Habbo Hotel's Future - What do you want to see in it? Official 

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 21, 2013
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Hey Ragezone,
All furnitures in habbo catalogue for free.
I want the editable song in trax machine back.
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
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Hey Ragezone,
All furnitures in habbo catalogue for free.
I want the editable song in trax machine back.
They're not actually free. With the builders club trial if you put any of the 'free' furni in your room no one other than you can visit the room unless you subscribe to the builders club.
May 11, 2012
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This thread is about what you'd like to see (return) in Habbo.

We all know Habbo will slowly dies but they still can prevent that.
Like HillBilly said, please don't just say "Yeah, it's going downhill." Provide some feedback in what you want to see. Also, it doesn't have to be things you want to return, if you think you have some good ideas, then throw them out there!

Trax ain't changed: it still works but just works a little different. It's now the jukebox. The SFX furni are completely different and has nothing to do with either trax or jukebox.
He is saying that the Jukebox is stupid because it's just like set albums. Where is the creativity in that? We used to be able to make our own songs and it was really cool. Now, all I can listen to is "Lady BlaBla" or "Kanye Quest", and I am not even fond of the real versions of those people.
Loyal Member
May 4, 2012
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Tbh , Habbo should be like how it was before where they had staff making random appearances. I remember once I used to play it few years back , a staff called ApploeDoe or whatever , suddenly made an appearance and all the users went to the cinema public room and , well it was a fun experience seeing as how everybody got closer and were all just fun and convenient. But now , it's just nothing but just watching out for any sexual harassment or w.e ever since that global mute. I just had this thought , so I decided to say it.
May 11, 2012
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I didn't want to put my ideas into the OP because I didn't want it to be a thread surrounded by my ideas. Here are mine:

Habbo is just not fun anymore. It has honestly turned into a place separated by a glass ceiling. The issue is most people, like myself, fall under the glass ceiling. Then, you have the rich people on Habbo who have turned the glass ceiling into a glass floor. If you are poor or modest, you are poor or modest forever and there's no changing it unless you but 1000's of credits, and even then you have a long way to go.

I don't want everything to be free in Habbo because that would destroy it. Currently, Habbo has the worst economy I have ever seen. Few people have any credits, and there are too many credits in the game. These rich people are not spending their credits through the catalogue. They are buying furni from each other because it is cheaper. It does not make sense, it is almost like once you purchase a furni for 7 credits from the catalogue it is immediately categorized as a "norm" and goes from 7 to 1 credit in an instantaneous second.
All norms are worthless really, they're used for "building". Habbo used to be about having fun, not building. If I wanted to build I'd play MineCraft and I wouldn't have to pay for each individual thing. If I sell norms, I have to sell them 1 credit per, but if I go to another shop they want 2 credits for them. If I sell for 2 credits per, I don't sell anything. The entire economy needs to be revamped on Habbo.

To Habbo Staff/Sulake:
- All furni needs to be valued, and not from the Marketplace. However, it would be cool to have a page in the catalogue that allows you to search for furni and check a value set by HABBO, not by some 12 year old looking to be rich on Habbo. Just replace the Marketplace, give everyone their respectable coins or furni back. The Marketplace is a joke, people are selling things worth 1 credit for the highest price in the marketplace. There is no value system in order right now. Someone could be selling a throne for 300 credits and another person could be selling it for one thousand. If you want people to buy from the catalogue again, set prices in a separate value page and people will return to buying from the market. This will cut out the ridiculous Hyperinflation going on.

- Fix the prices for the exchange. There is no reason to charge 1 extra credit for each deal. You don't have a tiny clerk working exchanging each and every little coin that works on commission or something. We know the real reason you're doing it, and it is to get people to buy more credits. You sell 50 Credit Pre-Paid Cards. If I wanted 50 Credits exchanged, the most I could get is about 45-47. It's a stupid rule, change it and it will help the economy a lot. At this point, a single credit is worth more than a gold bar (50 credits) because people can't break a gold bar without losing 3-5c.

- Stop adding things that are stupid. Seriously, a builder's club that gets everything for free if they subscribe? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my entire life. Instead of making a fantasy club, why not make things based off of ideals in real life? How about jobs? Instead of earning pixels, seashells, snowflakes, diamonds, sparkles whatever the hell you call them now, how about just letting people earn some credits. Not a lot, but it would add some fun if people could work a fake little fast food place, diner, bank, store, market, etc. Add some Role-playing into the game and make it a real RPG.

- It's a hotel, it will always be a hotel, and there is nothing you can change about it. The original point of Habbo "HOTEL" is for it to be a hotel. Keep it that way, it was an idea enjoyed by everyone. It was unique, it wasn't like some fantasy place, it was down-to-earth.

- IF IT AIN'T BROKEN, DON'T FIX IT. If it is a feature that everyone seems to like, don't listen to the idiot who says "We should update it." In the past few years, Habbo has done nothing, but remove features that we know and love. Just to add features like pixels, marketplace, 1 Credit Tax on Exchange, etc. Stop. Just stop.

Why don't you just listen to the real people who matter here? YOUR CUSTOMERS, YOUR USERS, US. We are what Habbo lives off of. Without US, it is empty, without US, it is nothing but a game that nobody likes anymore because the developers and staff who maintained were too idiotic to listen to people who once made it thrive.

Please Sulake/Habbo staff, pull your heads out of your @#$ and listen to us. We're trying to help.
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
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I hope you're kidding.
And even IF they would, they wouldn't listen to a user like: Hey he wants that so let's do that..
There are Sulake staff that are members of this forum and visit this section.
Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Habbo has always been money milkers but recently they have just tried to drain out much as possible before the game crashes completely.

Sulake must develop a system that allows people to play and get revenue as they play instead of depending on the users using their pocket money to buy the virtual goods.


Maybe if we don't act like 4 year olds, insult them, and treat them like the devil, they will. It's worth a try, besides its nice to discuss something other than "Sulake took down my retro", DMCAs, and "Hey everyone Sulake is stupid."
+1 up for the bolded part
May 11, 2012
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That'd be an awesome job, just browsing a forum all day collecting information on members. tt1:

They don't just sit here browsing all day, they just browse every once in a while. Why is there always a few of you who can't stand to just have a nice discussion?
Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2009
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They don't just sit here browsing all day, they just browse every once in a while. Why is there always a few of you who can't stand to just have a nice discussion?

Not to be mean, but what is to discuss has been discussed in hundreds of these kind of threads already.
May 11, 2012
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I'm sorry? Do you work at Sulake HQ then?

Obviously not, I'm just saying its a known fact that they browse here. Considering that they have found developers, retros, and have taken designs from here many times. Why not use it to our advantage? If they want to snoop here, let them see something we want them to see. Now, you could continue to complain about it or just stop.