High School Musical

It's a shame that I had to go through the experience of watching the movie with my girlfriend's little brother.

haha she's got you whipped and you don't even know it. :jester:

Yeah I like musicals, (for the most part) I was in the pit for most of my high schools stuff, although the "high school musical" was the worst one I've seen yet...
lol "Dirty,rotten scoundrels," "Sweeny Todd," etc. are bad musicals? Disney may produce crap but some musicals are awesome :D? THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS?! (animation yes, but lol it's a musical :P). What about Grease man?

lol sutsurikeru what's fun for the kids is me blasting In Flames' "Craw Through Knives" song at church two Sundays ago in my car before I left :D

lol nub. Grease is DECENT. But damn, musicals </3.
Lol what the hell is that? ^^

Well I cant agree that all musicals are bad there are a lot of good classics. Of course its not the music I listen to but it was not made of our days. Now you see the only musicals that make big hits are animations xD
Like Mulan muahaha
Now you see the only musicals that make big hits are animations xD
Like Mulan muahaha

Not true, but you wouldn't know about it unless you were into music.

Probably my favorite musical was Phantom of the Opera. Even though that's technically an Opera, but still the songs are amazing.

Or Spamalot. Just because it's funny.
So I'm playing Bass guitar for the ACT theater group here in my home town. (dont ask me what ACT stands for cuz i dont know...)

Basically ACT is just a bunch of teens/adults that put on random plays/musicals 4 times a year at our state theater.

Anywho the musical this time is Godspell. And I gotta say, it is damn funny. I hadn't seen the movies/ or other musicals until now.

So I you want to see a musical that you wont fall asleep to, watch Godspell.