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MapleStory Mod application: JewSanta

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Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Mar 10, 2009
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Real name: Josh

Aliases: JewSanta


Email address: JewSanta@gmail or mgjb82@yahoo.com

Section you are applying for: MapleStory

Do you have any experience with the section you are applying for:
I have been visiting the MapleStory section here since I joined. I have hosted a few servers and I have been playing the game since beta v02. I am active in the section and know the game very well.

Write a small paragraph as to why you should be a moderator on your chosen section:

I feel that I deserve a chance at moderation because I am an active member in the forum. I handle stressful situations well and have had a large amount of experience in authoritative positions. I would really enjoy the chance to help clean up/keep the MapleStory section clean. I spend more time then imaginable here and I feel like I can truly help improve the section.

Why did you join RaGEZONE:

I originally joined RZ because I wanted to make a MapleStory private server and needed some general help. Since I have joined I have actually switched my major of choice from CS (still will get a cs masters degree though) to video game programming and software engineering.

I meet all of the requirements you stated in the maplestory section (Minus 1 infraction for a post in the subscriber section. It has since expired though.)

Thanks for your time,

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Experienced Elementalist
Apr 26, 2009
Reaction score
Honestly, this would be a pretty horrible choice for a moderator. This guy takes everything on a personal level. This means that he'll probably start banning users who have had some trouble with him outside of RaGEZONE. He's just a huge suck up to the moderators and doesn't actually think about their decisions - he just agrees for the benefit of his reputation. Hiring this guy would be like promoting ihatehaxor to administrator. Don't take this personally JewSanta, but I just don't think you would fit as moderator.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 8, 2008
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I've known Josh since before I was a moderator, he's a really good guy, and I'm sure he'd be a good mod. You got my vote.
Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Mar 10, 2009
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The mods here who I do talk to, Robby being one of them, support me and help when I ask. So if it seems like I am taking it personally I am sorry it comes off that way.
The fact that you guys are just like "Oh mods suck because they close our flame war" is pathetic however.

Thanks for the support guys :)
We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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The mods here who I do talk to, Robby being one of them, support me and help when I ask. So if it seems like I am taking it personally I am sorry it comes off that way.
The fact that you guys are just like "Oh mods suck because they close our flame war" is pathetic however.

Thanks for the support guys :)

You'll get that a lot trust me. You'll also receive stuff like "Moderators close/delete threads for no reason!" and "Moderators trying to hitler the section!"

If you can get over these couple of things I'm sure you'll make a fine moderator.

PS: +1 to this application.
Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Mar 10, 2009
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You'll get that a lot trust me. You'll also receive stuff like "Moderators close/delete threads for no reason!" and "Moderators trying to hitler the section!"

If you can get over these couple of things I'm sure you'll make a fine moderator.

PS: +1 to this application.

But I am jewish D: Wouldnt them calling me hitler add to the irony of my name? xD
Subscriber and Mod!
Loyal Member
Jan 1, 2009
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Your application is good as well...probably more information on 'Write a small paragraph as to why you should be a moderator on your chosen section:' would be appealing to me.
You have a nice attitude and also friendly. I've seen you in other parts of the forum apart from Maplestory and you are nice and sensible there.
I think you have the chance of becoming a moderator.
Personally I have no problem with you becoming a moderator in the Maplestory section, so good luck!

PS: what timezone?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
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Sadly, I suspect that irony would be lost on me.
I have Muslim friends and Jewish friends, and the situation can be awkward. Especially around extended friends and family who may not be as tolerant as we are. My father-in-law is quite an outspoken Nationalist, and if I must suffer the insults he makes to my friends, I know they must also suffer them from their families. And it doesn't mean we stop loving our family.
If you can apply your experience of being a minority to the many other minority groups in the world and treat them as you would like others to treat you, you'll get my +1 too.

I've seen you around and don't recall feeling any negative reaction to your posts.
Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Your application is good as well...probably more information on 'Write a small paragraph as to why you should be a moderator on your chosen section:' would be appealing to me.
You have a nice attitude and also friendly. I've seen you in other parts of the forum apart from Maplestory and you are nice and sensible there.
I think you have the chance of becoming a moderator.
Personally I have no problem with you becoming a moderator in the Maplestory section, so good luck!

PS: what timezone?
I will sit down and revise that a little tomorrow. I have no time to this evening. Thanks for the support!

I am EST/GMT -5.

Sadly, I suspect that irony would be lost on me.
I have Muslim friends and Jewish friends, and the situation can be awkward. Especially around extended friends and family who may not be as tolerant as we are. My father-in-law is quite an outspoken Nationalist, and if I must suffer the insults he makes to my friends, I know they must also suffer them from their families. And it doesn't mean we stop loving our family.
If you can apply your experience of being a minority to the many other minority groups in the world and treat them as you would like others to treat you, you'll get my +1 too.

I've seen you around and don't recall feeling any negative reaction to your posts.
Unless I have a reason I do my best to be nice and friendly to everybody, hell I even swallow my pride most of the time and attempt to be nice to people I don't like. I was bullied for a large portion of my childhood because I was smaller and had a fanny pack for allergy meds. I know what it is like to be on the other end of that, so I do my best not to.
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