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Welcome` ~ message at Pangya startup

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 4, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all,

after editing the iff file I am getting the following pop up when launching the game.

Anyone know what is the cause and how I can remove this annoying popup ?

qJKi3yr - Welcome` ~ message at Pangya startup - RaGEZONE Forums




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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2018
Reaction score
Season 4 i Think. This can be a lot. Its an error message, if you change the translation file and change the string to something with %s you will get the real error message. Mostly this will come if you have any item/part active in shop where the price is 1000000 pang/points or greater. The message will come for every shop item that reach that limit. lower the prize to 999999 and the message will be gone. If not, you need to edit thailand.dat and find this string and get a %s in it to see the real error message.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 4, 2020
Reaction score
Season 4 i Think. This can be a lot. Its an error message, if you change the translation file and change the string to something with %s you will get the real error message. Mostly this will come if you have any item/part active in shop where the price is 1000000 pang/points or greater. The message will come for every shop item that reach that limit. lower the prize to 999999 and the message will be gone. If not, you need to edit thailand.dat and find this string and get a %s in it to see the real error message.

Thank you so much Seddi!!:): you saved my day! I had a typo in one of my items (1'700'000 instead of 170'000). After changing the value, the popup disappeared.
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