Localhost Workshop

they specifically wrote in the op that they cannot create a cleaned up client for versions above v111 as that's when nexon upgraded from themida 2.x to a different kind of a packer (vmprotect, then somewhere 30 versions later to themida 3.x) and they don't have a "perfect devirtualizer" for either.

although nowadays with VTIL and the vm architecture of vmprotect (although x64 being heavily documented, and absolutely destroyed), most of the information can be used for x86 apps

(VTIL, x64)
(emulation, supports x86)

i still wouldn't expect OP to do that. it'd be a very big project and might require a lot of per-binary tinkering especially for anything with the newer versions of themda
It wasn't VMP. Nexon just switch to using their own Macro based off of Themida SDK macro template for global.
Can you please make a 4GB v83 and full HD? or 2k? I tried modifying the client but no success so far (probably I did some mistakes cause It was my first time editing a client)
Hello Hendi48 can u do thms v62.0 please :cry:

I don't know if anyone tried it, but if you edit and save the resources using "Resource Hacker" with any of these clients released here.
It will cause an error "This app can't run on your PC" and this doesn't not happen with other localhosts.