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Your worst injury?

Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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What is the worst injury that you have ever undergone?

For me I'd probably have to say.. the time when I was around 6 or 7 years old I believe and we used a woodstove to heat our house. Long story short my Dad and I were walking in opposite directions between where the woodstove was and he accidentally bumped me off my balance and I (luckily) reached out and caught myself from falling whole body onto it.

I ended up with a 3rd degree burn (on the verge of fourth according to the ER nurse) across the entire palm of my right hand, you could see the skin melted away from the center and peeling off and everything. I luckily can't remember what it felt like, all I remember is literally seeing my hand smoke and hearing it sizzle for that split second before I pulled it away.

So that's (from what I can remember) the worst injury that's ever happened to me, I think a close second would be when a pot-pie not even 10 seconds out of the oven slid off the plate and into my shoe, if I could've pulled my foot away it wouldn't have been so bad but that wasn't the case as my shoelace was double knotted, and I had to sit there with that 350+ degree pot-pie burning the poop out of my ankle while I tried to untie it.

So that's mine, what's yours?!
Apr 5, 2012
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Wouldn't know which was worse, i'll post both my main injuries.
I was about 3-4, playing on my slide in the garden, me being a complete idiot at that age decided to put a plastic tube(pretty large) in my mouth and slide down with it in, went down and the tube hits the growned pushing up into my gums, bleeding every where. I had to have quite a few stitches in my gums to stop all the bleeding.

2) Was climbing on a ladder at the age of 9/10(the ladder was against a little wall in our garden,no bigger than a meter). We was going on holiday that same day, my mum calls to get my bag ready, I try to jump off and get my foot caught on the ladder, I swing to the ground and end up spraining my arm.
Praise the Sun!
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Was about to start benching with 2 dumbbells (70 lbs each), had them resting on my upper leg, ready to grab and lean back. Unfortunately, one slipped and smashed my fourth finger against the other dumbbell. Poor finger got sandwiched.

This is how it looked like a few minutes after:
Justice For All - Your worst injury? - RaGEZONE Forums

Finger started to hurt like poop as soon as I got it removed. Most of my veins instantly burst open, most of the nerves died. Bone was severely bruised, skin fell off after a week or two.

As of now, it's almost done healing (it's still missing out on some nerves) and feels kinda numb.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2011
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I cracked my skull when I was 6 years old and tried to do a backflip off the swings. Landed right on a rock, had to get like 4 stitches (on the outer skin, not the skull)
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Was about to start benching with 2 dumbbells (70 lbs each), had them resting on my upper leg, ready to grab and lean back. Unfortunately, one slipped and smashed my fourth finger against the other dumbbell. Poor finger got sandwiched.

This is how it looked like a few minutes after:
Justice For All - Your worst injury? - RaGEZONE Forums

Finger started to hurt like poop as soon as I got it removed. Most of my veins instantly burst open, most of the nerves died. Bone was severely bruised, skin fell off after a week or two.

As of now, it's almost done healing (it's still missing out on some nerves) and feels kinda numb.

Ouch smashing limbs/body parts is one of the worst, I'm glad I've only had a couple smash related injuries in my life! (knock on wood)
Success and nothing less
Nov 7, 2011
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Stabbed once at the age of 16. Don't want to get into details, but has to be the worst experience I've had in my life. My veins were popping out, and insides were hanging loose. Wasn't able to use my left arm for a month. My left arm wasn't functioning correct for years. Fully recovered now though.

When I was 18, I had another injury, upper right arm. Had a blade cut through my whole upper-arm, doing some handwork,wasn't too deep though, but I lost a lot of blood.

Other than that, I had acetic acid thrown in my right eye once. Wasn't done on purpose, but I was hospitalized for weeks.
Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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I was walking in the garden with no shoes and kicked a big rock (eventually when I moved it it cracked open when I threw it and I found an ammonite fossil), my toe stung for a bit :D

I've never broken anything, I've never had any major injury neither, I've had a major infection which made my face swell up for a bit but other than that I'm fine.

My success story:
* Don't do stupid stuff
Jan 1, 2003
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I'm a walking catalogue of injuries, I'll name a few that stand out :p

Had my skull cracked by a group of lads on a kerb in school when I was 5, had to have my head stitched in the school as there was no time to get me to a hospital. All I really remember is the lads who did it to me, walking to a teacher with blood all over my hand after touching the back of my head, bits of black outs and then being held down by the nurse a teacher and whoever else was saving me.

Dislocating my shoulder a few years ago has probably effected me more than any other injury and it was horribly painful the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and recently 4th re-dislocation. It was an illegal throw in a kick boxing match and since then it has been a problem every day with my work and leisure.

What is the worst injury that you have ever undergone?

For me I'd probably have to say.. the time when I was around 6 or 7 years old I believe and we used a woodstove to heat our house. Long story short my Dad and I were walking in opposite directions between where the woodstove was and he accidentally bumped me off my balance and I (luckily) reached out and caught myself from falling whole body onto it.

I ended up with a 3rd degree burn (on the verge of fourth according to the ER nurse) across the entire palm of my right hand, you could see the skin melted away from the center and peeling off and everything. I luckily can't remember what it felt like, all I remember is literally seeing my hand smoke and hearing it sizzle for that split second before I pulled it away.

So that's (from what I can remember) the worst injury that's ever happened to me, I think a close second would be when a pot-pie not even 10 seconds out of the oven slid off the plate and into my shoe, if I could've pulled my foot away it wouldn't have been so bad but that wasn't the case as my shoelace was double knotted, and I had to sit there with that 350+ degree pot-pie burning the poop out of my ankle while I tried to untie it.

So that's mine, what's yours?!

Ohh man they both sound pretty painful! It's a good job the pain doesn't stay with the memory :p

Stabbed once at the age of 16. Don't want to get into details, but has to be the worst experience I've had in my life. My veins were popping out, and insides were hanging loose. Wasn't able to use my left arm for a month. My left arm wasn't functioning correct for years. Fully recovered now though.

When I was 18, I had another injury, upper right arm. Had a blade cut through my whole upper-arm, doing some handwork,wasn't too deep though, but I lost a lot of blood.

Other than that, I had acetic acid thrown in my right eye once. Wasn't done on purpose, but I was hospitalized for weeks.

Maaaan that's a fucker, glad to hear you're recovered though mate!
Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
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Paling in comparison to some of those injuries, I tore my back thigh 10 years ago doing a full split which was ridiculously stupid of me as well going into that without proper warm up. I still get the creeps imagining the sound it made like ripping a piece of cloth. Could hardly limp with it for the next few days and it never fully recovered and always gives me a slight reminder when stretching and I have to be very careful with any kicks.

Lee, so your shoulder's been giving you yet new problems? Aww that sucks hard I know you must be aching to get a good training and fights. :(
Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
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Broke my arm aged 3, jumped off a high chair and walked about completely unwittingly for 2 weeks with a broken arm. Parents only realised when I was lifted out of the bath by my arm and I screamed in pain, apparently :laugh:

Aged 5 I believe it was, touched a 200ºC grill. Hurt like a fucker. Then aged about 8 or so, stood on red hot coal. THAT hurt.
Oct 11, 2007
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I'd say the worst injury would be breaking my left arm at my 12th birthday party haha xD.
Oh and I hit my right foot with an axe, didn't feel a thing, just a bunch of blood coming out and rushing to the hospital lol...

Something I don't know if it counts as an injury, but I was born with some defect in my stomach, but was too young to operate, so I had to wait until I was about 5-6 or something, no idea what it was though... Never bothered to ask lol.
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Welp.. Bro, it's actually my motorcycle accident in february 23. 6 stitches left shoulder; 11 stitches left knee; 5 stitches left hand; broken toe on left foot no stitches; bruises on the face (helmet wore off).

Tough time, still not completely healed.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2009
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fell off the roof of my house awhile back... my hand got broken so hard that i needed surgery.
Recovery was a really big pain in the butt.
4ever Alone = my religion
Jul 2, 2006
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When I was 14 I was running in my school hallway and then a person opened doors right in front of me and basically the door handle somehow cut into my left arm and i made a backflip or something and pretty much the skin with all the meat was pulled/cut off my arm and i could see my bone and now i have like a V shape scar on my arm.
The blood puddle in school's nurse office was a nice view also...

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Jan 24, 2013
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Stepped on a nail in a wooden plank and it went through my foot, this was around the age of 7. Other most painful injury I can think of would be when I was around 8 years old and touched an iron, hurt like hell.
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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I have to say it's quite amazing what physical ailments some of us go through, and what's more is there's people who have gone through things 5x worse than anything in this thread! (Not that it's a competition or anything of-course) It's amazing what the human body can endure honestly, yet at the same time, something so weak and small like a virus can completely destroy it.