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A couple Rose server questions.

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Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
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Yes, I'm new to the forum and I'm also going to ask server questions. I wanted to get that out of the way so you know I'm not just looking for someone to do it for me. I have read, I have searched, and I have watched people get attacked for asking stupid questions. (lol)

I've gotten to the point in building my server where everything is starting to look like gibberish. I think that comes from a lack of understanding on my part. I have never attempted or even thought about building a private server, I am only doing it now because TitanRose died. So firstly, this is what I want to accomplish:

I want to create a working server that saves data that could be turned on and off and remain consistent. I only want it for use in a 3 to 4 person LAN party. Yes, by LAN I mean LAN, either a wireless or hardwired connection between multiple systems that doesn't rely on the internet to connect. Whether an internet connection could be used is optional, I don't really care either way.

I want it to be stable, I don't want to be playing and have it crash every 5 minutes.

I'd like the levels and weapons of the toons to go up to 210 if possible. I know you can add items, but I haven't seen much on the max level.

Ok, now that you know where I'm coming from.. here is my questions.
1. What is the difference between the client itself and a "dev rev?" I was under the impression that the dev rev was a certain client for a while, and then I realized it wasn't... now I'm not sure what it is exactly. I'm guessing it has something to do with the server side of things.
2. In most of my reading I've seen that dev rev 3 is more stable than dev rev 4, is this still true? I have yet to see a forum that says dev rev 4 is stable, but I thought I'd make sure.
3. For whichever dev rev is the best, what is the suggested client? I know this is kind of a question begging for different opinions, but remember I want stability over the "newest" or "best."
4. Could you be kind enough to link me a download of them? (I've been pulling my hair out, everything is from 2012 or 2013 and has dead links). I know, I know... there's "links" everywhere... but that doesn't mean they're still alive. Unless you have a resource I haven't found yet.

Oh yes, before I forget. Is there any more recent server build walkthroughs you know of? The one I'm using is from 2012 I think every link is dead. lol

Thank you for your time and opinion. I appreciate it.
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Hi Silenteko

If you want a server from osrose it would probably be a good idea to look for one over there don't you think? :laugh:
No I'm not ripping on you. Just couldn't resist that little jab though.

OK here goes *cracks knuckles*
There are so many different client/server combinations that it is mind boggling for a beginner.
The first thing you need to ask yourself is which kind of rose you like best.
There is irose (the original international version from back in 2005)
There is Pre-Evo which ran for about 1 year immediately after the original rose closed down and the game was franchised to Europe, Japan, USA and Philipines (primarily. there may have been a few others)
Then there is Evolution which began in the fall of 2006. the first server to switch over was PRose (philipenes) but it was soon followed by the others. Soon afterwards PRose and EURose stopped doing business leaving NARose(North America) and JRose (japan). JRose do not allow anyone from outside of their country to play on their server so we were left with only NARose which went Pay to play shortly after opening.
That left us pretty much nothing so Osrose started to make server emulators.
Others managed to get hold of leaked irose server files and began making private servers with them too.

Now down to the flavors of OsRose servers.

We have Osirose which runs on most irose clients but is specifically developed to run on the HRose client (mostly unchanged from original)
osirose is pretty unstable and has a lot of bugs still. it is also NOT under any sort of development any more

We have OsProse which is designed to run on the 112_112 pre-evo client
OsProse is a little more advanced than osirose. It is more stable but still not completely bug free.

Then we have a load of different osrose (evo) servers.
Dev rev 3 (DR3) seems to be fairly stable. It is the version that we used to use on RoseZA for quite a while. It runs on the 335 client which has costumes and stuff. This version is pretty stable but the client has a nasty bug. It displays the wrong number of items that are picked up in the game.
It was largely this bug that forced us to start work on DR4 so that we could use newer clients.

DR4 is reasonably stable but has some major flaws. A lot of the quest code was never fully made to work and we also do not have all of the QSD and AIP files from the client since at around that time they started keeping them in their server. I don't know precisely which client works best with DR4. Somewhere around 317 I think. I have no idea where to get it though.

A very early version of DR5 has just been released to work on the latest NARose client. It is far from finished. much of the stuff doesn't work yet but it is at least an active project.

We have my own KTRose server and client (modified 112_112) KTRose is pre-evo meaning it has a few features from Evo and the general look of irose. It's a kind of hybrid.
KTRose is very stable and mostly complete. besides that, it is being actively developed by myself and has regular updates (client and server) on its SVN. KTRose has the beginnings of several server event games coded into it and I plan to finish them all at some point.
The client has a lot of customized stuff but lacks a lot of the maps that were introduced later. Adding maps is pretty easy though. just haven't got around to it yet.

Then there is one final project that I'm also working on.
I have a working but very primitive client/server system where both have full source code. It is an early version of evo and is based on the source code that was released here a couple of years ago. I plan to modify it to work with my KTRose server and then make both into a kind of rose++. It's a long long way from completion and there are many stepping stones that have to be crossed including a complete overhaul of quests and AI.
I am currently working on a new QSD editor that will make this a lot easier. AIP comes next then the real work starts

As for tutorials, there hasn't been anything new released in years but that doesn't really matter since the setup is just the same as it always was.
The latest one by lmame is probably the best
it's for DR2 but other than the actual server source, everything else is the same

Just let me know if you want any more help
Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
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Thanks Purpleyouko! That was an amazing response. I was hoping you would reply to this, after seeing you everywhere. No offense intended for anyone else who replies, of course.

Well, the only real bias I have towards Rose or a particular kind of Rose is that I've only played the "Original" NARose and TitanRose. I liked them enough to pay for the original and go back to it... 8 years later. It was offline so I found TitanRose. I don't really care what version it is, as long as it's stable and does the couple things I want it to. Personally, I like better graphics and streamlined gameplay, however, the wife and brother in law seem to be quite in love with the game.

The only quests I'm interested in is for the cart and classes, I usually just grind. It's enough trouble dealing with running dual screen while trying to keep my wife and brother alive with heals and keep agro with my tank. If you add questing, which in Rose is quite tedious (to me), playing with them would make me go crazy. lol

I guess that's neither here or there. Is your KTRose client open for downloading? I would rather work with and on something that I knew was being updated. Even if that causes occasional problems, it seems like the better choice.

This is the tutorial I've been working on. I ran into problems with my "clients." One seems to be.. or is at least recognized as a shortcut. The other just happened to be a bunch of stuff that went in the 3ddata folder. (lmao) I happily added it to the 3ddata folder, however, I still don't have a client. I may just be confused about what I think the client should look like for me. This is where my first time server building ignorance really shows, if you didn't notice before. For all I know.. that shortcut could be the client itself, but I just don't know. I tried the launcher... but obviously it did nothing.

If your KTRose is available, would it work out with the tutorial you mentioned above? I don't mind starting over, I just feel like I'm not getting anywhere right now. I'm on my 5th client now and it seems like they are all duds. Not just the ones that puff smoke, the kind that blow up 50 years later when some innocent person steps on them. What I mean is... I think most of them are just viruses.

Thanks again! I appreciate it, and my wife does too. =)
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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here is a link to the 112_112 pre-evo client.
This is the original installer. It will give you an unmodified pre-evo client that will work with the KTRose server. Just unzip it then run setup.exe for a full install. you will need to run triggerdetect.exe after that to set up your graphics preferences.

The most up to date version of the KTRose client is available here
It is a zipped up copy of the entire client folder complete with a slightly modified trose.exe. Some people can run directly from this but a few have problems. If you do have problems then run the 112_112 setup first to get your installation registered properly then just copy the contents of the KTRose client into the folder where you installed 112. Possibly leave the ini files alone though, otherwise you will have to run triggerdetect again.

When running triggerdetect it will attempt to patch the client files from the official server but will fail since that repository no longer exists at NARose.
You might need a batch file to launch the KTRose client. I don't remember if it came with one of if it just has the neoncube launcher which will attempt to connect you to my server (now defunct). I can provide you a simple batch file launcher or explain how to make one yourself if you need it

The server source is available on SVN from here
Just plug that into tortoiseSVN and check it out

The tutorials will work for this version as well as for any others. there's essentially no difference in the setup of any of the osrose servers.

Downsides of this client:
As yet this client has no skill tree available.
The skills are all there but there's no way to display them as a tree view.
I know how to activate it and it will happen eventually. Problem is that I need to rework all the skills in the STB and rewrite a whole lot of XML files in the client to make it work. I've tested the concept and I can make the trees display but other than Soldier skills(which I already worked on) nothing makes any sense. I will probably have to throw together some kind of tool to help balance everything. When I get around to it :/:

There are still a couple of minor bugs related to timings. Sometimes battles appear to end before the final blow. It's not a major deal and it's on my to-do list
Some exotic carts do not appear to work properly with respect to their speed. Also backseat riding in carts is buggy as hell.

That's about it though as far as I'm aware.
All this stuff can and will be fixed when I get the free time to do it.
Right now I'm rebuilding QSD and AIP handling from the ground up because I need it to do things which are currently not possible.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
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Thank you!

Well, I replied but wasn't signed on.. so I lost it. Round 2! Does it save the "saved" text somewhere? lol

I found it interesting that the problems you described, with the exception of the skill tree, were all problems that TitanRose had.
Passenger seat riding was really glitchy. It would eject them randomly or show them running/teleporting.
The "finishing" blow was often not timed up with the last hit as well. You would know the hit before that if you were going to kill them sometimes. I just figured these problems stemmed from me using two clients at once.
Rose works with a kind of hybrid realtime/turn based battles right? For instance, the battles start in real time, and then they go into a turn based sequence until one or the other is dead or the battle is severed for one reason or another.

Your second link doesn't appear to work. After doing a quick search I found you on another post. This link doesn't work as well.

Could I have another please? :D:

I am not a coder by any means, but if you needed help with some mundane task like renaming files or something like that, just let me know.
I'd be happy to help you improve KTRose.
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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My passenger issue is a little different that theirs.

It is just a flag that is set wrong in the server. I'm sure i could fix it easily enough if it was a high enough priority.
What actually happen is that you ask someone to ride in your backseat and it seems to work but for them it doesn't.
Then when you drive off it all seems ok till you get out of visual range then POOF!! they disappear from your backseat.
For the would be passenger, they see you drive away without them.

Combat is kind of weird in rose. It's not turn based exactly but does have that feel.
Here is how it actually works.
First the combat is initiated by clicking on an enemy (client)
Client sends a packet to the server containing the IDs of both participants.
Server initiates combat by setting flags and combat timers for both participants then sends a message back to the client telling it to start animations.
And that's the last time they actually exchange data during the combat.
The only messages from this point on are damage packets sent from the server. The client receives these and stores them in a temporary cache.
And this is where the timing issues come from.
The client contains information about attack speed for both combatants so it continues to do animations for both whether it currently has any cached damage or not.
If it does have some then it displays it up to the maximum allowable and subtracts this value from the cached store. For pre-evo the max damage is 2047 so if the client has 5000 in cache it will display 2047 and subtract 2047 from the cache
if the client animation is a little too fast then sooner or later it will display 2 attacks between 2 received damage packets so for the second attack the cache is empty so it displays as a miss
the server just keeps chugging away at the combat using it's own values for combat speed then sending damage packets on each cycle.
the player and monster are almost always at a different speed but the problem is that the client and server are also nearly always at different speeds. lol
This can cause some rather annoying effects with losing arrows or bullets when using a ranged character.
the most typical case is that the client runs out of arrows when the server still has 3 or 4 left and that means that the auto-refil feature fails so you end up not being able to attack till you refresh your inventory

Does that make any kind of sense?

Anyway here's a new link to the client. i just uploaded it while typing this message lol. Yes I have a stupidly fast internet (see signature block)
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 26, 2013
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Use the released dev rev 5 , not complete but has a future , the way it works is , it used dev rev 2 and just made it work on v5xx , this is a great idea for 1. dev rev 2 has about 400-700 bugs out of 1000 lines at least this is what i have heard

2. if u know how to compile dev rev 5 and u have some coding experience since it has a really neat structure , the code is perfect but requires alot of hard work and determination.

3.its the best thing u can use since its updated constantly :D.

4. Vetyst = Beast.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
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Alright. Downloading! Thanks!

Yea, that makes sense. I'm sure you're giving me the dumbed down version of it though :O:
It seems like there is checks in the system that aren't working or just aren't there.

I'm still a little confused with the concept of the building a server so let me make sure I have this all correct in my head...

The client itself is what you would download from lets say RoseTitan. it runs... stuff? I'm not exactly sure where the client side ends and the serve side starts. I'm going to guess that the client has the graphics data saved and just loads that off of the information the server sends it. For instance: The server says Mob #2 at x21, y52 on map and the client "builds" it. Or.. server says you have this or that item in your inventory and the client loads it.
The server stores the values and checks it against the client values. I'm guessing server values override client values because the client values are easier to manipulate. From what I understand there is 3 different servers connected to Rose. Login, character and world. I'm guessing the code where I add my IP and sql data is involved with turning on and off the different servers.
MYSQL would be emulating a server like TitanRose and it loads the data... and some how communicates with the client.
Navicat I'm guessing works like some sort of link between the client and the server. Or builds the link.
Yup, still haven't gotten my head wrapped around it all the way.

Pretend for a moment that I want my wife to play with me on the server once I build it. I'm guessing I have to install the client on her pc and change some sort of files in it to make it connect to my server instead of the one it was designed for, right?

The problem I have with most peoples tutorials is the fact that if you are writing a tutorial you are usually experienced enough to miss explaining something to someone that you would take as obvious. And it may even be obvious... but the fact that the person you are instructing may be clueless is enough to make it not so obvious. lol Thank you again for all your help.

EDIT)Thanks for your input Kingdom Rose, I hadn't refreshed the page so I didn't see your post. I appreciate it. I'm a pretty quick learner, but I have almost no coding experience at all. I know a little html, well.. I forgot more than I know.. but that's about it =P
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Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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I haven't downloaded Vetyst's new Dev rev 5 server yet but I'm hearing a lot of good things about it.
Some new ways to handle MySQL and threads that means we no longer need to use --lpthreads library and so on.
It is, however not much more than a shell right now. I look forward to seeing how he fills in all the details. Should be a fun project.

Now back to the subject on hand. Server/client hierarchy for beginners.

Ok so you surmised correctly that the client is the part of the setup that renders all the stuff into a visual format while the server is the part that handles interactions between players and monsters and does all the nitty gritty stuff involved with data handling of all types.

So basically we have two completely different parts here. The server is the central program that runs everything for all the players. it handles login, database access for loading saved character data, movement, combat and lots more for ALL players simultaneously.
It also sets up "sockets" which are portals to the internet. Other internet entities can lock onto these sockets if they have the right port number and IP address
The client can be physically located anywhere on the internet. Each player needs their own copy of it in order to play. To successfully play, a client needs to log into the server (servers actually but we will get to that later) using the port and IP address of the server.

There are actually 3 connections involved in all this.
Login Server port 29000. This is the first one that the client encounters while logging in. It establishes a temporary socket connection. It verifies account details then sends a message to the CharServer containing the client's details.
The CharServer then contacts the client via port 29100 and sends a string of data containing it's own contact information which the client echoes back to establish a permanent connection (socket). The connection to the login server is severed at this point.
The CharServer loads in a lot of information (from MySQL) related to your account then assigns an account ID internally. It allows the client to select one of the characters within that account. After selection it passes the character data on to the WorldServer.
The WorldServer then assigns an ID to the character and sends a packet of information to the client on port 29200 and the client echoes it back to establish a permanent connection (socket)
Both CharServer and WorldServer sockets remain open after this. Information can be passed along these connections in both directions

All three servers are typically located on the same machine but they actually don't have to be.
The client is typically on a different machine entirely but it is possible to run it on the same machine as the servers by using the Localhost IP ( in the batch file that launches the client.

If you run the client and server on different machines then you would use the LAN IP of your server PC in the batch file launcher. An example would be

The batch launcher itself is very easy to make. Just open notepad and type or paste in the following text
TRose.exe @[I][B][URL="http://forum.ragezone.com/members/1333380204.html"]TriGGer[/URL][/B][/I]_SOFT@ _server
then save it as something like "KTRose launcher.bat"
Just change the IP to the LAN IP of your server PC and you should be able to join from any PC on your LAN
The important bit is that it must end in .bat That makes it into an executable shell command that you just double click to start the game
MYSQL would be emulating a server like TitanRose and it loads the data... and some how communicates with the client.
Navicat I'm guessing works like some sort of link between the client and the server. Or builds the link.
Yup, still haven't gotten my head wrapped around it all the way.
You have this a bit confused.
MySQL is a database. It's basically a completely static storage device.It doesn't emulate anything.
It does, however, require an active manager to look after reading and writing to it and that is what Navicat does.
The server will use a line of code such as this
MYSQL_RES *result = DB->QStore("SELECT type,map,dir,x,y,dialogid FROM list_npcs");
DB->QStore is a command that is sent to the database manager which then returns a 'dataset' containing the requested information, in this case a list of NPCs, their locations, facing direction and dialog IDs

Personally I don't like to use Navicat.
I use PHPMyAdmin which comes free with Xampp. For me it works a lot better. You just run Xampp to handle all your socket connections and stuff then use a browser (firefox, IE or whatever) to access it. Just type in localhost\phpmyadmin in the browser bar to open it.
Xampp already includes a database manager so Navicat is entirely unnecessary
Database access is only required for the Server. The client does not use it. It get's all its information in data packets from the server.

So in short this is what you do.
1. Choose a server PC. Run all 3 servers on it using the conf file setting that match your LAN subnet mask and stuff.
2. Install copies of the client onto each PC that you intend to play the game from.
3. Make batch launcher files as described above and save them into the client root folder (the folder that contains the file Trose.exe) of each client. If you run one client on the server PC then use as the IP for that one.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
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I'm so happy I went through what I was thinking in my head. That makes perfect sense. I wasn't understanding how they communicated with each other quite right. So I'm actually making it a lot more complicated in my head than it actually is. I tend to do that. (lol) That's why I ask so many questions.

I will try phpmyadmin instead, I don't really like Navicat either. Which is funny, because I don't really understand it anyways.

I will post my status as well as any other questions and hopefully write a little summery at the end, incase anyone was as confused as I was.

Thanks again for answering my questions so well, I appreciate it.
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
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Ok, I think I got a decent grasp on it, figured I was done and would try it out.. completely forgot that I'd need to make an account.

I tried localhost in the browser and and got nothing. Now I'm starting to wonder if I messed something up along the way.

Oh yes, before I forget... list_npcs.sql does not execute from the ktrose-source.

I'm not sure if this matters either, but my world server always fails and then restarts. Says there is an APPCRASH: could not connect to ISC <WSK2 ERROR: 10061> .(then it says it's cleaning memory) Usually I can avoid this error or get it to fix the second time if I wait for a second after loading the other two servers. but a little farther down in the code the world server has another "fatal error" -Could not execute query: Data too long for column 'startime' at row 1. This is just interesting, I don't think this has anything to do with me not being able to make an account.

Edit) Now that I think about it, I never did anything to create a space to register... I wonder if my tutorial skipped that. lol
Edit #2 ) Hopefully I'm not as irritating as this guy:http://forum.ragezone.com/f291/help-seting-roseprivateserver-693856/ (lol) I have found the portion in certain tutorials that talk about creating or customizing a file usually having to do with a launcher.. but because all their links are dead.. it's not going to help me.

Is there a way to bypass this completely? I know Navicat for instance just lets you access the stores of information.. Could I just create a file for an account with a password and just use that to log in? I wouldn't mind doing that for everyone playing with me, seems easy enough. I just don't know enough about how a server works to make it happen. Would that be an sql file?

Edit 3) after messing with it and continuing to get errors from Rose CMS I think I'll call it good for tonight and get back to the grind tomorrow. I really am flustered on how to make a place to register though. I'm excited to see if the server will work whenever I figure this out.
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Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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No rose CMS is ever going to work with KTRose database. It's just too different in construction.

To look at and modify SQL files you can use phpmyadmin. Just run xampp then open a browser and type in localhost\phpmyadmin then it will open up the database editor window as a webpage. There may be some necessary setup in xammp first though so try just typing in localhost first.

that error sounds like the table is missing from your database. If you have the SQL file you can just run it in phpmyadmin to install the missing table. use teh import function then browse the file.

I will be able to help you more on Monday. I don't have all my files here at home.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
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Oh, that's actually a relief. I thought I was just misspelling something... I've been scanning everything over and over again trying to find my error. lmao
I don't know how I missed that cms wouldn't work. This seems like it has a kind of steep learning curve to it.
I'll try that! Hopefully I'll have her up and running and I won't need your help anymore. :D:

Hope you had a nice weekend.

Edit) Spent a couple hours playing around with myphpadmin. It's a pretty handy tool. You mentioned earlier about replacing navicat completely with myphpadmin, I really like that idea. I think when I get a little more experience under my belt with it.. I will move everything to myphp.

When it comes to the whole registering accounts thing I've tried a ton of different ways of doing it (probly all wrong though). Unfortunately for me, I lack experience with the way sql files would save the registering data to begin with. I'm not sure if they split the username and password up or save it in the same file. There is just too much I don't know there. I've been looking for the way that rose private servers save their register data but have come up completely empty. I was debating messaging people who managed a private server... but I thought that'd be hit and miss. lol

I imagine myself looking for this information like someone trying to catch a bird with a fishing pole that doesn't know how to fish from an airplane. There's so much that I don't know.. I don't even know what I don't know. lol

I'm going to search a little bit more tonight and then try again tomorrow if I don't figure it out. I am learning a lot though.

Edit 2) I've come to the conclusion that my way might actually be harder than it would be to do it the normal way. Would your mind explaining to me how you register on your personal server that you develop Purpleyouko?

Thanks again!
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Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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There are two ways to create an account in your KTRose server.

1) The relatively easy way:
2) The RIDICULOUSLY easy way

but first some basic information.
All details about your accounts are stored in the table name 'accounts' in your database
The main details about your actual characters are stored in the table named 'characters'

Login is achieved by a combination of 2 fields in the 'accounts' table. These fields are named 'username' and 'password'
username is a normal string. You can just edit your database and type in the username you like in normal text.
password is stored as an MD5 encrypted string so you can't just type in your password.

When you log in, the login server compares your username with the database. If it finds the username there then it will take the password that you gave it and encrypt it as an MD5 string which it will then compare to the stored string in the database. Obviously if you just enter the English password to your database this will fail.

So now to the actual methods of creating an account.
1) the relatively easy method.
Open your database in phpmyadmin (or navicat if you are feeling particularly masochistic)
Open the 'accounts' field and add a new entry. this will create a new blank line.
in the 'username' field type in your username
decide on your password then go here and type it in.
Let's say you chose the password FishLegs1701% just as an example
Just type it into the box and this hash value will be immediately generated 5ca5bafb56e9e92a7298d6f712bf70c8
copy that and paste it into the 'password' field of your accounts tabel. click GO (in phpmyadmin) or whatever command button navicat uses and the data will be saved into your database. You will now be able to enter the server from your client.

2) the RIDUCULOUSLY easy way
First open up loginserver.conf (in your binary folder of your server) and look for a field that says CreateLoginAccount=1. if it is there then fine if it does not say =1 on the end then make sure it does then save it.
Now launch your servers
now launch your client (from any of your PC installations)
when it gets to the login screen just type in your chosen username and password. It will fail
Do it again immediately and this time it will work and you will get into the server.

I really like that idea. I think when I get a little more experience under my belt with it.. I will move everything to myphp.
There's nothing to move. They both access the same database. Just use one or the other. your choice.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
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Oh, I understand. I was under the impression that they both worked slightly different. I guess a more accurate way of viewing php in comparison to navicat is that they are like opening a program with paint in comparison to photoshop. You can paint just fine with paint, but if you want more options or versatility you would use photoshop.

I tried the ridiculously easy way first, it didn't seem to take. I then fiddled around with myphpadmin and found the files and a way to add to them. From there I made an account and everything was good. I went and launched my .bat with all three of my servers on and I got the message "server is currently being inspected" (or something like that). I figured that was just me, so I shut down myphpadmin and xamp and tried again. Still got there error. For the sake of finding out if my attempt at registering worked I punched in the wrong password. It recognized it as the wrong password first try.

From there I went into my servers and looked at what they'd been doing. My login server had multiple attempts and it seems like "successes" in terms of logging in, however, it doesn't seem like the information ever reached the character server. It shows the information being sent to the charserver, but no sign in charserver of receiving that information. I'm in the process of double checking my server conf files as we speak. Turns out when I checked the loginserver I messed up. The reason the ridiculously easy way didn't work is because it was = 0. whoops.

it seems like all my information is correct, I made sure the server access was set at 100 instead of 300. I'm guessing it's either a typo on my part somewhere or something small I haven't considered. I did read on some forums that changing the IP from local to your "external" IP was a suggested fix. However, none of the people it was suggested to had any success with that fix. I'll save that as my last attempt if all other routes fail.

Will update as necessary until I find the fix.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Double check that all your ports are open on your firewall and also check if you are accessing from another pc that your router ports are open ...ports 29000, 29100, and 29200...if you are getting a maintenece message write after you login your ports are closed...easy way to check your router ip is to go to this will confirm if your router ports are open...this should not apply if your client is on the same pc as your server and your using an internal ip if your setting up a lan you will have to open your router ports anyway.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply AnimalCrackerz! I was actually forwarding my ports right before I got this. I forgot to apply before I restarted my router so I'm doing it again. I'll update when I'm done.

Edit) does it matter if they are TCP or UDP protocol? What I was reading said to do both, but I don't have that option. I have it set as TCP for now.

Edit 2) still has the same problem. Used the website you posted and my ports 29000, 29100 and 29200 are all open. I even got to watch them be checked on the servers.

Edit 3) I'm lucky I learned to laugh at myself. I never restarted the servers. After a restart I can log on, but I cannot click my charserver to access it. I'm going to get this eventually. I swear I will.
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 14, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you guys for helping, especially Purpleyouko and AnimalCrackerz! It works! I haven't gotten to test it extensively, but I will tomorrow.

It turns out that I made the situation harder on myself than I had to by trying just about every tutorial I could find. Anyways, my questions were more than answered. Thanks again!
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Glad you got it working.
One last tip.
KTRose uses multiple access level fields for GM actions.
First you need to set the 'access level' field in accounts to something more than 300 if you want access to GM commands from that account. Some command require as high as 900. I set it up that way so that basic level GMs can't accidentally screw with something really big like creating or destroying spawns, setting drop rate to 5000 items per kill or some other stupid thing.

Secondly, (unlike most servers) it is possible to have a GM activated account which contains GM, Dev and normal characters. The characters table contains two boolean fields. 'isgm' and 'isdev'. You need to set these manually after a character is created before you can access the commands.
Pretty much every command (including GO) is limited to GMs (300 access) by default
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