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FutureLegend - The Android Saga [Preview]

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FutureLegend's Owner
Feb 10, 2011
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Hey guys, just wanted to tell ya i'm developing a new server, diffrent that any other, with fully custom WZ files and systems for my changes, new ways to level (new party quests, plently of new scripted quests, boss fights, customized PVP, "Hyperbolic TIme Chamber" and much more.
i'm a java developer for a long time already, but i'm considered pretty new to the maplestory private server development.
i've been learning the functions really fast recently though. the server's going to have lots of refrences from Dragon Ball Z, it's going to be a hard server with no reborns, new jobs with custom story lines and maps for each job, lots of new training places, lots of new systems like:
- New Player Death System (he'll be sent to the other world and have to talk to king yemma)
- Dragon Ball system (not reactor-like, but customly coded in MapleMap.Java and added some new classes)
- Flight system
- Immortality system (made for an option on shenron's wish list)
- Player banks with debit cards and everything well organized
- Player houses / Guild HQs (custom made houses and places) some of them will use private sessions, some will not, HQs and houses are gonna cost a lot.
- Hyperbolic Time Chamber (a new place where you can be only twice a day, costs fee and permission from master grendel, gives you 10x exp from the server's exp rate inside) You will get a scroll that can summon monsters in the place according to your level / job.
Theres much more of these that i don't want to show here, i'll make it a surprise for the server release.
New jobs: Saiyan / Monk / Shadow Lord - And more.
The current worlswide storyline is of an evil android that haunted the saiyan's future, he was sent to the past when he was a boy to fix things up. the boy's parents and most of the community died.
Some would like the idea, some won't, and some will troll.
i accept all of that.
I'm not gonna answer your questions often, i'm working on the server like non-stop every day.

Some Media: (HD 720p+ highly recommended)

FightRay - FutureLegend - The Android Saga [Preview] - RaGEZONE Forums

FightRay - FutureLegend - The Android Saga [Preview] - RaGEZONE Forums

FightRay - FutureLegend - The Android Saga [Preview] - RaGEZONE Forums

FightRay - FutureLegend - The Android Saga [Preview] - RaGEZONE Forums

FightRay - FutureLegend - The Android Saga [Preview] - RaGEZONE Forums
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Wrong section, so this is going to be closed/deleted soon.

But I'm curious, what new systems have you really created? From what I've seen, it just looks like some fairly sloppy WZ edits that just about anyone could do. And people have been making custom quests for ages now.
FutureLegend's Owner
Feb 10, 2011
Reaction score
Wrong section, so this is going to be closed/deleted soon.

But I'm curious, what new systems have you really created? From what I've seen, it just looks like some fairly sloppy WZ edits that just about anyone could do. And people have been making custom quests for ages now.

Well, i wrote some of them here,
there's plently of new systems like being immortal,
(for some time), like getting certain skills to do something
diffrent than what it's supposed to do (from the code),
like being sent to the other world after dying, saving the reason for death and the dead value to the database (you can die from PvP, if someone wishes to kill you / from monsters and more) and having a halo above your head only when you're dead,
theres really a lot of big and tiny new systems that i've created for my plans.
I'm not gonna explain them all here, as it's a really long list. if you would really like to discuss on it on MSN or something, i'll be happy to.
All of the new systems will be discovered upon release.
Watch the lenedary dragon balls video, that's one of the systems (detecting the 7 dragon balls on the right place is not a reactor)
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FutureLegend's Owner
Feb 10, 2011
Reaction score
I stopped reading after

Oh i see..
well that's a problem.
My plans require WZ editing,
I plan on revamping MapleStory
to a total different way of gameplay.
Too bad you stopped reading,
Good day sir.
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High Society
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
Wow, I love the idea. This is so cool. A while back I was going to base a MS server off Eternal WoW but I couldn't get any sponsors :p. I would really like to help out with this project or even play it, send me a PM or add my MSN, nategrabowski@hotmail.com, thanks.
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Nov 14, 2008
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Well, i wrote some of them here,
there's plently of new systems like being immortal,
(for some time), like getting certain skills to do something
diffrent than what it's supposed to do (from the code),
like being sent to the other world after dying, saving the reason for death and the dead value to the database (you can die from PvP, if someone wishes to kill you / from monsters and more) and having a halo above your head only when you're dead,
theres really a lot of big and tiny new systems that i've created for my plans.
I'm not gonna explain them all here, as it's a really long list. if you would really like to discuss on it on MSN or something, i'll be happy to.
All of the new systems will be discovered upon release.
Watch the lenedary dragon balls video, that's one of the systems (detecting the 7 dragon balls on the right place is not a reactor)

I wouldn't call being immortal a system since a system is a tree or group of related ideas or principles. Also i hope the custom quest system you're speaking of is a custom coded one in java, not some quest you made with wz editing.

i like the ideas though.
FutureLegend's Owner
Feb 10, 2011
Reaction score
I wouldn't call being immortal a system since a system is a tree or group of related ideas or principles. Also i hope the custom quest system you're speaking of is a custom coded one in java, not some quest you made with wz editing.

i like the ideas though.

Actually, i removed all the quests from the Quest.wz file.
They really annoyed and interrupted my work.
And yes, the quests are scripted.
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Divine Celestial
Loyal Member
Sep 29, 2008
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Isn't this just a huge chunk of reused WZ tiles/objects and stuff?

And wouldn't this be better off in the Development section or WZ Editing showoff thread?
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Oh i see..
well that's a problem.
My plans require wz editing,
I plan on revamping MapleStory
to a diffrent way of gameplay
and stories.
Too bad you stopped reading,
Good day sir.

Ok sorry, I had to right to judge. If you can't already tell, I've been a pretty big DBZ fan ever since I was around 4. I am not a big fan of edits, but I like your ideas. Good Luck :thumbup1:
Subscriber and Mod!
Loyal Member
Jan 1, 2009
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Thread has been moved to the Maplestory Development section
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
I'm sorry but none of the things you describe sound like real systems. Just random ideas that don't actually really add anything of value to the gameplay. :/ And not once in your 5 minute long video do you actually show or explain what this Hyperbolic Time Chamber "system" is. It's just Map.WZ edits which are nothing special.
FutureLegend's Owner
Feb 10, 2011
Reaction score
I'm sorry but none of the things you describe sound like real systems. Just random ideas that don't actually really add anything of value to the gameplay. :/ And not once in your 5 minute long video do you actually show or explain what this Hyperbolic Time Chamber "system" is. It's just Map.WZ edits which are nothing special.

There is really plently of new systems i added here.
it's really not just the wz edits, i described some on the thread, honestly i'm having a bit of a hard time explaining you most of it in english.
Uhmm... i'll try explaining you the dragon ball system:
There is only one of each dragon ball iמ the whole world.
On the first time before anyone got a dragon ball, all the balls are stored in a random npc, there's a USE item that doesn't waste, the dragon radar.
When you use it, it tells you where there's a dragon ball (in an npc / a player / a place) To take a ball from other players, you have to bomb them.
Bombs are very expensive...
If you're not logged in over 10min, you will lose your dragon ball and it'll come
back to the npc you took it from.
When someone got all the seven dragon balls, he have to go to the place in the video
and drop them in the skull's hole.
If you drop there an item that is not a dragon ball, after 8 seconds he'll detect it
and you'll die for interrupting shenton.
If it detects the 7 dragon balls, you'll be moved to the same map with shenron.
After you make your wish (you got 10min to make a wish, or you'll get warped out)
The balls will get back to random npcs worldwide.
Bombs got 60% rate to get a dragon ball dropped from a player (if he got one).

Well, isn't that a system?

Thanks for the support guys, i'm working really hard to accomplish my plans.
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Mythic Archon
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Well, good luck... Seems pretty cool... but all WZ edits.
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
Good luck.. most of the server is based on WZ edits and don't say that you got lots of systems and stuff cuz a system is.. well a system and what you got is stuff like when this happens this will happen and thats about it.
About the time chamber, looks cool but you just show the WZ edits, not the actual action of the camber.
And stop writing like that its killing my eyes o_O

Again, good luck with your server.
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