Habbo goes to remove the WebGL client from Habbo’s front page Official 

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 27, 2023
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Hi! Today Habbo posted a new article. The article has been written by the new Habbo product manager. He speak about many things from Habbo. One is returning the protagonism to the Classic client, it going to be the main client, and Modern client goes to be called Beta, in second plane. Too they are preparing a new Desktop App having these changues.

But one changue what is going to be for real is the one that you read in the title, they want to remove the WebGL client from the web (front page). If I don't understand wrong this, they want to remove Habbo client from the navigator for ever. And If this is true, I think they will destroy Habbo, because be a "one more desktop game", losing big part of they escense.

And I know having the game like a desktop game and not in the navigator or browser can be more safe and have an extra protection from the rippers, but with what cost.

What do you think about it?

Link to the article: