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Any vets still on this?

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Sep 17, 2010
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Wasn't I your replacement on the original LocalMS? :p I was promoted immediately following your firing.

Just had to be done
gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
I could care less what you all think.

I don't really pay much attention to anyone other than those who actually have the knowledge to caught my eyes, replying to this is just an exception.

After all, non of you were successful.

Good luck in the future kids :)

PS: Going over posts made by some of you can definitely show you haven't accomplished much in life. Ha.

1. The fact that you would dig up some of our posts from the past, and use them to judge our success and accomplishments greatly shows your insecurity.

2. And the fact that you would judge someone by their posts on a private server development forum also shows how intelligent you really are. In which, you most definitely are not.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 22, 2012
Reaction score
I could care less what you all think.

I don't really pay much attention to anyone other than those who actually have the knowledge to caught my eyes, replying to this is just an exception.

After all, non of you were successful.

Good luck in the future kids :)

PS: Going over posts made by some of you can definitely show you haven't accomplished much in life. Ha.

lmao weren't you the fishbowl guy
✞ Godlike ✞
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
I could care less what you all think.

I don't really pay much attention to anyone other than those who actually have the knowledge to caught my eyes, replying to this is just an exception.

After all, non of you were successful.

Good luck in the future kids :)

PS: Going over posts made by some of you can definitely show you haven't accomplished much in life. Ha.

This has been answered, with the best ever reply ever (points towards Leo's post)

"After all, non of you were successful".

Holy crap, if you only knew what I have accomplished on my own in both real life and on the internet.

Douches will always be douches.

lmao weren't you the fishbowl guy

Oh my god those memories.
Mythic Archon
Loyal Member
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Someone needs to make a good running server full of vets
Elite Diviner
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
looks like a lot of old vets are here lurking around well gone were the days of fun and fun, I think I actually played maplestory for almost g 8 years.. I think I only got to know about private server during march 2008 when someone from my msn told me to join LocalMS, that is when I started playing I became hook to everything soon after I started to research joining forum learned about OdinMS soon after when the registration was open I think I actually played until level 70+ when the news broke out it was going to be shut down.. I actually become a gm of one a popular server which had 100+ which was alot during that time.. had my fun had my chances guess now it is finally time to rest..

I actually made alot of friends

kerelsman - guy was a c# killer ;) (CSharp Killer) - known for writing the server before odin
snow/raz - used to write java programs for me and bug him
soph - this young lady was actually making a delphi server before odin/titan was public after which I think she disappear
koolk - how I got him on my msn was a mystery but never used to talk to him that much *hey* ;)
Danner - used to chat with him about odinteh awesome guy *hello*
Generic - another guy I used to ask stupid java questions :)
Nol888 - this dude is another sick C# developer
Serpendiem - without him I would still never have gotten over my hassle on java and computers,thanks

& Vana(2008-2010) - awesome bunch of people


and there were others awesome people forgot their names sorry if your name isnt here.. I never did learn anything about how maplestory server works but Im happy I learned much more then I expected over the years lastly here is an awesome pic :) of memories land

gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2007
Reaction score
looks like a lot of old vets are here lurking around well gone were the days of fun and fun, I think I actually played maplestory for almost g 8 years.. I think I only got to know about private server during march 2008 when someone from my msn told me to join LocalMS, that is when I started playing I became hook to everything soon after I started to research joining forum learned about OdinMS soon after when the registration was open I think I actually played until level 70+ when the news broke out it was going to be shut down.. I actually become a gm of one a popular server which had 100+ which was alot during that time.. had my fun had my chances guess now it is finally time to rest..

I actually made alot of friends

kerelsman - guy was a c# killer ;) (CSharp Killer) - known for writing the server before odin
snow/raz - used to write java programs for me and bug him
soph - this young lady was actually making a delphi server before odin/titan was public after which I think she disappear
koolk - how I got him on my msn was a mystery but never used to talk to him that much *hey* ;)
Danner - used to chat with him about odinteh awesome guy *hello*
Generic - another guy I used to ask stupid java questions :)
Nol888 - this dude is another sick C# developer
Serpendiem - without him I would still never have gotten over my hassle on java and computers,thanks

& Vana(2008-2010) - awesome bunch of people


and there were others awesome people forgot their names sorry if your name isnt here.. I never did learn anything about how maplestory server works but Im happy I learned much more then I expected over the years lastly here is an awesome pic :) of memories land

gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums


Still up to today you're nobody.
my milkshake.
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Impossible! The corruption would soon enough reach one (or more) of us and would cause havoc. Happens almost every time, trust me, I know.

This is why the time frame where we had the most developers who actually contributed, concentrated throughout various servers/communities and were competing with actual skill and not 'kiss and ddos' like someone had mentioned earlier in these forums, I would say the corruption is curbed when there's competition because it's like adapt or die instead of sitting on your arse and expecting your server to be successful. When someone sits with power/influence for too long that messes up how they think. Now we basically have clone servers competing with each other and they're basically the bargain bin types, I wouldn't even consider it competition. They're as good as the next one.

I'd say it went from most of the community being supportive and aspiring with the leechers either in the background or just plain players (I have nothing against players who just enjoy the game, more power to them), and after Odin's downfall, the scene became more spiteful but still we had progress for either reasons with the kind and generous developers, and/or the douchebag ones. After more and more of the talent faded or went behind closed doors things got corrupt because the popularity and attention got concentrated on a small number of people/servers, and yeah.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
Dat 40 minute login queue

Dem localms days

gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums

Note: I obv didn't post this because of the cape, even though it was a big deal back then. This is one of the few screenshots I have.

Back when gm's said no swearing and smega swears got you a 3 day ban.
gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums
Last edited:
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Dat 40 minute login queue

Dem localms days

gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums

Note: I obv didn't post this because of the cape, even though it was a big deal back then. This is one of the few screenshots I have.

Back when gm's said no swearing and smega swears got you a 3 day ban.
gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums

I would recognize Spidey's notices anyday.
I'm sexy and I know it :)
Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
This is why the time frame where we had the most developers who actually contributed, concentrated throughout various servers/communities and were competing with actual skill and not 'kiss and ddos' like someone had mentioned earlier in these forums, I would say the corruption is curbed when there's competition because it's like adapt or die instead of sitting on your arse and expecting your server to be successful. When someone sits with power/influence for too long that messes up how they think. Now we basically have clone servers competing with each other and they're basically the bargain bin types, I wouldn't even consider it competition. They're as good as the next one.

I'd say it went from most of the community being supportive and aspiring with the leechers either in the background or just plain players (I have nothing against players who just enjoy the game, more power to them), and after Odin's downfall, the scene became more spiteful but still we had progress for either reasons with the kind and generous developers, and/or the douchebag ones. After more and more of the talent faded or went behind closed doors things got corrupt because the popularity and attention got concentrated on a small number of people/servers, and yeah.

As you're quoting me to back-up your argumentation, I feel obliged to reply.
The kiss and ddos thing had nothing to do with competition, but with the personality of some people.
Back in the days there was less Ducking eachother over WITHIN the same community as there is today.
Competition between servers will always be there, but expecting things when you're working for a server often results in "give me that or i'm ddosing you" nowadays.

Oh and you don't have to be a pro coder to become a legend. Legends have a legacy and were of major influence. Competition is always between products; not skills.
my milkshake.
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
As you're quoting me to back-up your argumentation, I feel obliged to reply.
The kiss and ddos thing had nothing to do with competition, but with the personality of some people.
Back in the days there was less Ducking eachother over WITHIN the same community as there is today.
Competition between servers will always be there, but expecting things when you're working for a server often results in "give me that or i'm ddosing you" nowadays.

Oh and you don't have to be a pro coder to become a legend. Legends have a legacy and were of major influence. Competition is always between products; not skills.

Obviously as time has went on the personalities of many server owners (some who either claim to also be 'pro coders' and/or just run rehashed McServers) has changed/downgraded to ones who settle their disputes through damaging their 'competition' rather than improving their 'product' (as you said). Previously, the product was the server and that included the people who made it and ran it as well as it's community. None of whom necessarily had to be 'pro coders' but just all the aspects that generally make up a pserver. The skill part only comes from the developers behind the server and that has always ranged. And when I try to say how back then we had actual competition it was because they didn't compete over who could ddos and ruin the other server more and cause bs but just see who was better at actually running and maintaining a server (and hence the resulting bragging rights). Varying with the developer(s) of a server, skill was/is a factor. DDOS's were still in existence but they weren't behind actual competing server staff (kind of like state sponsored terrorism?) but just script kiddies who held grudges for their own personal reasons.

And not to say there weren't servers that were just rehashed but they weren't a disproportionate majority (ie 99.99% of servers like today). None of which have any lasting influence on the scene/community in any positive way, most which are only in it for self-serving purposes.
Mythic Archon
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Dat 40 minute login queue

Dem localms days

gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums

Note: I obv didn't post this because of the cape, even though it was a big deal back then. This is one of the few screenshots I have.

Back when gm's said no swearing and smega swears got you a 3 day ban.
gmsinister - Any vets still on this? - RaGEZONE Forums

That crappy quality background of Maple. lol
I remember when I had to run it when I had a crappy computer.

Anyway, I've been here since '08, but lost my previous accounts. My other computer broke and I threw it out, so.
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
I felt a tad prompted to reply in a serious manner since I am bored. Note that I am only presenting my views upon the matters I replied to and in no way do I wish to offend anyone.

More like all the vets should get together and make a good running server.
I could see a lot of potential exclusions within your device, since there are plenty of developers who don't really play nice with each other (I am no exception to this, sadly). If you somehow manage something like this while keeping everyone satisfied, then props to you.

This is why the time frame where we had the most developers who actually contributed, concentrated throughout various servers/communities and were competing with actual skill and not 'kiss and ddos' like someone had mentioned earlier in these forums, I would say the corruption is curbed when there's competition because it's like adapt or die instead of sitting on your arse and expecting your server to be successful. When someone sits with power/influence for too long that messes up how they think. Now we basically have clone servers competing with each other and they're basically the bargain bin types, I wouldn't even consider it competition. They're as good as the next one.
I will not lie and say that stagnation is a recent trend, because it is not. Concepts behind servers have always been fairly monotonous at best and very few, if any, have truly tried branching out from the traditional styles of presenting this game. Do you blame the people running these servers for being the same when all the past generations did was the same also? This notion of 'competition' within this community has always been who can upgrade to the newest version the fastest, but never who can create new ideas and implement them the best. Now this notion of 'competition' within the scene is who has the largest e-penis and not necessarily the greatest product/concepts.

I'd say it went from most of the community being supportive and aspiring with the leechers either in the background or just plain players (I have nothing against players who just enjoy the game, more power to them), and after Odin's downfall, the scene became more spiteful but still we had progress for either reasons with the kind and generous developers, and/or the douchebag ones. After more and more of the talent faded or went behind closed doors things got corrupt because the popularity and attention got concentrated on a small number of people/servers, and yeah.
Aspiring fits, however supportive does not. I do not really few comfortable elaborating further on this matter, since I am almost certainly an offender of this as well. The decrease in the public development is what made individual servers more unique from each other in terms of 'content'. I use the phrase 'content' loosely because, again, there really is no significant deviation in terms of game-play that exists from server to server even during this isolation. The only main differences that existed were version number and game functionality (such as skills or new jobs working). My view of this community has always been that it is hyper-critical to all of the potentially new talent to take up the reigns, and this drives them away fairly easily after chewing them and regurgitating them. Hell, it seems like there are fewer new people than there are old people around here. This thread is fairly indicative of this concept.

But again, just my opinion. Have a nice day.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
I don't recognise anyone here, somehow, except those from Vana. Either my memory's failing me or everyone really is gone..

But hello.

More like all the vets should get together and make a good running server.

I don't think anyone who isn't already running one cares about MapleStory enough to do that anymore.
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