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Hi Mom *waves*
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Ok i've seen some guys that didn't know how to brush so i decided to make this tutorial, hope you learn well and enjoy it...

What will you learn:
You will learn how to use the brush Tool, and how to use a different brush.

What will you need:
  • Brushes
  • Time

Let's get started:
1. Download some artistic Brush from and put it in your desktop or something...

2. Now you will have to install it, how? go to C:\Programs\Adobe\Photohop\Presets\Brushes(mine its C: yours can be what ever you have :p), then copy the brushes that you have downloaded and past them into the brushes folder.

3. Now Open your Photoshop and make a new document, Select the Brush Tool(Press B)

4. Now you have to select your If you dont see the name of your brush then click in Load Brushes and chose the one you have just downloaded.

5.Now to brush, you will have to select different shapes, where it says Brush: (picture of the brush) chose one that you like and then start brushing, how? just click in your document with it and your done, now select another shape and do that again and there you have... you can brush :smilie3:

Learn how to make a nice background with the brushes in here
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