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[ServerFiles] New Age V6.8 (Untouched)

Experienced Elementalist
Feb 17, 2015
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:poop::poop::poop::poop::poop: I see that this area of Cabal Online is truly and completely disgusting, just vultures on top of other people's files like true butchers, no one knows how to create and develop anything, no one cares about learning and whoever knows something won't teach it to bloodsuckers, I don't know why I still come to this place to see how flies behave on other people's feces, some create something, others steal the content or resell it without authorization, it's rubbish humanity, no one respects the other person's side, the work of other people live only to take advantage in the easiest and most unscrupulous way possible, which is why the World is at War in Summary due to the Lack of Respect and the lack of putting oneself in someone else's shoes.:sick:🤮🤮🤮

It got so bizarre

1st Thiago Abreu Author of the CabalDev DLL, probably sold it to someone and someone leaked the dll source without Authorization;

2nd Saulo Dev from Cabal Neo saw the Cabal Neo Source Code Leak and Used it as a Base and implemented new Features for Cabal Neo in this Source;

3rd Thiago Abreu's Leaked Source was leaked, which was Modified by Saulo NeoGames;

4th Helder Dev from DG's/Scripts takes the Leaked DLL from Abreu/Saulo and implements it in an unauthorized way in his New Age Files and starts Reselling them together with the DG/Custumes/Pets Files among other things;

5th Someone buys or obtains from Helder and leaks for free on RageZone and Facebook Groups, etc.;

Whoever developed the content got fucked, whoever bought it from whoever developed content and invested got fucked too and the vultures celebrate when the carrion leaks out and is thrown into the public square, I say this because I bought Source by Thiago Abreu, I bought Files by Helder and now I don't They are worth absolutely nothing, who still has the courage to invest 1 cent in developing something for Cabal Online? Even in Minecraft Dev there should be a little more respect for other people's work and responsibility

Estsoft also got fucked and I didn't see you mention her 🤣

maybe it's because you make money off of her files? ps: unauthorized
Experienced Elementalist
Feb 17, 2015
Reaction score
I wouldn't expect a different comment from you, comparing independent individuals looking to develop something or invest in knowledge, compared to a Large South Korean Company that has more than 600 employees and a financial contribution of 5.69 billion dollars.

You are not capable of seeing individuals struggling to learn something and survive from it, finance their studies, college, try to get out of illegality, no one wants to be a bloodsucker for other people's work, no, if the person feels proud of using ESTSoft Corp's files to To make a profit this person has serious character problems and is probably not very good natured.

When you leak these files you are automatically putting the value of someone's work to Zero. Imagine that you study C++ for 2 years to create some new resource, imagining that you will be able to pay college fees with it, or that you paid someone capable of doing it and this would help you buy a course so that you have access to more knowledge and culture By doing this, you harmed people who strive for something and are no longer in a comfortable situation.

I'm sure that all of those I mentioned below are not just talking about me, all of them Saulo, Abreu, Me, Helder, among others, worked nights and early mornings, stopped doing many things with their family or friends to dedicate time to these materials, and that In the end, they expected some financial return to keep them surviving and not wasting money.

Stop being vultures, Study or at least Invest in those who study, try to do something with your creativity with your time and then reap the rewards of your effort or the risk you took by investing in someone. Don't just wait for leaks ready and chewed, don't keep reaping the fruits that others have planted, there is no pride in this.

You are unhappy with the leaks, but you forgot that this area only exists because of one of them. I believe that the people you mentioned, except Helder, were not frustrated with their work being leaked because they were paid to create it. They have already received the reward for their work. What their client does, whether it leaks, whether it is resold, is no longer their problem.

Do you really think that someone with such knowledge will depend on a poor dll? If they didn't want to run the risk of having the files posted on the internet, they would take measures to prevent this from happening, but instead, we have the complete sources here on the forum. Have you ever seen any of them complain about this?

And you said you bought files from Helder. Helder is a dishonest person who sells other people's work without permission (as you stated). In other words, you think it's bad for other people's work to be posted here, but you encourage those who sell other people's files without authorization. :poop:

You are acting like one of many fraudsters who have come to complain to me because they will no longer be able to make money selling other people's files.
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 13, 2014
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1697395995193 - [ServerFiles] New Age V6.8 (Untouched) - RaGEZONE Forums

Only left changing the words, I think everythings fine. Anyway, Thank you for the share!


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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Do you still argue about leaked files? These are crumbs here, and they are only useful for the Filipines guys to open servers every week to steal money from some players and the next week to close their doors.
The discussion is useless, it won't change any Special person's mind. But it also doesn't change what they are :)
Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
People should chill out and stay in topic or the thread will be cleaned.

1. What's leaked - will stay leaked.

2. Don't want it to leak? Very simple - don't sell it to other people and if you do co-op work - there is always a risk.
(To add on top - stop being naive with the whole "bro I won't share it".)

3. Sold the work? - Unless it's legally bound and you're planning to chase the leakers and those who used it in court.. Leave it and move on. If you were not smart enough to maximise profits and accept the fact that it will be leaked, nothing will help.

4. The whole "other people hard work" bs - official game files leaked (also, double check 2nd point), so people appreciate this fact, otherwise you might be working in construction to make the money you made off cabal and if, as mentioned above, "spent evenings, morning, sacrifices everyone" that means there was good profit and incentive to do it, otherwise people wouldn't do it, hobbyist don't have that type of dedication.

5. The original creator should come and comment or "defend" their work if they want to or feel the need, and not anyone who feels entitled to defend their "supplier's" honor by becoming a justice warrior on ragezone.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 9, 2022
Reaction score
here download the client I already translatedit but some of it has weird names so just edit it.
Please share the link other than the download mega link because I don't have an account to download large files. can share the link on goggle drive or another link......tq
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 6, 2020
Reaction score
Please share the link other than the download mega link because I don't have an account to download large files. can share the link on goggle drive or another link......tq
Would you be kind enough to upload it to your Google Drive please?
here's media fire lets help fix FA bm1 visual bug

here's the video for the bug:
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 6, 2020
Reaction score
Same xor key with the original poster?

I already change to servicekind 11 but still disconnected when connecting to channel
yes I think we can't change xor since its encrypted..