[Development] LaStar Private Server Progress

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Thank you RikuSama, and yes other guy, I should be ashamed, but I don't really feel bad feelings for some reason, even if I know it. Sure I was a douche bag, but at least you people know what's a threat and what not to fear. Just try to have caution. Merry christmas to all you people on this forums who are rich basr=tards with psp slims and mad video games, all I think I will get is money....meaning I have to buy my own gifts... xD Respect your riches and don't forget us little people... (Excluding me xD)

PS: Today's school day (Junior year of highschool) that I had was wierd...o_0 but it was a good sightseeing experience while walking down staircases...if you know what I mean...*grins cooly*
Also some through-school caroling of students went from singing to blahblah to banging on lockers and a mini riot! xD Not to be racist, but guess who started it? I have to stop reading old american novels thatn mention racism...Dam english 3 classes...

Who agrees with me? xD

Haha, walking down the staircase. Good times.
Lol! I wonder who could have started it. -looks around-
I think we all know XD
no he does what i do...when i get iris blessing i got to spooky..an instance thing(dungeon), and i use my superior xp pot and my peach can and my xp nostrum and i get about 100k a kill xD lvl 40 in 2 days and im barely leveling.
no he does what i do...when i get iris blessing i got to spooky..an instance thing(dungeon), and i use my superior xp pot and my peach can and my xp nostrum and i get about 100k a kill xD lvl 40 in 2 days and im barely leveling.

Nah. I just got to 90 yesterday. Just went into spooky for the first time today. Also I just did it the old fashioned way. All quests done, then grind.
Lol it's pretty fast. Idk why people say it's slow. I got to level 80 in 15 days lol.

Its mad easy to level in LaTale, I am a lv80 blader, lv60 bowmen explorer, anda 30-sumthin earth mage

Just do all your quests and grind on weekends/iris buffs. If you can afford peach cans, great! I was never able to, and I never did. Train with a friend or two at Liliput Freeway from 60-80.

Too bad Latale lags a hell lot, and sticking with 1 attack skill section makes you die VERY fast during the lv60+s. Once you head into that beach place at lv60 you do 4 attack specials or 5, and then KNOCKBACK KNOCKBACK CRITICAL KNOCKBACK DEATH!?!?!

I spent my time from lv70-75 dieing 20 times ina row from mobs around portals where I had to go to my training spots, or I go to fight 3, and 2 spawn with those 3 and kick my ass. THATS when grinding gets hard. >_>

HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE?!!? And according to the year 2010, we will be soon punching purple robots and dragons in the face while wearing silver jumpsuits.... GOOGLE IMAGE STREET FIGHER 2010 (Old NES game) =D Can't wait to buy my silver jumpsuit....hopefully a vortex releases dragons and purple robots over New Yourk City. =D
i fucking gave up on latale orginal... I just dont know how to make millions there. People there are so rich... some guy in a guild told me... just sell christmas keys and crap... i am not going to spend real money to make game money.
i fucking gave up on latale orginal... I just dont know how to make millions there. People there are so rich... some guy in a guild told me... just sell christmas keys and crap... i am not going to spend real money to make game money.

I know at first it seems hard. But it's not that hard.
And idk why people lag on Latale so much. I don't lag at all. That's why I have a 95 blader. Got 5 levels yesterday. XD
Level 84 templar. Play at your own pace lol. . .Know one is making you level. . .I level like once 2 or 3 days. . .Not spending4+hours killing the same thing. . .hell no. . .Thats why people play private servers.
See LaTale is pure client sided...so when you have bad connection to the server you have a delay. So lets say you like in New York server is located in i think cali...so from that far of a distance there is huge ammount of lag between client and server. Pretty much if you have bad internet you can't play..simple as that.
How the fk did u get all those xp items? like the nutrium or somthing and the superior dont they cost a sh!t load? Btw ill be happy to add u just tell me your name =D. I cant get passed level 64 lol was hoping someone can help me. I train at spooky the whole time and fkin crap exp.
~_~ 2 weeks without a reply.... i am still waiting for the server... good job everbody. ohh happy new years! XD. Speed up the proccess plox. X_X i hate grinding.- No disrespect. Sorry if i did. Anyhow i wish you all the best. Take care Amira, thanks for the new screen shot. Like post a % on the advancement of the server now to date.
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Holy. I missed that screen shot. o,o
Idk how I didn't see it. But yeah hope progress is doing good. I'm going to get tired of the offical Latale sometime. About to hit 100 tomorrow tho =D so woot.
Also hope everyone had a fun new years.
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