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GMC Lite - Account and Character Editor

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Mythic Archon
Oct 18, 2011
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That's odd. it should work since I am using this on Windows Server 2008 SP1 x64. If it works on a higher OS then it should also run because its presumed to be backward compatible. You only need to configure this GMC Lite to connect to your SQL databases.

I need not be told on what to do about which to use. I already know. I am just encouraging this budding new coder to better improve on his release rather than say: "Hey, this other one is better. I need not use your ***" release." LOL ^_^

Why don't you try to contact the TS that have source code and add what you want . ^^ He already post a comment here that we will wait for more updates to his project. :tee::tee::tee: "Your so hot about the updates you know. ."
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 3, 2006
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"Your so hot about the updates you know. ."
Pardon me but...
Who says anything about being so hot and eager about updates? I already stated that I am a simple user with not much requirements. I prefer simple interfaces but I welcome more updates and features, of course.
Is my English so cryptic that I am usually misunderstood on this forum? I seem to often get these reactions from you people a lot. I tend to rub off differently on some of you when in fact that is not what I intended to say.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 22, 2012
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Post updated a little..
honeycomb03 - GMC Lite - Account and Character Editor - RaGEZONE Forums

Next update:
User Account register
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 3, 2006
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Now that's what I am talking about. honeycomb03 knows when to listen to his fans and admirers. He understands the need to improve his work. And for that I applaud his efforts. Kudos to you Mr. honeycomb03. This new release I will definitely use now. And the upcoiming update is most anticipated I am sure. ^_^
Mythic Archon
Oct 18, 2011
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Now that's what I am talking about. honeycomb03 knows when to listen to his fans and admirers. He understands the need to improve his work. And for that I applaud his efforts. Kudos to you Mr. honeycomb03. This new release I will definitely use now. And the upcoiming update is most anticipated I am sure. ^_^

Read all page ^^ honeycomb03 already say "Wait for more Updates" One Update Post of the Project Owner is good Enough :eek:tt1::eek:tt1::eek:tt1::eek:tt1::eek:tt1:

Experienced Elementalist
Apr 3, 2006
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I don't know what's up with you but you seem to always not get what I say in here. You always seem to make it appear that I am clamoring for updates from the coder when the fact is, I am not. I am patiently waiting and only praising the coder here. Now if my American English is that complicated for you to grasp then I feel so sorry for you. Even your lavish use of those emoticons is sending wrong signals to me. I am unsure of what's on your mind back there.
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Experienced Elementalist
Apr 3, 2006
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Hey, I can help with that. :p

Replace that SERVER-PC with the name of your server PC. You do know what name you gave your PC, right? Retain the SQLEXPRESS part and do not change it. That's assuming you are using SQL Server 2005 Express or higher.

Also leave "sa" alone. As for the password... it is the same password you used or assigned when you prepared or setup your ODBC. Also the same password you used within the CFG server files (AgentServer, SessionServer, FieldServer, LoginServer). You did setup ODBC on your own, right? Then you should know what password you assigned in there. For the noobs and lazybums... they usually go for the default of "1234" or "123456". Check your server CFG files or ODBC settings to verify that password. It's the same. Use it with this GMC Lite. ^_^
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 3, 2006
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Ahmm as what i've known 1433 is the Default Port for MSSQL REMOTE CONNECTION
Even for a LAN setup" Oh, okay. I'll try using that.
(ene be nemen)
?????? That one I did not understand. Sounded like my fav rapper... Eminem. ^_^
May 16, 2011
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Ahmmm .....
Can i request too ?
Can you add Etc-Class ?
Just like on Official Korea.
Etc Male - 16384
Etc Female - 32768
Even though this class is useless for now but SOON we figure out that it will may be used.
We must take the opportunity while the TS asking for some added functions.
Thanks in advance TS.
God Bless.
More Power.
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