Custom MapleStory Client

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I'm Back
May 14, 2007
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Seems your back about the same time i am. o-o, Get on msn we needa talk,
On topic: Looks good thoe you need to work on getting backgrounds in :/:
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2009
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Anyone can do that with spritebatch and a couple of eventhandlers.

No spritebatches or eventhandlers used
this is just a matter of drawing 4 images...
just to rant about how easy it is to do a so called development
and map rendering may be a little harder, but not much harder
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Nov 27, 2009
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And to stop d/cing? That's another story...
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Nov 27, 2009
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IWannaWin is making a custom client.
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Apr 13, 2008
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really i thought this thread was for random gibberish...

any new updates?

Yes, animation is pretty much done. : I've also started working on the windows (items, char info, etc) and the menu. I just need to clean up the map rendering code and finish the background rendering. Once I got all this done, I will make a video to prove my progress. Note: Character rendering will come later on.

Also, since this is a custom client, there will be no WZ files. I will make my own archives.

Seems your back about the same time i am. o-o, Get on msn we needa talk,
On topic: Looks good thoe you need to work on getting backgrounds in

Hey. I've been busy lately studying for exams, but I'll try to go on tomorrow. Today I'm going to watch Daybreakers since it's half price.
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I'm Back
May 14, 2007
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Haha, Nice not seen it myself, and ok make sure your on then!
Legendary Battlemage
Loyal Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Lol, matt's right.
You're never online anymore.

BTW, how are you going to make the archives?
I'm interested in that, cuz right now I need to make one for FS.
Initiate Mage
Apr 28, 2009
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If you don't know who I am, then of course you would doubt this. About a year ago, yea, I spent a couple of days making a map renderer - that turned into a full game renderer which just read packets incoming/outgoing to make a more efficient render than Maple (yea, ok, not hard, Maple is poorly coded), that was resizeable and viewable in a manner that was efficient for botting multiple clients.

Once Maple switched to Hackshield, the entire game was emulated in a client, with Lua scripting capabilities added to do anything a normal player can do, and still is working with current servers.

In all reality, however, 1 second is -far- too long to load a map, if it is taking that long you're simply put an amateur. Rendering a map is really, really easy. The sad part is you haven't even got Z-levels done right in your screenshots, how do you expect to display mobs, characters and NPCs on the right Z-levels and go about changing between Z-levels if you can't even do simple map tiles?

For the idiots claiming I'm full of poop, just remember you're on Ragezone, one of the worst reputed forums, and there's a reason you're on Ragezone. It's because you have no credibility or skill to enter the private communities.

At the end of the day, I can bot 12 characters unattended, on the same PC, at once for weeks at a time, have them sell items at automatically scanned market prices, and you can't. In effect your opinion becomes moot until you can prove you're worth more than the leftovers spilled on your shirt.

If you really want to get an indepth knowledge of how the game works (which it looks like you need to study up on), you could get XPI. It's a pretty amazing packet editor that long ago was private, and helped me do a lot of my datamining for my client. You'll be able to find infos on the GGCRCBYPASS forum which you can google for.
Apr 13, 2008
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For c-sharp it's pretty fast, but it can still be improved which is why I'm most likely going to switch to DirectX. Also, the z-levels have been implemented, those screen-shots are old, as noted.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 25, 2008
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Answer the following please:

1) Why would you go to the effort of re-creating the whole client for that type of bot? If you got rid of the visual part you could easily have 50 accounts going at it. I could see why you might have done that for coding experience but for practical botting it's rather pointless and stupid. EDIT: Or one core "viewing window" which can view any of the bots rather than having so much load from the wz for each bot

2) Please tell me the OpCodes, formation and form of encryption for the packet sent in both directions that is definitely needed if you wish to avoid being dc'ed periodically from such a design on an official server.

3) Please tell me where the random seed is initialized, what type of random function it uses and what packets it's used for (essential for this design to work on official servers)

4) Please explain how the 7th - 14th bytes of the player attack packet (C->S) are generated as well as the first byte of that packet (these are again needed in order to avoid being dced from an official server)

I'm sure there are many many many other issues like the above which I honestly wouldn't know about. I'm only sane enough to travel so far with MS or at least that's my excuse. Sorry if these questions are a mockery but it would be cool knowing that you're not lying out of your butt.

Btw nice idea with the market price scanning, probably fairly fast with the whole FM map warp still around, might even have to take that one up myself. Kudos to you if everything stated isn't just a lie or troll.
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Legendary Battlemage
Loyal Member
Apr 7, 2009
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For c-sharp it's pretty fast, but it can still be improved which is why I'm most likely going to switch to Direct X. Also, the z-levels have been implemented, those screen-shots are old, as noted.

You do know that using DX with C# is just like XNA, right?
To harness the true power or DX, you must use good ol' unmanaged C++.

If you want to use DX with C#, you'll have to embed it in a WinForms app.

Kinda like XNA with the IntPtr and ImageBox crap.
Legendary Battlemage
Loyal Member
May 18, 2008
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For the idiots claiming I'm full of poop, just remember you're on Ragezone, one of the worst reputed forums, and there's a reason you're on Ragezone. It's because you have no credibility or skill to enter the private communities.

I take back, what i said about your client.
Initiate Mage
Apr 28, 2009
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So you're telling me that this was a real project:
instead of just a random show-off?

If that's the case, i will take back what i've said.

That wasn't actually me who posted that, or anyone I know. It was originally just to have a maple client that worked on Linux but evolved into more. What the person who made that post DIDN'T do however was link to the the video that was posted.


1) You can actually have as many as you want, the view window is just there if you want to take a look at what's going on on any (or up to 4 in the same window) of the clients.

2) I'm not sure which one you are referring to, there are 2 different checks, one of which is a "ping" sort of thing, the other is pertaining to HackShield, and formerly an extra related to GameGuard. The reason I didn't do this when GameGuard was out was because I only could generate GameGuard packets for 1 of the 2 responses required. HackShield however is a joke to simulate in that department, though I am not willing to share the algorithm so easily.

3) The 'random' seed is actually sent from the server when you login. A lot of Maple Servers misleadingly call it something else. Unless, again, you're talking about the Heartbeat packets, which, again, I'm not willing to share easily.

4) Show me an example packet (we're not idiots, if you look at XPI we actually use the official formatting of packets instead of guessing it like idiots in almost all the 'private servers' do) and I'll tell you exactly how.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 25, 2008
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Ah yea a viewing window sounds a bit more logical.

Yar I was referring to the HS packet. I honestly wouldn't have a clue how to find out the encryption used, I'd just use 1 dedicated GMS client and call it through there.

It's the random function the seeds are used with which is the uncertainty. I'm sure Nexon wouldn't have made their own.

Haven't heard of XPI tbh though I can't say I look around too often for PE's. Here is an atk packet (C->S) with the uncertainties:
Apr 13, 2008
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I've edited the WzLib so it will just decompress the PNG and return it as a byte array instead of a Bitmap. I can now render Henesys in under a second (400-600 milliseconds).

Still making some changes, it will probably end up a lot faster.
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