Thank you RikuSama, and yes other guy, I should be ashamed, but I don't really feel bad feelings for some reason, even if I know it. Sure I was a douche bag, but at least you people know what's a threat and what not to fear. Just try to have caution. Merry christmas to all you people on this forums who are rich basr=tards with psp slims and mad video games, all I think I will get is money....meaning I have to buy my own gifts... xD Respect your riches and don't forget us little people... (Excluding me xD)
PS: Today's school day (Junior year of highschool) that I had was wierd...o_0 but it was a good sightseeing experience while walking down staircases...if you know what I mean...*grins cooly*
Also some through-school caroling of students went from singing to blahblah to banging on lockers and a mini riot! xD Not to be racist, but guess who started it? I have to stop reading old american novels thatn mention racism...Dam english 3 classes...
Who agrees with me? xD