London Rioting

Apr 29, 2008
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Your worried about a little riot in London? Wait until 2012 when you witness the biggest rioting in history. After the US stock market crashs and the economy shuts down. Which it has been turning out to look that way for a long long time. Our government just went 2 billion more dollars in debt about 2-3 days ago. I guarantee you by 2012 there wont be no earthquakes, or super volcano's, there's going to be people going crazy robbing/killing each other just to feed themselves. Mass hysteria mark my words.
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May 25, 2007
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It started off as protests in Tottenham. Birmingham, manchester, liverpool, and everywhere else just felt the need to take advantage because they saw the police taking hardly any action at all.

im just laughing at the idiots who got themselves caught on camera whilst looting the shops.
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May 25, 2007
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another thing i want to know, where are the EDL amidst all this? arent they supposed to be out there 'defending their 'white' streets from being destroyed by coloured people'?

so far, the only thing ive heard is that the sikhs/muslims around the birmingham area stayed outside each others mosques/temples/homes to protect each other, and the inhabitants of the streets against the mobs. but even then, 3 young men have been killed by the rioters... and where were the police? not even in the area at the time.

'fucked up poop right there.
Initiate Mage
Aug 11, 2011
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I'm glad theree's an increased sense of unity among the various groups, thowever.
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May 23, 2011
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I've heard the EDL are out being "vigilantes". The riots seem to have died down a lil' bit around me, but where my mum works (Oxford street), there's been a lot of police presence.
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May 25, 2007
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I've heard the EDL are out being "vigilantes". The riots seem to have died down a lil' bit around me, but where my mum works (Oxford street), there's been a lot of police presence.
fighting violence with violence? duck are they actually protecting, this is a ready made excuse for them to beat up a couple of coloured dudes.
Oct 20, 2006
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You seem like a very educated person and I would love to get to know you more.

BTW, it's not just a "little" riot in London. Riots are happening all over the place, and they definitely aren't little... You should take the time to look into it.
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May 25, 2007
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You seem like a very educated person and I would love to get to know you more.

BTW, it's not just a "little" riot in London. Rights are happening all over the place, and they definitely weren't little... You should take the time to look into it.
they started off as riots, wherever they spread outside of london, wasnt rioting. it was looting because they could.
Oct 20, 2006
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they started off as riots, wherever they spread outside of london, wasnt rioting. it was looting because they could.

They were copycat riots, not just looting...
Oct 11, 2007
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I haven't really followed this the way I should have, which I regret, so I have a simple question, has the military/army been involved in this in any way or just police?

Seems to me that if you roll in a "FV 4034 Challenger 2" tank onto the streets, the rioters are gonna poop their pants pretty fast. (Ofc I don't think that tbh, but you catch my drift).

Anyhow, Military presence could help the police? No one is scared of a bunch of policemen with plastic shields when you outnumber them 10 to 1, but a cpl of military men could help?

I have no real idea on how that would go, just brainstorming...
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May 23, 2011
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There was a suggestion that the military should be brought in, but I don't think that became reality. They've discussed the use of plastic bullets, which I believe have been authorised for use.
Jul 11, 2007
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(CNN) -- British Prime Minister David Cameron thinks he's found some culprits to blame in the recent riots that have rocked London and other cities -- Facebook and Twitter.
Saying the "free flow of information" can sometimes be a problem, Cameron's government has summoned those two social-networking sites, as well as Research In Motion, makers of the BlackBerry, for a meeting to discuss their roles during the violent outbreaks.

"Everyone watching these horrific actions will be struck by how they were organized via social media," Cameron said Thursday during an address to Parliament. "Free flow of information can be used for good. But it can also be used for ill. And when people are using social media for violence, we need to stop them."
Cameron said that government officials are working with authorities "to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality."
More than 1,200 people have been arrested nationwide, Cameron told lawmakers. One estimate found that UK retailers lost more than than £100 million ($161 million) in stolen goods and property damage over four nights of rioting.
Cameron, a Conservative, seems to have support for a potential crackdown, even from members of the opposition Labor Party.

"Free speech is central to our democracy, but so is public safety and security," said Ivan Lewis, the shadow secretary of culture in the House of Commons, according to London's Guardian newspaper. "We support the government's decision to undertake a review of whether measures are necessary to prevent the abuse of social media by those who organize and participate in criminal activities."
Home Secretary Theresa May has called for meetings with the three companies in the coming weeks, according to British media.
Many UK rioters reportedly used BlackBerry Messenger, a free, private instant-messaging tool, to organize. A recent survey found that 37% of British teens prefer BlackBerrys to other smartphones.

Twitter and Facebook have been used as well, although those sites also have been used to organize cleanup efforts and calls for peace in the wake of riots that started in London's Tottenham district on Saturday after police shot and killed a man.
Representatives of Facebook and Twitter said they're happy to meet with the government, although both would presumably object to being censored or shut down in the UK.

Twitter has said it has no intention to block accounts or delete posts, while Facebook has said publicly that it already shut down pages that explicitly incited violence.

Research in Motion's Inside BlackBerry blog was hacked Tuesday after the Canadian smartphone maker suggested it would cooperate with London police to help identify rioters who may have used BlackBerrys to plan mayhem.

Open-Web and free-speech advocates immediately objected to Cameron's language.
"It may be tempting to smother that kind of speech when a government feels it is under siege, as Britain seems to feel that it is," wrote Matthew Ingram of tech blog GigaOm. "But doing this represents nothing less than an attack on the entire concept of freedom of speech, and that has some frightening consequences for any democracy."
Ingram questioned whether the government would be cracking down on telephone use or people talking about the unrest at their local pub if social media didn't exist. "That seems unlikely (although not impossible). But the British government's apparent willingness to consider shutting down or blocking access to Twitter and BlackBerry's BBM falls into the same category."

On ReadWriteWeb, writer Curt Hopkins said Cameron "joins the long line of powerful men who totally miss the point of social media." "Banning those convicted of crimes from accessing social networks (the idea being that they used such access to organize criminal activities) is no different than banning the same criminals from accessing goose quills and ink pots," Hopkins wrote. "It will have zero effect on crime, aside from criminalizing social media itself."


Quite interesting to read.
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Oct 23, 2005
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Just watched a news report about the owners of the furniture shop.
It made me cry. It demolished the whole building and caused people to have to jump our of thier windows to save thier lives.

It sickens me that people can do that to thier own communities!
These 'youths' as they are being called, should be made to do national service. Then maybe they will learn the true meaning of community.
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May 25, 2007
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there were talks about the army being called in, but as half the troops are in afghanistan/iraq killing innocent little children,
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May 25, 2007
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id like to ask everyone to take a look at the two parts of this video,