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Dboor bugs

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Skilled Illusionist
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
Okay guys as it seems, all attention now is falling on dboor script wich has 5 races, its dboor, arab, Teutons, Gauls, Romans.

Ok so we should share some bugs. to each other, maybe someone has a solution how to fix them.
Okay so who want's to be first?? no one? ok so ill start.

1. It's more to solving, this problem, than bug.
the ugly 00:00:0? thing. is there any way to slove it, so that the timres go on?
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

2. Oases, i hate this one. when you attack oases, its shows "Name sicks ali [?]" first of all wtf is "Sicks ali" we need to change that, then, after the combat with monster you get no bounty??
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

3. And how to populate map with WW Natars villages, because all i can do is. Populate the villages, but inside there is no WW and you can't construct inside there nothing. Here are some IMG
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

Waiting for more bug replys, hope it's not going to be huge list.
Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Okay guys as it seems, all attention now is falling on dboor script wich has 5 races, its dboor, arab, Teutons, Gauls, Romans.

Ok so we should share some bugs. to each other, maybe someone has a solution how to fix them.
Okay so who want's to be first?? no one? ok so ill start.

1. It's more to solving, this problem, than bug.
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

the ugly 00:00:0? thing. is there any way to slove it, so that the timres go on?
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

Oases, i hate this one. when you attack oases, its shows "Name sicks ali [?]" first of wtf is "Sicks ali" we need to change that, then, after the combat with monster you get no bounty??
3. And how to populate map with WW Natars villages, because all i can do is. Populate the villages, but inside there is no WW and you can't construct inside there nothing. Here are some IMG
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

Waiting for more bug replys, hope it's not going to be huge list.

2. -->> fixed...it's just a text from lang folder..i decoded all and i fixed all translation..i will add on release today...on normal dboor if you click on a abandoned valley the informations are like this:land distribution:
Wood 4 Htabon --->>>hutabon????
Clay 4 mud holes ----->>mud holes?>>>
Iron 4 iron mines
Wheat 6 wheat fields

Fixed too..and more lang fixed by me
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah the lang correction is not that hard, but what about oases bounty ?
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
atleast you could help guys who is having troubles with 00:00:0? thing.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
atleast you could help guys who is having troubles with 00:00:0? thing.
its easy ..
u can fix it inside the Game.phtml file
here the decoded file ( Game.Phtml ) :

Open it .
then fix the 0:0:00 .
i have game.phtml
thats don't have 0:0:0
Dboor Bugs its just 5 or 4 .
but there other bug
i think u can fix it with war.php

/*                          */
/*  DezendMe v1.  */
/*  Qarizma, sidxx55, Cyko  */
/*  www.dezend.me           */
/*                          */

class WarBattleModel extends BattleModel

    public function handleWarAttack( $taskRow, $toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $procInfo )
        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];
        $SetupMetadata = $GLOBALS['SetupMetadata'];
        if ( !$toVillageRow['is_oasis'] && intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ) == 0 )
            $paramsArray = explode( "|", $taskRow['proc_params'] );
            $paramsArray[sizeof( $paramsArray ) - 1] = 1;
            $newParams = implode( "|", $paramsArray );
            $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_queue q \r\n\t\t\t\tSET \r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.player_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.village_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.to_player_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.to_village_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.proc_type=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.proc_params='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.end_date=(q.end_date + INTERVAL q.execution_time SECOND)\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE q.id=%s", array(
                intval( $taskRow['to_player_id'] ),
                intval( $taskRow['to_village_id'] ),
                intval( $taskRow['player_id'] ),
                intval( $taskRow['village_id'] ),
                intval( $taskRow['id'] )
            ) );
            return TRUE;
        $heroLevel = 0;
        if ( $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] )
            $heroLevel = intval( $this->provider->fetchScalar( "SELECT p.hero_level FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=%s", array(
                intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] )
            ) ) );
        $heroBuildingLevel = 0;
        $wringerLevel = 0;
        $buildings = array( );
        $bStr = trim( $fromVillageRow['buildings'] );
        if ( $bStr != "" )
            $bStrArr = explode( ",", $bStr );
            foreach ( $bStrArr as $b2Str )
                list( $item_id, $level, $update_state ) = item_id                if ( $item_id == 35 )
                    $wringerLevel = $level;
                else if ( $item_id == 37 )
                    $heroBuildingLevel = $level;
        $attackTroops = $this->_getAttackTroopsForVillage( $fromVillageRow['troops_training'], $procInfo['troopsArray']['troops'], $heroLevel, $fromVillageRow['people_count'], $wringerLevel, FALSE );
        $buildinStabilityFactor = 1;
        $crannyTotalSize = 0;
        $wallPower = 0;
        $wallLevel = 0;
        $wallBid = 0;
        $wallItemId = 0;
        $buildings = array( );
        $bStr = trim( $toVillageRow['buildings'] );
        if ( $bStr != "" )
            $bStrArr = explode( ",", $bStr );
            $fcc = 0;
            foreach ( $bStrArr as $b2Str )
                list( $item_id, $level, $update_state ) = item_id                if ( $item_id == 31 || $item_id == 32 || $item_id == 33 )
                    $wallBid = $fcc;
                    $wallItemId = $item_id;
                    $wallLevel = $level;
                    $wallPower = 0 < $level ? $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][$level - 1]['value'] : 0;
                else if ( $item_id == 23 && 0 < $level )
                    $crannyTotalSize += $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][$level - 1]['value'] * $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['for_tribe_id'][$toVillageRow['tribe_id']];
                else if ( $item_id == 34 && 0 < $level )
                    $buildinStabilityFactor = $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][$level - 1]['value'] / 100;
        $crannyTotalSize = floor( $crannyTotalSize * $GameMetadata['tribes'][$fromVillageRow['tribe_id']]['crannyFactor'] );
        $defenseTroops = array( );
        $totalDefensePower = 0;
        $troops_num = trim( $toVillageRow['troops_num'] );
        if ( $troops_num != "" )
            $vtroopsArr = explode( "|", $troops_num );
            foreach ( $vtroopsArr as $vtroopsStr )
                list( $tvid, $tvtroopsStr ) = tvid                $incFactor = $toVillageRow['is_oasis'] && intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ) == 0 && $tvid == 0 - 1 ? floor( $toVillageRow['oasisElapsedTimeInSeconds'] / 86400 ) : 0;
                $_hasHero = FALSE;
                $vtroops = array( );
                $_arr = explode( ",", $tvtroopsStr );
                foreach ( $_arr as $_arrStr )
                    list( $_tid, $_tnum ) = _tid                    if ( $_tnum == 0 - 1 )
                        $_hasHero = TRUE;
                        $vtroops[$_tid] = $_tnum + $incFactor;
                if ( $tvid == 0 - 1 )
                    $hero_in_village_id = intval( $this->provider->fetchScalar( "SELECT p.hero_in_village_id FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=%s", array(
                        intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] )
                    ) ) );
                    if ( 0 < $hero_in_village_id && $hero_in_village_id == $toVillageRow['id'] )
                        $_hasHero = TRUE;
                $defenseTroops[$tvid] = $this->_getDefenseTroopsForVillage( $tvid == 0 - 1 ? $toVillageRow['id'] : $tvid, $vtroops, $_hasHero, $toVillageRow['people_count'], $wallPower, FALSE );
                $totalDefensePower += $defenseTroops[$tvid]['total_power'];
        $warResult = $this->getWarResult( $attackTroops, $defenseTroops, $totalDefensePower, $taskRow['proc_type'] == QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER );
        $harvestResources = "0 0 0 0";
        $harvestInfoStruct = array(
            "string" => $harvestResources,
            "sum" => 0
        if ( !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] )
            $harvestInfoStruct = $this->_harvestTroopsFrom( $toVillageRow, $warResult['attackTroops']['total_carry_load'], $crannyTotalSize );
            $harvestResources = $harvestInfoStruct['string'];
        $reduceConsumption = $warResult['attackTroops']['total_dead_consumption'];
        if ( $warResult['all_attack_killed'] && $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] )
            $reduceConsumption += $GameMetadata['troops'][$procInfo['troopsArray']['heroTroopId']]['crop_consumption'];
        if ( 0 < $reduceConsumption )
            $this->_updateVillage( $fromVillageRow, $reduceConsumption, $warResult['all_attack_killed'] && $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] );
        if ( $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] && !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] && 1 <= $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'] )
            $heroStatisticPoint = 1;
            $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_points=p.hero_points+%s, p.hero_level=p.hero_level+floor(p.hero_points/(100*(p.hero_level+1))) WHERE p.id=%s", array(
                intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] )
            ) );
        $defenseTroopsStr = "";
        $defenseReduceConsumption = 0;
        $reportTroopTable = array( );
        $tribeId = 0;
        foreach ( $warResult['defenseTroops'] as $vid => $troopsTable )
            $defenseReduceConsumption += $troopsTable['total_dead_consumption'];
            $newTroops = "";
            $thisInforcementDied = TRUE;
            foreach ( $troopsTable['troops'] as $tid => $tprop )
                if ( $newTroops != "" )
                    $newTroops .= ",";
                $newTroops .= $tid." ".$tprop['live_number'];
                if ( 0 < $tprop['live_number'] )
                    $thisInforcementDied = FALSE;
                $tribeId = $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['for_tribe_id'];
                if ( !isset( $reportTroopTable[$tribeId] ) )
                    $reportTroopTable[$tribeId] = array(
                        "troops" => array( ),
                        "hero" => array( "number" => 0, "dead_number" => 0 )
                if ( $tid != 99 )
                    if ( !isset( $reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['troops'][$tid] ) )
                        $reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['troops'][$tid] = array(
                            "number" => $tprop['number'],
                            "dead_number" => $tprop['number'] - $tprop['live_number']
                        $reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['troops'][$tid]['number'] += $tprop['number'];
                        $reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['troops'][$tid]['dead_number'] += $tprop['number'] - $tprop['live_number'];
            if ( $troopsTable['hasHero'] )
            if ( 0 < $troopsTable['total_live_number'] && $troopsTable['hasHero'] )
                if ( $vid != 0 - 1 )
                    if ( $newTroops != "" )
                        $newTroops .= ",";
                    $newTroops .= $troopsTable['heroTroopId']." -1";
                if ( $vid == 0 - 1 && !$toVillageRow['is_oasis'] && $warResult['all_attack_killed'] )
                    $heroStatisticPoint = 1;
                    $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_points=p.hero_points+%s, p.hero_level=p.hero_level+floor(p.hero_points/(20*(p.hero_level+1))) WHERE p.id=%s", array(
                        intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] )
                    ) );
                $thisInforcementDied = FALSE;
            if ( $troopsTable['hasHero'] && $troopsTable['total_live_number'] <= 0 )
                $defenseReduceConsumption += $GameMetadata['troops'][$troopsTable['heroTroopId']]['crop_consumption'];
            $this->_updateVillageOutTroops( $vid, $toVillageRow['id'], $newTroops, $troopsTable['hasHero'] && $troopsTable['total_live_number'] <= 0, $thisInforcementDied, intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ) );
            if ( $vid == 0 - 1 && $toVillageRow['is_oasis'] )
                $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v SET v.creation_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=%s", array(
                    intval( $toVillageRow['id'] )
                ) );
            if ( !$thisInforcementDied || $vid == 0 - 1 )
                if ( $defenseTroopsStr != "" )
                    $defenseTroopsStr .= "|";
                $defenseTroopsStr .= $vid.":".$newTroops;
        if ( $toVillageRow['is_oasis'] && 0 < intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ) && isset( $reportTroopTable[4] ) )
            unset( $reportTroopTable[4] );
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v SET v.troops_num='%s' WHERE v.id=%s", array(
        ) );
        if ( !( $toVillageRow['is_oasis'] && intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ) == 0 ) )
            $_tovid = $toVillageRow['is_oasis'] ? intval( $toVillageRow['parent_id'] ) : $toVillageRow['id'];
            $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v SET v.crop_consumption=v.crop_consumption-%s WHERE v.id=%s", array(
                intval( $_tovid )
            ) );
        $villageTotallyDestructed = FALSE;
        $wallDestructionResult = "";
        $catapultResult = "";
        if ( !$toVillageRow['is_oasis'] && !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] && $taskRow['proc_type'] != QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER )
            $wallDestrTroopsCount = 0;
            $buildDestrTroopsCount = 0;
            foreach ( $warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop )
                if ( $tid == 7 || $tid == 17 || $tid == 27 || $tid == 106 || $tid == 57 )
                    $wallDestrTroopsCount = $tprop['live_number'];
                else if ( $tid == 8 || $tid == 18 || $tid == 28 || $tid == 107 || $tid == 58 )
                    $buildDestrTroopsCount = $tprop['live_number'];
            if ( $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasWallDest'] )
                if ( 0 < $wallLevel )
                    $dropLevels = 0;
                    if ( 2 * $wallPower < $wallDestrTroopsCount )
                        $dropLevels = floor( $wallDestrTroopsCount / ( 2 * $wallPower ) );
                        if ( $wallLevel - $dropLevels < 0 )
                            $dropLevels = $wallLevel;
                    if ( 0 < $dropLevels )
                        $wallDestructionResult = $wallLevel."-".( $wallLevel - $dropLevels );
                        $wallLevel -= $dropLevels;
                        $mq = new QueueJobModel( );
                        while ( 0 < $dropLevels-- )
                            $mq->upgradeBuilding( $toVillageRow['id'], $wallBid, $wallItemId, TRUE );
                        $wallDestructionResult = "-";
                    $wallDestructionResult = "+";
            if ( trim( $procInfo['catapultTarget'] ) != "" )
                $catapultTargetArr = explode( ":", $procInfo['catapultTarget'] );
                $catapultTargetArr = explode( " ", $catapultTargetArr[1] );
                $buildingsInfo = array( );
                $bStr = trim( $toVillageRow['buildings'] );
                if ( $bStr != "" )
                    $bStrArr = explode( ",", $bStr );
                    $_i = 0;
                    foreach ( $bStrArr as $b2Str )
                        list( $item_id, $level, $update_state ) = item_id                        if ( $item_id == 31 || $item_id == 32 || $item_id == 33 )
                        if ( 0 < $level )
                            $buildingsInfo[] = array(
                                "id" => $_i,
                                "item_id" => $item_id,
                                "level" => $level
                $catapultTargetInfoArr = array( );
                if ( 0 < sizeof( $buildingsInfo ) )
                    foreach ( $catapultTargetArr as $catapultTargetItemId )
                        $targetExists = FALSE;
                        foreach ( $buildingsInfo as $bInfo )
                            if ( !( $catapultTargetItemId == $bInfo['item_id'] ) )
                            $catapultTargetInfoArr[] = $bInfo;
                            $targetExists = TRUE;
                        if ( !$targetExists )
                            $_randIndex = mt_rand( 0, sizeof( $buildingsInfo ) - 1 );
                            $catapultTargetInfoArr[] = $buildingsInfo[$_randIndex];
                if ( 0 < sizeof( $catapultTargetInfoArr ) )
                    if ( 1 < sizeof( $catapultTargetInfoArr ) && $catapultTargetInfoArr[0]['id'] == $catapultTargetInfoArr[1]['id'] )
                        $tmp = $catapultTargetInfoArr[0];
                        $catapultTargetInfoArr = array( );
                        $catapultTargetInfoArr[] = $tmp;
                    $buildDestrTroopsCount = floor( $buildDestrTroopsCount / sizeof( $catapultTargetInfoArr ) );
                    foreach ( $catapultTargetInfoArr as $catapultTargetInfoItem )
                        if ( $catapultResult != "" )
                            $catapultResult .= "#";
                        $canDestructBuilding = $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] * $buildinStabilityFactor * 4 <= $buildDestrTroopsCount;
                        if ( $canDestructBuilding )
                            $dropBuildingLevels = floor( $buildDestrTroopsCount / ( $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] * $buildinStabilityFactor * 4 ) );
                            if ( $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] - $dropBuildingLevels < 0 )
                                $dropBuildingLevels = $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'];
                            $catapultResult .= $catapultTargetInfoItem['item_id']." ".$catapultTargetInfoItem['level']." ".( $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] - $dropBuildingLevels );
                            $mq = new QueueJobModel( );
                                if ( 0 < $dropBuildingLevels-- )
                                    $mq->upgradeBuilding( $toVillageRow['id'], $catapultTargetInfoItem['id'], $catapultTargetInfoItem['item_id'], TRUE );
                            } while ( 1 );
                            $catapultResult .= $catapultTargetInfoItem['item_id']." ".$catapultTargetInfoItem['level']." -1";
                if ( !$toVillageRow['is_capital'] && !$toVillageRow['is_special_village'] )
                    $checkToVillageRow = $this->_getVillageInfo( $taskRow['to_village_id'] );
                    $villageTotallyDestructed = TRUE;
                    $bStr = trim( $checkToVillageRow['buildings'] );
                    if ( $bStr != "" )
                        $bStrArr = explode( ",", $bStr );
                        $_i = 0;
                        foreach ( $bStrArr as $b2Str )
                            list( $item_id, $level, $update_state ) = item_id                            if ( !( 0 < $level ) )
                            $villageTotallyDestructed = FALSE;
                    if ( $villageTotallyDestructed )
                        $catapultResult = "+";
                        $this->leaveVillage( $toVillageRow['id'], $toVillageRow['player_id'], $toVillageRow['people_count'], $toVillageRow['parent_id'] );
        $doTroopsBack = TRUE;
        $villageCaptured = FALSE;
        $captureResult = "";
        if ( $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasKing'] && !$toVillageRow['is_oasis'] && !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] && $taskRow['proc_type'] != QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER && !$toVillageRow['is_capital'] && !$villageTotallyDestructed && $warResult['all_defense_killed'] && $toVillageRow['player_id'] != $fromVillageRow['player_id'] )
            $checkToVillageRow = $this->_getVillageInfo( $taskRow['to_village_id'] );
            $b25_26_exists = FALSE;
            $bStr = trim( $checkToVillageRow['buildings'] );
            if ( $bStr != "" )
                $bStrArr = explode( ",", $bStr );
                foreach ( $bStrArr as $b2Str )
                    list( $item_id, $level, $update_state ) = item_id                    if ( 0 < $level && ( $item_id == 25 || $item_id == 26 ) )
                        $b25_26_exists = TRUE;
            $kingIsLive = FALSE;
            foreach ( $warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop )
                if ( !( $tid == 9 || $tid == 19 || $tid == 29 || $tid == 108 || $tid == 59 ) )
                $kingIsLive = 0 < $tprop['live_number'];
            if ( $kingIsLive && !$b25_26_exists )
                $allegiance_percent = $toVillageRow['allegiance_percent'];
                $allegiance_percent -= 25;
                if ( 0 < $allegiance_percent )
                    $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v SET v.allegiance_percent=%s WHERE v.id=%s", array(
                        intval( $toVillageRow['id'] )
                    ) );
                    $captureResult = $toVillageRow['allegiance_percent']."-".$allegiance_percent;
                    $allegiance_percent = 0;
                    $captureResult = "+";
                if ( $allegiance_percent == 0 )
                    $villageCaptured = TRUE;
                    $kingCropConumption = 0;
                    $doTroopsBack = FALSE;
                    foreach ( $warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop )
                        if ( $tid == 9 || $tid == 19 || $tid == 29 || $tid == 108 || $tid == 59 )
                            $kingCropConumption = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'][$tid]['crop_consumption'];
                        if ( 0 < $tprop['live_number'] )
                            $doTroopsBack = TRUE;
                    $this->leaveVillage( $toVillageRow['id'], $toVillageRow['player_id'], $toVillageRow['people_count'], $toVillageRow['parent_id'], FALSE );
                    $this->captureVillage( $toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $kingCropConumption );
        $oasisResult = "";
        if ( $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] && $toVillageRow['is_oasis'] && !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] && $warResult['all_defense_killed'] && $toVillageRow['player_id'] != $fromVillageRow['player_id'] && 10 <= $heroBuildingLevel )
            $canCaptureOasis = FALSE;
            $numberOfOwnedOases = trim( $fromVillageRow['village_oases_id'] ) == "" ? 0 : sizeof( explode( ",", $fromVillageRow['village_oases_id'] ) );
            if ( $heroBuildingLevel == 20 )
                $canCaptureOasis = $numberOfOwnedOases < 3;
            else if ( 15 <= $heroBuildingLevel )
                $canCaptureOasis = $numberOfOwnedOases < 2;
            else if ( 10 <= $heroBuildingLevel )
                $canCaptureOasis = $numberOfOwnedOases < 1;
            $oasisInRang = FALSE;
            $rang = 3;
            $map_size = $SetupMetadata['map_size'];
            $x = $fromVillageRow['rel_x'];
            $y = $fromVillageRow['rel_y'];
            $mi = 0 - $rang;
            while ( $mi <= $rang )
                if ( $oasisInRang )
                $mj = 0 - $rang;
                while ( $mj <= $rang )
                    if ( $toVillageRow['id'] == $this->__getVillageId( $map_size, $this->__getCoordInRange( $map_size, $x + $mi ), $this->__getCoordInRange( $map_size, $y + $mj ) ) )
                        $oasisInRang = TRUE;
            if ( $canCaptureOasis && $oasisInRang )
                $qm = new QueueJobModel( );
                if ( intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ) == 0 )
                    $oasisResult = "+";
                    $qm->captureOasis( $toVillageRow['id'], $fromVillageRow['player_id'], $fromVillageRow['id'], TRUE );
                    $allegiance_percent = $toVillageRow['allegiance_percent'];
                    $allegiance_percent -= 25;
                    if ( 0 < $allegiance_percent )
                        $oasisResult = $toVillageRow['allegiance_percent']."-".$allegiance_percent;
                        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v SET v.allegiance_percent=%s WHERE v.id=%s", array(
                            intval( $toVillageRow['id'] )
                        ) );
                        $allegiance_percent = 0;
                        $oasisResult = "+";
                    if ( $allegiance_percent == 0 )
                        $qm->captureOasis( $toVillageRow['id'], $toVillageRow['player_id'], $toVillageRow['parent_id'], FALSE );
                        $qm->captureOasis( $toVillageRow['id'], $fromVillageRow['player_id'], $fromVillageRow['id'], TRUE );
        $newTroops = "";
        foreach ( $warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop )
            if ( $newTroops != "" )
                $newTroops .= ",";
            $newTroops .= $tid." ".$tprop['number']." ".( $tprop['number'] - $tprop['live_number'] );
        if ( $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] )
            if ( $newTroops != "" )
                $newTroops .= ",";
            $newTroops .= ( ( 0 - 1 )." ".( 1 ) )." ".( $warResult['all_attack_killed'] ? 1 : 0 );
        $attackReportTroops = $newTroops;
        $defenseReportTroops = "";
        foreach ( $reportTroopTable as $tribeId => $defTroops )
            $defenseReportTroops1 = "";
            if ( $tribeId == 4 )
                $monsterTroops = array( );
                foreach ( $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'] as $t4k => $t4v )
                    if ( $t4v['for_tribe_id'] == 4 )
                        $monsterTroops[$t4k] = array(
                            "number" => isset( $defTroops['troops'][$t4k] ) ? $defTroops['troops'][$t4k]['number'] : 0,
                            "dead_number" => isset( $defTroops['troops'][$t4k] ) ? $defTroops['troops'][$t4k]['dead_number'] : 0
                $defTroops['troops'] = $monsterTroops;
            foreach ( $defTroops['troops'] as $tid => $tArr )
                if ( $defenseReportTroops1 != "" )
                    $defenseReportTroops1 .= ",";
                $defenseReportTroops1 .= $tid." ".$tArr['number']." ".$tArr['dead_number'];
            if ( 0 < $defTroops['hero']['number'] )
                if ( $defenseReportTroops1 != "" )
                    $defenseReportTroops1 .= ",";
                $defenseReportTroops1 .= ( 0 - 1 )." ".$defTroops['hero']['number']." ".$defTroops['hero']['dead_number'];
            if ( $defenseReportTroops1 != "" )
                if ( $defenseReportTroops != "" )
                    $defenseReportTroops .= "#";
                $defenseReportTroops .= $defenseReportTroops1;
        $timeInSeconds = $taskRow['remainingTimeInSeconds'];
        $attackDigit = 0;
        $defenseDigit = 0;
        if ( $warResult['all_attack_killed'] )
            $attackDigit = 3;
            $defenseDigit = 0 < $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'] ? 5 : 4;
            $attackDigit = 0 < $warResult['attackTroops']['total_dead_number'] ? 2 : 1;
            $defenseDigit = 0 < $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'] ? 6 : 7;
        $reportResult = $defenseDigit * 10 + $attackDigit;
        $reportCategory = 3;
        $reportBody = $attackReportTroops."|".$defenseReportTroops."|".$warResult['attackTroops']['total_carry_load']."|".$harvestResources."|".$wallDestructionResult."|".$catapultResult."|".$oasisResult."|".$captureResult;
        $r = new ReportModel( );
        $r->createReport( intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] ), intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ), intval( $fromVillageRow['id'] ), intval( $toVillageRow['id'] ), $reportCategory, $reportResult, $reportBody, $timeInSeconds );
        if ( intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ) != intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] ) )
            $statisticPoint = 0;
            $harvestPoint = $harvestInfoStruct['sum'];
            if ( 0 < intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ) && intval( $toVillageRow['tribe_id'] ) != 5 )
                $statisticPoint = $warResult['attackTroops']['total_dead_number'];
                $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_players p SET p.defense_points=p.defense_points+%s, p.week_defense_points=p.week_defense_points+%s WHERE p.id=%s", array(
                    intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] )
                ) );
            if ( 0 < intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] ) && intval( $fromVillageRow['tribe_id'] ) != 5 )
                $statisticPoint = $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'];
                $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_players p SET p.attack_points=p.attack_points+%s, p.week_attack_points=p.week_attack_points+%s, p.week_thief_points=p.week_thief_points+%s WHERE p.id=%s", array(
                    intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] )
                ) );
            if ( 0 < intval( $toVillageRow['alliance_id'] ) )
                $statisticPoint = $warResult['attackTroops']['total_dead_number'];
                $allianceRate = $warResult['all_attack_killed'] ? 1 : 0;
                $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_alliances p SET p.rating=p.rating+%s, p.defense_points=p.defense_points+%s, p.week_defense_points=p.week_defense_points+%s WHERE p.id=%s", array(
                    intval( $toVillageRow['alliance_id'] )
                ) );
            if ( 0 < intval( $fromVillageRow['alliance_id'] ) )
                $statisticPoint = $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'];
                $allianceRate = !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] && 0 < $statisticPoint ? 1 : 0;
                $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_alliances p SET p.rating=p.rating+%s, p.attack_points=p.attack_points+%s, p.week_attack_points=p.week_attack_points+%s, p.week_thief_points=p.week_thief_points+%s WHERE p.id=%s", array(
                    intval( $fromVillageRow['alliance_id'] )
                ) );
        if ( !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] && $doTroopsBack )
            $paramsArray = explode( "|", $taskRow['proc_params'] );
            $paramsArray[sizeof( $paramsArray ) - 1] = 1;
            $newTroops = "";
            foreach ( $warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop )
                if ( $newTroops != "" )
                    $newTroops .= ",";
                if ( $villageCaptured && ( $tid == 9 || $tid == 19 || $tid == 29 || $tid == 108 || $tid == 59 ) )
                    $tprop['live_number'] = 0;
                $newTroops .= $tid." ".$tprop['live_number'];
            if ( !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] && $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] )
                if ( $newTroops != "" )
                    $newTroops .= ",";
                $newTroops .= $procInfo['troopsArray']['heroTroopId']." -1";
            $paramsArray[0] = $newTroops;
            $paramsArray[4] = $harvestResources;
            $newParams = implode( "|", $paramsArray );
            $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_queue q \r\n\t\t\t\tSET \r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.player_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.village_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.to_player_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.to_village_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.proc_type=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.proc_params='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tq.end_date=(q.end_date + INTERVAL q.execution_time SECOND)\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE q.id=%s", array(
                intval( $taskRow['to_player_id'] ),
                intval( $taskRow['to_village_id'] ),
                intval( $taskRow['player_id'] ),
                intval( $taskRow['village_id'] ),
                intval( $taskRow['id'] )
            ) );
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    public function getWarResult( $attackTroops, $defenseTroops, $totalDefensePower, $isPlunderAttack )
        $warResult = array(
            "all_attack_killed" => FALSE,
            "all_defense_killed" => TRUE,
            "defense_total_dead_number" => 0
        $total_defense = 0;
        foreach ( $defenseTroops as $vid => $troopsTable )
            $total_defense += $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_live_number'];
        $attackFactor = $isPlunderAttack ? 0.75 : 1;
        $totalAttackPower = $attackTroops['total_power'] * $attackFactor;
        $divisionFactor = 10;
        $i = 1;
        while ( $i <= $divisionFactor )
            $curPower = floor( $totalDefensePower * $i / $divisionFactor );
            if ( 0 < $curPower )
                foreach ( $attackTroops['troops'] as $tid => $tProp )
                    if ( $warResult['all_attack_killed'] )
                    if ( $tid == 99 )
                    $sPower = $tProp['single_power'] <= 0 ? 1 : $tProp['single_power'];
                    $deadNum = floor( $curPower / $sPower );
                    if ( $tProp['live_number'] < $deadNum )
                        $deadNum = $tProp['live_number'];
                    $curPower -= $deadNum * $tProp['single_power'];
                    $totalDefensePower -= $deadNum * $tProp['single_power'];
                    $attackTroops['total_power'] -= $deadNum * $tProp['single_power'];
                    $attackTroops['total_carry_load'] -= $deadNum * $tProp['single_carry_load'];
                    $attackTroops['total_dead_consumption'] += $deadNum * $tProp['single_consumption'];
                    $attackTroops['total_dead_number'] += $deadNum;
                    $attackTroops['total_live_number'] -= $deadNum;
                    if ( $attackTroops['total_live_number'] <= 0 )
                        $warResult['all_attack_killed'] = TRUE;
                    $attackTroops['troops'][$tid]['live_number'] -= $deadNum;
                    if ( !( $curPower <= 0 ) )
            foreach ( $defenseTroops as $vid => $troopsTable )
                if ( $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_power'] <= 0 )
                $curPower = floor( $totalAttackPower * $i / $divisionFactor );
                if ( 0 < $curPower )
                    foreach ( $troopsTable['troops'] as $tid => $tProp )
                        if ( $tid == 99 )
                        $sPower = $tProp['single_power'] <= 0 ? 1 : $tProp['single_power'];
                        $deadNum = floor( $curPower / $sPower );
                        if ( $tProp['live_number'] < $deadNum )
                            $deadNum = $tProp['live_number'];
                        $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'] += $deadNum;
                        $curPower -= $deadNum * $tProp['single_power'];
                        $totalAttackPower -= $deadNum * $tProp['single_power'];
                        $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_dead_number'] += $deadNum;
                        $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_power'] -= $deadNum * $tProp['single_power'];
                        $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_dead_consumption'] += $deadNum * $tProp['single_consumption'];
                        $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_live_number'] -= $deadNum;
                        $defenseTroops[$vid]['troops'][$tid]['live_number'] -= $deadNum;
                        if ( !( $curPower <= 0 ) )
        $warResult['all_defense_killed'] = $total_defense <= $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'];
        $warResult['attackTroops'] = $attackTroops;
        $warResult['defenseTroops'] = $defenseTroops;
        return $warResult;

    public function captureVillage( $toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $kingCropConumption )
        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];
        $SetupMetadata = $GLOBALS['SetupMetadata'];
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "DELETE FROM p_queue WHERE player_id=%s AND village_id=%s AND proc_type IN (%s)", array(
            intval( $toVillageRow['player_id'] ),
            intval( $toVillageRow['id'] ),
        ) );
        $troops_training = "";
        $troops_num = "";
        foreach ( $GameMetadata['troops'] as $k => $v )
            if ( $v['for_tribe_id'] == 0 - 1 || $v['for_tribe_id'] == $fromVillageRow['tribe_id'] )
                if ( $troops_training != "" )
                    $troops_training .= ",";
                $researching_done = $v['research_time_consume'] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                $troops_training .= $k." ".$researching_done." 0 0";
                if ( $troops_num != "" )
                    $troops_num .= ",";
                $troops_num .= $k." 0";
        $troops_num = "-1:".$troops_num;
        $buildings = "";
        $bStr = trim( $toVillageRow['buildings'] );
        if ( $bStr != "" )
            $bStrArr = explode( ",", $bStr );
            $mq = new QueueJobModel( );
            $ccb = 0;
            foreach ( $bStrArr as $b2Str )
                if ( $buildings != "" )
                    $buildings .= ",";
                list( $item_id, $level, $update_state ) = item_id                if ( !isset( $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['for_tribe_id'][$fromVillageRow['tribe_id']] ) )
                    while ( 0 < $level-- )
                        $mq->upgradeBuilding( $toVillageRow['id'], $ccb, $item_id, TRUE );
                    $item_id = $level = $update_state = 0;
                $buildings .= $item_id." ".$level." ".$update_state;
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v\r\n\t\t\tSET\r\n\t\t\t\tv.parent_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.tribe_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.player_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.alliance_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.player_name='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.alliance_name='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.is_capital=0,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.buildings='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.troops_training='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.troops_num='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.child_villages_id=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.allegiance_percent=100,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.troops_out_num=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.creation_date=NOW(),\r\n\t\t\t\tv.last_update_date=NOW()\r\n\t\t\tWHERE v.id=%s", array(
            intval( $fromVillageRow['id'] ),
            intval( $fromVillageRow['tribe_id'] ),
            intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] ),
            0 < intval( $fromVillageRow['alliance_id'] ) ? intval( $fromVillageRow['alliance_id'] ) : "NULL",
            intval( $toVillageRow['id'] )
        ) );
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v\r\n\t\t\tSET\r\n\t\t\t\tv.tribe_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.player_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.alliance_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.player_name='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.alliance_name='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.troops_num=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.troops_out_num=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL\r\n\t\t\tWHERE v.parent_id=%s AND v.is_oasis=1", array(
            intval( $fromVillageRow['tribe_id'] ),
            intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] ),
            0 < intval( $fromVillageRow['alliance_id'] ) ? intval( $fromVillageRow['alliance_id'] ) : "NULL",
            intval( $toVillageRow['id'] )
        ) );
        $child_villages_id = trim( $fromVillageRow['child_villages_id'] );
        if ( $child_villages_id != "" )
            $child_villages_id .= ",";
        $child_villages_id .= $toVillageRow['id'];
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v\r\n\t\t\tSET\r\n\t\t\t\tv.crop_consumption=v.crop_consumption-%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tv.child_villages_id='%s'\r\n\t\t\tWHERE v.id=%s", array(
            intval( $fromVillageRow['id'] )
        ) );
        $prow = $this->provider->fetchRow( "SELECT p.villages_id, p.villages_data FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=%s", array(
            intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] )
        ) );
        $villages_id = trim( $prow['villages_id'] );
        if ( $villages_id != "" )
            $villages_id .= ",";
        $villages_id .= $toVillageRow['id'];
        $villages_data = trim( $prow['villages_data'] );
        if ( $villages_data != "" )
            $villages_data .= "\n";
        $villages_data .= $toVillageRow['id']." ".$toVillageRow['rel_x']." ".$toVillageRow['rel_y']." ".$toVillageRow['village_name'];
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_players p\r\n\t\t\tSET\r\n\t\t\t\tp.total_people_count=p.total_people_count+%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tp.villages_count=p.villages_count+1,\r\n\t\t\t\tp.selected_village_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tp.villages_id='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tp.villages_data='%s'\r\n\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\tp.id=%s", array(
            intval( $toVillageRow['people_count'] ),
            intval( $toVillageRow['id'] ),
            intval( $fromVillageRow['player_id'] )
        ) );

    public function leaveVillage( $villageId, $playerId, $village_people_count, $parent_id, $doReset = TRUE )
        $selected_village_id = intval( $this->provider->fetchScalar( "SELECT v.id FROM p_villages v WHERE v.player_id=%s AND v.is_capital=1", array(
            intval( $playerId )
        ) ) );
        $prow = $this->provider->fetchRow( "SELECT p.villages_data, p.villages_id FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=%s", array(
            intval( $playerId )
        ) );
        $villages_id = trim( $prow['villages_id'] );
        if ( $villages_id != "" )
            $villages_idArr = explode( ",", $villages_id );
            $villages_id = "";
            foreach ( $villages_idArr as $villages_idArrItem )
                if ( $villages_idArrItem == $villageId )
                if ( $villages_id != "" )
                    $villages_id .= ",";
                $villages_id .= $villages_idArrItem;
        $villages_data = trim( $prow['villages_data'] );
        if ( $villages_data != "" )
            $villages_dataArr = explode( "\n", $villages_data );
            $villages_data = "";
            foreach ( $villages_dataArr as $villages_dataArrItem )
                $_varr = explode( " ", $villages_dataArrItem );
                if ( $_varr[0] == $villageId )
                if ( $villages_data != "" )
                    $villages_data .= "\n";
                $villages_data .= implode( " ", $_varr );
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "DELETE FROM p_merchants WHERE village_id=%s", array(
            intval( $villageId )
        ) );
        if ( trim( $parent_id ) != "" )
            $prow = $this->provider->fetchRow( "SELECT v.child_villages_id FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=%s", array(
                intval( $parent_id )
            ) );
            $child_villages_id = trim( $prow['child_villages_id'] );
            if ( $child_villages_id != "" )
                $villages_idArr = explode( ",", $child_villages_id );
                $child_villages_id = "";
                foreach ( $villages_idArr as $villages_idArrItem )
                    if ( $villages_idArrItem == $villageId )
                    if ( $child_villages_id != "" )
                        $child_villages_id .= ",";
                    $child_villages_id .= $villages_idArrItem;
            $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v \r\n\t\t\t\tSET \r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.child_villages_id='%s'\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE v.id=%s", array(
                intval( $parent_id )
            ) );
        if ( $doReset )
            $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v \r\n\t\t\t\tSET \r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.tribe_id=IF(v.is_oasis=1, 4, 0),\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.parent_id=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.player_id=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.alliance_id=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.player_name=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.village_name=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.alliance_name=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.is_capital=0,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.people_count=2,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.crop_consumption=2,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.time_consume_percent=100,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.offer_merchants_count=0,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.resources=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.cp=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.buildings=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.troops_training=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.child_villages_id=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.village_oases_id=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.troops_trapped_num=0,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.allegiance_percent=100,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.troops_num=IF(v.is_oasis=1, '-1:31 0,34 0,37 0', NULL),\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.troops_out_num=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.troops_intrap_num=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tv.creation_date=NOW()\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE v.id=%s OR (v.parent_id=%s AND v.is_oasis=1)", array(
                intval( $villageId ),
                intval( $villageId )
            ) );
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v \r\n\t\t\tSET \r\n\t\t\t\tv.parent_id=NULL\r\n\t\t\tWHERE v.parent_id=%s", array(
            intval( $villageId )
        ) );
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_players p \r\n\t\t\tSET \r\n\t\t\t\tp.total_people_count=IF(p.total_people_count-%s<0, 0, p.total_people_count-%s),\r\n\t\t\t\tp.villages_count=IF(p.villages_count-1<1, 1, p.villages_count-1),\r\n\t\t\t\tp.selected_village_id=%s,\r\n\t\t\t\tp.villages_id='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tp.villages_data='%s'\r\n\t\t\tWHERE p.id=%s", array(
            intval( $village_people_count ),
            intval( $village_people_count ),
            intval( $selected_village_id ),
            intval( $playerId )
        ) );

    public function _harvestTroopsFrom( $villageRow, $maxCarryLoad, $crannyTotalSize )
        if ( $maxCarryLoad <= 0 || $villageRow['is_oasis'] )
            return array( "string" => "0 0 0 0", "sum" => 0 );
        $resources = array( );
        $r_arr = explode( ",", $villageRow['resources'] );
        foreach ( $r_arr as $r_str )
            $r2 = explode( " ", $r_str );
            $prate = floor( $r2[4] * ( 1 + $r2[5] / 100 ) ) - ( $r2[0] == 4 ? $villageRow['crop_consumption'] : 0 );
            $current_value = floor( $r2[1] + $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'] * ( $prate / 3600 ) );
            if ( $r2[2] < $current_value )
                $current_value = $r2[2];
            $resources[$r2[0]] = array(
                "current_value" => $current_value - $crannyTotalSize,
                "store_max_limit" => $r2[2],
                "store_init_limit" => $r2[3],
                "prod_rate" => $r2[4],
                "prod_rate_percentage" => $r2[5]
        $divFactor = 4;
        $harvest = array( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        $sum = 0;
        while ( 0 < $maxCarryLoad )
            $curTotalRes = 0;
            $m = 0;
            foreach ( $resources as $k => $rdata )
                $v = $rdata['current_value'];
                $take = floor( $maxCarryLoad / $divFactor );
                if ( 0 < $v )
                    if ( $v < $take )
                        $take = $v;
                    $maxCarryLoad -= $take;
                    $resources[$k]['current_value'] -= $take;
                    $harvest[$m] += $take;
                    $sum += $take;
                    $curTotalRes += $resources[$k]['current_value'];
            if ( $curTotalRes <= 0 && $divFactor == 1 )
            $divFactor = 1;
        $resourcesStr = "";
        foreach ( $resources as $k => $v )
            if ( $resourcesStr != "" )
                $resourcesStr .= ",";
            $resourcesStr .= sprintf( "%s %s %s %s %s %s", $k, $v['current_value'] + $crannyTotalSize, $v['store_max_limit'], $v['store_init_limit'], $v['prod_rate'], $v['prod_rate_percentage'] );
        $elapsedTimeInSeconds = $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'];
        list( $cpValue, $cpRate ) = cpValue        $cpValue = round( $cpValue + $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ( $cpRate / 86400 ), 4 );
        $cp = $cpValue." ".$cpRate;
        $this->provider->executeQuery( "UPDATE p_villages v \r\n\t\t\tSET\r\n\t\t\t\tv.resources='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.cp='%s',\r\n\t\t\t\tv.last_update_date=NOW()\r\n\t\t\tWHERE \r\n\t\t\t\tv.id=%s", array(
            intval( $villageRow['id'] )
        ) );
        return array(
            "string" => implode( " ", $harvest ),
            "sum" => $sum

    public function __getCoordInRange( $map_size, $x )
        if ( $map_size <= $x )
            $x -= $map_size;
        else if ( $x < 0 )
            $x = $map_size + $x;
        return $x;

    public function __getVillageId( $map_size, $x, $y )
        return $x * $map_size + ( $y + 1 );


and its have good thing
u can edit the points to get ur hero to next level
like if u hero have 20 points then he must have 100 points to get on the other level
but u can edit the points with :
SET p.hero_points=p.hero_points+%s, p.hero_level=p.hero_level+floor(p.hero_points/(100*(p.hero_level+1)))
edit 100 = to what number u want it ..
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
i have bug on localhost with dboor form github

i can open all but i cant build i ahve this error when i will anything build (this is on localhost)

this error is on village 1,2

( ! ) Warning: require(C:\wamp\www\GameEngine\view\layout/footer.phtml) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\GameEngine\view\layout\game.php on line 194
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0009 391296 {main}( ) ..\village1.php:0
2 0.0797 3999280 Widget->run( ) ..\village1.php:52
3 0.1044 4155656 require( 'C:\wamp\www\GameEngine\view\layout\game.php' ) ..\widget.php:18

( ! ) Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'C:\wamp\www\GameEngine\view\layout/footer.phtml' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in C:\wamp\www\GameEngine\view\layout\game.php on line 194
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0009 391296 {main}( ) ..\village1.php:0
2 0.0797 3999280 Widget->run( ) ..\village1.php:52
3 0.1044 4155656 require( 'C:\wamp\www\GameEngine\view\layout\game.php' ) ..\widget.php:18

this error is when i will build

Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in C:\wamp\www\GameEngine\model\queue.php on line 83
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0012 404464 {main}( ) ..\village2.php:0
2 0.0843 4012376 Widget->run( ) ..\village2.php:83
3 0.0843 4012376 GPage->load( ) ..\widget.php:15
4 0.0843 4012376 ProcessVillagePage->load( ) ..\village2.php:14
5 0.1050 4057136 QueueModel->addTask( ) ..\mywidgets.php:472

Skilled Illusionist
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
Found easier way to unlock the clocks, it's in the DB g_settings
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

from here you can find some nice stuff, like Round end, stop activity timer to unlock qlocks(00:00:0?)
/me starting to like this script.

funmw2 - that ting with hero XP is nice, but somehow, my serv, don't accpt the code, there are some errors with it.
May 15, 2009
Reaction score
the event jam it caused from bugs in que and quejob mutex file sorts out db locks on its own just give it time to fix

also the heros works on batttles won not units killed its really coded wrong is one of the things im fixing in my version along with treasury and other things
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 30, 2012
Reaction score
use this for clocks problem, put the link for reset.php some where!!


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2012
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Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /data/multiserv/users/772919/projects/1878774/www/GameEngine/model/queue.php on line 83

Help pls
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
Is there any other way to change plus and 25% duration? seems that this one is not apllying for me, all it shows that duration is one day to all arrays

	'plusTable' => array (

		array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' => 10),
		array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' =>  5),
		array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' =>  5),
		array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' =>  5),
        array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' =>  5),
		array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' =>  2),
		array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' =>  3),
		array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' =>  15)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 31, 2012
Reaction score
'plusTable' => array (

array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' => 10),
array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' => 5),
array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' => 5),
array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' => 5),
array ( 'time' => 3, 'cost' => 5),
array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' => 2),
array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' => 3),
array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' => 15)
if your speed 1 pot 1 in 'time' => 1, to make it one day
if your speed 500 pot 500 in 'time' => 500, to make it on day
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2011
Reaction score
@Grifit Can you tell me in your files "Trapper" Work or not?
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

wow, wtf? it came out in few minutes, like 700 members.
Id like to know how to do that, or atleast how to prevent that.
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2011
Reaction score
I do not understand :( to me does not want traps are made but the troops not be catch in the traps :(
Initiate Mage
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
i have a Bug in dboor script

PHP Error Message

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /home/a8807253/public_html/app/model/battles/war.php on line 50

Free Web Hosting

and the attack time is 00.00.00?
i hope you can help me with this
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
Okay guys as it seems, all attention now is falling on dboor script wich has 5 races, its dboor, arab, Teutons, Gauls, Romans.

Ok so we should share some bugs. to each other, maybe someone has a solution how to fix them.
Okay so who want's to be first?? no one? ok so ill start.

1. It's more to solving, this problem, than bug.
the ugly 00:00:0? thing. is there any way to slove it, so that the timres go on?
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

2. Oases, i hate this one. when you attack oases, its shows "Name sicks ali [?]" first of all wtf is "Sicks ali" we need to change that, then, after the combat with monster you get no bounty??
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

3. And how to populate map with WW Natars villages, because all i can do is. Populate the villages, but inside there is no WW and you can't construct inside there nothing. Here are some IMG
Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

Grifit - Dboor bugs - RaGEZONE Forums

Waiting for more bug replys, hope it's not going to be huge list.
1- mutex.php

3- map.phtml

can you reupload the img but not in postimage.org

use this for clocks problem, put the link for reset.php some where!!

hell no {active.php & rest.php & vohoosh.php } was code by me !

he only but some html and change the Copyright
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