BcStorm with all the fixes (for noobs)

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Experienced Elementalist
Sep 19, 2010
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Here is the BcStorm Emulator with all the released fixes for the noobs.


- Text colors exploit fix (thanks to djmatias)
- Exploits in guilds fix (thanks to jonty)
- More guilds fix (thanks to jonty)
- Marketplace fix (thanks to rafa95123)
- Profile fix (thanks to durex)
- Jukebox fix (thanks to Bjork)
- Push and pull command fix (thanks to zjordan)
- Diamonds fixed (thanks to mininova)
- Stream user images fix (thanks to leenster)
- Wordfilter fix (thanks to Joshuwar)
- ads_background fix (thanks to GheddoMonsta, djmatias)
- Crystals in the Catalogue fixed (Thanks to Divide)
- Mannequin with rotating too fixed (Thanks to Divide)
- Fixed the Wordfilter shizzle Bug (Thanks to Joshuawar)
- Fixed the Wallitems (Thanks to Bjork).
- Fixed Staff Bubbles (Thanks to Durex).
- Fixed/Translated Language (Thanks to HabflareH).
- Fixed the Frontpage of the Catalogue (Thanks to Ddos Attack).
- Fixed the Staff Chat Bubble (Bot Bubble for staffs with rank > 5).
- Fixed the Group Gate (thanks to leenster).
- Fixed buy pets (thanks to leenster).
- Fixed when you buy anything from the catalogue and disconnect from the Hotel or restart the Emulator, all things would be saved. (thanks to rafa95123 and Divide).
- Fixed the profiles finally (credits to me / to-do: showing created on).
- Fixed saving the Crystals after buying something from the Catalogue (thanks to Divide and rafa95123).
- Fixed showing created on in the profiles (thanks to Durex and me).
- Fixed showing join date of group members (thanks to leenster).
- Fixed Wall Item Interaction [Thanks to Ddos Attack].
- Fixed Group Purchase no spamming in database [Thanks to leenster].
- Much fixes and updates try it yourself.
- Added and fixed much things.

Don't forget to set the interaction_type from the furniture mannequin to mannequin, without that it wouldn't work.

Don't forget to set the interaction_type from the furniture group_gate (id 4532, table: items_base) to gld_gate, without that it wouldn't work.




You must first debug the exe yourself, after that all fixes works fine

Regards, Imagician.
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For those having issues with my wordfilter fix, if it isn't done in this one, go to line 209 of RoomUser.cs and uncomment it out
Did you fix the Push and pull command? when i first tested it, it did just push/pull people to the side.
Thank you, (For the guys who can't did that on their own)

-Btw i test it but if you hit Stream the client disconnect.

This means that the stream can't grab the images. Make sure u did the htaccess right and have the link done right in the server settings.

@Exonize: You must first debug the exe yourself, after that all fixes works fine
I know, but the push/pull command by zjordan needs some changes beacuse its not working 100% ull will move user to the side and ush will move the user 3 steps away.

//Sorry for my bad english.
Someone have the SQL Codes for Mannequin Furni?
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