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Worst day of my life

Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
I got Ducking robbed today, though the only thing that have been taken from me is my cellphone, which is an iPhone 3g. I was walking to the bus station from the university, then a man grasp my back and another man in front of me had a knife sticking on my belly. They walked me away to a narrow road, away from my destination.
While we walked, other shitheads came. They made me stay in front of a store then they took my cellphone from my bag. After they're gone, I ran into a car wash then I told the guys there about it and they escorted me to the bus station.
I told my family and relatives about it. We're planning to report it to the Police Station of the city where my university is located.
Though my cellphone got stolen, my uncle gave me a gun and a pocket knife. Hopefully my uncle will train me later and help me apply for my gun license :)

Nice, even with those robbers out there the streets become even more dangerous tonight with the addition of an untrained and unregistered idiot brandishing a firearm. So what happens next time, do you pull out a firearm you have no training in and can not legally carry and try to fire at them but hit a bystander instead, or do they steal the gun from you this time and maybe even shoot you with it? Yea, alot of protection that's gonna give you.

Protip: A very hefty chunk of all gun related injuries/deaths is people who don't know how to use it accidentally shooting themselves or someone else. Your uncle is a moron.
Loyal Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Please stop shitting around this forum. First of all, I am not able to carry the gun yet, I have to wait a long time to be able to carry one, practicing is not an hour training. My uncle is not an idiot, he's an instructor at the army and he will be instructing me along with other trainees, strictly for knowledge about firearms and self-defense. And though you know how to shoot, it takes a long time and serious commendation to apply for a gun license. But I will likely be getting proper training after the sem is done.

I'm not a dumb idiot who doesn't know what's and what's not, like you treat everybody else.
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
You probably got robbed because you looked like an easy target.... change your swag

where I come from, we don't go to the local car wash and tell them we got robbed, nor do we go tell our relatives..... we just deal with it the next time we catch these motherfuckers slipping
change my name already!
Loyal Member
Apr 10, 2007
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i live in a town with old white people. don't have to rob anyone, you could just ask for money and they'd hook you up.

when you get your gun, kill everyone you see. they could all be potential robbers you never know, you could be making the world a better place.
Loyal Member
Jun 16, 2008
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I admit, I'm not familiar with the city. I'm telling people right now in my contacts to delete my number and ignore, this is kinda hard. :mad:
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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When i was back home in africa my mom use to beat up thiefs. I found one tied to the bed in the morning.
Easier than Paris Hilton
Aug 9, 2003
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OP: Mind telling me where you live so I can avoid that poop like the plague?

When i was back home in africa my mom use to beat up thiefs. I found one tied to the bed in the morning.

I hate to break it to you, but she might have been doing something quite a bit different to him..
Loyal Member
Jun 16, 2008
Reaction score
I was implying about warning my friends.

Trust me, being rob is not one of the worst poop that will happen in your life. My manliest blockmate got raped by the same sex. Man, that's one hell of an experience.

Btw, the guy turned gay after.
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Please stop shitting around this forum. First of all, I am not able to carry the gun yet, I have to wait a long time to be able to carry one, practicing is not an hour training. My uncle is not an idiot, he's an instructor at the army and he will be instructing me along with other trainees, strictly for knowledge about firearms and self-defense. And though you know how to shoot, it takes a long time and serious commendation to apply for a gun license. But I will likely be getting proper training after the sem is done.

I'm not a dumb idiot who doesn't know what's and what's not, like you treat everybody else.

Ahuh... An Army Instructor gave a firearm to a kid illegally and plans to "train" him with said illegal unregistered weapon along with other trainees on an Army base... Sorry i take that all back now, your uncle's a Ducking genius! Quick question, will all of those other kids also be using illegal and unregistered weapons? Rekon you could book me in for a quick sesh? Wouldn't mind blasting off a couple of rounds.

For self defense? No, a gun is not for self defense because if you shoot them and they had anything less than another firearm (like lets say a knife as these attackers did), you are looking at manslaughter, self defense or not.

When people come at you with knives, you don't get a gun. You aren't going to scare them, you merely just gave them the justification to get their own guns. Ready for a fire fight ol' gunslinga?
change my name already!
Loyal Member
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
I was implying about warning my friends.

Trust me, being rob is not one of the worst poop that will happen in your life. My manliest blockmate got raped by the same sex. Man, that's one hell of an experience.

Btw, the guy turned gay after.

Sounds like he loved it, how is that a bad experience.
ex visor
Loyal Member
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Please stop shitting around this forum. First of all, I am not able to carry the gun yet, I have to wait a long time to be able to carry one, practicing is not an hour training. My uncle is not an idiot, he's an instructor at the army and he will be instructing me along with other trainees, strictly for knowledge about firearms and self-defense. And though you know how to shoot, it takes a long time and serious commendation to apply for a gun license. But I will likely be getting proper training after the sem is done.

I'm not a dumb idiot who doesn't know what's and what's not, like you treat everybody else.

I know it may seem like he was targeting you, from your response, but he's right. Even with gun training and a license, a gun might not save you, or stop them from robbing you unless you draw it early on. Chances of you actually drawing it and shooting them are slim to none and even then you could face possible jail time, which is stupid, IMO. If 2 guys were targeting you, they'd more than likely scuffle you up once they got close, not giving you time to do anything.

Take some martial arts classes or something, the city aint that much of a safe place anymore depending on where you live and/or go.