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IGCN files - My personal experience and feedback

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 27, 2015
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Since you suggest files each other , is making partners. Anyway I don't mind.

This is my last post here. I didn't said that their files are useless. I was like it , but is not enough stable for those money , you have to restart machine about 10-15 times per month because some times updates are crap.

So if you think to open a server . Better take stable files than pay for developers to fix those bugs . And you will have stable server with no pay monthly fee.

Is just my recommendation.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2011
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@vasile, you claim our files are not stable enough.. all depends how you administrate them. "If you have petrol car and tank it with diesel it wont go far.." no offense but even GMO makes maintenance once or twice a week, this is good practice. Many online biggest games makes maintenance once a week. Anyway, I already provided feedback of some of our Customers who run our files for 3 months without single crash -

I didn't found biggest server as zhypermu , fortressmu and grudgemu , is one owner of all this 3 server . Which are using different files (Zteam), not igcn. Which are making me to think that is possible to make a good server with other server files .

If you did not manage to achieve success with our files then you won't likely with any other. Running successful server is not easy job, it is every day work, often 24/7 - if you do it alone.

When something goes wrong , I made a ticked , than they told to me that is my fault . after couple of hours they released new updates which was start working.

Remember our support covers software bugs, not server management. If you looked for any sort server management job we could not do it for it, but we definitely gave you free advice of what to do or where to look for solution. Once again, we offer support to the software (answer/question) + bug fix - WE DO NOT MANAGE YOUR SERVERS - this is often what you expect and we are forced to say no then.

BTW , this is just a review from customer to others . As you are partner with igcn , of course you will support them.

We do not have any partners, @jacubb is our Customer and owner of

money , you have to restart machine about 10-15 times per month because some times updates are crap.

I do not know how you realize to update server without shutting it down.. Nitpicking..
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 27, 2015
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@vasile, you claim our files are not stable enough.. all depends how you administrate them. "If you have petrol car and tank it with diesel it wont go far.." no offense but even GMO makes maintenance once or twice a week, this is good practice. Many online biggest games makes maintenance once a week. Anyway, I already provided feedback of some of our Customers who run our files for 3 months without single crash -

If you did not manage to achieve success with our files then you won't likely with any other. Running successful server is not easy job, it is every day work, often 24/7 - if you do it alone.

Remember our support covers software bugs, not server management. If you looked for any sort server management job we could not do it for it, but we definitely gave you free advice of what to do or where to look for solution. Once again, we offer support to the software (answer/question) + bug fix - WE DO NOT MANAGE YOUR SERVERS - this is often what you expect and we are forced to say no then.

We do not have any partners, @jacubb is our Customer and owner of

I do not know how you realize to update server without shutting it down.. Nitpicking..

You still need to improve you support for those money . Or make an discount if your support are so bad .

And yea remember , doesn't matter which kind of business you got CUSTOMERS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.
You got money from them , and they pay for your support and files . If there are bad support than is no point to pay monthly fee , or for IGCN files .
Just make an poll in your forum how happy are your customers with your files and support . So if there will be more than 50% happy . Than I'll say ''Sorry Wizzy I wasn't right about IGCN support and files , and I can try again your servers'

I'm not coder , developer or professional in MuOnline servers , but during the time when I had server , I learn something.
I do not know how you realize to update server without shutting it down.. Nitpicking..

They even doesn't have website or something to proof it . Provide real statistics .
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2011
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We have best support around the Mu Market :) Thing that we do not use nice words all the time does not mean support is bad. We provide accurate support, sticking a pink ribbon above of it is not the most important thing.

Again, if you expect more than we can offer you within the support we are unfortunately forced to say no, and here the problem starts, not many people agrees to the thing they hear refusal. Often people require from us to connect their machines and manage their servers, we do not offer server management and it is clearly stated at every step, starting from TOS. I personally make response to more than 200 tickets a day, 80% of them is being resolved within single reply. This is how is our support.

They even doesn't have website or something to proof it . Provide real statistics .

This is sort of confidential data and we are not about to provide sort of statistic. Keeping information about servers of our Customers is high priority to us, and our Customers appreciate it.

Seems you are another person who is unhappy about entire world, keeping to look for another and another thing to say "how bad they are"


Not here, apart of files we provide within service we additionally teach people good practices and force them to THINK. Such tactic allowed many of our Customers to evaluate to real server administrators or good-experienced users (of course those who wanted to listen). Thank to that they are able to make things themselves instead involving 3rd-party people and loosing money on them.

I remember one Customer who was "green" about everything and wanted us to do EVERYTHING for him. We continued to refuse but explained him things over and over. Today he is able to run server by himself without bigger problems.

There are things we have to improve, I agree, but definitely, IT IS NOT Support or Server Stability.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 27, 2015
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I don't want to spam in this thread . I just said that IGCN should to improve a lot for those money + monthly fees . Or you might make lower price , to add life time licence with 1 month support . But for those money as I told your support should be 100% amazing , and files stable enough.

I remember one Customer who was "green" about everything and wanted us to do EVERYTHING for him. We continued to refuse but explained him things over and over. Today he is able to run server by himself without bigger problems.

I have a little bit of skills of IT , so I can't say that idk nothing on such of things. Sometimes there was fault from IGCN updates , which makes me to restart server about 2-3 times after updates.

Again, if you expect more than we can offer you within the support we are unfortunately forced to say no, and here the problem starts, not many people agrees to the thing they hear refusal.

Ofc no. But there when is something bad from IGCN , you have to do it. Remember with gold pet bug , did you fixed that one on S8 E3 ? I have it twice , and it was after you did installation . I report it twice , you said that is something wrong configuration .

Is that your business , I just post my opinion as a old customer, about IGCN support and files. Try to point about quality , not quantity , than I might be again IGCN customer . If there will be same ,I don't mind how much I will spend for free files from internet to fix all bugs and make it nicely, maybe you can spend more like this , but there will gonna no fee monthly, stable and unique server.

If you are smart enough, if you know what players want, it's not a problem to earn thousands dollars per month. If you configured server wrong it's not a surprise that you had to restart your server almost every day. In last 3 months I didn't have a single crash.

I'm not sure about that. It's mean that you have to make server pay and win :) . From advertisments you cannot earn thousands bucks. From donars you can earn some money , but they will not gonna donate every day .

You can read my first post in this thread.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2011
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You still refer to Season 8.. it is already long time not supported version, we run Season 9 Episode 2. Since first release of Season 9 we released 11 updates already, containing bug fixes and range of new features. It is very stable at present day. There is no single crash report that wasn't resolved and I did not see a single crash report from 3 releases already. In general, since initial release of Season 9 last year there was about 7 crash reports from which most could occur very rare and not to every Customer. All are fixed.

I once again pointing you to range of happy Customers who decided to post their feedback . Today I asked 3 more Customers for who I have Skype contact (as they make internal tests for us) if they are happy with files and if they have any sort of critical problems, crashes, etc. All said no - all of them runs successful servers.

We do mistakes, of course, but this is not determinant of whether our files are good and bad. For us important is feedback of selected Customers in skill of who we can believe. They constantly report to us what should be improved and we follow the suggestions. I have no idea what you claim by saying that our support should be "amazing" as it already is as we offer it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 27, 2015
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You still refer to Season 8.. it is already long time not supported version, we run Season 9 Episode 2. Since first release of Season 9 we released 11 updates already, containing bug fixes and range of new features. It is very stable at present day. There is no single crash report that wasn't resolved and I did not see a single crash report from 3 releases already. In general, since initial release of Season 9 last year there was about 7 crash reports from which most could occur very rare and not to every Customer. All are fixed.

I once again pointing you to range of happy Customers who decided to post their feedback . Today I asked 3 more Customers for who I have Skype contact (as they make internal tests for us) if they are happy with files and if they have any sort of critical problems, crashes, etc. All said no - all of them runs successful servers.

We do mistakes, of course, but this is not determinant of whether our files are good and bad. For us important is feedback of selected Customers in skill of who we can believe. They constantly report to us what should be improved and we follow the suggestions. I have no idea what you claim by saying that our support should be "amazing" as it already is as we offer it.

For some point a closed server because of IGCN support . So you might to think , how is feeling customer when he loosing more than 2000$ . I don't have time to play with updates , I'm working so that's the only reason why did I agree to spend so much money for IGCN files, I was thinking that to buy license server , is just configuartion job and little other things behind, but it was kind of loosing money and my time. Ofc there left webzen templates and custom modules which I don't regret for spending money for them, but about IGCN , files I'll think twice next time .

Idk if in future I will try gain IGCN , but I hope support will be much better.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2011
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I still believe you are one of Customers who thinks we will do everything for him and expects that. Funny thing is that many claims our support is very good, actually best in the market. I guess then that running any sort of Server is not for you if you did not manage to keep it alive, especially every file is very well-described and we never refuse to answer questions. We work on daily basis, so I do not know where have you send your inquiries.

You are welcome to return and try your luck in future. I am out of this conversation as it is going same story over and over, nothing new.
C/C++ Programmer
Mar 1, 2006
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I will be honest and direct, if you are going to use a system, should use it clean from beginning, nobody will migrate your server from another system(server files), and won't be 100% safe, will appear many errors if don't know the real structures, because some people does their own item system, they don't follow always webzen scheme on server side, so i don't see any reason to attack IGCN on that way, it is like blaming to Apple for something made by Samsung, does that makes any sense?

Really people, should avoid silly experiences like that, if you don't know what you are doing, then you should use it clean from start, or continue with what you had.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2009
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Guys, you can't judge by the XtremeTop100 or other top lists. Specially the XtremeTop100 list became corrupted since everyone is able to buy votes there easily. For 20$ you can buy 2000 income votes easily (confirmed). With more knowledge you can do this for free.

I just wanted to share my feedback and personal experience, but it seems a discussion started since I am not the only one disappointed from those files.
vasile raised a good question - IGCN don't have any competition which is why they do whatever they want to and they treat their customers like this. Sooner or later someone else will start selling better files for less money. Sorry, but my cabel television support is on a better level.

From my experience - you can have a good server and earn a lot of money without investing a penny in server files. For example I didn't paid anything for Season 3 files and I had server with 600+ online, no crash, no bugs. Of course Season 9 is a whole new galaxy (yes I know that I can't compare S3 to S9, I hope you got my point), but before buying IGCN guys read carefully everything, because they can always wash their with the things they claim they said/wrote in their forum/site or with their policy.

SirMaster - Let me be clear. Nobody attacks IGCN here. I simply wanted to share my experience and feedback.
It seems that Wizzy have big problem with someone sharing feedback for IGCN in the public community if it is not positive.

The forums are for discussions, sharing experience to let other people read and receive information about something. People intend to buy IGCN files should be aware what kind of problems they will have and how they will be treated as a customers.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2011
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Let me be clear. Nobody attacks IGCN here. I simply wanted to share my experience and feedback.
It seems that Wizzy have big problem with someone sharing feedback for IGCN in the public community if it is not positive.

You violate TOS you agreed to, all problems should be resolved within IGCN Forums only. What you do now is providing false look and feeling about our products and services basing on lack of experience and/or knowledge. You failed with your project and you simply want to make a sort of harm to us.

You continue to argue but since beginning of this topic you did not send to us a single support request. This is how you look for after your server. I will explain you in other words - "You go to complain to butcher about grocery shop that they do not sell plants" - but you never asked if they really offer the plants or where you can get them :)

All of your issues are result of invalid migration performed by you and this is you who throw the fail responsibility on our files. Sorry but I will keep my position. Everybody who wants to see successful server visit and play the

We are first to help our Customers who look for the assistance. If you continued by your own, without contacting us for 90% of your above problems and failed then it is only your problem, stop spreading the lies around. End of story as I find it ridiculous already. Hate of people is just beyond endurance
IGCN Co-Founder
Jun 26, 2006
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@FeliXcat . Ok I have read the problem and I must add my 2 cent opinion here.

Basically what you created this topic for is to complain that you failed to properly migrate TT database to IGCN which caused alot of problems due to your inexpertise in this area. You failed to do it, and you think it is our fault that we refuse to do ~2000 USD job for free (or include it in the 500$ USD files package?) to Migrate your database, so you understood that we will not help and you had to complain somewhere how bad our support is and found this place suitable to discuss your lack of knowledge how things in real world works.

Let me explain clearly, what we DO -
1) we do support of many things, we answer many questions, dumb or smart doesnt matter, but we do answer them in the forums and everyday
2) we do support license changes frequently without waiting times longer than 12 hours in business days
3) we do investigate critical matters individualy.
4) we do fix bugs reported in bug tracker
5) we do everything to make sure the product we provide is stable

Let me explain clearly what we DON'T DO -
1) First time setup does not include full configuration of server, siege, arena, spots, shops etc. The one and only thing first time setup is intended for is to make the server ready-to-connect with special dedicated game client for you which connects to the server and lets you login and play, also with range of tools configured and firewall. This is mostly the only matter when we enter your dedicated server (except for critical cases that requires individual attention)
2) We do not enter your PC on request to help you setup new spots, shops, exp or whatever.
3) We do not fix problems caused by your own mistakes, always make backup of what you do or change, if you fail to do this, it is your fault , not our support fault.
4) We do not re-explain self explained configuration files which has usualy atleast at size of A4 paper documentation of system explanation.
5) We do not apply updates to your server, if you have come to idea to start running a mu server, the server administrator should be capable of updating the server files himself, matter of fact whats so hard? it is just replacement of files and to keep the settings you can use some text comparision tools so you can simply update the file with new things without overwriting.
6) We DO NOT recommend buying the files if you have no freaking clue what it is and how does it work. Trust me we dont want your money and we dont want your problems, so do not blame us if you are having hard time to understand and learn.

Best regards and I hope you can find your dream developer who will be your slave and work full time only for you, just for 50 bucks a month.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2009
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@drakelv - If you think that I am complaining you haven't read what I wrote.
I am absolutely aware of your and my responsibilities. Instead of taking advice from a customer in order to improve your services quality to attract more customers - you stand against me. It's not worth the time dealing with you.

Obviously you don't make difference between criticism and hate.

Since I migrated a TT S6 DB to IGCN S9 with 1 bug caused from the migration (the sockets) doesn't make me having hard time understanding how it works. The founder is insulting his customers - This can be seen only in MU Online :glare:
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2011
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This is you who have stand against us at the first stage by not coming to us to discuss your problems and who came out from our forums to complain for issues caused by own-invalid migration.

Such behavior is not very welcome. It tells us that the Customers knows best and does not require any sort of assistance. So if Customer knows best and does not want to listen to our advice we leave him alone with himself.

I tell you once again, since beginning of this topic you did not even send to us a single support ticket, you did not send a ticket to us about 90% of your above problems, even if part of them is not covered with support we always try to give suggestion of what should be done to get issue resolved.

Our support is best in the market for people who want to use it, seems you belong people who try to avoid it.

Since I migrated a TT S6 DB to IGCN S9 with 1 bug caused from the migration (the sockets) doesn't make me having hard time understanding how it works. The founder is insulting his customers - This can be seen only in MU Online
FeliXcat - IGCN files - My personal experience and feedback - RaGEZONE Forums

I spend here 12h daily responding dumb and advanced questions and I do not wish to get insulted by this sort of offense with no real basis.

I feel insulted by your entire topic which is one lie, all issues are result of invalid data after migration and this is your base to claim our files as source of the issue.

I told you already, tank a petrol to diesel car as see how far you can go. You ignore 100% of what we say here. This is best prove of why you still get range of problems.
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C/C++ Programmer
Mar 1, 2006
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drakelv - If you think that I am complaining you haven't read what I wrote.
I am absolutely aware of your and my responsibilities. Instead of taking advice from a customer in order to improve your services quality to attract more customers - you stand against me. It's not worth the time dealing with you.

Obviously you don't make difference between criticism and hate.

Since I migrated a TT S6 DB to IGCN S9 with 1 bug caused from the migration (the sockets) doesn't make me having hard time understanding how it works. The founder is insulting his customers - This can be seen only in MU Online :glare:

What do you want me to say? I don't know IGCN, since i never use files from anyone, however, i have to say, what you said, and what you did is really silly, man, what do you expect? someone to be your slave? seriously, you should know and understand TT did their own database format, IGCN isn't TT, if you setup their server without migrate any database and the sockets works, means it was a database migration problem, so again, is IGCN related to TT? no... again, it is like blaming some company because of what did another company, doesn't make any sense, usually i don't comment in any topic, i just waste my time reading, and well, seeing what people does with their free time, however your topic made me want to answer.
Jul 24, 2006
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Some people just want all served on silver plate, and expect every that he does will be successful, but it wont!
If you want successful with 1000+ online like top4 on xtremetop u must spend days, weeks and months, and it requires some deeper knowledge in mu and willpower to work on files.
Files are good and with some hard work you polish your server to shine like a diamond.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 24, 2007
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Hi there,

I've been reading this thread thoroughly and I couldn't help but notice..that what going on here is like a total IGCNitatorship. I personally don't have experience with IGCN and from what I've read .. I never ever WILL want to(Thank you Wizzy) .

He gave his feedback, so what? You as an "enterprise" must be prepared to receive negative feedback. Bad or good. :junglejane:

Xtremetop top 4? Throw some dough $ / € out there and it's all yours. It's no rocket science.

I understand if you're trying to defend your image..which concludes that you're very sensitive to criticism which makes you mistake hate for criticism. Those are 2 completely different things.
Patch up your wounds and move on. He only came to discuss his experience with others...not to fight or argue. Nothing's ever perfect, you have to accept it.
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Junior Spellweaver
Nov 19, 2007
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Sometimes funny to read similar snotty texts from server administrator's. TS of this topic seems are beginner, because he unable configure prepared server files and combine properly database. All what TS posted here is only him problems and no one else.

Personally with IGCN tm. working since the beginning of 2012, with their files serious problems i don't have, lol... already forgot when i last time report a crash dump or other critical issues to their bugtracker. To be honest, IGCN service are growing up with every day and this makes me happy.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2011
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I understand if you're trying to defend your image..which concludes that you're very sensitive to criticism which makes you mistake hate for criticism. Those are 2 completely different things.
Patch up your wounds and move on. He only came to discuss his experience with others...not to fight or argue. Nothing's ever perfect, you have to accept it.

Sensitive to criticism? I have feeling you did not the problem of this topic. He posted a feedback which is false. He shouldn't do it as he even did not try to contact us to resolve his problems or to get things explained (in most of the cases).

His invalid feedback is result of his fault in this case and I feel in position to prove it at early step. I will not allow to continue saying untruth about IGCN and I will fight any of such.

We are open for constructive criticism, but not for untruth.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 22, 2013
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yea guy from emerald had tt files with much players online, then he updated alone that db and full problems because bad db update all players out. tt have custom modifications, when i updated from tt to igcn i deleted all items and updated accounts and chars only, my db with custom items, custom sockets, custom all restore manually with tools only -_- because I did not know anyone who could do it perfectly. but if you have more than 100 online you can call to some coder and ask for help, 200usd for script and fine

6. Potions in shop cannot be added with 255 quantity. Once you buy and relog they are converted to a single potion. Still cannot find solution for this.
click to search on igcn forum, put "item" and search, 2nd post in the list say "item" click and wizzy have replied how to change potions from 3 to 255 or 100, etc.
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