[Development] LaStar Private Server Progress

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well they finally updated packets and took alot of stuff out like hp mp and other data... working on fixing it now....
Well the last update was 10/26/2009 so....hopefully they didn't quit on us.

The way it's going, I'd probably learn enough VB.NET to make my OWN damn game...

No offense.

I'd love for them to finish, 'cause I'm SICK of playing grindtastic MMO's that are out just for your money...games are supposed to be FUN, not fricking WORK.
Actually, the last update by Jonny was about a month ago. The first post just hasn't been updated. I would assume from Jonny's absence we're in due for an update soon.
not good im just about ran out of time to even update the new source..

I think i failed but ill release the source so people can continue my work. I'll still post more data to help people and work on it when free time comes.
not good im just about ran out of time to even update the new source..

I think i failed but ill release the source so people can continue my work. I'll still post more data to help people and work on it when free time comes.

YOU FAIL!!! Well everyone, either cry about it or complain or whine, or just play the USA server. LOOOOL I knew this day would come. BYE BYE FOREVER! >=D
Lmao I do play the "USA server" level 130. I still want to play a private server tho. >_>

Sadly LaTale is like a private server. It's no longer worth developing it since Latale can easily get 10x rates ._. and it's stupidly easy, the game sucks now and the community blows.
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