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Adolf Hitler Taken From Parents By Police

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Junior Spellweaver
Nov 9, 2008
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I think it's pretty fucked up to take the kids away unless they are being abused? I think it's just fucked up... How can they take someones child away just because of their beliefs. They are providing the best environment they can for raising good, Aryan children with solid names... really the names are just really strong. I like it.
Chaos Is Here
Apr 6, 2006
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i really dont see the problem with having hitler as a name. to tell you the truth i think its a pretty cool name.

who cares if he is named after the real adolf hitler. but will he do same thing i truly don't think he will lol
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 21, 2004
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I have a nephew named Damion - my sister named him that because she had watched the Omen movies throughout her pregnancy. She's a radiology assistant and speaks fluent French, in addition to Spanish. My nephew isn't going to end up being some form of anti-Christ... I think (?). Should she lose her first born son because she named him after a Satanic character from a movie, that is held in conjunction with a prophesy of the end of the world and all of humanity? That idea, which is taken very seriously by fundamentalist and others, is significantly more harmful to one's mental health than being named after a small-time player, like Hitler (amongst fundamentalist, Hitler will never be compared to the endgame poop... so happy I'm an Atheist, so I recognize all atrocities for what they are!).

Suffice to say, my nephew is a player; perhaps some my view that as the anti-Christ (one who breaks up relationship *GASP*), but I just view it as a manipulative douchebag, who has always been too excited at the prospect of throwing a baseball around with family and friends (so much so that he hit me with a bat once when I refused to... know what, maybe that little fucker IS the anti-Christ).

But yea, do you get my point? The beliefs of another, and what their idea of good parenting is, is not for us to judge if there is a part of society that can accept that. A group of neo-Nazis would not deject this family, and declare them outcasts; and I am pretty sure we're not Fascist China, but the United States' of America... hence we allow people to pursue their personal happiness.

Another GREAT example I just though of: the American Civil War.
There are millions of people who believe the Confederacy was in the right, and families that name their children, very seriously, after Confederate generals, so as to honor them, etc. The Confederacy wished to continue enslavement upon an entire race of people, as apart of their goals (but not the entirety of them). You don't see children being taken away from those such families.
Exercising double standards is a gateway to hypocrisy; being a hypocrite is a good way to ostracize yourself.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 7, 2008
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The boy looks like a girl...
Honestly... The parents should have the right to name their kid whatever they want...
if its Kuntakente or Bob... its their choice.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 25, 2008
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Hitler Was a Great guy, He Didn't do anything wrong, He wanted to do this cause it was a problem that u guys don't know what problem it was that caused hitler to kill jews plus, do we know what problem israel is behind now? if so tell us why they are attacking the innocent people in palestina!

Hitler Was A Great Guy. I Hope this topic gets locked.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 20, 2008
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Hitler Was a Great guy, He Didn't do anything wrong, He wanted to do this cause it was a problem that u guys don't know what problem it was that caused hitler to kill jews plus, do we know what problem israel is behind now? if so tell us why they are attacking the innocent people in palestina!

Hitler Was A Great Guy. I Hope this topic gets locked.

Israel thinks the place there belongs to them.
Palestinians think the place there belongs to them.
So they kill each other

Hitler knew that Jews were an upcoming financial power
Jews indeed were
He felt threaten , he terminated them.

Killing brings Killing
Violence Brings Violence
Hitler was not a great guy becoz like way too many million men and women died becoz of him.

Shame on the parent naming the kid with that name.
Kid had no fault at all.
Good action to take the kid becoz parents probably wud not raise him well.You can think of it , if they called him Adolf Hitler , who doesn't know how will they raise him?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Location: N.I (U.K)

Hey, who let you out of the cricket field? Get back in there!!!

On Topic: Has anyone considered Child Protective Services took the child for other reasons besides the name. Honestly, a parent that names a child Aryan Nation and Adolf Hitler although, not against the law, does raise concerns for the mentality the parents have. If this mentality is proven to severely affect their parenting ability then the child SHOULD be removed.

However there is a possibility that this child was removed solely for the name. If that is the case then the parents should be easily able to take CPS to court. That's how America works, if you feel you are being mistreated then take it to a civil court of law. Sure, it will cost money but if the parents are truly good honest parents they will win the case and then most, if not all, court fees will be paid by CPS and/or the government.

lol cricket field, making up stereotypes are we?
Sep 10, 2003
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Seriously... what the hell is happening here... Hitler a great guy? You must be out of your mind to think that...

Hitler was a great politician, he saw the problems, he got people to believe in him and he did actually got many socialist points through. But to say he was a great guy or anything of the sort is seriously fucked up. He was behind the killing of millions, the pain of suffering of hundreds of millions... He did some of the most horrible things ever. That man was no great guy, he was a massmurderer, he was a racist and 1 of the worst people in our history.

If you think you are something special by calling him great, then you are very mistaken. Whether the world is better off or not might be something you could argue about, but there can be no argument that the killing of millions of innocent people is not evil.
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