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The Future

Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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What do you think the Future will be like? Do you think it'll be like the typical Cars flying around everywhere, compact buildings like 50 Stories high that people live in with robots running everything? Will we even be alive still? Or will it be completely different! Discuss. :thumbup1:
Aww, you looking here? <3
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2003
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"Will we even be alive" ? I wrote the quote a second ago before this, so yes I'd imagine so... :p

But honestly though, I'd imagine the future will be similar to that of Deus Ex within the next 50-100 years.

But I doubt flying cars will be around any time soon... they'd be a major safety issue if any Tom, penis or Harry could fly them anywhere... Imagine Drunks, instead of crashing on roads they'd be crashing directly ontop of people's houses or into buildings...
Skilled Illusionist
Feb 4, 2012
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I imagine it something like flying cars, with Google Glasses. :p
That poop is amazing!

If you haven't seen it, you should. It's the way of the future.
Oct 2, 2004
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I can almost guarantee that there will be no commercial flying card within the next 100 years. Human beings are simply too stupid to even drive in 2 dimensions safely let alone adding an entire extra dimension and giving them the freedom of literally going anywhere. It would be way too much of a safety concern...
Feb 19, 2003
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Was going to mention something similar to google glasses as the world is getting more and more highly dependent on technology to keep us connected and informed.

I like to think we will have better ways of fuelling the world because as we all know we are running out of non-reusable energy such as oil. Thankfully we are already halfway there but until the oil has run out not enough funding has gone into it before it does.

I wish I could think that we would evolve a lot better as a society in that we will be there for each other rather than ourselves. Sadly though, people are driven by power and greed that that isn't going to change any time soon. =/

One thing I feel sure about is the world decrease age will raise and it will be the norm to be living healthy at 100+.

Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
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There will be a huge boom in technological reliance within the next 100 years. Road convoys (the technology where cars can essentially be driverless whilst part of a "convoy" system involving loads of complicated sensors and jazz) will be in mass use, we'll have a higher reliance on nuclear technology as coal and oil will be too damn expensive (isn't it already? :p:) and there'll be two or three new superpowers in the world - China, an Arab state such as Saudi Arabia and possibly India/Brazil/Russia. Bold predictions based on mere nothingness!
Nov 14, 2001
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i think the majority of the world will be segregated and ruled under dictators. Each nation will be under constant surveillance and required to be at home at a certain time. Terrorism will be considered 'normal' and identification will be required at all times. The muslim population will grow at an alarming rate with them wanting laws and civil rights in other peoples countries which will lead to more tension and media brainwashery.
Skilled Illusionist
May 5, 2010
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i think the majority of the world will be segregated and ruled under dictators. Each nation will be under constant surveillance and required to be at home at a certain time. Terrorism will be considered 'normal' and identification will be required at all times. The muslim population will grow at an alarming rate with them wanting laws and civil rights in other peoples countries which will lead to more tension and media brainwashery.

Long story short "World War III",right?
Aww, you looking here? <3
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2003
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i think the majority of the world will be segregated and ruled under dictators. Each nation will be under constant surveillance and required to be at home at a certain time. Terrorism will be considered 'normal' and identification will be required at all times. The muslim population will grow at an alarming rate with them wanting laws and civil rights in other peoples countries which will lead to more tension and media brainwashery.

So much hoo-hah atm with regards to the "World Order" by conspiracy nuts. Who knows, maybe they're right :eek:
Mar 7, 2003
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The internet will become more and more omnipresent, at some point it will be integrated into our brains. At which point every human will have access to the entire collective human knowledge. This is effectively make everyone a super genius. However with this governments will have ever increasing control over everyone connected to the system. Thinking about terrorism? The government will already know. This will lead to everyone not connected to having to undergo increasing security checks. For the majority it will be a good thing, for the few causing problems, well they will be fked.

With the move into integrating of technology into ourselves most people will decide to upgrade themselves to become a cyborg. Want perfect eye sight with zoom functions, overlay, basically google glasses without the glasses? no problem. Implants already happen to make people look better, soon they will make us function better too.

This will probably lead us into , and I hope into some sort of society like the Borg in Startrek.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 9, 2006
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The reapers will come and wipe out all organic life. Our true hero, Commander Shepard will also die fighting these unstoppable beasts. - True story.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2011
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i dont think itll be anything with flying cars, maybe some weird ergonomic looking poop thats really aerodynamic and is auto controlled and you can program your destination into it and it drives for you (they already have prototype cars like that, that are expected to become commercial sometime in the late 2020's) or maybe in 50-100 years space travel will be so commercialized people will just drive around in space and live in little capsules or something.

technology will really be advanced in the next 50-100 years, hell at the rate technology is advancing right now poop will be really advanced in even 8 years. if you wanna be technical, were already quite advanced right now. but i personally believe technology and science are the Devils right hand advocate, meaning the more technologically advanced we get the worse it is really, technology separates us from nature and from the real world you get lost in the technological world and have no want or need to go out and see the world or meet other people, i mean in the old old days a lot of people considered science to be black magick and a few people still do today. to me it doesnt sound too farfetched that these really prominent high-up scientists somehow 'contact' satan and get the information from him, since hes been here for thousands of years hes gotta be pretty damn smart. (again, just my personal little theory)

but yeah i can definitely see technology being a big part of the future. compact too, especially if the birth rate rises a lot and we run out of room then we will start to see the compact buildings 50 stories high like you were talking about. but 1 thing im curious about, what will the weather be like? and natural disasters... theyre already horrible in this day and age and they say that it only gets worse every year.
Master Summoner
May 30, 2008
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Education will become so extensive, the saying will be come "Where do you see yourself in 20 years?" when you are a teen.
May 26, 2009
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Justice For All - The Future - RaGEZONE Forums
Feb 24, 2004
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I can almost guarantee that there will be no commercial flying card within the next 100 years. Human beings are simply too stupid to even drive in 2 dimensions safely let alone adding an entire extra dimension and giving them the freedom of literally going anywhere. It would be way too much of a safety concern...

Umm... More like within the next 5 years. My friend was working at a company designing flying cars and they are pretty much done with the first generation. It passed all FCC clearances when he was working there a year ago and that just leaves them production and marketing. Also other companies are working on this too. The only catch is that you need a pilots license to buy one and that's a pain in the butt to get and costs over $6000.

NoPeace - out