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Adding maps issue

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 5, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all I hope you can help me,

I've just created my server and was going well. Server was all public and had a couple friends do some tests and all was well in the world.
I used this guide to get myself all up and running (Source)

I've been trying to add a new map that I created in studio and give it a test I've followed This guide add new maps but in doing so my server (worlds) no longer works and Now I get this error. Even if I keep the original it just seems to no longer work and break the sever.
I have tried the code with WZ_mapname and without. I've looked at all of the help pages but cant find anyone with my specific issue.

000000.010| permgame: ID:1, Colorado, MAPID_WZ_Colorado
000000.011| permgame: ID:4, Area51, MAPID_area_51
000000.012| API: (blanked public IP)
000000.012| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34000
000000.135|  IP:
000000.162| MasterGameServer started at port 34000
000000.162| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34001
000000.288|  IP:
000000.302| MasterUserServer started at port 34001, 20 CCU, need 0 servers to start
000000.303| CMSAsyncApiMgr starting
000000.334| Supervisors: 0, Games:0|0
000000.506| master: supervisor registered 'WARZ'[1] ip:(Blanked Public IP) sessions, type:1, map:255
000000.849| starting game 1 at WARZ[0], id:0x10100, name 'Colorado', pwd '', owner:0
000001.896| starting game 2 at WARZ[1], id:0x10201, name 'Area51', pwd '', owner:0
000010.365| Supervisors: 1, Games:0|0
000015.037| WO_API: http timeout
000015.037| !!!! CJobGetServerList failed, code: 8
000015.052| CMSAsyncApiWorker 0 job CMSJobGetServerList 028E65A8 failed
000020.396| Supervisors: 1, Games:0|0
000026.858| Control-c ...

I made a back up of my bin and restored it and it works again (with the map removed)
Am I missing something?
Server Information

Issue 1 and Solution:
The issue with XML was purely being silly I had coded the Dir that my map was looking at to a non 'WZ' format when my map was 'WZ_mapname' after correcting that rebuilding, WarZ, WarZ Server, RSUpdate and RSBuild and then running RSBuild.exe after to patch over my game files using to make the process quicker and at least for me making the bug/troubleshooting easier.

Issue 2 and Solution:
Map kept crashing when loading running MS and SS after the code being completely fine. This is what was the issue in the SS Logs.
r3d_assert 'gAutodeskNavMesh.GetWorld()' at .\Sources\ObjectsCode\Zombies\ZombieNavAgent.cpp line 23
000001.616|  !!! crashed, thread 2628

Solution: Copying the entire WarZ...
Okay I’ll try that out thankyou! I’m getting it all running and all of a sudden I’m running into ‘cannot read .xml’ when loading into the map.

Edit: there is also no loading bar
Upvote 0
Okay I’ll try that out thankyou! I’m getting it all running and all of a sudden I’m running into ‘cannot read .xml’ when loading into the map.

Edit: there is also no loading bar
is your map in the levels folder?
did you run the update program?
Upvote 0
It told you to update from your server to patch the game (WarZ\Bin\RSBuild.exe)

Going to give this a go on my test server and let you know, thanks for the link this is a very helpful bonus!

000065.903| SetHomeDir: Levels\Area51
000065.903| We have 3665 MB texture memory
000065.903| r3dFile: can't open levels/area51/loadingscreen0.dds
000065.924| r3dFile: can't open Levels\Area51/MeshProperties.xml
000065.924| r3dFile: can't open Levels\Area51/wind.cfg
000065.924| r3dFile: can't open Levels\Area51/LevelSettings.xml
000065.924| Couldn't open 'Levels\Area51/LevelSettings.xml'
000065.924| !!! ERROR: Failed to load XML settings!
000065.924| ... exiting
000066.116| r3d: device is lost

Things I have done so far:
rebuilt warz.sln, WarZ Server, RSUpdater and RSBuild.
Recompiled server completely.

My Level is in the correct location... what am I doing wrong here?
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Bunu test sunucumda deneyip size bildireceğim, bağlantı için teşekkürler, bu çok faydalı bir bonus!

[KOD]000065.903| SetHomeDir: Seviyeler\Alan51
000065.903| 3665 MB doku belleğimiz var
000065.903| r3dFile: levels/area51/loadingscreen0.dds açılamıyor
000065.924| r3dFile: Levels\Area51/MeshProperties.xml açılamıyor
000065.924| r3dFile: Levels\Area51/wind.cfg açılamıyor
000065.924| r3dFile: Levels\Area51/LevelSettings.xml açılamıyor
000065.924| 'Levels\Area51/LevelSettings.xml' açılamadı
000065.924| !!! HATA: XML ayarları yüklenemedi!
000065.924| ... çıkıyor
000066.116| r3d: cihaz kayboldu[/CODE]

Şu ana kadar yaptıklarım:
warz.sln, WarZ Server, RSUpdater ve RSBuild yeniden oluşturuldu.
Sunucu tamamen yeniden derlendi.

Levelim doğru yerde...burada neyi yanlış yapıyorum?
- Be careful that the map is Levels/Area51, sometimes there may be confusion and Levels/Area51/Area51 errors may occur.

- If the loading bar does not appear on the loading screen and you get an error, it says that the attachment (LoadingScreen0.dds) must be in Levels/Area51/

.I have uploaded a .dds for you, you should download it and put it in the map (Area51) folder.


Upvote 0
Interesting Ill attach my map can you see if you can get it working on your end? Is the source I'm using not very good?


Upvote 0
Interesting Ill attach my map can you see if you can get it working on your end? Is the source I'm using not very good?
Your map works fine, I don't see any problems, you need to throw away the source parts where you added the maps and which src do you use?


  • Screen_14072024_025104 - Adding maps issue - RaGEZONE Forums
    108.9 KB · Views: 16
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I am using

What source would you recommend me using instead?
Upvote 0
I am using

What source would you recommend me using instead?

I recommend using untouched sources.

Upvote 0
Have you used this source before?
Do you have a discord I could message you on?


Created a new sever with the untouched V3 source and am having the same issues

'you need to throw away the source parts where you added the maps' what do you mean by this?
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Bu kaynağı daha önce kullandınız mı?
Mesajlaşabileceğim bir Discord'unuz var mı?

Bu yüzden,

Dokunulmamış V3 kaynağıyla yeni bir sunucu oluşturdum ve aynı sorunları yaşıyorum

'Haritaları eklediğiniz kaynak kısımlarını atmanız gerekiyor' derken neyi kastediyorsunuz?
Change the masterserver.cfg and supervisorserver.cfg I sent to you (add your masterserver.cfg map /supervisorserver.cfg add IP) test it and get back to me


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000000.041| r3dFS: there is no volume file wo_00.bin
000000.041| GameServerId: 3, map:7
000000.041| GameName: Area51
000000.041| CAsyncApiMgr starting
000000.042| Connecting to master server at (HiddenIP):34009
000000.042|  r3dNetwork: Creating client
000000.081|   IP: (HiddenIP)
000000.081|  r3dNetwork: connecting to (HiddenIP):34009
000000.081|  waiting: connecting, 30.0 sec left
000000.315|  r3dNetwork: external ip: (HiddenIP):35013
000000.315| Game: Initializing with 50 players
000000.315|  Server time is Mon Jan 09 06:33:12 2169
000000.315| Starting server on port 34013
000000.315| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34013
000000.346|  IP: (HiddenIP)
000000.434| Getting shop data
000000.452| Reading game rewards
000000.473| Loading armory config
000000.475| Reading loot boxes
000000.520| Loot boxes data updated
000000.520| Loading A.I. tactics config
000000.520| Loading A.I. brain profiles
000000.521| Starting game server
000000.521| SetHomeDir: Levels\WZ_Area51
000000.522| Starting voice
000000.522|  Server lib version: 3.0.2 [Build: 1342695053] SDK
000000.522|  VOICE:[4] 2024-08-15 16:32:47.130965|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |   | TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.2 (2012-07-19 10:50:53) SDK
000000.540|  VOICE:[2] 2024-08-15 16:32:47.148527|WARNING |Accounting    |   | Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality
000001.041|  VOICE:[1] 2024-08-15 16:32:47.650511|ERROR   |Accounting    |   | local accounting reports an already running instance, instance will shutdown
000001.041|  VOICE:[1] 2024-08-15 16:32:47.650511|ERROR   |ServerLibPriv |   | Server() error while starting servermanager, error: instance limit reached
000001.523|  TERRAIN:  LOADING Levels\WZ_Area51\TERRAIN
000001.524|  TERRAIN3: Finished reading script file
000001.524|  TERRAIN:  LOADED
000001.529|  Loading 'Levels\WZ_Area51\collections\collections.xml'
000001.529|  r3dFile: can't open Levels\WZ_Area51\collections\elements.bin
000001.529|  COLLECTIONS: Could not open 'Levels\WZ_Area51\collections\elements.bin'
000001.529|  NavMesh.Load...
000001.536|  Loading Mission Data
000001.536|  r3dFile: can't open Levels\WZ_Area51\Missions.xml
000001.536|  !!! ERROR: Failed to open Levels\WZ_Area51\Missions.xml
000001.536|  !!! Missions have been turned OFF!
000001.544|  LootBox: 05983AE0 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059D18E8 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  !!! OnCreate failed for obj=obj_ItemSpawnPoint, filename=data/objectsdepot/capture_points/flag_pole_01.sco
000001.544|  LootBox: 059D2088 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F5628 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F59F8 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F5F98 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F6368 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F6908 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F6CD8 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F70A8 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F7478 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F7F08 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059B9C58, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 122.804802 100.000000 36.289799
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 122.804802 100.000000 36.289799
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BA068, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 157.775604 100.001801 171.858704
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 157.775604 100.001801 171.858704
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BA478, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 101.599197 100.104698 158.412399
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 101.599197 100.104698 158.412399
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BA888, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 211.905106 101.065102 85.471001
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 211.905106 101.065102 85.471001
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BAC98, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 64.072899 100.570396 78.465103
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 64.072899 100.570396 78.465103
000001.545|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BB0A8, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.545|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 103.969002 100.000000 223.747101
000001.545|   !!! no valid navpoints at 103.969002 100.000000 223.747101
000001.545|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BB4B8, 15 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.545|   0/441 valid navpoints for 15 zombies at 43.956902 101.659798 227.051300
000001.545|   !!! no valid navpoints at 43.956902 101.659798 227.051300
000001.545|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BB8C8, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.545|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 150.880005 102.114197 95.918999
000001.545|   !!! no valid navpoints at 150.880005 102.114197 95.918999
000001.559|  Terrain3: Creating physics data
000001.559|  r3dTerrain3::UnpackHeightCached: unpacking (0,0) for [0]
000001.561|  Terrain3: Creating physics data - DONE!
000001.561|  WorldObjects: 64 + 49 static
000001.561|  server main loop started
000001.561|  net_mapLoaded_LastNetID: 1061
000001.578|  time: 1, plrs:0/50, net_lastFreeId: 1061, objects: 64, async:0 0 0 0
000001.615|  !!! r3d_assert 'gAutodeskNavMesh.GetWorld()' at .\Sources\ObjectsCode\Zombies\ZombieNavAgent.cpp line 23
000001.616|  !!! crashed, thread 2628
000001.616|  Creating minidump at logss\GS_3000017be8bae.dmp
000001.648|  !!! VoipError: ts3server_initServerLib b07 instance limit reached
000001.709| Minidump created.

This is the error code, when i launch the server. I feel like we are getting closer here
Upvote 0
000000.041| r3dFS: there is no volume file wo_00.bin
000000.041| GameServerId: 3, map:7
000000.041| GameName: Area51
000000.041| CAsyncApiMgr starting
000000.042| Connecting to master server at (HiddenIP):34009
000000.042|  r3dNetwork: Creating client
000000.081|   IP: (HiddenIP)
000000.081|  r3dNetwork: connecting to (HiddenIP):34009
000000.081|  waiting: connecting, 30.0 sec left
000000.315|  r3dNetwork: external ip: (HiddenIP):35013
000000.315| Game: Initializing with 50 players
000000.315|  Server time is Mon Jan 09 06:33:12 2169
000000.315| Starting server on port 34013
000000.315| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34013
000000.346|  IP: (HiddenIP)
000000.434| Getting shop data
000000.452| Reading game rewards
000000.473| Loading armory config
000000.475| Reading loot boxes
000000.520| Loot boxes data updated
000000.520| Loading A.I. tactics config
000000.520| Loading A.I. brain profiles
000000.521| Starting game server
000000.521| SetHomeDir: Levels\WZ_Area51
000000.522| Starting voice
000000.522|  Server lib version: 3.0.2 [Build: 1342695053] SDK
000000.522|  VOICE:[4] 2024-08-15 16:32:47.130965|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |   | TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.2 (2012-07-19 10:50:53) SDK
000000.540|  VOICE:[2] 2024-08-15 16:32:47.148527|WARNING |Accounting    |   | Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality
000001.041|  VOICE:[1] 2024-08-15 16:32:47.650511|ERROR   |Accounting    |   | local accounting reports an already running instance, instance will shutdown
000001.041|  VOICE:[1] 2024-08-15 16:32:47.650511|ERROR   |ServerLibPriv |   | Server() error while starting servermanager, error: instance limit reached
000001.523|  TERRAIN:  LOADING Levels\WZ_Area51\TERRAIN
000001.524|  TERRAIN3: Finished reading script file
000001.524|  TERRAIN:  LOADED
000001.529|  Loading 'Levels\WZ_Area51\collections\collections.xml'
000001.529|  r3dFile: can't open Levels\WZ_Area51\collections\elements.bin
000001.529|  COLLECTIONS: Could not open 'Levels\WZ_Area51\collections\elements.bin'
000001.529|  NavMesh.Load...
000001.536|  Loading Mission Data
000001.536|  r3dFile: can't open Levels\WZ_Area51\Missions.xml
000001.536|  !!! ERROR: Failed to open Levels\WZ_Area51\Missions.xml
000001.536|  !!! Missions have been turned OFF!
000001.544|  LootBox: 05983AE0 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059D18E8 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  !!! OnCreate failed for obj=obj_ItemSpawnPoint, filename=data/objectsdepot/capture_points/flag_pole_01.sco
000001.544|  LootBox: 059D2088 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F5628 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F59F8 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F5F98 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F6368 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F6908 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F6CD8 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F70A8 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F7478 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  LootBox: 059F7F08 with ItemID 301158, 270 items, tick: 60
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059B9C58, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 122.804802 100.000000 36.289799
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 122.804802 100.000000 36.289799
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BA068, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 157.775604 100.001801 171.858704
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 157.775604 100.001801 171.858704
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BA478, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 101.599197 100.104698 158.412399
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 101.599197 100.104698 158.412399
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BA888, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 211.905106 101.065102 85.471001
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 211.905106 101.065102 85.471001
000001.544|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BAC98, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.544|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 64.072899 100.570396 78.465103
000001.544|   !!! no valid navpoints at 64.072899 100.570396 78.465103
000001.545|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BB0A8, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.545|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 103.969002 100.000000 223.747101
000001.545|   !!! no valid navpoints at 103.969002 100.000000 223.747101
000001.545|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BB4B8, 15 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.545|   0/441 valid navpoints for 15 zombies at 43.956902 101.659798 227.051300
000001.545|   !!! no valid navpoints at 43.956902 101.659798 227.051300
000001.545|  obj_ZombieSpawn 059BB8C8, 50 zombies in 30 meters, delay 15, r:1.0-3.0
000001.545|   0/441 valid navpoints for 50 zombies at 150.880005 102.114197 95.918999
000001.545|   !!! no valid navpoints at 150.880005 102.114197 95.918999
000001.559|  Terrain3: Creating physics data
000001.559|  r3dTerrain3::UnpackHeightCached: unpacking (0,0) for [0]
000001.561|  Terrain3: Creating physics data - DONE!
000001.561|  WorldObjects: 64 + 49 static
000001.561|  server main loop started
000001.561|  net_mapLoaded_LastNetID: 1061
000001.578|  time: 1, plrs:0/50, net_lastFreeId: 1061, objects: 64, async:0 0 0 0
000001.615|  !!! r3d_assert 'gAutodeskNavMesh.GetWorld()' at .\Sources\ObjectsCode\Zombies\ZombieNavAgent.cpp line 23
000001.616|  !!! crashed, thread 2628
000001.616|  Creating minidump at logss\GS_3000017be8bae.dmp
000001.648|  !!! VoipError: ts3server_initServerLib b07 instance limit reached
000001.709| Minidump created.

This is the error code, when i launch the server. I feel like we are getting closer here
r3d_assert 'gAutodeskNavMesh.GetWorld()' at .\Sources\ObjectsCode\Zombies\ZombieNavAgent.cpp line 23
000001.616|  !!! crashed, thread 2628

The problem occurred with zombie navigation, the best case scenario is to go into the engine and generate a new navigation for zombies for the entire map.
Upvote 0
zombie navigation to further avoid bugs, I'm assuming that's the problem.

you go to the map in the studio, and you generate the navigation.
This has fixed it!!! the map now works but i had to delete all of the zombies to make it work. Is there a way of adding these back without crashing the server?

'you go to the map in the studio, and you generate the navigation.' Could you show me what you mean please as I'm a little confused on this
Upvote 0
Bu sorun çözülüyor!!! Harita artık ancak çalışıyor çalışması için tüm zombileri silmem gerekti. Sunucuyu çökertmeden bunları geri eklemenin bir yolu var mı?

'stüdyodaki haritaya geçiş ve navigasyonu birleştirme.' Lütfen ne demek istediğinizi bana gösterebilirsiniz çünkü bu konuda biraz kafam karıştı

Use the studio program of the source you are currently using, enter the map, create a zombie area again, try again.
Upvote 0