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Neosteam Server (Chinese, but with English Weapons)

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Newbie Spellweaver
May 28, 2013
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Anyone wanna join me in getting a English server up?

Need more ppl to help out to get things done alot faster join me in our forum dont forget to tell us why you are joining so you get a Neosteam Badge.There is a Chat and we got a TS channel... Hope to see more of you guys there!

I just got done with translating the Npcs in Diren to google english ^^ so need ppl to polish the text should be easy to track and correct ;)
Newbie Spellweaver
May 12, 2013
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Which Client should we use with server? Latest one is probably NeoSteam_Setup_USA_100430.exe. I've heard that japanese version had some new content, but haven't found it yet. Maybe someone have it on disk?

Aknolo: How do you know which NPC are in Diren?
You asked for help. I've very little time to offer. I can help with technical problems, but I'm no translation expert. I'm thinking about some java platform to store data translated by different people.

Have anyone noticed, that in NpcDataParams there are duplicate rows with the same NpcId. What happens when we delete one that looks empty?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2014
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We had the best result´s with the Chinese client, but the usa client works also (there are some stability issues with all clients...). You will have to use the map data of the Chinese client since the server has the Chinese map... Also if you use the Chinese client the npc and mob names from your client are equal to the ones used in the db (there is a link in this forum where you can download the client).
I have a issue with the code from theMachine that if you change the dialog, you have to match the CharCount or you get a error of the encryption framework... did you encounter that problem?
And one other thing, i build in a mass updater for the npc dialogs which seems to work ;). Just read the data from all npcs, remove all the data from the String that wont need translation, split the rest into an array and write it to the db (make your own table). The result is something like the npcScriptparams. Then you can export the list into excel or something so other people can translate it without working directly on the db. After that just import the data back...
Newbie Spellweaver
May 12, 2013
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Fix for java problem:

//change from string to bytes array
byte[] b = toHexString.getBytes();

//delete all empty bytes from the end of the array
int max = b.length;
while (b[max-1]==0) {

//create new array with length divisible by eight
int n = 8 - max % 8;
if (n==8) n=0;
byte[] bb = new byte[max+n];
for (int i=0;i<max;i++) bb=b;

//encode data
NeoSteamEncryption encrypter = new NeoSteamEncryption();
byte[] reencryptedBytes = encrypter.encrypt(bb);

//change from bytes to hex and next to string
return new String(bytesToHex(reencryptedBytes))

My approach is a little bit different. Have You tested my program?
How You manage to remember where to insert translated data back?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2014
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thx, i will try adjusting my code...

For the mass update:

I created a table called NpcTranslatedScriptParams with the colums npcid, step, script_orig and script_translated.

Then i load the npc from the npcdataparams and decode the hexvalue into a String. Then i go from top to bottom in the decoded string, and identify the substrings which need translating. Then i write them in the db in the colum script_orig (and set npcid to the npcid and step as a counter beginning from 0), then i put the translated text in the colum script_translated. So if i want to write it back, i just open the corresponding npc and search for the string in script_orig and replace it with the string in script_translated.

There are a couple of issues with that method, first you have to be carefull that you only get the text which needs translating, if you replace a part of the string you should replace the npc wont work any more. Second there are some npc Strings who contain certain chars like ' which will cause you problems... so i have a exclution list for a handfull of npc´s i exclude so i wont have that problem. In my case its 3 npc´s so i can do them by hand.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 28, 2013
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Which Client should we use with server? Latest one is probably NeoSteam_Setup_USA_100430.exe. I've heard that japanese version had some new content, but haven't found it yet. Maybe someone have it on disk?

Aknolo: How do you know which NPC are in Diren?
You asked for help. I've very little time to offer. I can help with technical problems, but I'm no translation expert. I'm thinking about some java platform to store data translated by different people.

Have anyone noticed, that in NpcDataParams there are duplicate rows with the same NpcId. What happens when we delete one that looks empty?

I have made a NPC.lst for the client that will show npc names + npc ID so i just go around town and top to bottom and translate i am done with garnedine btw

would need your skills for other stuff got some DB issues since dont know much about Sql

ive deleted the 4666 duplicated lines and kept the one containing stuff didnt affect the npc so far.. so it seems to be safe
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2014
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Hi, for any one who is interested in the server progress, heres an update:

We got the Billing_DB problem solved, you have to put the Billing_DB in a own instance of the MSSQL-Server and link both servers... a bit tricky but it works. We created a couple of Npc´s that sell premium items for gold, and there working well.

I run a mass update over the db to translate all the npc dialogs and i think it got like 90% of the text you should translate. The only thing is, since i google translated all of it, its realy realy bad. There are some sentences which i dont even understand what they supposed to mean... So i think our Translators, who will clean this mess up, will have a lot of fun ;).

We also created some npc to teleport you to different places, eg. one in Rear who teleports you down the stairs because there are some "invisible wall" issues. We also created one Npc which should teleport you into the lvl 60-70 Area since the npc (Jarits Camp Guard) was missing, but it seems like we are not allowed to teleport in there. We still have to find a solution for that ;).

We also found the problem with the "damaged" skills, so we are now gathering all skills that have the wrong buff or are simply available for the wrong character and then fix that as good as we can.

Whats left todo:
- Fix the stability issues... we still dont know what we have to do, to increase the stability... the clients throw from time to time a Refcount Error (which counts up from 0 and if you hit 6 you probable will have a dc..) or the error entry in the ns_errorlog "14/04/30 15:27:09:779 m_pkSteamMain->m_pkGameMode->SocketProcess(2211)" which will pop up lots of times... or simply that the server is not able (or willing) to write into the ConLog, ConnMainLog or the ServerStatLog...

- Figure out and fix the "invisible wall" issues (no cloue on how we can fix that yet)

- Translate lots and lots of Text ;)

- Balance all the Settings like DMG of Skills or Droprates

- and probably a thousand things i am not thinking about right now...

So as always if you have any ideas on one of the issues, we will appreciate any input.
Look..I Can Fly~!
Loyal Member
Apr 8, 2007
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Oh woow.. I'm impressed! People have been working on this like crazy! :)
Never thought that would happen when I published the files and tutorial around here.. But it's a great thing to see!

I stopped working on it long time ago.. But I'm really happy to see people working like this :)
Newbie Spellweaver
May 28, 2013
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Nice to see you again Lexil123 :D
Btw where did you get the server files from?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2014
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Lexil probably has the files from a chinese Forum... i found a couple of chinese Sites that offer exactly this server (i checked, i realy is the same).

So i think its time for a update:

We are still translating the quests and npcdialogs and probably will be for a long time ;). Its realy hard to understand The Google translations and make good sentences with it... but i have high hopes.

We fixed a couple of the Skill and try to clean up the rest of the mess but we probably will have to be creative and change some skills. The problem here is that the mapping from a skill to the buffs comes (in some cases) from the server directly and not the skillparams. So we cant fix the problem with certain skills but will change the skill themselfs. We hope we can create a solution that is ok for everyone.... but we will see about that.

We encountered a issue with the weapon mastery, the server is configured that you have to be lvl 100 or greater to skill it. I tried to create a npc that gives you the weapon mastery at lvl 63 but hit a issue that there is a hardcoded requirement that you have to be lvl 100. So i am able to give you the skill (you will see it in the skill tree) but wont be able to skill it. I am looking for a solution but i have no idea yet...

We found out that the npc´s are able to differentiate between languages so we may be able to create a server with multiple languages.... we could just copy all the quests and give them in every language a own id and then change the npc´s so you will get the quest and the dialogs corresponding to your language. I will look into that next week, maybe it really is possible ;).

So the main issues still remaining are the stability problems. I still have no idea how to fix that or how to solve the invisible wall issues. What i do know is that the Chinese p-server (which is still running) is more stable and has more content then our server. I think the easiest solution to solve our stability issues and map problems would be if they would give us there version of the server ;). If we could get in contact with one of the responsible persons of that p-server that might help us a lot (feel free to try, i had no luck yet).

So as always ;) if you have a clue on how to solve one the issues we would really appreciate the help, and i will keep you updated on the progress.
Initiate Mage
May 11, 2014
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Hi Guys, never thought this thread is still up. Tried reading this few months ago, ended up running the server but yeah bugs are all over the place so I just stop following the thread.

But anyhow, good to know you guys are still working on it. Just love this game.

Will try lend you guys some help, testing or anything that I can do for the server.

Oh woow.. I'm impressed! People have been working on this like crazy! :)
Never thought that would happen when I published the files and tutorial around here.. But it's a great thing to see!

I stopped working on it long time ago.. But I'm really happy to see people working like this :)
Why did you stop :scared:. I stopped because of you! hahaha just kidding.
But yeah, just happy to see other guys working on it
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2014
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You can switch the XTrap of your client and see if that works. Here is a Link of the most recent version of XTrap i found so far "http://www.mayngames.com/games/download". Since we put it in our client last week, most people say there are less problems and the client runs more stable.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 29, 2013
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Tried it, still get 'Access to Xtrap update server unstable..' error. Could you send the corressponding Xpva03.dll file as well? Maybe that will work.
Thank you, btw :)
Newbie Spellweaver
May 28, 2013
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the second picture is telling that you have made a mistake when translating/editing the Skillparams in the 8002 folder.. as for the first pic i cant tell whats causing it did you setup the server with rinkoons step to step guide that he shared in this thread`?

Are there any English ppl that are trying to translate the server id like to join a group since i have lost my motivation doing it alone makes it boring and tedious -.- ?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2014
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Hey Bansel, as Aknolo mentioned, the second picture is because of a failure in the SkillParams. Be carefull that if you change something in the Skillparams that you dont change the formatting. Like if you add empty lines in the wrong place then the Skillparams wont work properly any more.

The First picture is probably a result of the Problem in the SkillParams, if you have a broken skill then you wont be able to login with the char that has this skill. So try to fix the Skillparams first and then look if you still have problems.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 19, 2014
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Thank you both for your replies.

I did followed the step by step guide, however it didn't got me anywhere.
and skillparams i don't see it anywhere on the Database.....
maybe due to the error on completed executed Database?

and for translation. i'm to sure i can help with that. but i will give it a try.


okay i think see what aknolo is talking about...
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2014
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Hi, the SkillParams is not in the DB, it is in the server files (in each 800x folder). The hole filename is "skillparams.dat". There you have to check that the formatting is not broken.

As for the SQL error, yea there are a couple of problem with the step by step guide, but if i remember correctly it should not have that big of a impact. He couldnt input some values in the db because they where too long or something like that.

As for the translations, we put everything that has to be translated into google tables (google drive). That way a lot of people can work on the translations at the same time. Its realy comfortably and i just can recommend using it. And if you have a document translated, you can export it as csv and with a bit of copy paste make sql statement out of it.

Also if you use these tables all the people can translate on there schedule and still are somewhat intigrated in the team because you can look at the hole picture pretty nicely

and as a tipp, someone should create a "NeoSteam Europe" facebook group or something like that, that way you can recruite people a lot faster ;)

update nr. 2 ;)
We created a Facebook group to get the English speaking community together and try to open a line of communication between all the people who want a english p-server. So if you are interrested, go check it out "Neosteam Europe"
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