aion 3.0 emu

Check which lvl need for command in properties, it must be 0
09:04:56.668 ERROR[main]: - Java Compiler MANDATORY_WARNING: mw.engines.geo.GeoEngine涓殑getZ(int,int,float,float,float)宸茶繃鏃?Source: /E:/AION30/gameserve/./data/scripts/system/handlers/admincommands/Geo.javaLine: 45Column: 3209:04:56.696 ERROR[main]: - Java Compiler MANDATORY_WARNING: mw.engines.geo.GeoHelper涓殑getZ(宸茶繃鏃?Source: /E:/AION30/gameserve/./data/scripts/system/handlers/admincommands/Gps.javaLine: 27Column: 4409:04:57.062 ERROR[main]: - Java Compiler MANDATORY_WARNING: mw.engines.geo.GeoEngine涓殑getZ(int,int,float,float)宸茶繃鏃?Source: /E:/AION30/gameserve/./data/scripts/system/handlers/admincommands/Warp.javaLine: 54Column: 23
09:04:56.668 ERROR[main]: - Java Compiler MANDATORY_WARNING: mw.engines.geo.GeoEngine涓殑getZ(int,int,float,float,float)宸茶繃鏃?Source: /E:/AION30/gameserve/./data/scripts/system/handlers/admincommands/Geo.javaLine: 45Column: 3209:04:56.696 ERROR[main]: - Java Compiler MANDATORY_WARNING: mw.engines.geo.GeoHelper涓殑getZ(宸茶繃鏃?Source: /E:/AION30/gameserve/./data/scripts/system/handlers/admincommands/Gps.javaLine: 27Column: 4409:04:57.062 ERROR[main]: - Java Compiler MANDATORY_WARNING: mw.engines.geo.GeoEngine涓殑getZ(int,int,float,float)宸茶繃鏃?Source: /E:/AION30/gameserve/./data/scripts/system/handlers/admincommands/Warp.javaLine: 54Column: 23

Need rewrite getting Z in this admin commands, u can ignore this message

Oh, and I've solved the login patch problem myself. Used the AION 3.5 client to downgrade, changed the version number to, and have been able to access the game without any problems.By the way, your GEO does have something special, thank you again for sharing.
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Hello, man.
I have a question, quest id="1006" name="Ascension" After this quest is completed,
my game character upgraded to level 55 and I don't want to suddenly upgrade to such a high level,
which will cause me not to enjoy the game process slowly.
I don't know where and how to change this setting,
can you help me with a solution or method for this setting?
Thank you very much.

Hello, man.
I have a question, quest id="1006" name="Ascension" After this quest is completed,
my game character upgraded to level 55 and I don't want to suddenly upgrade to such a high level,
which will cause me not to enjoy the game process slowly.
I don't know where and how to change this setting,
can you help me with a solution or method for this setting?
Thank you very much.

change gameserver.secondclasslevel = 55 to 0
change gameserver.secondclasslevel = 55 to 0

Thank you very much for sharing this simulator.
My friend and I would like to set up a LAN server to play the game.
I would like to ask you, the publisher, if I can get permission?

One more question,
is it not possible to set the flight mode for the full map on this server side?
I have set it on the server side and client side separately, both have no effect.

I am from China.I have set up many AION simulators, and you do have a unique algorithm for this GEO.

By the way,
there are several good versions of GEO in China.
Those developers use [A* algorithm] to implement the in-game pathfinding mode.
It seems that the algorithm is different from yours.Their attack mode is smoother.
And your GEO is more like NPCs following the path of the attacker's footsteps?
The NPC's position is sometimes misplaced.

See if I can possibly provide some videos later to use as a reference.

Have a nice day.
Thank you very much for sharing this simulator.
My friend and I would like to set up a LAN server to play the game.
I would like to ask you, the publisher, if I can get permission?

One more question,
is it not possible to set the flight mode for the full map on this server side?
I have set it on the server side and client side separately, both have no effect.

I am from China.I have set up many AION simulators, and you do have a unique algorithm for this GEO.

By the way,
there are several good versions of GEO in China.
Those developers use [A* algorithm] to implement the in-game pathfinding mode.
It seems that the algorithm is different from yours.Their attack mode is smoother.
And your GEO is more like NPCs following the path of the attacker's footsteps?
The NPC's position is sometimes misplaced.

See if I can possibly provide some videos later to use as a reference.

Have a nice day.

If they have better geo in china why you not share here example files for investigation to us ?

Currently, they are all closed source with license to use.

My intention is just to provide an idea of a good pathfinding system thatMaybe it will be helpful, maybe, I don't know.

If I can collect this system and also get the developer's authorization and permission, I will share it free of charge.

doesn't matter can be with without license . Its only for check not for use . From video its not so possible to see how is that geo working bro .
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AION Simulator A Star Pathfinder


Algorithm Demonstration


pathfinding Duka terrain demo

If they have better geo in china why you not share here example files for investigation to us ?

I just want to recommend a good idea, per se.Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't, I don't know.I was only involved in the developer's testing and did not have access to the files. And I can't publish it without the developer's permission, can I?
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Thank you very much for sharing this simulator.
My friend and I would like to set up a LAN server to play the game.
I would like to ask you, the publisher, if I can get permission?

One more question,
is it not possible to set the flight mode for the full map on this server side?
I have set it on the server side and client side separately, both have no effect.

I am from China.I have set up many AION simulators, and you do have a unique algorithm for this GEO.

By the way,
there are several good versions of GEO in China.
Those developers use [A* algorithm] to implement the in-game pathfinding mode.
It seems that the algorithm is different from yours.Their attack mode is smoother.
And your GEO is more like NPCs following the path of the attacker's footsteps?
The NPC's position is sometimes misplaced.

See if I can possibly provide some videos later to use as a reference.

Have a nice day.

For now I working on 4.9 version with pathfind, soon it will be based on navmesh.
ALeKsIuS - aion 3.0 emu - RaGEZONE Forums

Thank you very much for sharing this simulator.
My friend and I would like to set up a LAN server to play the game.
I would like to ask you, the publisher, if I can get permission?

One more question,
is it not possible to set the flight mode for the full map on this server side?
I have set it on the server side and client side separately, both have no effect.

I am from China.I have set up many AION simulators, and you do have a unique algorithm for this GEO.

By the way,
there are several good versions of GEO in China.
Those developers use [A* algorithm] to implement the in-game pathfinding mode.
It seems that the algorithm is different from yours.Their attack mode is smoother.
And your GEO is more like NPCs following the path of the attacker's footsteps?
The NPC's position is sometimes misplaced.

See if I can possibly provide some videos later to use as a reference.

Have a nice day.

For now I working on 4.9 version with pathfind, soon it will be based on navmesh.
ALeKsIuS - aion 3.0 emu - RaGEZONE Forums
Looking forward to your new work,If I can experience it earlier.

AION Simulator A Star Pathfinder


Algorithm Demonstration


pathfinding Duka terrain demo

I just want to recommend a good idea, per se.Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't, I don't know.I was only involved in the developer's testing and did not have access to the files. And I can't publish it without the developer's permission, can I?

I don't like repeating that many time but if Chines Brother copied to another place someone files without asking then its ok ? i think its more then not nice . Specially in title write "find in internet" without any credits for owner . This guy he is member here and he knows what he doing and from where he took it . There is Also Rbson 1 click 5.8 as well there . Someone ask . Off course not .

I don't like repeating that many time but if Chines Brother copied to another place someone files without asking then its ok ? i think its more then not nice . Specially in title write "find in internet" without any credits for owner . This guy he is member here and he knows what he doing and from where he took it . There is Also Rbson 1 click 5.8 as well there . Someone ask . Off course not .

The server posted at the URL you posted is none other than ALeKsIuS's 3.0 EMU, released in February 2022.

I did something like this once, it was Robyson26's work,
and I posted his work without his permission and approval.
I later apologized with Robyson and got his forgiveness,
and I deleted all the postings I had made.

I know how you feel,
to have your hard work taken away so easily,
to have the source information hidden, and maybe even to be sold.
This is contrary to the spirit of community sharing.

That's why I won't even post any work by anyone without authorization and consent now.

But the Internet is so big,that not everyone will play by its rules.

I believe that there are not a few Chinese people who know how to be humble and learn as much as I do.

Translation from deepl.