
lmao ... Now this is funny :-).. I'd be walkin the streets wif ma shirt off LOL if anyone said anything id say. Your just sad that mines bigger :)
now your girl can have double penetration :p
lol! i can please her twice as much as i could before :evil_2:
Haha nice one ^^ Looks like something me and my mates would do if we had any sun >.> as Lee said.. it's impossible to get sunburnt here , sucks likes, but ahh well.
Haha nice one ^^ Looks like something me and my mates would do if we had any sun >.> as Lee said.. it's impossible to get sunburnt here , sucks likes, but ahh well.
Scotland is one of the hottest countrys in the world.
Simple, put sunblock everywhere expect the penis and get sunburnt there.

problem is im not at the beach anymore. So to do that, I would have to go to a tanning salon and only gay people go there (well only gay guys. girls go a lot).
That ban button in your avatar georgegeorge, makes me wish I was a moderator so I could infract you thrice, then BAN.