[Dev] LaVix

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
I decided to make an emulator for LaTale. I will see what I do with it if I finish it, or get bored.

At the moment I could use packet descriptions of any packet in the channel. I already found the packets of gmsj0001 but I'm not that far yet. I can get in the game, but my character doesn't show up, only a shadow and the name. I can't walk yet either.

Would be really great if you can help me, thanks!

Update: Okay items are now actually shown when going ingame, I messed up account ID and character ID's..

For the record: any information is welcome, which headers are for what action, anything (Maybe where the hp and mp are taken from, because the MOD_Base_MHP or w/e in the datafiles doesn't quite match what I see in the official game)

Here's my progress so far.

Logging in: done
Selecting server + channel: done
Select/delete char: done (note that you can use the charname again once it's deleted)
- Loading items: done
- Loading character: done
- basic movement (left and right): done
- Running left and right: done
- Left and right walkjump: done
- other movement: being worked on
- keymap: being worked on

- Spawning NPCs when going in game, nothing else yet
- Normal Chat (All 1 player though)

- Loading KeyMap from the Database upon login

- Finally done with siwtching over to CoolSotrage (ORM)
- Loading Skills from the DB when logging in.
- Adding/increasing skills kinda works
- Adding/increasing skills fully works

- Adding/removing/switching keys on the keymap.
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Nice, I fully support you.

I've played this game for a while, if you need any information on it you can always send me a PM or if you have MSN that's an option.

We haven't really had many people follow through with the source, so I hope you can make good progress.
@Roamer: sorry for that double post xD

@|D|A|R|K|: I probably will make use of that, thanks :laugh: I've played the game for like 15 minutes so far yet.
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It's all done in C#.

eh not my language hate c# but heres guild packet...

F0 CC EB 0B - command and header
26 0C 2A 00 - user ID
10 30 
39 - effect
05 - icon
00 00 
42 65 6E 65 76 6F 6C 65 6E 63 65 - guild name
00 00 00 00 00 00 
30 10 
0D - ?? 
03 - ??
08 - guild level
56 65 6E 74 33 - guild message
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
05 - ??
44 - ??
48 - ??
00 00
Oh awesome!
Yesterday and the day before that I've been busy with a dataloader for MapEvent, but somkehow the program doesn't do what the code tells it to.
(As in, it stops looping through the sql results somewhere halfway)

Edit: *sigh* something small again.

Does anyone know what the first and second int of the packet 0x0BEBC4B are?
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Oh awesome!
Yesterday and the day before that I've been busy with a dataloader for MapEvent, but somkehow the program doesn't do what the code tells it to.
(As in, it stops looping through the sql results somewhere halfway)

Edit: *sigh* something small again.

Does anyone know what the first and second int of the packet 0x0BEBC4B are?

post the packet and i could help you...
heres the couples packet...

3C D1 EB 0B -server command and header
26 0C 2A 00 - user ID
10 30 
01 - how many couples
93 04 - exp bar 
00 00 
DC 05 - this is the other something that i forgot.... 
00 00 
00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
4D 69 6B 65 79 4A 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - couples name...
the int 01 00 10 30 the 01 is a switch that calls forth a command that tells the server is sending a object Id/string is being passed to the client....

basiclly its the way the client splits up the data in the packet to display it to the screen.
Oh okay. Thanks again xD
Do you (or anyone else) know if there's any data available about boumdaries of maps? As in, data that tells me where walls are, a platform is etc (Like footholds in maple) because else I'd have to manually do that for every map o.O
Thank you all for all the support!
I just wanted to tell you that I am still working on this, but that RL has kept me away from the pc the past few days, and that my bday is comming up (2 days) so I'll be continuing after that.
Thank you all for all the support!
I just wanted to tell you that I am still working on this, but that RL has kept me away from the pc the past few days, and that my bday is comming up (2 days) so I'll be continuing after that.

not a problem sir. thank you for informing us on the status of the project, we honestly appreciate not being left in the dark.
I decided to something do something useful while styx was busy
So I have full NPCs working more or less
Quests, buy, sell, re-buy sold items, bank and a few more item releated stuff. :)
Thank you all for all the support!
I just wanted to tell you that I am still working on this, but that RL has kept me away from the pc the past few days, and that my bday is comming up (2 days) so I'll be continuing after that.
I wonder if today is your birthday... or maybe tomorrow. Happy birthday though!

I decided to something do something useful while styx was busy
So I have full NPCs working more or less
Quests, buy, sell, re-buy sold items, bank and a few more item releated stuff. :)
Sounds awesome ;o !!