yes idid im using MUPU client maybe thats the problem?did you add the zone_XX.ini files for all the maps like what i told you before?? ..... and just a added info map 38 on USA is map ID 2038,
maybe later if you can send me your discord in dmCould be that zone.db is the problem (integrated in data.fdb). I'm not a t home right now, so i can't have a look.
this contain the worldmaptable.db from official or ineed to get it if not can you upload the worldmaptable.db beacue it will take for ever to download the officialWell if you register you will have a option to get it ... but his google drive is here
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okay that make since iwill try it and give you feedbackJust download @theDomo client and use the fdbs from it ..
after changing fdb same still crash iwill change every thing later and even some other areas crash such as cost of coast of opportunity never mind iwill use what ihave now since it working perfectly maybe iwill change later thanks for your effort janebug@theDomo
Miissing Npc's
Tasuq - npc 124182 3771 194 -2308 its in data base just does not show image....
Chazzis - npc 124610 3665 -103 -3132 its in data base just does not show image, or able to place....
thanks xspeedx iwill test itI'll be so bold as to offer my edited version of Mage's controller XML file where I sorted zones and instances based on content and removed the 7.X zones for those who want to keep a functional 6.5.2 server for now without the literally soulless 7.X stuff:
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Remember to change the ExePath lines according to your installation.
since most people using c as ExePath iwill just upload the XML after chaning the ExePath to make it more simplethanks xspeedx iwill test it
after updating demo client and use his data base and your files it work perfectly the problem was that the client you post wasn't updated@theDomo
Sorry i had to say something here your mail box is always full @theDomo ...any ways your release of works great the data.fdb (file size 1,069,035,959bytes) matches almost all the NPC correctly and the skills are correct based off the Invisible npc as for next update it drops almost all of the 124xxx npc's, kills a lot of the skills like invisibility and many others .... for anyone else here is the TheDomo's data.fdb file that i use for now ...
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works with this fdb
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
works with this fdb
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
works with this fdb
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
TY so much i want to learn a lot of thing and if you want help to add content, contactme i wanna to add a new zone with new models and textures from my city and his motology "Cholula" there is the bigest pyramid in the world