
  1. S

    Habbo goes to remove the WebGL client from Habbo’s front pageOfficial 

    Hi! Today Habbo posted a new article. The article has been written by the new Habbo product manager. He speak about many things from Habbo. One is returning the protagonism to the Classic client, it going to be the main client, and Modern client goes to be called Beta, in second plane. Too they...
  2. loveomg

    Release War in Pocket full source code (Unity engine)Source 

    Hello friends, I gonna share the Server and Unity source code of this game!! War in Pocket is one of geeat game ever I worked for You can open it with Unity 5.4.5f1 editor and very easily upgrade to higher version English and Chinese languages are included in Unity source 1. Client source +...
  3. D

    Perfect World Animations

    I need game animations. Player animations (Movements, Basic Attacks and skills) and mob animations. Does anyone know how to extract them from .stck or .ecm files to convert to .mov, .anim or any other format that can be used in Unity? Discord: Paccine#1423