Pokemon Helios

Oh i see.

btw can you tell me how to remove the ads from the source code ??

and staff panel is missing when i try to access it via localhost/staff/index.php and localhost/mod/index.php

it says Only admins can access this page or Mods can access this page.

i added admin power to me on database, but still.

any idea ?
Oh i see.

btw can you tell me how to remove the ads from the source code ??

and staff panel is missing when i try to access it via localhost/staff/index.php and localhost/mod/index.php

it says Only admins can access this page or Mods can access this page.

i added admin power to me on database, but still.

any idea ?

Learn how to code before you use any source. Everyone can't do everything for you. I also, suggest not to even use this source. It's not even good. It's still using a deprecated mysql access, which will be removed in the future.

If you really wanna start your own RPG, I suggest to create your own, because the owners will take yours down with a easy DMCA Notice to your server.

Also, regarding your question, you clearly didn't add admin access to yourself. I've checked over the code and it should if you did...
So many backlinks and missing images in this release.

Also you need to enable the deflate_mod too, if you are working with xampp i figured.
tUzAgrV - Pokemon Helios - RaGEZONE Forums

Okay ! So I have seen alot of people having trouble setting this source up.
And I have the missing images also.

If anyone need help with this source . Please message me on Skype - cruzer922

Ill upload the missing images on my server soon and give it away. :)

Btw if you want to check the website demo , here you go -
Thanks alot.

can anyone send me the whole images :D ??
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edit _header.php (lines 89-91)
<li><a href="/clans">Clans List</a></li>
<li><a href="/clans/clanhome.php">My Clan</a></li>
<li><a href="/clans/createclan.php">Create Clan</a></li>

change it to
<li><a href="clan.php">Clans List</a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href="clan.php?act=clanhome">My Clan</a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href="clan.php?act=createclan">Create Clan</a></li>

download attachement and copy it to game folder. It'll be working, but I suggest to rewrite script.
virus scan ->


You can also fix it by replacing ../ to ./../
Also You will need to change <? to <?php

You will have to change it in all folders to get it working

Thank you i will change it right now.
i did that with some more things but didn't see this one.
thanks again
how to fix the ranking?

if your account is not showing up, remove admin or edit SQL queries.


-admin panel
-more images
-character sprite on map(only 1st avatar, for others you need to get images from helios page.)
-some less important bugs like empty images in pokedex(2nd type) etc.
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Would anyone mind giving me a hand with installing this?

I uploaded the SQL to xampp fine and the config is right

Server error!

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in a CGI script.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Would anyone mind giving me a hand with installing this?

I uploaded the SQL to xampp fine and the config is right

can you post here or send me via PM error logs from xampp?

You can also download -> it includes Apache & MySql server.

1. Unzip all files.
2. Run UniController.exe
3. Start mysql & apache
4. go to http://localhost/helios/login.php

mysql root password: MyPokemonGame
can you post here or send me via PM error logs from xampp?

You can also download -> it includes Apache & MySql server.

1. Unzip all files.
2. Run UniController.exe
3. Start mysql & apache
4. go to http://localhost/helios/login.php

mysql root password: MyPokemonGame

perfect got it working!

I've given myself admin. How do i edit / add pokemon etc? :)

or just the admin panel
perfect got it working!

I've given myself admin. How do i edit / add pokemon etc? :)

or just the admin panel

There should be CPanel in the upper left corner, or just go to http://localhost/helios/admin.php
if You will have
Only admins can access this page. error, You will have to logout and login again.