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Habbo Hotel's Future - What do you want to see in it? Official 

May 11, 2012
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Greetings Everyone,
This thread has been made for one purpose, and one purpose alone. That is, to discuss the features you enjoy, the features you do not enjoy, and the features you wish to see added to Habbo Hotel or features you want to see return to Habbo Hotel.

That being said, It is no secret that someone (maybe a group of people) from Sulake/Habbo Staff browse this section and other sub-sections of the Habbo Section on here. Perhaps, this might catch their attention, and they may be able to receive some feedback, input, and suggestions for Habbo Hotel. Besides, who better to get it from, then from the people who most likely left Habbo for "Retros" (at one time, maybe you left both now) or people who still play Habbo and believe it is going downhill. Judging on those two demographics, I can say that most, if not all of us, who frequent RaGEZONE's Habbo Section fit into at least one of those.

Please keep in mind the following while discussing this:
- We are discussing Habbo Hotel. We are not discussing any Habbo "Retros" or recreations of Habbo Hotel.
- Be civilized, do not fight because that's immature.
- Provide Positive or Constructive comments. Try not to be negative.
Positive Comment:
"Habbo seems to have been going downhill recently."
Negative Comment:
"habbo is so %^$#ing %@7 im never playing that $@&^ again"
- Do not make unachievable requests for features on Habbo like "Make all furni free", "Gimme 20 Gold Drags", or "Let users become Staff". Achievable would be "Bring back the Trax Machine", "Add other ways to get credits like jobs", and "Bring back the big hand!"
- Try to be professional, don't make a fool out of yourself. Posting in all caps, with terrible grammar, or posting like a little kid will not help this cause. If you want Habbo Staff to see your input, try posting something professional with the best possible grammar.

(Message to Sulake/Habbo Staff: If you are reading this, please take these users' suggestions and input into consideration.)
R.I.P Millercent
Loyal Member
Nov 6, 2012
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Habbo is something that has completely changed my life.. I mean I learnt about it before I knew what the internet was, so it's been my big idol thing. Ever since "the great mute" I noticed it's been going down hill. Users leaving, more ads being added to make money.. It's just getting to the point were Sulake is throwing what ever they can at it to make some profit from it again.

My idea, bring back the old. Like I see photos of "the big hand" and think "wow, that'd be epic" stop with the non-sense of just throwing new half done bundles of cr@p at it, and take the time to listen to users and make a massive change. Like staff run events, staff on the hotel talking to users.. Geez Habbo. Get yo poop together.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Habbo isn't Habbo anymore..

A few years ago, Habbo was just fun to make rooms, chat with everyone, play games like sims, don't touch the wall. Now habbo is for making rooms with USVA, etc..

It isn't fun anymore.. Even Habbo retro's are illegal .. i love them more then Habbo now.
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 17, 2007
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The reason why I don't like Habbo anymore is that they have updated too fast their game. Remember the earlier years of Habbo when it was once updated each ten or twelve months? They should give the hotel feeling back. Every hotel their own hotel view. The pixelated GUI's that were used in version 34 should return. They should make the navigator again to the old style how it was in version 9. They should fix many description and badge names that are still not named.

They should make a second client in 740x540 resolution to get the entire 'Habbo' feeling back how it once was.

Wreckless - Habbo Hotel's Future - What do you want to see in it? - RaGEZONE Forums

Wreckless - Habbo Hotel's Future - What do you want to see in it? - RaGEZONE Forums
Aug 10, 2011
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TBH the time it went wrong with habbo is with the flash client. They removed all the mini games later on and only added some of the old public rooms back (which I really like!). I would love to see more public rooms as they were what habbo was all about. Chatting with your friends in some public room as you had no habbo credits to build your own. Now everything is only about the damn furniture. Look at the current ridiculous furniture prizes. I mean, it are just a bunch of pixels.

Also I'm missing the weekly articles. They gave interaction between habbo's and the whole hotel as people could submit their own stories and pixelarts.

The thing is, after the upgrade to flash it is became all about the money and users we're placed on the second place.


It would scare away their current user base. Also it would cost too much resources to host both styles I think.
I would wait for the moon
Loyal Member
Jun 9, 2007
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Habbo started to go downhill (atleast in my opinion) a few months after they went to "Habbo Beta"/Flash. When they started with the flashclient they said this;

Beta is still very much so a work in progress, and some features are still missing. We haven't forgotten about them though, so you can rest assured.
* More public spaces to come
* Trax
* Guides
* Games (BB, SS, Lido)
We're now four years later; they removed public rooms, changed trax in some stupid sound fx furni, removed guides (and later changed in guardians thing), removed games (brought back SS but it still doesn't give the same feeling loaded up through the game center). They wanted to get rid of the whole "Hotel"-part they said, sure but that doesn't mean they needed to ruin and change everything that people liked about Habbo.

Anyway what I really like to see back next year is the old traxmachine (create your own trax etc), Battleball (not the banzai poop, the normal one with maybe new powerup things in public spaces) and the public spaces (they don't ever have to do anything with them, just an extra 'Public spaces'-part in the navigator which loads up all the old rooms in their own categories) shouldn't be much work, and news back on homepage (they started this again but shouldn't be using the promo-box for 'new news', never read that stuff at all).

Ahwell, don't think they're gonna bring anything back from it anyway. They became really messy the last couple of years, homepage mixed with a new version, badges that don't got any name/descriptions or they're too long to be fully read, also alot of things aren't translated or get translated wrong (like loyalty points, some furni with still the english description or no description at all). And the new catalogue just looks so, messy and unfinished.. mweh.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 2, 2013
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It is taking a bad way. Eventually the game will fail.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
This thread is about what you'd like to see (return) in Habbo.

We all know Habbo will slowly dies but they still can prevent that.
Guns, violence, sex and blood.

explosions are cool too
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2012
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Habbo started to go downhill (atleast in my opinion) a few months after they went to "Habbo Beta"/Flash. When they started with the flashclient they said this;

We're now four years later; they removed public rooms, changed trax in some stupid sound fx furni, removed guides (and later changed in guardians thing), removed games (brought back SS but it still doesn't give the same feeling loaded up through the game center). They wanted to get rid of the whole "Hotel"-part they said, sure but that doesn't mean they needed to ruin and change everything that people liked about Habbo.

Anyway what I really like to see back next year is the old traxmachine (create your own trax etc), Battleball (not the banzai poop, the normal one with maybe new powerup things in public spaces) and the public spaces (they don't ever have to do anything with them, just an extra 'Public spaces'-part in the navigator which loads up all the old rooms in their own categories) shouldn't be much work, and news back on homepage (they started this again but shouldn't be using the promo-box for 'new news', never read that stuff at all).

Ahwell, don't think they're gonna bring anything back from it anyway. They became really messy the last couple of years, homepage mixed with a new version, badges that don't got any name/descriptions or they're too long to be fully read, also alot of things aren't translated or get translated wrong (like loyalty points, some furni with still the english description or no description at all). And the new catalogue just looks so, messy and unfinished.. mweh.
Trax ain't changed: it still works but just works a little different. It's now the jukebox. The SFX furni are completely different and has nothing to do with either trax or jukebox.
Loyal Member
May 4, 2012
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Habbo was way fun back in the old days where I would see my big hand empty and just sit there wondering , "gosh I need some furni" , but now , I come on and I see everything's just soo .... Not appealing I guess. It's jsut not the fun game I loved , now it's just a dump where arrogant kids play.
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
They need to figure out their economy, the price of credits are way to high, simple furni cost 2 credits, that's alot of money to put your pixel butt on.
Loyal Member
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Thing is, you cannot create your own songs anymore.

Sulake really should come up with some type of a new user support , instead of having to keep up with all this broken poop. I've heard they have some site where users can report stuff , but nobody from sulake ever replies.