All Special Avatars Blue Soul Knight,Red Scourge,New Halloween and Viking

mafuda - All Special Avatars Blue Soul Knight,Red Scourge,New Halloween and Viking - RaGEZONE Forums

mafuda - All Special Avatars Blue Soul Knight,Red Scourge,New Halloween and Viking - RaGEZONE Forums

mafuda - All Special Avatars Blue Soul Knight,Red Scourge,New Halloween and Viking - RaGEZONE Forums

Working. Thanks
I swear don't appear !~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please help me guys! :(

I'm using vSRO Files v1.188 .
Wing Red Scourge Only appear

Any idea what i have to check to fix it????

Guys please!!!
I've always been intrigued by these avatars and ,even though I have retired from the "Industry" so to speak, I've decided to check them out once again but this time in more detail with some guidance from a few friends, considering I have no clue when it comes to 3D-editing.

After a few sleepless nights I've finally succeeded in converting these models and textures to the old format.

I have already given the files to Foxx from Sensation-sro since he is the one that came up with most of the ideas and I think he will perform an update tonight.

Now enough chit-chat.

Here they are.
The INFAMOUS FOUR , as I like to call them

mafuda - All Special Avatars Blue Soul Knight,Red Scourge,New Halloween and Viking - RaGEZONE Forums

mafuda - All Special Avatars Blue Soul Knight,Red Scourge,New Halloween and Viking - RaGEZONE Forums

Please check your Item Ids and change them as required before copying the information in both Client and Database Folder

Thanks man working fine :thumbup:
I swear don't appear !~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please help me guys! :(

I'm using vSRO Files v1.188 .
Wing Red Scourge Only appear

Any idea what i have to check to fix it????

Guys please!!!

the codes in itemdata_4500 is rotated write the code from down to up not from up to down
Explain more please , Sorry !

Bro Avatars Works in vSRO files?

Use your brain DUDE!

1	103024	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH	Halloween 2012 Attach	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	3	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_halloween_attach.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_halloween_attach.ddj	xxx	xxx	43024
1	103023	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT	Halloween 2012  Hat	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	1	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_halloween_hat.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_halloween_hat.ddj	xxx	xxx	43023
1	103022	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN	Halloween 2012  Avatar	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	2	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_halloween.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_halloween.ddj	xxx	xxx	43022
1	103021	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH	Halloween 2012  Attach	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	3	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_halloween_attach.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_halloween_attach.ddj	xxx	xxx	43021
1	103020	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT	Halloween 2012  Hat	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	1	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_halloween_hat.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_halloween_hat.ddj	xxx	xxx	43020
1	103019	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN	Halloween 2012  Avatar	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	2	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_halloween.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_halloween.ddj	xxx	xxx	43019
1	103018	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_WING	Red Scourge Attach	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_ATTACH	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_ATTACH_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	3	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_devil_wing.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_devil_wing_dress.ddj	xxx	xxx	43018
1	103017	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT	Red Scourge Hat	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	1	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_devil_hat.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_devil_hat.ddj	xxx	xxx	43017
1	103016	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL	Red Scourge Avatar	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	2	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_devil.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_devil.ddj	xxx	xxx	43016
1	103015	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_WING	Red Scourge Attach	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_ATTACH	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_ATTACH_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	3	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_devil_wing.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_devil_wing_dress.ddj	xxx	xxx	43015
1	103014	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT	Red Scourge Hat	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	1	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_devil_hat.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_devil_hat.ddj	xxx	xxx	43014
1	103013	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL	Red Scourge Avatar	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	2	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_devil.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_devil.ddj	xxx	xxx	43013
1	103012	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_ATTACH	Viking Attach	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_ATTACH	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_ATTACH_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	3	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_viking_attach.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_viking_attach.ddj	xxx	xxx	43012
1	103011	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_HAT	Viking Hat	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_HAT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_HAT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	1	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_viking_hat.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_viking_hat.ddj	xxx	xxx	43011
1	103010	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING	Viking Avatar	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	2	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_viking.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_viking.ddj	xxx	xxx	43010
1	103009	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_ATTACH	Viking Attach	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_ATTACH	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_ATTACH_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	3	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_viking_attach.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_viking_attach.ddj	xxx	xxx	43009
1	103008	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_HAT	Viking Hat	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_HAT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_HAT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	1	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_viking_hat.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_viking_hat.ddj	xxx	xxx	43008
1	103007	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING	Viking Avatar	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	2	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_viking.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_viking.ddj	xxx	xxx	43007
1	103006	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH	BlueSoul Attach	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	3	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_blue_soulknight_attach.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_blue_soulknight_attach.ddj	xxx	xxx	43006
1	103005	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT	BlueSoul Hat	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	1	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_blue_soulknight_hat.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_blue_soulknight_hat.ddj	xxx	xxx	43005
1	103004	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT	BlueSoul Avatar	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	2	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_w_blue_soulknight.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_blue_soulknight.ddj	xxx	xxx	43004
1	103003	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH	BlueSoul Attach	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	3	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_blue_soulknight_attach.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_blue_soulknight_attach.ddj	xxx	xxx	43003
1	103002	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT	BlueSoul Hat	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	1	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_blue_soulknight_hat.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_blue_soulknight_hat.ddj	xxx	xxx	43002
1	103001	ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT	BlueSoul Avatar	xxx	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT	SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_TT_DESC	1	0	3	1	13	2	180000	3	0	0	1	1	223	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	-1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100	0	0	0	item\Avatar\avatar_m_blue_soulknight.bsr	item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr	item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_blue_soulknight.ddj	xxx	xxx	43001
Use your brain DUDE!

1    103024    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH    Halloween 2012 Attach    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    3    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_halloween_attach.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_halloween_attach.ddj    xxx    xxx    43024
1    103023    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT    Halloween 2012  Hat    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_halloween_hat.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_halloween_hat.ddj    xxx    xxx    43023
1    103022    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN    Halloween 2012  Avatar    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    2    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_halloween.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_halloween.ddj    xxx    xxx    43022
1    103021    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH    Halloween 2012  Attach    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_ATTACH_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    3    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_halloween_attach.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_halloween_attach.ddj    xxx    xxx    43021
1    103020    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT    Halloween 2012  Hat    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_HAT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_halloween_hat.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_halloween_hat.ddj    xxx    xxx    43020
1    103019    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN    Halloween 2012  Avatar    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_HALLOWEEN_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    2    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_halloween.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_halloween.ddj    xxx    xxx    43019
1    103018    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_WING    Red Scourge Attach    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_ATTACH    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_ATTACH_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    3    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_devil_wing.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_devil_wing_dress.ddj    xxx    xxx    43018
1    103017    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT    Red Scourge Hat    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_devil_hat.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_devil_hat.ddj    xxx    xxx    43017
1    103016    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL    Red Scourge Avatar    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_2012_NEW_DEVIL_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    2    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_2012_new_devil.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_2012_new_devil.ddj    xxx    xxx    43016
1    103015    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_WING    Red Scourge Attach    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_ATTACH    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_ATTACH_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    3    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_devil_wing.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_devil_wing_dress.ddj    xxx    xxx    43015
1    103014    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT    Red Scourge Hat    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_HAT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_devil_hat.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_devil_hat.ddj    xxx    xxx    43014
1    103013    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL    Red Scourge Avatar    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_2012_NEW_DEVIL_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    2    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_2012_new_devil.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_2012_new_devil.ddj    xxx    xxx    43013
1    103012    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_ATTACH    Viking Attach    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_ATTACH    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_ATTACH_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    3    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_viking_attach.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_viking_attach.ddj    xxx    xxx    43012
1    103011    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_HAT    Viking Hat    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_HAT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_HAT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_viking_hat.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_viking_hat.ddj    xxx    xxx    43011
1    103010    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING    Viking Avatar    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_VIKING_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    2    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_viking.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_viking.ddj    xxx    xxx    43010
1    103009    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_ATTACH    Viking Attach    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_ATTACH    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_ATTACH_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    3    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_viking_attach.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_viking_attach.ddj    xxx    xxx    43009
1    103008    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_HAT    Viking Hat    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_HAT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_HAT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_viking_hat.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_viking_hat.ddj    xxx    xxx    43008
1    103007    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING    Viking Avatar    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_VIKING_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    2    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_viking.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_viking.ddj    xxx    xxx    43007
1    103006    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH    BlueSoul Attach    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    3    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_blue_soulknight_attach.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_blue_soulknight_attach.ddj    xxx    xxx    43006
1    103005    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT    BlueSoul Hat    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_blue_soulknight_hat.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_blue_soulknight_hat.ddj    xxx    xxx    43005
1    103004    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT    BlueSoul Avatar    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    2    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_w_blue_soulknight.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_w_blue_soulknight.ddj    xxx    xxx    43004
1    103003    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH    BlueSoul Attach    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_ATTACH_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    3    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_blue_soulknight_attach.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_blue_soulknight_attach.ddj    xxx    xxx    43003
1    103002    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT    BlueSoul Hat    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_HAT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_blue_soulknight_hat.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_blue_soulknight_hat.ddj    xxx    xxx    43002
1    103001    ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT    BlueSoul Avatar    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT    SN_ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_BLUE_SOULKNIGHT_TT_DESC    1    0    3    1    13    2    180000    3    0    0    1    1    223    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    item\Avatar\avatar_m_blue_soulknight.bsr    item\etc\drop_ch_eventbox.bsr    item\Avatar\mall_avatar_m_blue_soulknight.ddj    xxx    xxx    43001

I use this before!

And in database also???