Hi Flyff users, please read

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Apr 16, 2005
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Hi, I'm Dios. I'll be cleaning this section up for you. I will like to say I'm sorry for the shape this section is @. I can see why people are angry at mods.

This will change in the next few days. I wont promise to clean up today, its still not new years here! But I'll be doing it on the course of next week, so now I need your help, your input.

What needs done here? Do not request files, nor help on your Flyff servers, but tell me how you think this would be a much better section.

There are 7000+ threads in this section. I plan to reduce that at least in half.

Does this section need new rules? Does this section need more mods? Why? What made the other mods fail?

All input is appreciated. I don't understand why some kids here cry that much about but I want to understand. So all of you noobs that cry and cry, that """""""hack"""""" msn addies and poop can now tell me the truth, why are you crying? What is that wrong in this section?
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 31, 2010
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This section was fine until the demon server kids got butthurt their leader was banned for something he deserved to be banned for.

This section had people helping one another and supporting each other's development. Everything was fine until one troll made the whole section go to pot.

I seriously hope you clean this place.

Here is what you should think about:

Let them show off their stuff they make and build. As long as they don't tie it to a specific server, it shouldn't be a problem.

Encourage development. Its the sole reason the section is still floating.

Encourage others to help in the help section much like they already do.

I don't think this section needs more than 2 mods anyway.

And you should terminate with extreme prejudice all trolls who seek to ruin other people's development.

End the squabbles between servers period. They should know that this place is where they can come to learn and not fight.
Game Developer
Loyal Member
Jun 19, 2009
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1st.Read the other threads I'm pretty sure people hacking accounts is not what we want here...

2nd.Strengthen the rules since some people does not mind keeping on those rules.
Aug 3, 2010
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You better not be GK#2 and act like the whole Flyff category is yours.
@PinstripeMan: Please be happy you didn't wake up swatted, because we were really planning to do it. :glare:
Not working on UnitedFlyf
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2009
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Thank you :>. I suggest an "Ideas" section separate from development. It seems most of these threads in the Development section, go no where. This "Ideas" section could also hold server exclusive content(with no server names), I'm sure many would benefit from hearing other ideas and discussing the relevance they would have to Flyff private servers.

We could also make a LV2 Section that would hold releases for only RELEASERS to have access to. The LV2 members would be chosen manually by mods, they must submit a UNIQUE development that contributes to the forum(and takes some time to develop) to apply(for example).

I would love to release things if I wasn't worried kids would make 1000x rate servers with my releases...
Not working on UnitedFlyf
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2009
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1st.Read the other threads I'm pretty sure people hacking accounts is not what we want here...

2nd.Strengthen the rules since some people does not mind keeping on those rules.

Last thing we need is more rules.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 12, 2010
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Delete threads that have the same purpose and only keep the useful ones, say there are two threads with releases for beast V16. Find the one with the best ratings e.g. this one works this one doesnt and pick stuff out like that deleteing unneeded threads.
Apr 16, 2005
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This will be fixed after clean up. You'll need a mod to approve your release before people can see it. This way even tho it will take a few hours for it to show it will always remain on from page as long as people reads and replies.

You better not be GK#2 and act like the whole Flyff category is yours.

If you were talking to me, let me tell you the difference. I'm a super mod. I moderated more sections than any other mod. I have more moderation actions than anyone. I have dealt with all sections and all kinds of noobs. This is my section, they are all my section cause I'm here to clean and protect every single thread on this forum. I'm not here to gain anything. I do not take files, fame nor glory from this forum. I only work so people can have the best possible RZ experience.

Last thing we need is more rules.

Agreed, you need different ones

After Im done it wont be necessary to remove threads with the same purpose as long as they are here to be useful.
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Not working on UnitedFlyf
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2009
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This will be fixed after clean up. You'll need a mod to approve your release before people can see it. This way even tho it will take a few hours for it to show it will always remain on from page as long as people reads and replies.

This sounds interesting, however, I would like a private release/development section for ONLY developers/contributers. I am an owner of a prominent server, I do not wish to help servers who put no effort into developing by giving them easy releases. I would like to work with other servers/developers to contribute to an overall goal. I just don't want the poop leaked to kids who are going to abuse it without contributing/understanding.
the sound's resound echo
Loyal Member
Jun 14, 2009
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Sounds like the Flyff section will get a good ressurection at last!
One tip:
Many rules are fine, but many of them should be changed, like previously, some threads were seen as "Advertisement" and others werent, when they both said the name of their server.

I think it's indeed a good idea that mods have to approve a release before you can download it
Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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As mootie said. Private development section for only contributers please. Should stop people that do nothing but leach from only doing that and not contributing.
Please understand I don't think this is a bad idea, but I know this wont happen.

First of all, in order to do this you would have to restrict access to a section. Someone would need the ability to add/remove users from that section, and that would be only 2 people on the forum, Exclamatio and Mental.

I don't see Mental going for this idea because that is not how ragezone was meant to be. It was meant to be just like the open source community is: available for all, and the idea is you eventually contribute back.

None of the other sections are set up this way.
Jun 17, 2009
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Welcome to what the section is currently at right now , I'm not a regular in this section but I can give you my views on how to make the section better. I suggest make the development main section into two sub sections , one for developments that will be released and the other for showoff and also developments that seems inactive in the developments for releases will be either deleted or moved to the showoff section. About the moderators , I think that the spots should be vacant again and the moderators should be picked based on how much they've contributed to the section in the pass and should be here for about more than a year(we don't want newgens moderating a section is in much need of repair).This is some of the ideas I have for this section

- Military
We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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I found out nevermind.

Wait wait wait, I'm biased and side with members? ROFL since when did I work for Thrin too?

Just because I have people in the section on my MSN doesn't mean I'm there friends, and if I was protecting them this never would have happened.

Last time I wasn't able to put in my word for which people should be moderators, it was the other moderator and look what happened.

If anything, I'd like to put in my 2 cents before anyone goes green this time.
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Apr 16, 2005
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Dios, I wish you the best of luck in getting this place squared away. I hope the better rules make a lot of people shut up and not complain but there is always so many people out there who want what they want and nothing will change that.

After 5 years as a mod here I still fail to find a section that can't be resurrected.

I hope people understands that this is a huge amount of work for us. It may not seem like it at first as we start from the old but you'll start to see real changes in the next week. I won't have much Internet time until Tuesday but other mods will start to transform this section into awesomeness.

In a tidy, organized community problems are dealt in a different way.
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2009
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  1. Keep "Show" posts in one section
  2. Add and Enforce rules.
  3. Keep threads on-topic.

Also, for flame war starters, give them a one or two day ban.:glare: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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Enough talk about demon, this is Ragezone's forum not demon's.

If anyone really believes demon did all this then go consult them on their forum.

In my opinion, it was the members of Ragezone who did this not "demon" since "demon" isn't someone.

With this being said, enough of the random BS. Let's get back on the threads topic.

@yjlasher, Thanks for popping in.

Here is a list of the rules:


If something needs to be changed please quote it and tell us what is wrong with the rule. (Reply in this thread please)

~ Dell
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Skilled Illusionist
Dec 26, 2010
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FlyFF Dev Rules said:
The development section was only created to assist in the creation and release of future files/addons and scripts, anything that remotely consists of gloating without release will be removed and the user infracted. -- MentaL

I swear. Bad rule <.<. Might wanna just remove the sub-section then, since no one ever releases anything anymore.

As for another topic;

De-Mod Reiminess, as she is NEVER online. I have to drag her out of MSN to get her to close topics now-a-days.
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