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[CLOSED] [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

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Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Do you want a command to Holograph Emulator?
Just post the following:
- Which Holograph Emulator (Like Dissi, Nillus, Shine-Away etc)
- The name of the command (Like :allhandsup, :credits etc.)
- What it would do (Like "It will make everybody in the room wave)

I will make the command as soon as possible and post it in this post


Arrest (":arrest <user>" sends <user> to room 103)
                    case "arrest":
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(103));
Getfurni (":getfurni" pick up all of the furni in the room)
                    case "getfurni":
                            if (_isOwner)
                                System.Collections.Hashtable Furnis_floor = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room.floorItemManager._Items.Clone();
                                System.Collections.Hashtable Furnis_wall = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room.wallItemManager._Items.Clone();
                                foreach (Holo.Virtual.Rooms.Items.wallItem Item in Furnis_wall.Values) //wallitems
                                    Room.wallItemManager.removeItem(Item.ID, userID);

                                foreach (Holo.Virtual.Rooms.Items.floorItem Item in Furnis_floor.Values) // flooritems
                                    Room.floorItemManager.removeItem(Item.ID, userID);
Globalfurni (":globalfurni <TID> <amount>" Gives all users online <amount> of the furni with the TID <TID>)
                    case "globalfurni":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                            string amount = args[2];
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                foreach(virtualUser User in userManager._Users.Values)
                                    for (int i = 0; i <= Int32.Parse(amount); i++)
                                        dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO furniture(tid,ownerid,roomid) VALUES (" + args[1] + "," + User.userID + "," + "0)");

(":drink <id>" Make you hold the drink with the id <id> in your hand)
                    case "drink":
                               string item = args[1];
                    case "va": // VIP Alert
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_alert", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable) userManager._Users.Clone();
                                string Message = Text.Substring(3);
                                userManager.sendToRank(3, true, "VIP alert:\r " + Message);
						                    case "foreverwave":
                            string user = args[1]; // @ZH
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room._Users.Clone();
                            User.statusManager.addStatus("wave", "");

                    case "dance":
                            string user = args[1]; // @ZH
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room._Users.Clone();
                            User.statusManager.addStatus("dance", "");

                    case "masswave":
                            System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room._Users.Clone();
                            foreach (virtualRoomUser User in Users.Values)
                                User.statusManager.handleStatus("wave", "", Config.Statuses_Wave_waveDuration);
                    case "massdance":
                            System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room._Users.Clone();
                            foreach (virtualRoomUser User in Users.Values)
                                User.statusManager.addStatus("dance", "");
                    case "talk":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                            string user = args[1];
                            string Message = Text.Substring(args[0].Length + user.Length + 2);
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            string data = "@Z" + Encoding.encodeVL64(User.roomUser.roomUID) + Message + Convert.ToChar(2);
                    case "masstalk":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                            System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable)userManager._Users.Clone();
                            foreach (virtualUser User in Users.Values)
                                User.Room.sendShout(User.roomUser, Text.Substring(8));

                    case "wave":
                            string user = args[1]; // @ZH
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room._Users.Clone();
                            User.statusManager.handleStatus("wave", "", Config.Statuses_Wave_waveDuration);
						case "moonwalk": // Display information about the emulator
                            if (_Rank >= 3)
                                if (roomUser.User._Moon == 0)
                                    roomUser.User._Moon = 1;
                                    sendData("BK" + "Moonwalk Status:  Active");
                                    roomUser.User._Moon = 0;
                                    sendData("BK" + "Moonwalk Status:  Inactive");
                    case "addpixels": // :addpixels name amount
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                sendData("BK" + "You do not have the required rank to use this command. ");
                                return false;
                                virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                Int64 updatepixels = int.Parse(args[2]);
                                Int64 oldpixels = new int();
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    oldpixels = dbClient.getInt("SELECT pixels FROM users WHERE name = '" + args[1] + "'");
                                Int64 newpixels = oldpixels + updatepixels;
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET pixels = " + newpixels + " WHERE name = '" + args[1] + "'");
                                User.refreshAppearance(true, true, true);
                                User.refreshValueables(true, false);

                                Target.sendData("BK" + "You have recieved " + updatepixels + " pixels from Hotel Staff");
                                sendData("BK" + "The user " + (args[1]) + " has received " + updatepixels + " pixels");
                    case "rig": // Rig Furni
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                if (args.Length != 3)
                                    return false;
                                int furniID = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                int randomValue = int.Parse(args[2]);
                                string furniSprite;
                                Rooms.Items.wallItem wItem = null;
                                Rooms.Items.floorItem fItem = null;
                                if (Room.floorItemManager.containsItem(furniID))
                                    Rooms.Items.floorItem Item = Room.floorItemManager.getItem(furniID);
                                    furniSprite = Item.Sprite;
                                    fItem = Item;
                                else if (Room.wallItemManager.containsItem(furniID))

                                    Rooms.Items.wallItem Item = Room.wallItemManager.getItem(furniID);
                                    furniSprite = Item.Sprite;
                                    wItem = Item;
                                    return false;
                                switch (furniSprite)
                                    case "edice": // Holodice
                                    case "edicehc": // Dicemaster
                                            if (randomValue < 1 || randomValue > 6)
                                                return bool.Parse("L");
                                            Room.sendData("AZ" + furniID);
                                            Room.sendData("AZ" + furniID + " " + ((furniID * 38) + randomValue), 2000);
                                            fItem.Var = randomValue.ToString();
                                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE furniture SET var = '" + randomValue + "' WHERE id = '" + furniID + "' LIMIT 1");

                                    case "habbowheel": // Habbo Wheel
                                    case "ads_lin_wh_c": // Blue Habbo Wheel
                                            if (randomValue < 0 || randomValue > 9)
                                                return bool.Parse("L");
                                            Room.sendData("AU" + furniID + "\t" + furniSprite + "\t " + wItem.wallPosition + "\t-1");
                                            Room.sendData("AU" + furniID + "\t" + furniSprite + "\t " + wItem.wallPosition + "\t" + randomValue, 4250);
                                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE furniture SET var = '" + randomValue + "' WHERE id = '" + furniID + "' LIMIT 1");

                                    case "val_randomizer": // Love Randomizer
                                            if (randomValue < 1 || randomValue > 4)
                                                return bool.Parse("L");
                                            Room.sendData("AX" + furniID + Convert.ToChar(2) + "123456789" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                            Room.sendData("AX" + furniID + Convert.ToChar(2) + randomValue + Convert.ToChar(2), 5000);
                                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE furniture SET var = '" + randomValue + "' WHERE id = '" + furniID + "' LIMIT 1");

                                    default: // Not a random furni
                                            sendData("BK" + stringManager.getString("scommand_failed"));
                                            return true;
						                    #region :buy 
                        // Under development [AresCJ]
                        // :buy <TID> <username> <amount>
                    case "buy": // Buys a certain amount for a user.
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(this, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                            string id = args[1]; // Get the username
                            string Amount = args[1]; // Get the amount for the users 
                            int _userID = userManager.getUserID(id); // Must be an int to be read.
                            virtualUser _iD = userManager.getUser(_userID); // Retrieving the user ID
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                foreach (virtualUser User in userManager._Users.Values)
                                    for (int i = 0; i <= Int32.Parse(Amount); i++)
                                        // Getting the amount for the user and how much he/she wants.
                                        dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO furniture(tid,ownerid,roomid) VALUES (" + args[1] + "," + id + "," + "0)");
					                    #region :taxi
                    case "taxi":
                            int roomid = int.Parse(args[1]);
                            sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(roomid));
                            sendData("BKYou're taxi should arrive soon! Please don't leave the room.");
					                    case "poll":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                DataRow dtable;
                                SortedList Questions = new SortedList();
                                StringBuilder Packet = new StringBuilder("D}");

                                Packet.Append(Encoding.encodeVL64(int.Parse(args[1]))); // ID

                                    int dTable = DB.runRead("SELECT qid, question, type, min, max FROM poll_questions WHERE pid = '" + args[1] + "'", null);
                                    int[] dRow = DB.runReadRow("SELECT title, thanks FROM poll WHERE pid = '" + args[1] + "'", null);
                                DataTable dTable;
                                foreach (DataRow DataRow in dTable.Rows)
                                    StringBuilder Answers_string = new StringBuilder();
                                    SortedList Answers = new SortedList();
                                        int dTable2 = DB.runRead("SELECT aid, answer FROM poll_answers WHERE qid = '" + DataRow[0].ToString() + "'", null);
                                    DataTable dTable2;
                                    foreach (DataRow dRow2 in dTable2.Rows)
                                        Answers.Add(dRow2["aid"], dRow2["answer"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                    foreach (string Answer in Answers.Values)

                                    Questions.Add(DataRow["qid"], Encoding.encodeVL64(int.Parse(DataRow["qid"].ToString()))
                                  + Encoding.encodeVL64(Answers.Count)
                                  + Encoding.encodeVL64(int.Parse(DataRow["type"].ToString()))
                                  + DataRow["question"]
                                  + Convert.ToChar(2)
                                  + Encoding.encodeVL64(Answers.Count)
                                  + Encoding.encodeVL64(int.Parse(DataRow["min"].ToString()))
                                  + Encoding.encodeVL64(int.Parse(DataRow["max"].ToString()))
                                  + Answers_string.ToString());

                                DataRow dRow;

                                foreach (string Question in Questions.Values)
                                // sendData("D}" + "ZCB" + "Randomtitle" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "Hello" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "KXNHII" + "Hva liker du?" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "KII" + "Ja" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "Nei" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "Litt" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "YNHJI" + "Har du kartofler i lomma?" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "KII" + "Ja" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "Nei" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "Litt" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "ZNHJI" + "Har kanarifugler orer?" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "KII" + "Ja" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "Nei" + Convert.ToChar(2) + "Veldig smaa" + Convert.ToChar(2));
						                    #region :talk
                    case "talk":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                            string user = args[1];
                            string Message = Text.Substring(args[0].Length + user.Length + 2);
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            string data = "@Z" + Encoding.encodeVL64(User.roomUser.roomUID) + Message + Convert.ToChar(2);
                    case "groupbadge":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_moderator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                int groupID = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                string Badge = args[2];
                                DataTable dTable;
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dTable = dbClient.getTable("SELECT userid FROM groups_memberships WHERE groupid = '" + groupID + "' AND is_pending = '0'");
                                    foreach (DataRow dRow in dTable.Rows)
                                        virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(int.Parse(dRow["userid"].ToString()));
                                        dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_badges(userid, badgeid) VALUES('" + dRow["userid"].ToString() + "', '" + Badge + "')");
                                        catch { }
                    case "globalcredits":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_moderator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                Int64 credittoupdate = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '" + credittoupdate + "'");
                                foreach (virtualUser User in userManager._Users.Values)
                                    User.refreshValueables(true, false);
                    case "globalbadge":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_moderator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                string Badge = args[1];
                                DataTable dTable;
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dTable = dbClient.getTable("SELECT id FROM users");
                                    foreach (DataRow dRow in dTable.Rows)
                                        dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_badges(userid, badgeid) VALUES('" + dRow["id"].ToString() + "', '" + Badge + "')");
                                foreach (virtualUser User in userManager._Users.Values)
                    case "roombadge":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_moderator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                string Badge = args[1];
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    foreach (virtualRoomUser User in Room.Users)
                                        dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_badges(userid, badgeid) VALUES('" + User.User.userID + "', '" + Badge + "')");
						                    case "push":
                                 string str3 = "down";
                                 virtualUser user = userManager.getUser(Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1]);
                                 if ((user.roomUser != this.roomUser) && ((((this.roomUser.X + 1) == user.roomUser.X) || ((this.roomUser.X - 1) == user.roomUser.X)) || (((this.roomUser.Y + 1) == user.roomUser.Y) || ((this.roomUser.Y - 1) == user.roomUser.Y))))
                                     if (this.roomUser.Z2 == 0)
                                         str3 = "up";
                                     if (this.roomUser.Z2 == 2)
                                         str3 = "right";
                                     if (this.roomUser.Z2 == 4)
                                         str3 = "down";
                                     if (this.roomUser.Z2 == 6)
                                         str3 = "left";
                                     if (str3 == "up")
                                         user.roomUser.goalX = user.roomUser.X;
                                         user.roomUser.goalY = user.roomUser.Y - 1;
                                     if (str3 == "right")
                                         user.roomUser.goalX = user.roomUser.X + 1;
                                         user.roomUser.goalY = user.roomUser.Y;
                                     if (str3 == "down")
                                         user.roomUser.goalX = user.roomUser.X;
                                         user.roomUser.goalY = user.roomUser.Y + 1;
                                     if (str3 == "left")
                                         user.roomUser.goalX = user.roomUser.X - 1;
                                         user.roomUser.goalY = user.roomUser.Y;
                                     Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Pushes " + user._Username + "*");
							                    case "push":
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            if (User.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y))
                                switch (roomUser.Z2)
                                    case 0:
                                            User.roomUser.goalX = User.roomUser.X;
                                            User.roomUser.goalY = User.roomUser.Y - 1;
                                    case 2:
                                            User.roomUser.goalX = User.roomUser.X + 1;
                                            User.roomUser.goalY = User.roomUser.Y;
                                    case 4:
                                            User.roomUser.goalX = User.roomUser.X;
                                            User.roomUser.goalY = User.roomUser.Y + 1;
                                    case 6:
                                            User.roomUser.goalX = User.roomUser.X - 1;
                                            User.roomUser.goalY = User.roomUser.Y;
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Pushes " + User._Username + "*");
						Room ID

                    #region :roomid
                    case "roomid": //Gets roomid

                        sendData("BK" + "Room ID:" + _roomID +" :)" + Convert.ToChar(2));

Grab *some user cant move away*
Struggle *Breaks free from the Grab*
:grab [user]

                    #region :grab / :struggle
                    case "grab": // Freeze the specified user
                                int _userID = userManager.getUserID(args[1]);
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(_userID);
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "-Grabs " + Target._Username + "-");


                    case "struggle": // Uncuff the specified user

                                roomUser.walkLock = false; // Unfreeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "-Breaks free from the grip-");



Call 911 *Calls a Police rank *Rank 3*, tells the Police the person who called room ID*
:999 message

                    case "999":
                                 string Message = Text.Substring(3);
                                 using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                     dbClient.AddParamWithValue("roomid", _roomID.ToString());
                                 Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Calls the Police for help!*");
                                 userManager.sendToRank(3, false, "BK" + stringManager.getString("scommand_rankalert") + "\r 911 CALL! \r " + _Username + " \r Message "+ Message + " \r Room ID: " +_roomID + "" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                 userManager.sendToRank(4, false, "BK" + stringManager.getString("scommand_rankalert") + "\r 911 CALL! \r " + _Username + " \r Message "+ Message + " \r Room ID: " +_roomID + "" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                 userManager.sendToRank(5, false, "BK" + stringManager.getString("scommand_rankalert") + "\r 911 CALL! \r " + _Username + " \r Message "+ Message + " \r Room ID: " +_roomID + "" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                 userManager.sendToRank(6, false, "BK" + stringManager.getString("scommand_rankalert") + "\r 911 CALL! \r " + _Username + " \r Message "+ Message + " \r Room ID: " +_roomID + "" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                 userManager.sendToRank(7, false, "BK" + stringManager.getString("scommand_rankalert") + "\r 911 CALL! \r " + _Username + " \r Message "+ Message + " \r Room ID: " +_roomID + "" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                    case "taxi":
                            string taxidata;
                            string taxidata2;
                            string taxidata3;
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                taxidata = dbClient.getString("SELECT taxi FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                taxidata2 = dbClient.getString("SELECT taxi FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + args[1] + "'");
                                taxidata3 = dbClient.getString("SELECT name FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            if(taxidata == "1" || taxidata2 == "1")
                                sendData("BK" + "There was an issue with your taxi:\r1. You must be outside to use a taxi.\r2. You can only taxi to outide areas.\r3. The room does not exist!");
                                int roomid = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*calls a taxi for " + taxidata3 + " [" + args[1] + "]*");
                                sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(roomid));
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '-10'");
                                refreshValueables(true, false);
                                sendData("BK" + "You have been charged 10 credits for your taxi fare.");
						                    #region :poof
                    case "poof": // Refreshes users look
                            refreshAppearance(true, true, true);
                    #region :credits
                    case "credits":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                sendData("BK" + "You do not have the required rank to use this command. ");
                                return false;
                                virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                Int64 credittoupdate = int.Parse(args[2]);
                                Int64 oldcredits = new int();
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    oldcredits = dbClient.getInt("SELECT credits FROM users WHERE name = '" + args[1] + "'");
                                Int64 newcredits = oldcredits + credittoupdate;
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = " + newcredits + " WHERE name = '" + args[1] + "'");
                                User.refreshValueables(true, false);

                                Target.sendData("BK" + "You have recieved " + credittoupdate + " credits from Hotel Staff");
                                sendData("BK" + "The user " + (args[1]) + " has received " + credittoupdate + " credits");
#region :summon
                    case "summon":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(_roomID));
                                User.sendData("BK" + "An administrator has summoned you!");
					#region :taxi
case "taxi":

string taxidata;
string taxidata2;
string taxidata3;
using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
taxidata = dbClient.getString("SELECT taxi FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
taxidata2 = dbClient.getString("SELECT taxi FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + args[1] + "'");
taxidata3 = dbClient.getString("SELECT name FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
if (taxidata == "1" || taxidata2 == "1")
sendData("BK" + "There was an issue with your taxi:\r1. You cannot taxi outside your region.\r2. You cannot be in jail.\r3. The room does not exist!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
int roomid = int.Parse(args[1]);
Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*calls a taxi to " + taxidata3 + " [" + args[1] + "]*");
sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(roomid));
using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '-10'");
refreshValueables(true, false);
sendData("BK" + "Do not leave the room, the taxi is on its way!" + Convert.ToChar(2));;
if(taxiSummon = null)
ThreadStart taxiBoot = new ThreadStart(revealTaxi);
taxiSummon = new Thread(taxiBoot);
taxiSummon.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
sendData("BK" + "You have arrived at your destination, the fare was 10 credits!" + Convert.ToChar(2));

// Add this void towards the end of the virtualUser.cs so it'll correspond correctly.

private void taxiSummon()
case "massbadge": // Mass a badge to all users :) Syntax// :massbadge <badgeid>
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                string badgeId = "";
                                try { badgeId = args[1]; }
                                catch { sendData("BKYou did not set a badge code!"); return; }
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    DataColumn dColumn = dbClient.getColumn("SELECT id FROM users");
                                    foreach (DataRow dRow in dColumn.Table.Rows)
                                        if (dbClient.findsResult("SELECT badgeid FROM users_badges WHERE userid = '" + Convert.ToString(dRow["id"]) + "' AND badgeid = '" + badgeId + "'") == false)
                                            dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_badges (userid,badgeid,iscurrent,slotid) VALUES('" + Convert.ToString(dRow["id"]) + "','" + badgeId + "','0','0')");
                                            dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users_badges SET iscurrent = '0' WHERE userid= '" + Convert.ToString(dRow["id"]) + "'");
                                    Hashtable users = (Hashtable)userManager._Users.Clone();
                                    foreach (virtualUser user in users.Values)
                                    sendData("BKYou have successfully sent a badge to all users!");
                                    userManager.sendData("BKYou have received a badge, please check your badge list.");

case "masscredits":
                            if (Eucalypt.rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                int Credits = 0;
                                try { Credits = int.Parse(args[1]); }
                                catch { sendData("BKYou did not set a credit amount!"); return; }

                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + " + Credits + "");

                                Hashtable Users = (Hashtable)Eucalypt.userManager._Users.Clone();
                                foreach (virtualUser user in Users.Values)
                                    user.refreshValueables(true, false);

                                sendData("BKSuccessfully sent " + Credits + " to all users!");
                                Eucalypt.userManager.sendData("BKYou've received '" + Credits + "' from a staff member!");
						                    case "givebadge":
                            string badge = Text.Split(' ')[2];
                            if (_Rank > 6)
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(Text.Split(' ')[1]);
                                DB.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_badges (userid, badgeid, iscurrent) VALUES ('" + Target.userID + "', '" + badge + "', '0')");
case "startwork":
if (_Rank > 3)
this._Figure = "hd-207-3.sh-290-110.lg-285-110.wa-2005-.ch-809-110.ca-1811-.ha-1013-110.ea-1404-110.fa-1201-.hr-115-31";
                    this._Mission = "Police Officer";
                    this.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                    case "naked":
                            if (_Rank < 3)
                            _Figure = "hd-207-3.sh-0-.lg-0-.ch-0-.hr-115-31";
                            refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                    case "unnaked":
                            if (_Rank < 3)
                            refreshAppearance(true, true, true);
                    case "givebadge":
                            string badge = Text.Split(' ')[2];
                            if (_Rank > 6)
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(Text.Split(' ')[1]);
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_badges (userid, badgeid, iscurrent) VALUES ('" + Target.userID + "', '" + badge + "', '0')");

                    #region :startwork
                    case "startwork":
                        using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                        if (_Rank > 3)
                            return false;
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET figure = 'hd-207-3.sh-290-110.lg-285-110.wa-2005-.ch-809-110.ca-1811-.ha-1013-110.ea-1404-110.fa-1201-.hr-115-31' WHERE name = '" + args[1] + "'");
                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET mission = 'Police Officer' WHERE name = '" + args[1] + "'");
                            refreshAppearance(true, true, true);
                            Target.sendData("BK" + "Move Your butt" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                    #region :naked & :nakked NAME
                    case "naked":
                        using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                            if (_Rank > 3)
                                return false;
                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET figure = 'hd-180-4.hr-831-61' WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                refreshAppearance(true, true, true);
                                sendData("BK" + "¡Ahora estas desnudo!" + Convert.ToChar(2));

                    case "nakked": // :nakked NAME  nake some user >:)
                        using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                            if (_Rank > 5)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET figure = 'hd-180-4.hr-831-61' WHERE name = '" + args[1] + "'");
                                Target.refreshAppearance(true, true, true);
                                Target.sendData("BK" + "Te ha desnudado :S un miembro del staff" + Convert.ToChar(2));
					                    #region :sellproperty / :buyproperty
                    case "sellproperty":
                            string owner;
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                owner = dbClient.getString("SELECT owner FROM rooms WHERE owner = '" + _Username + "'");
                            if (owner != _Username)
                                sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you cannot sell someone elses property.");
                                int salepice = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                if (salepice < 0)
                                    sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you cannot sell your property for less then 0 credits.");
                                    using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE rooms SET price = '" + salepice + "', sale = '1' WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                    sendData("BK" + "You have successfully put your property on the market for " + salepice + " credits!");
                    case "buyproperty":
                            string forsale;
                            string roomprice;
                            string owner;
                            string credits;
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                forsale = dbClient.getString("SELECT sale FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                roomprice = dbClient.getString("SELECT price FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                owner = dbClient.getString("SELECT owner FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                credits = dbClient.getString("SELECT credits FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            if(forsale != "1")
                                sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but this room is not for sale.");
                                int roomprice_mod = int.Parse(roomprice);
                                int credits_mod = int.Parse(credits);
                                if (roomprice_mod > credits_mod && owner != _Username)
                                    sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you do not have enough credits to purchase this property.");
                                    virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(owner); 
                                    using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE rooms SET owner = '" + _Username + "', sale = '0' WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '" + roomprice + "' WHERE name = '" + owner + "'");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits - '" + roomprice + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                    refreshValueables(true, false);
                                    User.refreshValueables(true, false);
                                    sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(_roomID));
                                    sendData("BK" + "You have successfully bought this property for " + roomprice + " credits.");
                                    User.sendData("BK" + _Username + " has bought your room for " + roomprice + " credits!");
                    case "cancellsell":
                            string owner;
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                owner = dbClient.getString("SELECT owner FROM rooms WHERE owner = '" + _Username + "'");
                            if (owner != _Username)
                                sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you cannot cancel the sale of someone elses property.");
                                    using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE rooms SET price = '0', sale = '0' WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                    sendData("BK" + "You have cancelled sale of this property!");
                   #region :stun
                    case "stun":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser _User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                if (_User.roomUser.walkLock == false)
                                    _User.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Stunned " + _User._Username + "*");
                                    sendData("BK" + _User._Username + " is now stunned!");
                                    sendData("BK" + _User._Username + " is already stunned!");
                    #region :unstun
                    case "unstun":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser _User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                if (_User.roomUser.walkLock == true)
                                    _User.roomUser.walkLock = false; // unfreeze the user
                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Unstunned " + _User._Username + "*");
                                    sendData("BK" + _User._Username + " is now unstunned!");
                                    sendData("BK" + _User._Username + " is not stunned!");
					                    #region :hirecop
                    case "hirecop":
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(DB.Stripslash(args[1]));
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank = '3' WHERE username = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                Target.sendData("BK" + "You have just been hired as a cop.");
                                sendData("BK" + "You have just made " + Target._Username + " a cop.");
                    #region :firecop
                    case "firecop":
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(DB.Stripslash(args[1]));
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank = '2' WHERE username = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                Target.sendData("BK" + "You have just been fired from being a cop.");
                                sendData("BK" + "You have just fired " + Target._Username + " from being a cop.");
					                    #region :hirecop
                    case "hirecop":
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank = '3' WHERE username = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                Target.sendData("BK" + "You have just been hired as a cop.");
                                sendData("BK" + "You have just made " + Target._Username + " a cop.");
                    #region :firecop
                    case "firecop":
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank = '2' WHERE username = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                Target.sendData("BK" + "You have just been fired from being a cop.");
                                sendData("BK" + "You have just fired " + Target._Username + " from being a cop.");
					                    #region :promote
                    case "promote":
                            using (DatabseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                int Rank = dbClient.getInt("SELECT rank FROM users WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'", null);
                                    if (Rank == 3)
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank = '4' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Target.sendData("BK" + "You have just been upgraded to a Officer.");
                                        sendData("BK" + "You have just upgaded " + Target._Username + " to a Officer.");
                                    else if (Rank == 4)
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank = '5' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Target.sendData("BK" + "You have just been upgraded to a Commisioner.");
                                        sendData("BK" + "You have just upgaded " + Target._Username + " to a Commisioner.");
					                    #region :demote
                    case "demote":
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                int Rank = dbClient.getInt("SELECT rank FROM users WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'", null);
                                    if (Rank == 3)
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank = '2' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Target.sendData("BK" + "You have just been demoted to a user.");
                                        sendData("BK" + "You have just demoted " + Target._Username + " to a user.");
                                    else if (Rank == 4)
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank = '3' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Target.sendData("BK" + "You have just been demoted to a Officer.");
                                        sendData("BK" + "You have just demoted " + Target._Username + " to a Officer.");
					                    #region :pickup
                    case "pickup": // picks up all furniture in room 
                            int isOwner;
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                isOwner = dbClient.getInt("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = '" + _isOwner + "'");
                            if (_isOwner == true)
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE furniture SET roomid = 0 WHERE roomid = '" + Room.roomID + "'");
                                Room.sendData("DBO" + "\r");
                            if (_isOwner == false) // this will quit 50 credits to some user that it isn't the owner of the room

                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits -50 WHERE id = '" + this.userID + "'");
                                sendData("BK¿what are you trying? -50 credits for trying to steal furnis" + Convert.ToChar(2));
					                    #region Arrest
                         case "arrest":
                            virtualUser _User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            string corpdata;
                            string corpdata2;
                            corpdata = DB.runRead("SELECT corpid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + userID + "'");
                            corpdata2 = DB.runRead("SELECT rankid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + userID + "'");
                            string targetdata;
                            string targetdata2;
                            targetdata = DB.runRead("SELECT corpid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                            targetdata2 = DB.runRead("SELECT rankid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                            string arrestdata;
                            arrestdata = DB.runRead("SELECT arrest FROM jobsranks WHERE corpid = '" + corpdata + "' AND rankid = '" + corpdata2 + "'");
                            if (arrestdata == "1")
                                if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                                        if (Target.roomUser.walkLock == false)
                                            Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Tried to arrest " + Target._Username + " but failed as they aren't cuffed*");
                                            Target.sendData("BK" + "You have been arrested and placed in a cell." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                            Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Arrests " + Target._Username + " For 15 minutes*");
                                            DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrests = arrests + '+1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                            DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrested = '1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                            Target._Figure = "hr-831-61.hd-180-1.ch-220-94.lg-280-94.sh-290-94";
                                            Target._Mission = "Convict";
                                            Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                                            Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(2));
                                            Arrest = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.JailTime));
                                            Arrest.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
                                            DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET working =  '0' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
#region :stats
                    case "stats": // specbar command
                            // Send the spectator packet within the encoded statistics
                            string health;
                            health = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            string inte;
                            inte = DB.runRead("SELECT inte FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            string stre;
                            stre = DB.runRead("SELECT str FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            string hunger;
                            hunger = DB.runRead("SELECT hunger FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            string drugs;
                            drugs = DB.runRead("SELECT drugs FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            sendData("BK" + "Health: " + health + "/100 \r Inteligence: " + inte + " \r Strength: " + stre + " \r Hunger: " + hunger +"");
                    case "leavegame": //poofs
                        refreshAppearance(true, true, true); // Use the poof animation
                        this.Room.sendShout(this.roomUser, "*Leaves Colour Wars*");
                        sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(42259));

                    case "kickfromgame": //poofs
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                Target.refreshAppearance(true, true, true); // Use the poof animation
                                this.Room.sendShout(this.roomUser, "*Kicks " + Target._Username + " From Colour Wars*");
                                Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(42259));
#region Colour Wars Commands
                    case "blue":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                Target._Figure = "hr-828-60.hd-180-1.ch-210-105.lg-280-105.sh-290-105";
                                Target._Mission = "Blue Team - Colour Wars!";
                                Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Cures " + Target._Username + "*");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*" + Target._Username + " Joins Blue Team*");

                    case "red":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                Target._Figure = "hr-828-59.hd-180-1.ch-210-96.lg-280-96.sh-290-95";
                                Target._Mission = "Red Team - Colour Wars!";
                                Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Cures " + Target._Username + "*");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*" + Target._Username + " Joins Red Team*");

                    case "pink":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                Target._Figure = "hr-828-54.hd-180-1.ch-210-97.lg-280-97.sh-290-97";
                                Target._Mission = "Pink Team - Colour Wars!";
                                Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Cures " + Target._Username + "*");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*" + Target._Username + " Joins Pink Team*");

                    case "green":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                Target._Figure = "hr-828-51.hd-180-1.ch-210-101.lg-280-101.sh-290-101";
                                Target._Mission = "Green Team - Colour Wars!";
                                Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Cures " + Target._Username + "*");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*" + Target._Username + " Joins Green Team*");
                    #region 911
                    case "911":
                            string Message = Text.Substring(3);
                            Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Calls the Police for help!*");
                            userManager.sendToRank(6, false, "BK" + stringManager.getString("scommand_911") + "\r 911 call from " + _Username + " \r Message: " + Message + " \r Room ID: " + _roomID + "" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                            userManager.sendToRank(7, false, "BK" + stringManager.getString("scommand_911") + "\r 911 call from " + _Username + " \r Message: " + Message + " \r Room ID: " + _roomID + "" + Convert.ToChar(2));
#region Taxi Commands
                    case "taxi":
                            int roomid = int.Parse(args[1]);
                            string taxidata;
                            string taxidata2;
                            string taxidata3;
                                taxidata = DB.runRead("SELECT taxi FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                taxidata2 = DB.runRead("SELECT taxi FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + args[1] + "'");
                                taxidata3 = DB.runRead("SELECT name FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + args[1] + "'");
                            if (roomUser.walkLock == true)
                                sendData("BK" + "The Taxi Driver isn't going to grab you! Try again when you are not stunned!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                            else if (taxidata == "1" || taxidata2 == "1" || taxidata == "" || taxidata2 == "")
                                sendData("BK" + "There was an issue with your taxi:\r1. You cannot taxi outside your region.\r2. You cannot be in jail.\r3. The room does not exist!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                string credits;
                                credits = DB.runRead("SELECT credits FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                if (credits == "-100")
                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*calls a taxi to " + taxidata3 + " [" + args[1] + "]*");
                                    sendData("BK" + "Do not leave the room, the taxi is on its way!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET taxiid = '" + roomid + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");

#region bot commands
                        case "bringbot":
                                int botid = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                string name;
                                name = DB.runRead("SELECT name FROM roombots WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE roombots SET roomid = '" + roomUser.roomID + "' WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                this.Room.sendShout(this.roomUser, "*Brings " + name + " to the room*");
                        case "refreshbots":
                        case "setbotcords":
                                int botid = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                int x = int.Parse(args[2]);
                                int y = int.Parse(args[3]);
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE roombots SET x = '" + x + "' WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE roombots SET y = '" + y + "' WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE roombots_coords SET x = '" + x + "' WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE roombots_coords SET y = '" + y + "' WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                this.Room.sendShout(this.roomUser, "*Edits a bots cords*");
                        case "sendbothome":
                                int botid = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                string bothome;
                                bothome = DB.runRead("SELECT home FROM roombots WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                string name;
                                name = DB.runRead("SELECT name FROM roombots WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE roombots SET roomid = '" + bothome + "' WHERE id = '" + botid + "'");
                                this.Room.sendShout(this.roomUser, "Sends " + name + " home");
                                foreach (virtualRoomUser User in Room.Users)
                                    User.User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(User.roomID));
#region Flat/Property Commands
                    case "sellproperty":
                            string owner;
                                owner = DB.runRead("SELECT owner FROM rooms WHERE owner = '" + _Username + "'");
                            if (owner != _Username)
                                sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you cannot sell someone elses property.");
                                int salepice = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                if (salepice < 0)
                                    sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you cannot sell your property for less then 0 credits.");
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE rooms SET price = '" + salepice + "', sale = '1' WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                    sendData("BK" + "You have successfully put your property on the market for " + salepice + " credits!");
                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Put property on the market for " + args[1] + "*");
                    case "buyproperty":
                            string forsale;
                            string roomprice;
                            string owner;
                            string credits;
                                forsale = DB.runRead("SELECT sale FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                roomprice = DB.runRead("SELECT price FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                owner = DB.runRead("SELECT owner FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                credits = DB.runRead("SELECT credits FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            if (forsale != "1")
                                sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but this room is not for sale.");
                                int roomprice_mod = int.Parse(roomprice);
                                int credits_mod = int.Parse(credits);
                                if (roomprice_mod > credits_mod && owner != _Username)
                                    sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you do not have enough credits to purchase this property.");
                                    virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(owner);
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE rooms SET owner = '" + _Username + "', sale = '0' WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '" + roomprice + "' WHERE name = '" + owner + "'");
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits - '" + roomprice + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                    refreshValueables(true, false);
                                    User.refreshValueables(true, false);
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Buys this property*");
                                    sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(_roomID));
                                    sendData("BK" + "You have successfully bought this property for " + roomprice + " credits.");
                                    User.sendData("BK" + _Username + " has bought your room for " + roomprice + " credits!");

                        case "roomstats":
                            string buy;
                            string buy1;
                            string buy2;
                            string buy3;
                                buy = DB.runRead("SELECT sale FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                buy1 = DB.runRead("SELECT price FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                buy2 = DB.runRead("SELECT owner FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                buy3 = DB.runRead("SELECT name FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                                sendData("BK" + "Room Stats \r Is it for sale? (1 yes, 0 no): " + buy + "\r Price: " + buy1 + "\r Owner: " + buy2 + "\r Room name: " + buy3 + "\r Have fun!" + Convert.ToChar(2));

 #region Bank Commands
                    case "deposit":
                            int amount = int.Parse(args[1]);
                            string bank;
                            bank = DB.runRead("SELECT deposit FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            if (bank == "1")
                                sendData("BK" + "You need to be in a bank to deposit." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                string credits;
                                credits = DB.runRead("SELECT credits FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                int amountforcheck = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                int creditsforcheck = int.Parse(credits);
                                if (amountforcheck > creditsforcheck)
                                    sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you or the target does not have enough credits to do this action.");
                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Deposits " + amount + "*");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '-" + amount + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET bank = bank + '" + amount + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                    refreshValueables(true, false);
                                    sendData("BK" + "Deposited!" + Convert.ToChar(2));

                    case "balance":
                            string balance;
                            balance = DB.runRead("SELECT bank FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                            Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Checks Bank Balance!*");
                            refreshValueables(true, false);
                            sendData("BK" + "Balance " + balance + "!" + Convert.ToChar(2));

                    case "withdraw":
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            int amount = int.Parse(args[2]);
                            string corpdata;
                            string corpdata2;
                            corpdata = DB.runRead("SELECT corpid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + userID + "'");
                            corpdata2 = DB.runRead("SELECT rankid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + userID + "'");
                            string targetdata;
                            string targetdata2;
                            targetdata = DB.runRead("SELECT corpid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                            targetdata2 = DB.runRead("SELECT rankid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                            string withdrawdata;
                            withdrawdata = DB.runRead("SELECT withdraw FROM jobsranks WHERE corpid = '" + corpdata + "' AND rankid = '" + corpdata2 + "'");
                            string credits;
                            credits = DB.runRead("SELECT bank FROM users WHERE id = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                            string bank;
                            bank = DB.runRead("SELECT deposit FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            if (bank == "1")
                                sendData("BK" + "You need to be in a bank to withdraw for someone." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                            int amountforcheck = int.Parse(args[2]);
                            int creditsforcheck = int.Parse(credits);
                            if (amountforcheck > creditsforcheck)
                                sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you or the target does not have enough credits to do this action.");
                                if (withdrawdata == "1")
                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Withdraws " + amount + " for " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '" + amount + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET bank = bank + '-" + amount + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                    Target.refreshValueables(true, false);
#region Arrest
                    case "arrest":
                                string workdata;
                                workdata = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                virtualUser _User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                if (workdata == "Police Cadet")
                                    if (_User.roomUser.walkLock == false)
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Tries to arrest " + Target._Username + " but failed as they aren't cuffed*");
                                        string time = stringManager.wrapParameters(args, 2);
                                        virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                        if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 3 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 3 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 2 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 2 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                                            Target.sendData("BK" + "You have been arrested for " + time + " minutes and placed in a cell." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Arrests " + Target._Username + " For " + time + " minutes*");
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrests = arrests + '+1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrested = arrested + '1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        DB.runRead("SELECT arrested FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                        Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(284));
                                        Target._Figure = "hr-831-61.hd-180-1.ch-220-94.lg-280-94.sh-290-94";
                                        Target._Mission = "Convict";
                                        Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);

                                else if (workdata == "Police Officer")
                                    if (_User.roomUser.walkLock == false)
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Tries to arrest " + Target._Username + " but failed as they aren't cuffed*");
                                        string time = stringManager.wrapParameters(args, 2);

                                        Target.sendData("BK" + "You have been arrested for " + time + " minutes and placed in a cell." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Arrests " + Target._Username + " For " + time + " minutes*");
                                        virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                        if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 3 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 3 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 2 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 2 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                                            DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrests = arrests + '+1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrested = arrested + '1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        DB.runRead("SELECT arrested FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                        Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(284));
                                        Target._Figure = "hr-831-61.hd-180-1.ch-220-94.lg-280-94.sh-290-94";
                                        Target._Mission = "Convict";
                                        Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                                else if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                    if (_User.roomUser.walkLock == false)
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Tries to arrest " + Target._Username + " but failed as they aren't cuffed*");
                                        string time = stringManager.wrapParameters(args, 2);

                                        Target.sendData("BK" + "You have been arrested for " + time + " minutes and placed in a cell." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Arrests " + Target._Username + " For " + time + " minutes*");
                                        virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                        if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 3 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 3 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 2 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 2 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                                            DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrests = arrests + '+1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrested = arrested + '1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        DB.runRead("SELECT arrested FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                        Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(284));
                                        Target._Figure = "hr-831-61.hd-180-1.ch-220-94.lg-280-94.sh-290-94";
                                        Target._Mission = "Convict";
                                        Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                                else if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                    if (_User.roomUser.walkLock == false)
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Tries to arrest " + Target._Username + " but failed as they aren't cuffed*");
                                        string time = stringManager.wrapParameters(args, 2);

                                        Target.sendData("BK" + "You have been arrested for " + time + " minutes and placed in a cell." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Arrests " + Target._Username + " For " + time + " minutes*");
                                        virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                        if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 3 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 3 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 2 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 2 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                                            DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrests = arrests + '+1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET arrested = arrested + '1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        DB.runRead("SELECT arrested FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                        Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(284));
                                        Target._Figure = "hr-831-61.hd-180-1.ch-220-94.lg-280-94.sh-290-94";
                                        Target._Mission = "Convict";
                                        Target.refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
                                    return false;
#region Hire/Fire/Quitjob/Demote
                    case "hire": // Hire
                                    virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                    string workdata;
                                    string workdata1;
                                    workdata = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                    workdata1 = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                            if (workdata1 == "Unemployed")
                            if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Police Cadet' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Hires " + Target._Username + " as NYPD Police Cadet*");
                            if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")

                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Police Cadet' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Hires " + Target._Username + " as NYPD Police Cadet*");
                                    else if (workdata == "Obbo Hospital Manager")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Hospital Receptionist' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Hires " + Target._Username + " as Hospital Receptionist*");
                                    else if (workdata == "Obbo Bank Manager")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Banker' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Hires " + Target._Username + " as a Obbo Banker*");
                                    else if (workdata == "Obbo Security Manager")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Security' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Hires " + Target._Username + " as Security*");
                                    else if (workdata == "Casino Manager")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Casino Security' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Hires " + Target._Username + " as Casino Security*");
                    case "promote": // Fire
                                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                            string workdata;
                                            string workdata1;
                                            workdata = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                            workdata1 = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                                            if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Police Cadet")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Police Officer' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Promotes " + Target._Username + " to NYPD Police Officer*");
                                            if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Police Cadet")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Police Officer' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Promotes " + Target._Username + " to NYPD Police Officer*");
                                            if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Police Officer")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Police Chief' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Promotes " + Target._Username + " to NYPD Chief*");
                                            if (workdata == "Casino Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Casino Security")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Casino Dealer' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Promotes " + Target._Username + " to Casino Dealer*");
                                            if (workdata == "Casino Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Casino Dealer")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Casino Supervisor' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Promotes " + Target._Username + " to Casino Supervisor*");
                                            if (workdata == "Obbo Bank Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Obbo Banker")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Bank Supervisor' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Promotes " + Target._Username + " to Obbo Bank Supervisor*");
                                            if (workdata == "Obbo Hospital Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Obbo Hospital Receptionist")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Hospital Doctor' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Promotes " + Target._Username + " to Hospital Doctor*");
                                            if (workdata == "Obbo Hospital Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Obbo Hospital Doctor")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Hospital Supervisor' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Promotes " + Target._Username + " to Hospital Supervisor*");
                    case "demote": // demote
                                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                            string workdata;
                                            string workdata1;
                                            workdata = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                            workdata1 = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                                            if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Police Chief")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Police Officer' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Demotes " + Target._Username + " to NYPD Police Officer*");
                                            if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Police Officer")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Police Cadet' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Demotes " + Target._Username + " to NYPD Police Cadet*");
                                            if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Police Officer")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Police Cadet' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Demotes " + Target._Username + " to NYPD Police Cadet*");
                                            if (workdata == "Casino Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Casino Dealer")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Casino Security' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Demotes " + Target._Username + " to Casino Security*");
                                            if (workdata == "Casino Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Casino Supervisor")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Casino Dealer' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Demotes " + Target._Username + " to Casino Dealer*");
                                            if (workdata == "Obbo Bank Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Obbo Bank Supervisor")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Banker' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Demotes " + Target._Username + " to Banker*");
                                            if (workdata == "Obbo Hospital Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Obbo Hospital Supervisor")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Hospital Doctor' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Demotes " + Target._Username + " to Hospital Doctor*");
                                            if (workdata == "Obbo Hospital Manager")
                                                if (workdata1 == "Obbo Hospital Doctor")
                                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Obbo Hospital Receptionist' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");

                                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Demotes " + Target._Username + " to Hospital Receptionist*");
                    case "quitjob": // Fire
                                            DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                            Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Resigns from their job!*");
                                            refreshAppearance(true, true, true);
                    case "dismiss": // Fire
                                    virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                    string workdata;
                                    string workdata1;
                                    workdata = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                    workdata1 = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                                    if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Police Cadet")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Police Officer")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                        if (workdata1 == "Police Cadet")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                        if (workdata1 == "Police Officer")

                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                        if (workdata1 == "Police Chief")

                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");

                                    if (workdata == "Obbo Security Manager")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Obbo Security")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Obbo Security Manager")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Obbo Security Supervisor")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Hospital Manager")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Receptionist")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Obbo Hospital Manager")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Obbo Hospital Doctor")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Obbo Hospital Manager")
                                        if (workdata1 == "Obbo Hospital Supervisor")

                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Casino Manager")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Casino Dealer")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Casino Manager")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Casino Security")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Casino Manager")
                                        if (workdata1 == "Casino Supervisor")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Obbo Bank Manager")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Obbo Banker")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Obbo Bank Manager")
                                    if (workdata1 == "Obbo Bank Supervisor")
                                        DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET job = 'Unemployed' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                        Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Fires " + Target._Username + "*");
#region Stun/Cuff/Uncuff
                    case "stun": // Freeze the specified user
                            int _userID = userManager.getUserID(args[1]);
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(_userID);
                            string workdata;
                            workdata = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                            if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 3 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 3 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 2 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 2 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                            if (workdata == "Police Cadet")
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Shoots stungun at " + Target._Username + "*");
                            else if (workdata == "Police Officer")
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Shoots stungun at " + Target._Username + "*");
                            else if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Shoots stungun at " + Target._Username + "*");
                            else if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Shoots stungun at " + Target._Username + "*");
                            else if (workdata == "Obbo Security")
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Shoots stungun at " + Target._Username + "*");
                            else if (workdata == "Obbo Security Manager")
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Shoots stungun at " + Target._Username + "*");
                            else if (workdata == "Obbo Security Supervisor")
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Shoots stungun at " + Target._Username + "*");
                            else if (workdata == "Casino Security")
                                Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Shoots stungun at " + Target._Username + "*");
                    case "cuff": // Cuff's the specified user
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            string workdata;
                            workdata = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                            if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                                if (Target.roomUser.walkLock == false)
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Tried to cuff " + Target._Username + " but failed as they aren't stunned*");
                                else if (Target.roomUser.walkLock == true)
                                    if (workdata == "Police Cadet")
                                        Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Removes cuffs from belt and places them on " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Police Officer")
                                        Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Removes cuffs from belt and places them on " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                        Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Removes cuffs from belt and places them on " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                        Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Removes cuffs from belt and places them on " + Target._Username + "*");
                    case "uncuff": // Cuff's the specified user
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            string workdata;
                            workdata = DB.runRead("SELECT job FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                            if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                                if (workdata == "Police Cadet")
                                    Target.roomUser.walkLock = false; // Freeze the user
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Removes cuffs from " + Target._Username + " and places them on belt*");
                                if (workdata == "Police Officer")
                                    Target.roomUser.walkLock = false; // Freeze the user
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Removes cuffs from " + Target._Username + " and places them on belt*");
                                if (workdata == "Police Chief")
                                    Target.roomUser.walkLock = false; // Freeze the user
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Removes cuffs from " + Target._Username + " and places them on belt*");
                                if (workdata == "Police Commissioner")
                                    Target.roomUser.walkLock = false; // Freeze the user
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Removes cuffs from " + Target._Username + " and places them on belt*");
#region :stopwork
                    case "stopwork": //poofs
                                string poof;
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET working =  '0' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                refreshAppearance(true, true, true); // Use the poof animation
#region summon
                    case "summon": // Teleports user to the room the sender is in
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                sendData("BK" + "You Cannot summon." +
                                    "" + Convert.ToChar(2));

                                virtualUser _User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                Target.sendData("BK" + "You have been summoned by an administrator.\r\r" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Summons " + Target._Username + "*");
                                if (_User._inPublicroom)
                                //if (Target._inPublicroom)
                                    Target.sendData("D^" + "I" + Encoding.encodeVL64(_roomID));
                                    Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(_roomID));

#region :workout
                    case "workout":
                            string workout;
                            workout = DB.runRead("SELECT workout FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            if (workout == "1")
                            if (((this.roomUser.X == 4) && (this.roomUser.Y == 7)) && (this.roomUser.roomID == 287))
                            if (((this.roomUser.X == 6) && (this.roomUser.Y == 7)) && (this.roomUser.roomID == 287))
                            if (((this.roomUser.X == 8) && (this.roomUser.Y == 7)) && (this.roomUser.roomID == 287))
                            if (((this.roomUser.X == 10) && (this.roomUser.Y == 7)) && (this.roomUser.roomID == 287))
                                Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Starts thier workout*");
                                CaptureCheck = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.WorkoutTime));
                                CaptureCheck.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
#region :learn
                    case "learn":
                        string learn;
                        learn = DB.runRead("SELECT learn FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                        if (learn == "1")
                            Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Picks up a book and beginss to read it*");
                            CaptureCheck = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.LearnTime));
                            CaptureCheck.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
                    #region Slap
                    case "slap": // Rape command
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            string health;
                            health = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                if (User.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y))

                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Slaps " + Target._Username + " Causing 1 damage*");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health + '-1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET slaps = slaps + '+1' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                if (health == "0")
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + Target._Username + " Knocking them out.*");
                                    Target.sendData("BK" + "You have been knocked out, and will arrive at hospital shortly!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health + '101' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET deaths = deaths + '1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                    Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(71));
                    #region punch
                    case "punch":
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            if (User._roomID == _roomID && (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X))
                                string health_db;
                                string str_db;
                                string health_db_ko;
                                //db queries
                                health_db = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                str_db = DB.runRead("SELECT str FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");

                                //turns str into an int
                                int str_mod = int.Parse(str_db);

                                //generates a random number
                                Random randNum = new Random();
                                int hit_dif_0 = randNum.Next(1, 4);
                                int hit_dif_1 = randNum.Next(1, 4);

                                //what a user hits
                                int hit = str_mod * hit_dif_0 + hit_dif_1;

                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET punches = punches + '+1' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health - '" + hit + "' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                health_db_ko = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Punches " + args[1] + ", causing " + hit + " damage*");
                                int health_int = int.Parse(health_db_ko);

                                //if the user has 0 or less helth left
                                if (health_int < 1)
                                    User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(71));
                                    User.sendData("BK" + "You have been knocked out by another user, and will arrive at hospital shortly.");
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", Knocking them out*");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = '100' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET deaths = deaths + '1' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", but misses*");
                    #region :hit
                    case "hit":
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            if (User._roomID == _roomID && (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X))
                                string health_db;
                                string str_db;
                                string health_db_ko;
                                //db queries
                                health_db = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                str_db = DB.runRead("SELECT str FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");

                                //turns str into an int
                                int str_mod = int.Parse(str_db);

                                //generates a random number
                                Random randNum = new Random();
                                int hit_dif_0 = randNum.Next(1, 4);
                                int hit_dif_1 = randNum.Next(1, 4);

                                //what a user hits
                                int hit = str_mod * hit_dif_0 + hit_dif_1;

                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET punches = punches + '+1' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health - '" + hit + "' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                health_db_ko = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Punches " + args[1] + ", causing " + hit + " damage*");
                                int health_int = int.Parse(health_db_ko);

                                //if the user has 0 or less helth left
                                if (health_int < 1)
                                    User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(71));
                                    User.sendData("BK" + "You have been knocked out by another user, and will arrive at hospital shortly.");
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", Knocking them out*");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = '100' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET deaths = deaths + '1' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", but misses*");
                    #region :commands
                    case "commands": // shows the publie commands
                            sendData("BK" + ":refresh catalogue\r" +
                             "Obbo Hotel Public Commands\r" +
                                "\r" +
                             ":911\r" +
                             ":poof\r" +
                             ":sleep\r" +
                             ":stats\r" +
                             ":surrender\r" +
                             ":startwork\r" +
                             ":taxi <roomid>\r" +
                             ":hit <username>\r" +
                             ":push <username>\r" +
                             ":punch <username\r" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                    #region Taxi
                    case "taxi":
                            string taxidata;
                            string taxidata2;
                            string taxidata3;
                            taxidata = DB.runRead("SELECT taxi FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            taxidata2 = DB.runRead("SELECT taxi FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + args[1] + "'");
                            taxidata3 = DB.runRead("SELECT name FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + args[1] + "'");

                            if (roomUser.walkLock == true)
                                sendData("BK" + "The Taxi Driver isn't going to grab you! Try again when you are not stunned!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                            else if (taxidata == "1" || taxidata2 == "1" || taxidata == "" || taxidata2 == "")
                                sendData("BK" + "There was an issue with your taxi:\r1. You cannot taxi outside your region.\r2. You cannot be in jail.\r3. The room does not exist!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                int roomid = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*calls a taxi to " + taxidata3 + " [" + args[1] + "]*");
                                sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(roomid));
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '-5' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                refreshValueables(true, false);
                                sendData("BK" + "Do not leave the room, the taxi is on its way!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                    #region :about
                    case "about": // Display information about the emulator
                            sendData("BK" + "about :\r" +
                                "Server Time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " (GMT)\r\r" +
                                "\r" +
                                 "Emulator: Obbo Hotel Emulator\r" +
                                  "Build: 1.0.0 (017/01/2010)\r" +
                                "DCR Support:  v26" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                    #region Push
                    case "push":
                            string str3 = "down";
                            virtualUser user = userManager.getUser(Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1]);
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            if (Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 3 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 3 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 3 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 2 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 2 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 2 == Target.roomUser.Y) || Target.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == Target.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == Target.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == Target.roomUser.Y))
                                if (this.roomUser.Z2 == 0)
                                    str3 = "up";
                                if (this.roomUser.Z2 == 2)
                                    str3 = "right";
                                if (this.roomUser.Z2 == 4)
                                    str3 = "down";
                                if (this.roomUser.Z2 == 6)
                                    str3 = "left";
                                if (str3 == "up")
                                    user.roomUser.goalX = user.roomUser.X;
                                    user.roomUser.goalY = user.roomUser.Y - 1;
                                if (str3 == "right")
                                    user.roomUser.goalX = user.roomUser.X + 1;
                                    user.roomUser.goalY = user.roomUser.Y;
                                if (str3 == "down")
                                    user.roomUser.goalX = user.roomUser.X;
                                    user.roomUser.goalY = user.roomUser.Y + 1;
                                if (str3 == "left")
                                    user.roomUser.goalX = user.roomUser.X - 1;
                                    user.roomUser.goalY = user.roomUser.Y;

                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Pushes " + user._Username + "*");
                    #region :poof
                    case "poof": //poofs
                        refreshAppearance(true, true, true); // Use the poof animation
                    #region :roomid
                    case "roomid":
                        sendData("BK" + "Room ID: " + _roomID + "" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                    #region :cleanhand
                    case "cleanhand": // Deletes everything from the senders hand
                            DB.runQuery("DELETE FROM furniture WHERE ownerid = '" + userID + "' AND roomid = '0'");
                    #endregion#region :sleep
                    #region :sleep
                    case "sleep":
                        if (this.statusManager.containsStatus("lay"))
                            this.Room.sendShout(this.roomUser, "Zzzzz Zzzzz Zzzzz");
                    #region Slap
                    case "slap": // Rape command
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            string health;
                            health = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                                if (User.roomUser != roomUser && (roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X || roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X || roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y || roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y))

                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Slaps " + Target._Username + " Causing 1 damage*");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health + '-1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET slaps = slaps + '+1' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                if (health == "0")
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + Target._Username + " Knocking them out.*");
                                    Target.sendData("BK" + "You have been knocked out, and will arrive at hospital shortly!" + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health + '101' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET deaths = deaths + '1' WHERE name = '" + Target._Username + "'");
                                    Target.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(71));
                    #region punch
                    case "punch":
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            if (User._roomID == _roomID && (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X))
                                string health_db;
                                string str_db;
                                string health_db_ko;
                                //db queries
                                health_db = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                str_db = DB.runRead("SELECT str FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");

                                //turns str into an int
                                int str_mod = int.Parse(str_db);

                                //generates a random number
                                Random randNum = new Random();
                                int hit_dif_0 = randNum.Next(1, 4);
                                int hit_dif_1 = randNum.Next(1, 4);

                                //what a user hits
                                int hit = str_mod * hit_dif_0 + hit_dif_1;

                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET punches = punches + '+1' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health - '" + hit + "' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                health_db_ko = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Punches " + args[1] + ", causing " + hit + " damage*");
                                int health_int = int.Parse(health_db_ko);

                                //if the user has 0 or less helth left
                                if (health_int < 1)
                                    User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(71));
                                    User.sendData("BK" + "You have been knocked out by another user, and will arrive at hospital shortly.");
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", Knocking them out*");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = '100' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET deaths = deaths + '1' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", but misses*");
                    #region :hit
                    case "hit":
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            if (User._roomID == _roomID && (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y + 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y - 1 == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X + 1 == User.roomUser.X) || (roomUser.Y == User.roomUser.Y && roomUser.X - 1 == User.roomUser.X))
                                string health_db;
                                string str_db;
                                string health_db_ko;
                                //db queries
                                health_db = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                str_db = DB.runRead("SELECT str FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");

                                //turns str into an int
                                int str_mod = int.Parse(str_db);

                                //generates a random number
                                Random randNum = new Random();
                                int hit_dif_0 = randNum.Next(1, 4);
                                int hit_dif_1 = randNum.Next(1, 4);

                                //what a user hits
                                int hit = str_mod * hit_dif_0 + hit_dif_1;

                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET punches = punches + '+1' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = health - '" + hit + "' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                health_db_ko = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Punches " + args[1] + ", causing " + hit + " damage*");
                                int health_int = int.Parse(health_db_ko);

                                //if the user has 0 or less helth left
                                if (health_int < 1)
                                    User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(71));
                                    User.sendData("BK" + "You have been knocked out by another user, and will arrive at hospital shortly.");
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", Knocking them out*");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET health = '100' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                    DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET deaths = deaths + '1' WHERE name = '" + User._Username + "'");
                                Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Swings at " + args[1] + ", but misses*");
                    #region :stats
                    case "stats": // specbar command
                            // Send the spectator packet within the encoded statistics
                            string health;
                            health = DB.runRead("SELECT health FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            string inte;
                            inte = DB.runRead("SELECT inte FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            string str;
                            str = DB.runRead("SELECT str FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            string hunger;
                            hunger = DB.runRead("SELECT hunger FROM users WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                            sendData("BK" + "\r Your Status:\r \r Health: " + health + "/100 \r Inteligence: " + inte + " \r Strength: " + str + " \r Hunger: " + hunger + "");
                    #region :surrender
                    case "surrender": // Freeze the specified user
                                roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Falls to knees placing there arms above there head surrendering!*");
#region invisible
                    case "spy":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false)
                                return false;
                                _Figure = "hd-0-0.sh-0-.lg-0-.ch-0-.hr-0-0";
                                refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
#region :poof
                    case "poof": //poofs
                            string poof;
                            poof = DB.runRead("SELECT poof FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            if (poof == "0")
                                sendData("BK" + "You cannot poof here." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET working =  '0' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                refreshAppearance(true, true, true); // Use the poof animation

case "freeze": // Freeze the specified user
                            int _userID = userManager.getUserID(args[1]);
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(_userID);
                            if (_Rank >= 5)
                                if (Target.roomUser.walkLock == false)
                                    Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                    Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Freezes the user " + args[1] + "*");
                                else if (Target.roomUser.walkLock == true)
                                        Target.roomUser.walkLock = true; // Freeze the user
                                        Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*User " + args[1] + " is already frozen*");
#region Bank Commands
                    case "deposit":
                            int amount = int.Parse(args[1]);
                            string bank;
                           using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                            bank = dbClient.getString("SELECT deposit FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                             if (bank == "1")
                                sendData("BK" + "You need to be in a bank to deposit." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                                string credits;
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    credits = dbClient.getString("SELECT credits FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                                int amountforcheck = int.Parse(args[1]);
                                int creditsforcheck = int.Parse(credits);
                                if (amountforcheck > creditsforcheck)
                                    sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you or the target does not have enough credits to do this action.");
                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Deposits " + amount + "*");
                                    using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '-" + amount + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET bank = bank + '" + amount + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                        refreshValueables(true, false);
                                    sendData("BK" + "Deposited!" + Convert.ToChar(2));

                    case "balance":
                            string balance;
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                balance = dbClient.getString("SELECT bank FROM users WHERE id = '" + userID + "'");
                            Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Checks Bank Balance!*");
                            refreshValueables(true, false);
                            sendData("BK" + "Balance " + balance + "!" + Convert.ToChar(2));

                    case "withdraw":
                            virtualUser Target = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            int amount = int.Parse(args[2]);
                            string corpdata;
                            string corpdata2;
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                             corpdata = dbClient.getString("SELECT corpid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + userID + "'");
                             corpdata2 = dbClient.getString("SELECT rankid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + userID + "'");
                            string targetdata;
                            string targetdata2;
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                targetdata = dbClient.getString("SELECT corpid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                                targetdata2 = dbClient.getString("SELECT rankid FROM jobsstaff WHERE uid = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                                string withdrawdata;
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    withdrawdata = dbClient.getString("SELECT withdraw FROM jobsranks WHERE corpid = '" + corpdata + "' AND rankid = '" + corpdata2 + "'");
                                string credits;
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    credits = dbClient.getString("SELECT bank FROM users WHERE id = '" + Target.userID + "'");
                                string bank;
                                using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    bank = dbClient.getString("SELECT deposit FROM rooms WHERE id = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            if (bank == "1")
                                sendData("BK" + "You need to be in a bank to withdraw for someone." + Convert.ToChar(2));
                            int amountforcheck = int.Parse(args[2]);
                            int creditsforcheck = int.Parse(credits);
                            if (amountforcheck > creditsforcheck)
                                sendData("BK" + "Sorry, but you or the target does not have enough credits to do this action.");
                                if (withdrawdata == "1")
                                    Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Withdraws " + amount + " for " + Target._Username + "*");
                                    using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET credits = credits + '" + amount + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET bank = bank + '-" + amount + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
                                    Target.refreshValueables(true, false);
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 16, 2009
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

1) Dissi
2) :arrest
3) sends alert to user saying "Arrested" and it teleports them to room id "103"


Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

1) Dissi
2) :arrest
3) sends alert to user saying "Arrested" and it teleports them to room id "103"
                    case "arrest":
                            virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]);
                            User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(103));
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Software Engineer
Loyal Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

1) Dissi
2) :globalfurni <furnitureID> <amount>
3) Give's everyone on the MySQL database a furniture via the furniture's string ID or numerical ID, then the amount specified.

I'm only asking to test you.


Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

                    case "globalfurni":
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                            string amount = args[2];
                            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                foreach(virtualUser User in userManager._Users.Values)
                                    for (int i = 0; i <= Int32.Parse(amount); i++)
                                        dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO furniture(tid,ownerid,roomid) VALUES (" + args[1] + "," + User.userID + "," + "0)");
(Should work)
Mythic Archon
Loyal Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

Nice service

Oh and just wondering can u make a commnad

that makes all the pets on the room follow you? x]
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2009
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

:dog x
:cat x
:reptil x

:dog x = Makes the person to a dog
:cat x = Makes the person to a cat
:reptil x = Makes the person to a crocodile

Please make them :)
Experienced Elementalist
Jul 10, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

1. dissi
2. :getfurni
3. Get all the furniture in the room



Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

1. dissi
2. :getfurni
3. Get all the furniture in the room

Do you mean so you pick up all the furni in the room?
Experienced Elementalist
Jul 10, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

yes, and then every furnitore is in your hand.


Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

                    case "getfurni":
                            if (_isOwner)
                                System.Collections.Hashtable Furnis_floor = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room.floorItemManager._Items.Clone();
                                System.Collections.Hashtable Furnis_wall = (System.Collections.Hashtable)Room.wallItemManager._Items.Clone();
                                foreach (Holo.Virtual.Rooms.Items.wallItem Item in Furnis_wall.Values) //wallitems
                                    Room.wallItemManager.removeItem(Item.ID, userID);

                                foreach (Holo.Virtual.Rooms.Items.floorItem Item in Furnis_floor.Values) // flooritems
                                    Room.floorItemManager.removeItem(Item.ID, userID);
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 17, 2007
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

:dog x
:cat x
:reptil x

:dog x = Makes the person to a dog
:cat x = Makes the person to a cat
:reptil x = Makes the person to a crocodile

Please make them :)

Would be interesting :p


Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

I'm working on that pet commands.
Initiate Mage
Oct 2, 2009
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

Emu: r39 recode to r40
Command: :va
Does: Sends a hotel alert to all the VIP members. The rank for these members are 3 by the way.


Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

Emu: r39 recode to r40
Command: :va
Does: Sends a hotel alert to all the VIP members. The rank for these members are 3 by the way.
Here: (Not tested)
                    case "va": // VIP Alert
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_alert", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable) userManager._Users.Clone();
                                string Message = Text.Substring(3);
                                userManager.sendToRank(3, true, "VIP alert:\r " + Message);
Initiate Mage
Jun 22, 2008
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

Not sure if it's ok to request you this on here. It's up to you, anyway:

Enter the infobus room (id: 115) and as soon as it loads the room send the infobus badge.
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 4, 2009
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

Emu: v26 Lost_memory edition.
Command: :im <name> <text>
Does: It will say on screen the name and then text. Eg. My name 321olos and i type :im lol test and on screen it will say lol: test on screen from my player.

If you make ty.

Could you make an im command :)im <name> <text>) makes you say that eg. on screen your player will say. If my name is 321olos and i type :im lol test it will say on screen lol: test so like me saying the text but with diffrent name. And can you code it for Lost_memory edition. Thankyou.
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Old Habbo Developer
Loyal Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

Here: (Not tested)
                    case "va": // VIP Alert
                            if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_alert", userID) == false)
                                return false;
                                System.Collections.Hashtable Users = (System.Collections.Hashtable) userManager._Users.Clone();
                                string Message = Text.Substring(3);
                                userManager.sendToRank(3, true, "VIP alert:\r " + Message);

Instead of
it should be replaced with:

Not sure if it's ok to request you this on here. It's up to you, anyway:

Enter the infobus room (id: 115) and as soon as it loads the room send the infobus badge.

:im is already coded in the servers, they are coded differently though.
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 4, 2009
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Re: [REL][SERVICE] Making Holograph Commands! [SERVICE][REL]

:im is already coded in the servers, they are coded differently though.

Well i have about 15-20 servers and none of them have it. I have even looked at every code but it still not there so can you plz code the :im command. Thank you.
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