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Private Notice: Sulake is still taking action against retros.

Apr 30, 2007
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idk how Boon and Fresh deals with that but if u get and DMCA from Cloudflare or even your Hoster just change servers.
I did that with my old retro. I got 2 DMCA's (probably fake).
I did some backups, switched to a new server and reinstalled everything over the night.

= Everyone is happy.

We haven't had a DMCA or anything since 2013.
Jan 23, 2011
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Lawyers for a habbo retro?
Clearly you can't take a joke,
If i was sulake i'd charge you for being an embarrassment towards habbo,
I mean look at your releases (lol)


How does Boon and Fresh still stand then? When they have 700+ online daily, sometimes even 1000 online... How do they stand, someone explain to me ?
Sulake can't do much, they can send DMCA's all they want lol,
without a doubt, fresh has over 100 backups,
I wouldn't close my 700+ hotel from a little email from sulake.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 23, 2011
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Clearly you can't take a joke,
If i was sulake i'd charge you for being an embarrassment towards habbo,
I mean look at your releases (lol)


Sulake can't do much, they can send DMCA's all they want lol,
without a doubt, fresh has over 100 backups,
I wouldn't close my 700+ hotel from a little email from sulake.
Oh no, a habbotard doesn't like my releases!
Oh no, what shall I do?!

Stop sucking jontys penis you fuckin faggit.
Apr 24, 2013
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So back at my question, how do the bigger hotels survive...
They make sure that there's nobody to identify as being in charge of the website. Using VPN's, fake names or even let other people register their stuff. It will take Sulake a long time before they have even found out to who they should address the DMCA/C&D/whatever.
Hakuna Matata
Sep 5, 2012
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It looks like your free .TK domain got taken down?
It doesn't have to be Sulake, anyone can send in an abuse email, saying that it's against the ToS.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 24, 2016
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All they seem to be doing is sending DMCA letters, not threatening legal action. Just look at the large hotels still up today, no one really cares.
Hakuna Matata
Sep 5, 2012
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Anyone can take down a Freenom domain which is used to host a retro, just send them an email. It doesn't have to be Sulake.
Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2007
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any free domain provider will be taken down with ease, as it's free and tbh you shouldn't use a free provider. 'dot.tk' 'co.cc' for example.

Even some paid domain providers are happy to give up domain ownership with a few complains but personally I have used Namecheap because they don't tend to just give the domain back so to speak. I have personally only had it happen once and that wasn't even habbo related. The only reason you seem asif your hotel is offline is because you used a free domain. Starting up a hotel requires a few dollars for start up (Y)
Ask me about Daoism
Loyal Member
Nov 6, 2010
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They probably survive because international takedowns are a Ducking bureaucratic mess.

CloudFlare is an American company.
Sulake is a Finnish company, but this poses no difficulty initially given that they have regional offices.
A hotel could be any-Ducking-where, in terms of hosting.
The domain is sorta between borders. It's owned by an individual of a given country, but could be provided by a company not residing in that country. Or the provider you use could be a RESELLER. Either way, it's difficult to tell who actually owns the domain.

If Sulake found themselves fighting an Indian child's hotel by sending takedown requests to a US hosting provider, it might be easy via their regional offices in California. But, what if that Indian child used an Indian domain provider (Not a reseller), uses CloudFlare (US Company), and a Russian Hosting provider?

What if this hotel is so large that they can use a separate web host and server provider? A Russian web host, and a US server host. Sulake would have to use their Russian offices, since Russia isn't in the EU and whatever copyright laws the EU has cannot be invoked, and would probably attempt to DMCA the US server host. How do they retaliate if the content isn't being hosted in the US, but, rather, just the emulator? Furthermore, CloudFlare can't do anything because the content isn't hosted in the US. Certainly Sulake could try to sue , but they could only sue CloudFlare and argue that CloudFlare has some measure of responsibility over the content they're hosting.

Basically, what keeps these big hotels alive is: bureaucratic clusterfucks of international law. It's the same system working for ThePirateBay. In fact, TBP is an excellent analogy.
Last edited:
May 11, 2012
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Freenom is the domain, they sent me a cease and desist earlier. I personally do not see why they think retros not making any money are a threat, but what ever, welcome to corporate logic: there is none.
Picture this. You sell hot dogs under a company called "I <3 Hot Dogs, Inc.", then someone starts a company called "We <3 Hot Dogs, Inc." and they give the same or better hot dogs away for free under a similar name and with the same exact product and it's across the street from your company. Would you say, "as long as they're not selling the hot dogs"? Or would you say, "they stole my company and my business, I'm going to get them shut down."?

It's so stupid how we act like retros are some innocent thing and we're not doing anything wrong. While we may not want to admit that our poop retro with 10 users is really hurting Habbo. At the end of the day, that's 10 users that aren't likely using or paying Habbo for the same or similar game. Just because we don't like Habbo doesn't make it legal for us to rip it off and present it as our own. I don't really care, I've owned hotels before and recently I've realized how stupid it is. No amount of users or money can give you the same enjoyment you had originally on Habbo. That's the real reason most of you still try to make these hotels last.

Besides, it's like Cankiee had said, this wasn't Sulake, it was Freenom. Believe it or not, just because they're free domains doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with them. It violates their terms, otherwise you would have an actual DMCA notice, most likely in the mail.

And like The General said, people send fake DMCA notices. In fact, anyone can send a DMCA notice claiming you've stolen their content and claiming to be anyone. A Cease and Desist literally just means stop what you're doing or we'll take legal action. 9 times out of 10, they don't take legal action. I could send your host a cease and desist about you claiming to be an affiliate of Sulake. There is no real merit in it. If Sulake really truly wants to take you down, you will probably receive a notice in the mail from Sulake's lawyers.

Aug 10, 2011
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And like The General said, people send fake DMCA notices. In fact, anyone can send a DMCA notice claiming you've stolen their content and claiming to be anyone. A Cease and Desist literally just means stop what you're doing or we'll take legal action. 9 times out of 10, they don't take legal action. I could send your host a cease and desist about you claiming to be an affiliate of Sulake. There is no real merit in it. If Sulake really truly wants to take you down, you will probably receive a notice in the mail from Sulake's lawyers.

I got a bunch on old mediafire uploads too recently.
Junior Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2010
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The answer to hosting a hotel that cannot be taken down is much simpler that what some people are describing it to be.

Big retro's simply use off-shore or "bulletproof hosting" solutions. These are simply companies that do not respond to requests to take down your content, because of them not being regulated by any one government. These servers are usually much more expensive but do have the luxury of being up 24/7* and safe from DMCA's and other take down attempts.