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Database+lua for x64 6.5.2 - UP v2

did you add the zone_XX.ini files for all the maps like what i told you before?? ..... and just a added info map 38 on USA is map ID 2038,
did you add the zone_XX.ini files for all the maps like what i told you before?? ..... and just a added info map 38 on USA is map ID 2038,
yes idid im using MUPU client maybe thats the problem?
that is definitely the issue his client is missing many things including the maps Info for them lands...
Could be that zone.db is the problem (integrated in data.fdb). I'm not a t home right now, so i can't have a look.
Well if you register you will have a option to get it ... but his google drive is here

this contain the worldmaptable.db from official or ineed to get it if not can you upload the worldmaptable.db beacue it will take for ever to download the official

Just download @theDomo client and use the fdbs from it ..
okay that make since iwill try it and give you feedback

Miissing Npc's

Tasuq - npc 124182 3771 194 -2308 its in data base just does not show image....
Chazzis - npc 124610 3665 -103 -3132 its in data base just does not show image, or able to place....

most of the npc in the range of 124xxx are gone now ..

Ok after redoing your client updated to MOST are back if you can please look into this our you will have many missing ....

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Miissing Npc's

Tasuq - npc 124182 3771 194 -2308 its in data base just does not show image....
Chazzis - npc 124610 3665 -103 -3132 its in data base just does not show image, or able to place....
after changing fdb same still crash iwill change every thing later and even some other areas crash such as cost of coast of opportunity never mind iwill use what ihave now since it working perfectly maybe iwill change later thanks for your effort janebug
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I'll be so bold as to offer my edited version of Mage's controller XML file where I sorted zones and instances based on content and removed the 7.X zones for those who want to keep a functional 6.5.2 server for now without the literally soulless 7.X stuff:

Remember to change the ExePath lines according to your installation.
I'll be so bold as to offer my edited version of Mage's controller XML file where I sorted zones and instances based on content and removed the 7.X zones for those who want to keep a functional 6.5.2 server for now without the literally soulless 7.X stuff:

Remember to change the ExePath lines according to your installation.
thanks xspeedx iwill test it

thanks xspeedx iwill test it
since most people using c as ExePath iwill just upload the XML after chaning the ExePath to make it more simple

thanks xspeedx

Sorry i had to say something here your mail box is always full @theDomo ...any ways your release of works great the data.fdb (file size 1,063,763,827bytes) matches almost all the NPC correctly and the skills are correct based off the Invisible npc as for next update it drops almost all of the 124xxx npc's, kills a lot of the skills like invisibility and many others, To test yours try Low Blow hits for 1 dps at max level.... for anyone else here is the TheDomo's data.fdb file that i use for now ...

new release will have the fixed one..... wait for v3

works with this fdb

works with this fdb

works with this fdb
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Sorry i had to say something here your mail box is always full @theDomo ...any ways your release of works great the data.fdb (file size 1,069,035,959bytes) matches almost all the NPC correctly and the skills are correct based off the Invisible npc as for next update it drops almost all of the 124xxx npc's, kills a lot of the skills like invisibility and many others .... for anyone else here is the TheDomo's data.fdb file that i use for now ...

works with this fdb

works with this fdb

works with this fdb
after updating demo client and use his data base and your files it work perfectly the problem was that the client you post wasn't updated
When i do the final release i want to add the fdbs with it to match the sql so this is why its taken me a while ...

thanks Jane
TY so much i want to learn a lot of thing and if you want help to add content, contactme i wanna to add a new zone with new models and textures from my city and his motology "Cholula" there is the bigest pyramid in the world
TY so much i want to learn a lot of thing and if you want help to add content, contactme i wanna to add a new zone with new models and textures from my city and his motology "Cholula" there is the bigest pyramid in the world

It's best if that kinda stuff could be kept in an addon format, if possible. Otherwise we'd quickly end up with a very riddled, very messy game world with a lot of stuff making it stand out like a sore thumb. Playernet has very well trained designers among their ranks and they also cannot manage to properly blend their custom content into the world.

This might be a challenge for Domo and the likes of his caliber: Allow the game to add and load zones without merging them with the original FDBs. If the engine and code even allow such.
@theDomo Ill check out your client again but i seen a lot of things missing based on mobs , skills broken and other things since that last time i tried it (about 5 months ago), but you never replied to any of it back then so i have not tried it since .... I cant say that i did your update to 1.0 and notice a lot of things new client animation ect, again so i never tried it again .... I have add many npcs that where missing and updated a lot of the quest items , went thru so far all of the maps for missing npc, quest items ect... trying to match them based off usa server and i will have another release some time this year but not sure when i will ... I released my Data file and may of the fixes for client side that i have been using to get everyone up to date with usa servers. Trying to figure out the venders know, but look on my first post i added other downloads of client updates...

If you have any suggestions please let me know, right now ill take the time and check out your client fully this time, but i thought i lost you.

Shamelessly ripping the FDBs and slapping them on Mupus release also causes a plethora of issues. Among them being gear upgrade effects being gone, skill animations being gone, damage calc being messed up,. all skill levels reset to 1. Given the logo and everything, I think Domo is working on his own version exclusive to CPN.

I also did try Virtualbox Portable but the program cannot be executed "due to security reasons". Don't even know if it's outdated because there's no version info given.