DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress

Our repo has a TW branch!
will any of the bug fixes for the bugs on the 2.0 ever be release sorry im not very good with the client Source but i understand the Server Source well (more like its more simple than the client)
will any of the bug fixes for the bugs on the 2.0 ever be release sorry im not very good with the client Source but i understand the Server Source well (more like its more simple than the client)
Since the project is open source, everyone is free to tackle the bugs at their own pace. It's a community driven project! Because of that, there's no real deadline to the bug fixes. It entirely depends on if someone decides to attempt to fix any of the bugs that comes to mind.
Its Exactly As Yuki said, but if u need help fixing bugs why not join the discord and seek assistance? im sure someone there will be able to help, i use The Taiwan branch so i dont have the bugs the master branch has so if i can i'll help aswell
its also wise to ask for Help from a few popular DBO Devs because from what i know most of the bugs i saw on master branch is within tables and not the client source itself, but i may be wrong

- TurlesDBO
Since the project is open source, everyone is free to tackle the bugs at their own pace. It's a community driven project! Because of that, there's no real deadline to the bug fixes. It entirely depends on if someone decides to attempt to fix any of the bugs that comes to mind.
Uhh question Do you know how to Enable the Engineer Class?
Uhh question Do you know how to Enable the Engineer Class?
I've never done it myself, so I can't help with that, but I have seen others go through with implementing the Engineer class. From what I've seen, a lot of the work will have to be in the client source and the RDFs. There is already some data on the Engineer class that exists within the client's RDFs, but the amount of data is minimal. If I remember right, only the class ID is available in one of the character related table RDFs and a minimal amount of skill info for the class in the Skill data RDF.

If it were me, I'd first look into how other classes work in the source; like how their data is stored and used in the game and then replicate it for the Engineer class. I think the hardest part will be designing and implementing the skills for the class. Of course, take this with a grain of salt because I haven't tried to implement the Engineer class.
I've never done it myself, so I can't help with that, but I have seen others go through with implementing the Engineer class. From what I've seen, a lot of the work will have to be in the client source and the RDFs. There is already some data on the Engineer class that exists within the client's RDFs, but the amount of data is minimal. If I remember right, only the class ID is available in one of the character related table RDFs and a minimal amount of skill info for the class in the Skill data RDF.

If it were me, I'd first look into how other classes work in the source; like how their data is stored and used in the game and then replicate it for the Engineer class. I think the hardest part will be designing and implementing the skills for the class. Of course, take this with a grain of salt because I haven't tried to implement the Engineer class.
I see, i've notice there hasnt been much commits on github lately would be nice to see the project flowing again, the files i Use is Very Old would love to upgrade to the latest
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I see, i've notice there hasnt been much commits on github lately would be nice to see the project flowing again, the files i Use is Very Old would love to upgrade to the latest
It's fine, the project is open source, so anyone and everyone can work on it whenever they'd like! At the moment, I have some important things in my real life that need to be done, so I can't devote as much time as I'd like to on the project. However, I do often pop in on ragezone and the github just in case there are any PRs.
hi guys,I have no idea to edit things about the game. i tried build the server and client by the DBO core source but thats all i can do with CURSOR AI.would someone tell me about change the font /make new skill/edit gui/edit old item and creat new item. I love the game but just tought DBO need some big change(by the way i wonder where is the whole world model files,i got a folder ‘world’ by the packeditor but didnt know how to use the files inside)
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