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Have u eva done drugs?

  • Yes (specify, weed doesn't count)

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • No

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • No, Never will

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • No but wouldn't mind trying once

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
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Loyal Member
Feb 23, 2003
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MentaL said:
u die if u dont drink dumbass..

as alcohol drains you.. water keeps u cool and stops hangovers .. reason u get hangover is due to dehidration caused from the alcohol rasing your temperature which makes u thirsty so no water = dead or hangover..

Every night I get in from avin a few bevys or whateva I always drink a pint of water b4 I go to bed. Works most times!
Skilled Illusionist
May 3, 2003
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yeah i smoke weed skunk woteva never do anythign worse than that though not worth the risk . weed is not addictive and it makes u feel like u need to laugh no matter what happens weve had sum great Ducking times with it man i suggest u all try it not too expensive either . a few friends are on e's and one of now doign coke and they act all agressive and like a rpick so dont bother its not worth Ducking ur life up .
Jan 1, 2003
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got nothing against weed have smoked it in the past and i love it :D

u sure ur smokin weed dtb m8? i never feel like that :S

about to try some of the stuff from that herbal online smoke shop, sounds like good stuff, and ill use it over weed if i like it :)

btw sic if you do E ill kick ur butt real good so many ppl i either knew in person or knew as an aquantance have been fucked up or killed by it ts untrue >.<

cant see myself ever doing more than weed or its "legal" counterparts, after all weed doesnt kill people or make them agressive or any of that shiz

(obviously copious amounts of alcohol goes without saying)
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 17, 2003
Reaction score
Yes done drugs, not going to say what though
as for ecstasy the only times i have heard about people dying from it was in the early 90's when they were cutting it with just about anything.
might be wrong
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Loyal Member
Feb 23, 2003
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DonTonberry said:
Well Dunno Bout You Then Nik But Your Mouth Feels Like Someones Coated Your Mouth In Flour And Brillo Padded Ur Throat Lolz.

yea an your an ugly punt m8 :) and u dont start every word with a capital u tit.
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
dataplague said:
Yes done drugs, not going to say what though
as for ecstasy the only times i have heard about people dying from it was in the early 90's when they were cutting it with just about anything.
might be wrong

they dont put stuff like that in the news it glamourises it ><

its like you dont hear about every murder or every serial killer cos u get people who want to copy them

and its not always directly from taking the poop
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Loyal Member
Aug 16, 2003
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Exclamatio said:
they dont put stuff like that in the news it glamourises it ><

its like you dont hear about every murder or every serial killer cos u get people who want to copy them

and its not always directly from taking the poop
if we heard about every murder...theyd be too much to focus on, so mainly we hear about the kiddy murderers and children who get murdered
Skilled Illusionist
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
yeah when u smoke it ur eyes go real small and feel like theer at the back of ur skill u get a lump of like spit stuff stuck in ur throat and u can forever bring up and swallow which is annoying so u have to spit alot and ur mouth feels like ur chewing on cotton wool its cool lol . thats y u drink loads . try not to mix to much alcohol with too muhc smoke too cos man u get rigth fucked up and end up on the floor outside this club getting sick on urself and u aint even been in yet . not that thats ever happened to me like :rolleyes: