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Molebox 2.6 and 4.5, differences?

Apr 28, 2005
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I'm trying to figure out a way to get Molebox 4.5 working with Cabal. I have a license for both versions but obviously would rather use the more updated one.

Does anyone have any experience attempting to use 4.5 with Cabal? When I pack the cabalmain.exe with 4.5 the client immediately crashes after xtrap. When I pack it with 2.6 there are no issues and the client launches like normal.

I've looked at everything but since so many options have changed between the two versions its hard to tell if its something I can make work at all. I can always just purchase themida I guess but I'd really like to get Molebox working for now at least.

Any help is greatly appreciated. This has been bothering me for a while.