DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress

Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
Hey all! In this thread I would like to show what ever progress I make with this source. Of course, any and all progress will be on the DBOGLOBAL github page in a Pull Request as well as a fork of the main repo. So I'll start off this thread with what I recently got working properly:

Charging Aura Colors

RP Charge auras now change to the correct color depending on the grade of the pants you wear!

+0 pants:
tosAKRF - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

+15 pants:
ZGKIC1y - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

That's all I have so far. I'm currently working on both guard auras as well as dash auras too. I may upload my progress on those later today! One problem I'm encountering with charge auras is the positioning as well as scaling, so if anyone has any insight on these feel free to reply to this thread!

Again, all progress will be on the github so feel free to grab the code. I'll see you all in the next update!

I just got guard aura colors displaying properly depending on jacket grade level!

+0 jacket:
1NNldsC - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

+15 jacket:
rxYovKq - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

These changes have also been uploaded to the newest PR in the github as well as my forked repo! Next I will be working on dash auras.

Ah, I would also like to note that every effect color for both these auras work from +0 to +15! Feel free to experiment!
Thank you! If you have any features in mind that you think are most urgent to be restored let me know here. I'll do my best to restore as many as I can (I'm still learning how this source works but I think I have a basic grasp of it xD)
Dash aura updates coming in an hour or two when I get home!

Update coming in a few minutes! Uploading my progress to github right now.

Alright so now dash aura colors work properly! I had to take a different route while implementing this than I did with both charge auras and guard auras, so it took a bit longer to implement but here it is!

+0 boots/no boots:
K2weXSN - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

+15 boots:
KYGr3Er - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

As always, all progress has been uploaded to the github PR and fork. Next I'll attempt at implementing item upgrade effects! So far, by default, you have no effects except for the mini aura you get when you get an item to +15. Also, if anyone has any ideas on how I can fix that issue with the charge aura's positioning please let me know asap! I'll see everyone in the next update! :laugh:
Hey guys I may not have an update for a bit, since I have IRL stuff to take care of. But, I am currently working on item effects. I'm researching how this system works in the client, so if you have any tips feel free to let me know! I'll update you all soon.
In the future I'll include binary releases on the release tab on github!

Small update coming in a bit!

Here's the small update:

Right now I've kind of grasped how item upgrade effects work in the client! I'm working on getting them to display correctly but for now here's how +15 effects look like! If anyone knows how all the item upgrade effects are supposed to look properly please post some screenshots for reference!

+15 armor:
QcYOiAn - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

I'll continue working on this and I'll upload the finished product to the github. I'll see everyone in the next update! :thumbup1:

Another update coming soon!

Item upgrade effects now display properly, for the most part. I still need to get the extra effects working (lightning, etc.)

+15 armor:
MakotoYuki - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

I still have some work for this to work as well as it did on TW. I'll upload what I have to the github when I get all the effects working properly! For now, if anyone has any tips let me know. I'll see everyone in the next update! :laugh:

Just tested it with weapons. Effects work on every type of gear!

Here is another update! I was looking into the charge aura and I managed to fix the aura's positioning! The aura's still messy though so I guess it's a work in progress.

g4pfr4Z - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

I'll upload aura changes to the github when I get it working properly too! I'll see you all in the next update!
the problem with the effect of the auras can only be solved with the venus tool, it is a problem of reading the effect files.
You have to fix the reading of the effects or fix it with the Venus tool.
good job
When you manage to compile Venus let me know, I'll tell you what you need to modify. There are many effects that suffer from the same bug.
I managed to compile it just now, actually. Although it does crash. Going to debug it now to see the problem.

In VenusFramework.cpp the debugger throws an access violation here
RpWorldAddLight(m_pWorld, m_pAmbientLight);
By the way, all the information for the upgrade effects of the items is in an xml, it is called itemupgradeproperty.xml. You can extract it from the Taiwan client

I would love to help you with that error but I don't have much idea about it, in fact I don't know how to make all the tools compile. But I'm willing to pay whoever can
You can actually compile most of the tools with Visual Studio 2010. I haven't tried the other tools but ModelTool2 and Venus both compile with it! ModelTool2 works pretty well it's just Venus that's crashing at the moment because of null pointers.

Also yes I've been referring to that script for the upgrade effects! It's helped a lot.

Wait does this bug require Venus tool for it to be fixed or can it be fixed directly from the client source?
Actually the error is due to the effect file reader. There are some bytes that are moved, and because of that there are values that are assigned to variables that should not and that is why they have those strange movements.

How did you manage to compile all the tools?
I had Visual Studio 2010 installed as well as XtremeToolkitPro 13.2.1! I then switched to the Release4Tools and made sure to switch all the libraries to Visual Studio 2010. When you do that you can then import the tool project you want and fix all the dependencies in the project settings. After that, you should be able to compile the tool. However, the tool may not work properly (like Venus tool for me right now) so you will need to fix some problems in the tool's source code.

Also what is the effect file reader that I need to modify?
In the part of correcting all the dependencies of the project, this is where I have failed. Whenever I try to correct them, there are more errors than they did before and there are some errors in the dependencies that I cannot resolve. I have not managed to compile all the tools due to those problems. I can not solve the errors in the dependencies, it is something very difficult for me.
What tools in particular are you trying to compile? I can try compiling them for you, if needed. Although they may not work as they should.
I'm not sure which files need to be modified, but you can check where these two files are uploaded.visualeffect_01.eff and visualeffect_02.eff

The venus tool (as well as other tools) need a folder with files, because if it can't find it, it will crash.
hi this compiled can help you in the operation of certain old applications.

I tried using the VenusData folder that came with the old DragonBallEditor release and it sends me to a different null pointer when debugging it. I do think that there are some more files missing.