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Initiate Mage
Feb 2, 2012
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It's so funny how other ppl says "rPT is my life"
lol guys, its only a game :D

@back to topic,

i heard rPT will be back in 2weeks,
well, @rpt players, lets wait.

dont blame anybody else.

im sure rpt staffs are doing all their best to back the server.

Eleven :)
Initiate Mage
Jan 29, 2012
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Please check again in a few days for news about RealmPT

RealmPT is expected to return in less than 2 weeks (as of 2/2/2012), you will still have your characters!! ^^

you think the RealmPT coming back?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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you think the RealmPT coming back?

Would you kill your "cash cow"? I think "he" put too much effort in it to kill it just like that.

But there's always danger that server will be closed again. As bobsobol said there is always "risk" when you donate priv server. So if you are person that will be bitching like 6 years old because he lost 5$ donation that plox play minecraft.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 28, 2012
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Just wait he announces ...

Welcome back to RealmPT, I know you all miss it very much....(Like a marketing campaign)

For apology we will announces a (50% discount on all our donations item, for you fellow loyal customers(cows))

I hope this satisfy you and me... on something big....:eek:tt:

Would you kill your "cash cow"? I think "he" put too much effort in it to kill it just like that.

But there's always danger that server will be closed again. As bobsobol said there is always "risk" when you donate priv server. So if you are person that will be bitching like 6 years old because he lost 5$ donation that plox play minecraft.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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[...](50% discount on all our donations item, for you fellow loyal customers(cows))[...]

gzuz - RealmPT - RaGEZONE Forums

"Watch Out, We Got A Badass Over Here!"

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Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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More precisely astrophysics ;)
He's also "responsible for demotion of Pluto from planetary status." ;)

And they made joke about it in The Big Bang Theory:
Over rock and under tree
Jul 20, 2011
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This one i find very interesting:

Its bizarre but it somehow reminds me of the 'intellectual property' subject. I think the vast majority of artists would like their work to be as widely known as possible, but some stick that owns cd burners (cd , in my honest opinion, were to replace tapes, not vinyl records, the dude ('recording industry') wanted a cheap-as-possible-so-cheap-that-my-poor-cousin-could-buy-and-record media and a couple of years later they complain about people recording their cds, burning their own 'free-minded' mixes) says that he owns their composition and fine melodies.. The same (and worst) goes to writing, writers get less then 3% of the profit on a book.

I think it reminded me that subject because artists themselves would be happy (not angry and trying to charge) with people singing along their tunes, or gazing at their paintings and sculptures, and not try to charge somebody reciting their poetry (or otherwise sharing this especially auspicious kind of knowledge that is art). Theses self proclaimed 'owners of all culture' will replace real art for some pre-established models of pop music, literature and acting.

I just can not say that "I'm Lovin It".. because, frankly, i am not (and would be sued if i say that on a tv channel). I can say that most artists are not loving it also. Those who are 'lovin it', are the people who try to entangle the free will and narrow the mankind's culture and freedom, charging people for the simplest of things (that they did not create, that they were evil enough to put a patent before anybody, THEY HAVE NOT INVENTED/CREATED/ELABORATED A THING!! ALL STEALERS, VILE THIEVES AND USURPERS).

The similar thing goes to the Rpt issue, "official" servers are practically abandoned, hacker-infested, and etc.. And then a guy develops this 'abandonware' and gets sued for it.. But, will the Rpt players go to an "official" server? How those players come to know Priston Tale? Was is from a 'official' publisher? I am very inclined to say no to those questions.
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May 26, 2007
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Yes, to almost all of that. In fact, I was thinking about our OT about religion and why, as Vormav suggested, I think "my own faith wont become corrupt like the rest" is because I don't want anyone else to believe the way I do, I don't want a Church or other social religious hierarchy. I never want to hear anyone say "we believe this, so everyone else must believe exactly the same". If mankind is supposed to be becoming "enlightened" or returning the the position he held before his fall from grace in Eden or what-ever, his faith must evolve too. That can't happen when you write it in a book and enforce it with laws. (Some people like, or need a religious community... that's fine, just don't push it on me.)

Yes, same thing with Science, Technology and Art. Development on "flying machines" stopped when the Wright Bros. "patented" the first plane. They [highlight]did not invent it alone[/highlight], they weren't even the first to get one working. Just the first to the patent office. (development started again when their patent passed) Musicians like George Michael and Prince went on strike most of their lives because the record companies decided they had contracts which owned these "artists" the the extent that they could dictate to them what they did or did not write and perform. How can either artist or art form flourish in such an environment?

Now Apple are suing Sony, HTC, Google and Microsoft (among others) because they patented "a device operated by swiping a finger" and they are in breach of that "patent"... hang on... how do you operate a book?:blink: Are pages not a device? Do we need to buy a product to turn the pages of our book without the swiping of a finger for fear of infringing Apples rights now? Perhaps Apple can sell us one for Dollah!:mad: (I'm sure the "patent" must be more complex than this, but that's what is reported)

Monsanto patents "Roundup" weed killer, and then GMOs resilient to it, so if the seed of that GMO happens to blow onto your land that means Monsanto owns your land. The courts agree that this is lawful and right! :scared: Will they own our stomachs when we eat this stuff?

The part I can't agree with is "abandonware". It's admittedly a "vague" term. It has no legal definition at all. However, I've worked in the "abandonware" scene too. Out usual definition is that no official publisher is retailing, or supporting this product. PT does not fall into that category. Legally (and considering all the other "outrages" listed above which are actually "enforced" by the law) there is a copyright holder who is maintaining the software and servers.

They may not be doing it in the way the users want. But nobody ever said that suppliers have to comply with their customers wishes. The law of economics usually suggests that a competitor will replace them if they don't. But intellectual property laws are in complete opposition to the "free trade" which this economic law depends upon.

I'm not condoning anyone break the law. I'm not criticizing anyone for trying to uphold the law. I'm not criticizing anyone for trying to make an honest living, by any reasonable means. I am criticizing a legal system which hurts PT developers (Suba and rPT and everyone else) and PT players. (customers and consumers) This law benefits nobody but the short sighted. :(:

This isn't Sandurrs "cash cow", it's isn't Subas. Both work bloody hard (in different ways) to keep their customer base. The only people for whom the cash keeps coming regardless of how much or little effort they put in are Yedang, and only because they own the company (Triglow) who bought the original game from it's authors. Another group of people I'm sure are not earning mega-bucks from this "industry".

--- EDIT ---
Oh yea... just an afterthought, to those people winging about loosing "donations" to rPT. If you "donate" (buy Premium Items) from Suba, and they decide that their license with Yedang isn't worth the paper it's written on when servers like rPT can do whatever they like to suit their customers. Do you think Yedang would not revoke Subas licence, shut down their servers and take them to court? Do you think they would treat Subas recent "detonators" any better than Sandurr with rPTs?

I think they would not be so generous or show as much good will as he will.
Last edited:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jul 21, 2006
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Just says "Please check again every day for news about RealmPT" now.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
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Yes... what you all don't realise is that Suba now own that server, and are logging the IP of everyone who checks that page. :lol: :thumbup:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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O don't scare them bobsobol, some strange things on that page don't mean anything yet.

<script type="text/javascript">logIP();</script>Please check again every day for news about RealmPT<BR />
<BR />

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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so who owns rpt now?

WHOIS information for realmpt.net :

Domain Name: REALMPT.NET
Registrar: Wicked Interactive Ltd.
Whois Server: whois.wickedinteractiveltd.com
Referral URL:
Name Server: NS1.REALMPT.NET
Name Server: NS2.REALMPT.NET
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Updated Date: 31-jan-2012
Creation Date: 13-oct-2009
Expiration Date: 13-oct-2012

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
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That's not the results I get, but they do seem to be in contention. ie. Depending what WhoIs server I query, I get different results.

That could be Sandurr protecting his identity, or it could mean the domain name is changing ownership.

Certainly, if I where Suba, I would want his domain name. InterNIC would usually prefer that nobody have the name until the dispute is settled, however.

The question "Who owns RealmPT now?" is essentially the question which will be hotly discussed in private. The idea that we, or even Sandurr or Suba could categorically answer that at this moment in time is slightly silly.

Suba have taken it off Sandurr, but we gather they have not yet taken ownership them self. Sanderr probably wants it back, Suba will try everything to ensure he does not get his wish.

So for a definitive answer, pop forward 3 years, ask the legal record then pop back and tell us. (It may take as long as 3 years to resolve, or it may be all over in a couple of days... there's just no telling with these things)
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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K, enough ;)

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