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damage Tower

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 4, 2011
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here this

//AlidevGame Present structure 223.2 make by myself
//debug header zoneserver with idapro 6.1
//Do not edit this part and thx to dpman


struct GuardTowerItemFile
u32 nBlocks;
u32 nColumns;
u32 nSize;
child GuardTowerItemBlock [count=nBlocks];

struct GuardTowerItemBlock [preload=1]
u32 nCount;
cstr [len=64] ItemName;
  cstr[len=64] m_strModle;
  cstr[len=64] m_strcstrCharMeshID;
  cstr[len=64] m_strName;
  cstr[len=64] m_strCivil;
  i32 m_nLevelLim;
  i32 m_nUpLevelLim;
  i32 m_nExpertLim;
  i32 m_nExpTime;
  i32 m_nEffectGroup;
  i32 m_nIconIDX;
  i32 m_nLevel;
  i32 m_nHeight;
  i32 m_nWidth;
  float m_fAttGap;
  i32 m_nAttack_DP;
  i32 m_nGADst;
  i32 m_nGASpd;
  i32 m_nAttSklUnit;
  i32 m_nGAMinAF;
  i32 m_nGAMaxAF;
  i32 m_nGAMinSelProb;
  i32 m_nGAMaxSelProb;
  i32 m_nDefSklUnit;
  i32 m_nDefFc;
  float m_fDefGap;
  float m_fDefFacing;
  i32 m_nProperty;
  i32 m_nFireTol;
  i32 m_nWaterTol;
  i32 m_nSoilTol;
  i32 m_nWindTol;
  i32 m_nEff1Code;
  float m_fEff1Unit;
  i32 m_nEff2Code;
  float m_fEff2Unit;
  i32 m_nDuration;
  i32 m_nMaxHP;
  i32 m_nMoney;
  i32 m_nStdPrice;
  i32 m_nStdPoi32;
  i32 m_nGoldPoi32;
  i32 m_nKillPoi32;
  i32 m_nProcPoi32;
  i32 m_nStoragePrice;

  repeat 3
  cstr[len=64] strMaterialCode;
  i32 nMaterialNum;

  i32 m_bSell;
  i32 m_bExchange;
  i32 m_bGround;
  i32 m_bStoragePossible;
  i32 m_bUseableNormalAcc;
  i32 m_bUpgrade;
  cstr[len=64] m_strTooltipIndex;
  i32 m_nAttEffType;
  i32 m_nDefEffType;
  i32 m_bIsTime;
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