Lunia Files

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 22, 2008
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Good to hear. Reason I shared them was because it said the files are complete.
I might be able to get some more files, but it's probably not necessary. Just let me know if you need some help. Good to see you're working on it.

In terms of "complete server files", I'd say these are pretty complete, so great find! The few things missing are more related to web backend stuff and client frontend web interfaces, not terribly important. A few things might be needed for more advanced stuff like guilds and families related features. I'm still going through stuff and checking it against the current official sites though.

Here are some WIP images of what I have so far. I tried to make a video, but that's just not working out right now.

It seems everything works from what I can tell in terms of gameplay. I've tested a few character classes and all skills seem to work and areas likewise. I just set exp to 1000x and leveled up fast to test various things.

And a summary of major stuff done so far:
- reversed zip password system, so password protected archives can be accessed and modified (still working on locating where the password is stored in the client for custom changes)
- reversed the ConnectInfo.b format into ConnectInfo.xml by hand. This makes for a lot more easy changes and customization than was possible with the other methods of editing it.
- still working on a way to automate dumping .b into .xmls
- reversed cfp/cpv of modern Lunia to make an extractor to pull content and translations of newer versions to cut down on the work and to get an idea of changes that can be made (my is actually of usa lunia English files)
- Implemented a demo "Client/ListConnections.asp" page. The population of the servers on the title screen can now be set (didn't actually write out a full implementation, just got the format).
- DB cleanups of old data and minor setting changes as needed to match the xml config files the servers use.

So progress is pretty good, but I still want to work out a few more things and make some more tools.
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Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
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In terms of "complete server files", I'd say these are pretty complete, so great find! The few things missing are more related to web backend stuff and client frontend web i...
- reversed the ConnectInfo.b format into ConnectInfo.xml by hand. This makes for a lot more easy changes and customization than was possible with the other methods of editing it.
Lol, WalterNgo already found a ConnectInfo.b in xml form. It can be found in the LanLunia/PanLunia/BloodyLunia client.

Also cleaning db is easy xD just run a query

where condition

so if i wanted to delete all characters, i would
from Characters
where characterName != "o-o"
<im not sure if you need the *>

Edit: Good Luck making .b files into "xml", because it seems like when the XML are run through allms tool, all the tags are omitted, only leaving the data.

Lolz: Making stuff is fun.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 22, 2008
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Lol, WalterNgo already found a ConnectInfo.b in xml form. It can be found in the LanLunia/PanLunia/BloodyLunia client.

Good to know, but since that information was not available in this thread, I did it myself. If you have a XML version to post, I'd not mind seeing it to compare it. From what I can tell, the data changes based on what the client was coded for, so it's best to have a version that uses all of the data the client expects. I've not seen those Lunia clients around that you mentioned, so if you have links, please share.

Also cleaning db is easy xD just run a query

It's not that simple when you have Foreign Key constraints. If you know what you are doing, great, but a lot of people don't understand what needs to be done with databases, so I'll include that info in my guide as well.

Edit: Good Luck making .b files into "xml", because it seems like when the XML are run through allms tool, all the tags are omitted, only leaving the data.

So far it looks like everything you need is in the client, which is how I got ConnectInfo reversed. I'll make a guide to the system they use after I work out some more things about it.

The concept of taking serialized data to editable text format is a lot easier when you know your way around the client and have the tools and knowledge to automate it. I've done similar work for Mythos though, so it's only a matter of time to find the optimal spots. I'm pretty confident it's possible, but it still will be a bit of work.

Thanks for the feedback though.
Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
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If you need help with it, [every .b file has a different structure] i can share with you many sources I found that show the structure[of some .b files] '3'

-Haha, you can ask many people, I have sharing problems. But that's just because I don't like sharing with "leechers" and people who will be dependent on others to get things done.
I was involved in PanLunia, and it was a misery. The owner did not know what was best for the community, wanted me to achieve ridiculous standards, all of which he would never be able to do. [He was pretty much a leecher.] He fixed some "lobby" error, I fixed PvP, Party/Family/Guild servers, cleaned up things in stages, cleared the db for him, and made some custom content [which he wouldn't let me test as he did not want to disconnect the one user playing in a stage >->] -I ended up leaving, and without me, he decided to shutdown the server.
I guess what I'm saying, is that you are well off on your own. You will have a successful server, and you are dependent on no-one. <Therefore you aren't a leecher, and you're fine in my book ^-^>
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We are Maverick!
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Feb 27, 2009
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If your not willing to share what you find then please don't post showing off what you've done like in your previous post.

This section is specifically for helping with files that don't have their own section.
Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
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If your not willing to share what you find then please don't post showing off what you've done like in your previous post.

This section is specifically for helping with files that don't have their own section.
*note- It's not the server/source files I'm talking about.I am talking about Client editing... That's like editing a .wz file in maplestory. It has nothing to do with the server source, it is just a tool for client modification. And it has no files either. It's solely editing a file with a hex editor.
The one thing I fear, is tons of leechers getting the wrong tools, and it'll be like MapleStory private servers. Yes, there are some servers that are fine, they have developers, I would have no problem helping those,- but for the servers that are owned by leechers, and little kids, why do they need it? Just one thing to make his/her server appear better. I just really have problems with leechers. Especially after working for one in a lunia server ;-;~ Maybe when the community has more to offer, I will help everyone. You do not know how many times I have been emailed/PMd/IMd/asked for help with a binaryconverter/setting up their server for them, or fixing something. ;-; I understand some things may not be easy and people need help with, but there are people out there who cannot do anything for themselves. If they cannot contribute to the community, I believe they deserve nothing.
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Sep 6, 2007
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You have nothing more than i have shared, lol
All do you have said i have shared in another topic and alot of things has no bugs, i dont understand what "good" things u have?

A things who i dont have shared is a shop secure fix, and the problem has i dont have more, i have formated the c: and dont have backup
Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
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I actually posted the structure on this thread xD I decided to remove it tho.
nobody replied so i removed it ;w; [it was on THIS post]
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 22, 2008
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What are the current issues with the cash shop? Like, poor implementation so it's easily hacked or what? I started playing with it and managed to get it to load, but there's a lot of stuff that needs to be translated and updated page wise. I'll go ahead and detail some findings here because it looks like the web shop will need the most work for a "stock" server.

This is basically the flow of events for starting the web shop, some people might know this from being able to read ASP, but I'll just summarize with key points if others want to dig through the files and need a place to start.

- When the client clicks on the "Item Store" button, it builds a query string and sends it to "g/encrypt.asp". This string in plain text is: "accountname=ragezone&passwd=e2dfcb828b377320560a4d8663713f3f&servercode=0&charactername=drew3&level=19&class=6¤ttime=2011-08-02 19:22:07&userip=" (of course your data will change)

- encrypt.asp decrypts the data and forwards it to "shop_v2/login/login_post.asp" via a html page that calls a javascript function on page body load.

- "shop_v2/login/login_post.asp" beings processing the data and doing some simple checks. However, you need to update a few things first:
* "\lib\include\connect.asp" -> update database info, ip/urls just like how "v4/Common.asp" is setup.
* "\lib\include\session.asp" -> update the domain fields as needed. For example, mine say: Response.Cookies("UserSession").Domain = "" since I run over my lan. Localhost domain only works if you run both client and server on localhost! There's more than one place to change it, so search the entire file.
* "\lib\include\chk_login.asp" - you can uncomment " Call gsps.PrintDebug()" for helpful info in testing.
* "\lib\include\db_helper.asp" - change
GetConnStr = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER="& SERVER &";DATABASE="& DBNAME &";Network=DBMSSOCN;Address="& SERVER &";User Id="& UID &";PASSWORD="& PWD &";"
at the top to
GetConnStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source="& SERVER &";Initial Catalog="& DBNAME &";user ID="& UID &";password="& PWD &";"
(if you are using sqloledb in v4/common.asp, I'm still learning the differences in setup between the two)

- Afterwards, you are redirected to "\shop_v2\default.asp" where your login is checked and you are shown the "list.asp" page which loads all the item mall stuff.

That's as far as I've gone right now. I've not tested adding currency to accounts and buying items, but I'll post an update later if I can get it working.

Sep 6, 2007
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good work, i have an item editor for edit
I dont remember exactly, but have alot of security problems and the asp is really hard coded, is hard to change a simply thing and work fully but you can try, i dont have more.
Ahh, i can buy itens bugging my cash, i can buy itens using another user cash, i can use all login i want without pw.
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Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
good work, i have an item editor for edit

Not like you can get too far with that. xD that item selection is from 1~2 years ago. [I downloaded an old korean Iteminfos.b], so it will be missing a bit of fields.
Plus, it's there for everyone to see ^-^ It's not like you are the only one who will have it. I just found the format online, and used it to that item.
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Sep 6, 2007
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Not like you can get too far with that. xD that item selection is from 1~2 years ago. [I downloaded an old korean Iteminfos.b], so it will be missing a bit of fields.

is that the problem to use newster .b files in old gameserver
i have started the project to update the server, i can start server and use newster client but need fix some things.
but lunia is not good for me, i have stoped the work with lunia
Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
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is that the problem to use newster .b files in old gameserver
i have started the project to update the server, i can start server and use newster client but need fix some things.
but lunia is not good for me, i have stoped the work with lunia

The client cannot read newer .b files. It is not encrypted, but theres newer data with newer items, newer fields that the client will not read, and will crash upon encounter.
Sep 6, 2007
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the problem is not the client, is the gameserver
with gameserver running with newster .b files you can update the server
i dont remember exactly what .b files crash the server, iteminfo.b is one.
Junior Spellweaver
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
the problem is not the client, is the gameserver
with gameserver running with newster .b files you can update the server
i dont remember exactly what .b files crash the server, iteminfo.b is one.

No, it is the client. The client cannot read the newer .b files.
Sep 6, 2007
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You dont need use oldated clients, you can use newster client.
Sep 6, 2007
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you can bypass that, correct client you can do that.
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