand 100% clearly on teamspeak
DarkBahamut: I dont know...I still havent figure out if 'he' is a guy or a woman
Masami: Dont know her/him
Hulkster: Not big fan of Hulk myself...
BadManMC: Doesent really like to attack monster on RZ EI :tp: other than that dont know
Sipher: Coolzorz, he even called me an asshole in greek!
Rage: Dont know him/her
Makaveli: The Daddy (2) ?
Griffin_Heart: Look stoned, likes Heroes of M&M, cant be bad
Hellprowler: Helpfull, toled me about WoW server
Nathan123: Dont know him
Rocz: Dont know him
8694: Dont know him/her
-=MR=-: er...short temper? :lol:
DigiDJ: Nice boobs
lola*: Nice to talk to, havent really got a chance to know her
Deathsfear: Helpfull with Photoshop
MrStonker: Dont know him
Bazi: Dont know him
Nik-C: Dont know him, seems like a cool guy though :D
Exclamation - Cool as, so easy to talk to :)
MentaL - Don't really talk to him/know him anymore
GohanSSJ - Dunno, he deleted me off his MSN ages ago lol
Tupac - So sexy, you know it's true. :tp:
Capricorn - That's me!
NeoSparky - God I want to fuck her in teh butt :drooling1 ERRR I mean she's cool, and yes she is teh hot++ :smileysex
carnage - I've seen his butthole on MSN, lol it's sexeh too. :D
DonTonberry - Funny man, don't talk to much anymore but he knows I love him :boobies:
Solares - :sol: lol thinks he's pro at CS but gets raped. Fine with me though.
Becky - If I knew where she lived I'd stalk the minxy little bitch ERRR Another hot hot hotteh ++ and she's funny too! She makes me laugh but not as much as this next person. :D
STEELY - The boi. The funniest person on my MSN barr none. He can make me almost piss my pants when he wants to. I dunno how he doesn't have a g/f tbh.
Morphix (Bud the Weiser) - Sexy, simple as. ;) Her0 irl and damn sexy, but not as sexy as me. Obviously. :cool:
Spunkeh (BlinGer) - Nice person to talk to, although he plays CoD. Smelleh. :tp:
QuikS - Don't really talk to much at all. He's ok with me though.
Akaruz - Dare I say more from last night?
Strider - Quite the sexy little bitch. ;)
MasterD - Camwh0re lol funny funny man. I love him. :D
EvilKitten - Very quiet as of late and she should stand up to teh bois of RZ.
Kaoii767 - Very cool, talk to him on TS sometimes and he's got a major American accent lol. :D
DarkBahamut - I hear she's sex0r irl :drooling1 but she's teh l33t h4x on RZ.
Masami - Don't talk to much anymore.
Hulkster - Heh quite cool when you get to know him.
BadManMC (Schnitzel) - Don't talk to anymore.
Sipher - lol, funny on TS and MSN.
Rage - He's ok with me.
Makaveli - Don't talk to anymore.
Griffin_Heart - Cunt.
hellprowler - Seems fine.
Nathan123 - Down to Earth guy. I always talk to him on MSN. Very cool. :)
Rocz - Don't talk to.
8694 - Don't talk to.
-=MR=- - Don't talk to.
DiGiDJ - Cool hair and cool guy lol
lola* - Don't know/talk to.
Deathsfear - ...
MrStonker - Funny man from his forum posts lol
Bazi - I've seen his bum on MSN too. :tp: Sexy man as well.
Nik-C - Sex0r tbh, gimmie a Fosters umberella lol :D

You forgot:

SIC: Very, VERY cool. A good friend and someone who'll listen when ya down. :)
Its weird how long ive been on the forums and i really dont know anyone v. well

Exclamation - V. cool (LOL @ backflip.avi :D)
MentaL - Ah yes i remember our webcam session.. :/ webcam sword fight owns.
GohanSSJ - some guy that no one likes?
Tupac - seems nice when i played on mir2 with him
Capricorn - used to be in the same guild as u on mir2! seems like a good lad
NeoSparky - she stalks me on msn.. (its kinda a turnon O.o)
carnage - dont know him
DonTonberry - saw pics of rageparty . ROFL
Solares - Cool guy the phase fatcat comes to mind i dont know why
Becky - one of the girlies :) seems nice
STEELY - not really spoke to him
Morphix (Bud the Weiser) - not really spoke to him
Spunkeh (BlinGer) - not really spoke to him
QuikS - cool avatar :D sniper kitty?
Akaruz - dont know him
Strider - ok bloke from what i can tell
MasterD - ok guy. plays cs
EvilKitten - minx.
Kaoii767 - that guy on teamspeak that seems to ignore me coz hes playin mu
DarkBahamut - unsure :P
Masami - ?
Hulkster - dont know him that well
BadManMC (Schnitzel) - dont know him that well
Sipher - pwn him on cs.. good laugh
Rage - ok guy
lola* - another one of the girlies
Nik-C - poser. :D seems ok
Exclamation - Tru Playa
MentaL - RZ Overlord
GohanSSJ - The Unbeatable
Tupac - Poser Skillz :)
Capricorn - Shuda come rz party, Sound guy
NeoSparky - fun lass
carnage - The fucking dad tbh :D
DonTonberry - PG Tips, Tebag G0d, sound fella
Solares - Sound :)
Becky - basketball fan, must be cool :P
STEELY - Comedian :D
Morphix (Bud the Weiser) - shuda come party, sound guy
Spunkeh (BlinGer) - Needs to msg me more offten :tp:
QuikS - Cool guy :)
Akaruz - Cunt
Strider - Cool Guy
MasterD - P.I.M.P
Kaoii767 - Megaman fan, nuff sed
DarkBahamut - Crazy chick, makes me laugh
Masami - Sound guy
Hulkster - Sound when he wants ta be.
Sipher - Quality guy
Rage - Its were I wanna be ;) you know were we stand man :)
Makaveli - Insperational ;) Quality guy
Griffin_Heart - Cunt
hellprowler - Nice guy :)
Nathan123 - I need attention
Rocz - nuff respect for rocz
8694 - Needs to start posting more :) Were ya bin man?
DiGiDJ - Coolio
lola* - Funky chick
Deathsfear - lmfao
MrStonker - Funny bloke
Bazi - Swift :cool:
Exclamation - Cool guy imo (im just scared if i say something bad tbh :P lol)
MentaL - Just a god of MMORPGs and a sound guy
GohanSSJ - Dont really know um
Tupac - Sex0r!!
Capricorn - Cool as they come
NeoSparky - Nice person
carnage - dont reall know um
DonTonberry - Good guy
Solares - Good guy
Becky - Dont really know um
STEELY - Good guy
Morphix (Bud the Weiser) - Cool
Spunkeh (BlinGer) - Funny as Fcuk
QuikS - Fun guy
Akaruz - Dont really know um
Strider - Very good guy
MasterD - Dont really know um
EvilKitten - Nice person very sound
Kaoii767 - Dont really know um
DarkBahamut - Dont really know um
Masami - Dont really know um
Hulkster - Nice guy funny
BadManMC (Schnitzel) - Dont really know um
Sipher - From the looks of it on the forum hes a cool guy and funny
Rage - Dont really know um
Makaveli - Good guy
Griffin_Heart - Dont really know um
hellprowler - Dont really know um
Nathan123 - Dont really know um
Rocz - Dont really know um
8694 -Dont really know um
-=MR=- - Dont really know um
lola* - Dont really know um
Deathsfear - Dont really know um
MrStonker - Dont really know um
Bazi - funny and sound guy
Nik-C - 1337 poser (my hero)
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Capricorn said:
Exclamation - Cool as, so easy to talk to :)
MentaL - Don't really talk to him/know him anymore
GohanSSJ - Dunno, he deleted me off his MSN ages ago lol
Tupac - So sexy, you know it's true. :tp:
Capricorn - That's me!
NeoSparky - God I want to fuck her in teh butt :drooling1 ERRR I mean she's cool, and yes she is teh hot++ :smileysex
carnage - I've seen his butthole on MSN, lol it's sexeh too. :D
DonTonberry - Funny man, don't talk to much anymore but he knows I love him :boobies:
Solares - :sol: lol thinks he's pro at CS but gets raped. Fine with me though.
Becky - If I knew where she lived I'd stalk the minxy little bitch ERRR Another hot hot hotteh ++ and she's funny too! She makes me laugh but not as much as this next person. :D
STEELY - The boi. The funniest person on my MSN barr none. He can make me almost piss my pants when he wants to. I dunno how he doesn't have a g/f tbh.
Morphix (Bud the Weiser) - Sexy, simple as. ;) Her0 irl and damn sexy, but not as sexy as me. Obviously. :cool:
Spunkeh (BlinGer) - Nice person to talk to, although he plays CoD. Smelleh. :tp:
QuikS - Don't really talk to much at all. He's ok with me though.
Akaruz - Dare I say more from last night?
Strider - Quite the sexy little bitch. ;)
MasterD - Camwh0re lol funny funny man. I love him. :D
EvilKitten - Very quiet as of late and she should stand up to teh bois of RZ.
Kaoii767 - Very cool, talk to him on TS sometimes and he's got a major American accent lol. :D
DarkBahamut - I hear she's sex0r irl :drooling1 but she's teh l33t h4x on RZ.
Masami - Don't talk to much anymore.
Hulkster - Heh quite cool when you get to know him.
BadManMC (Schnitzel) - Don't talk to anymore.
Sipher - lol, funny on TS and MSN.
Rage - He's ok with me.
Makaveli - Don't talk to anymore.
Griffin_Heart - Cunt.
hellprowler - Seems fine.
Nathan123 - Down to Earth guy. I always talk to him on MSN. Very cool. :)
Rocz - Don't talk to.
8694 - Don't talk to.
-=MR=- - Don't talk to.
DiGiDJ - Cool hair and cool guy lol
lola* - Don't know/talk to.
Deathsfear - ...
MrStonker - Funny man from his forum posts lol
Bazi - I've seen his bum on MSN too. :tp: Sexy man as well.
Nik-C - Sex0r tbh, gimmie a Fosters umberella lol :D

You forgot:

SIC: Very, VERY cool. A good friend and someone who'll listen when ya down. :)

why dont u talk to me anymore?
i wanna change my view on cap after our msn convo a min ago

capricorn: funny guy good as they come but fuckin wierder than they come lol (hes watching rosie and jim atm :S)