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Database+lua for x64 6.5.2 - UP v2

Shamelessly ripping the FDBs and slapping them on Mupus release also causes a plethora of issues. Among them being gear upgrade effects being gone, skill animations being gone, damage calc being messed up,. all skill levels reset to 1. Given the logo and everything, I think Domo is working on his own version exclusive to CPN.

I also did try Virtualbox Portable but the program cannot be executed "due to security reasons". Don't even know if it's outdated because there's no version info given.

With that being said i agree , but i did not do just this all i did was move the file RuneDev.ini to @theDomo client and connected with that to mine we have teamed up to put them both together, he is using my release...

and with that being said i give your client a big thumbs up @theDomo every thing looks nice all npc are there and skills work great had no issues from what i can see ...... The only issue i see was the Black codex Transport to Chassizz (2426.lua) but that's cosmetic and all of the work you have done to this client is fantastic keep up the good work ... Ill change my original post to help support your client again if that ok ...

hey thank you and yes if you've noticed in my new release I have also included the data folder not in fdb format so that way nobody has to worry about compression to mess with files and all of my files will remain and we'll still be compatible with the x64 release. if I change any structures I will release structure updates :) jane ty xSpeedx it is nice to see you still active my friends :)
@Janebug and also sorry for not updating the post to keep you informed I will do better if you post broken things I will repair them and reply to you just tag me like you've been and I will do better at replying. I'm thinking about updating my hook for dumping locations of mobs and doing a small sdk gathering data
@theDomo If someone has not told you yet , your Monster Compendium card are not showing when you try to view what cards you have nothing showing but ??? this is from your Version client sorry if you have a update from that and fixed exnore this please ...

what it should look like for me now, If i see any more ill post ...
The url address "https://chickenpickle.ninja/" cannot be accessed, where can I find the client?
This should be the CPN Client, but you can't play there at the moment because all servers are down.

Hello, I used this topic to update the One For All server:1. Recovered ROM_GlobalDB2. Changed lua3. Added zone files4. replaced data.fdbLocations and dungeons are launched, but there is a problem with skills, some inflict 1 damage, and buffs they belong to different groups but overlap. Maybe you can advise how to solve this or provide files to the server, the client to replace with a working configuration
you need to fix your client ... If your using Domos old client files then yes it did have a skill bug in it where it would only do 1 damage to npc ...For the client all i did was dumped my sql tables to client in Data folder everything else i got from current USA client... the only thing in my FDB folder is motion.fdb, music.fdb, other.fdb, and sound.fdb the rest i dumped from USA current client here is a screen shot of my client

Janebug - Database+lua for x64 6.5.2 - UP v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

If you can figure out the others iam sure you can figure out the client and how to fix it..

but if i was you i would get the NEW updated Data file from me here also and add it ...


and add that ..
Hello, you can share a link to the USA client, the client I found gives me all the objects in white, what I showed in the video I did, the festival edited, because I turned on all at once