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[PW] Server 1.4.6 v80

Junior Spellweaver
Nov 17, 2008
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Hi, tawdarky, sorry to say its me again, have followed all your instructions and still end up with this frustrating "LOW" . I am going to ask a really dumb question now, so please forgive me, I am a real Noob, my question is this :- why has no one ever provided a "matched SERVER and CLIENT" where all that is required is to do a ifconfig and note own ip address and then instructions on which files to to insert the ip into. This would mean no "patching 719, no Gshop changes, Policy etc. The server would then not have this "LOW" problem. Once the server and client are working together, changing Gshop etc would then be a doddle! What do you think of this suggestion, bearing in mind that there are lots of noobs out there, that it would be helping. Looking forward to some constructive answer"S" thanks.

Ok so you are still getting version low.What client do you use?Did you put those files where i told you? elements.data tasks.data dyn_tasks.data airpolicy.data gshop.data and gshop1.data -> home/gamed/config -> for server and pwclient/element/data -for client.It's impossible that it doesn't work.Take those files from the client except for the gshop,use the gshop i gave you.It's empty btw so you will have no gshop in game but it should work.
This is the client i recommend -> http://forum.ragezone.com/f751/perfect-world-client-v719-958168/
I uploaded it myself and it works.It's a PWI v719 untouched client so you have to do nothing to it just put the gshop in it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 28, 2013
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Spoon-feed people? Why, Why would we want more newbies learning nothing at all?

if you can't figure things out using older server files or just guess and check, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be running a server. and that's my 2¢

You install a client that matches the server from PWI, you edit gshop/gshop1 make a new timestamp, make a .sev version, and run the server. it's NOT hard

:p: Well Psytrac, what a constructive answer this was! Yes I am a noob, and asking for constructive help, just like lots of noobs on this PW Forum. So what do I get back in return, some other noob that cannot understand the question, and has a peanut for a brain! Read the question again, then have another look at the answer you gave me!!! LOL. Please do not waste our time with answers like this, it just makes you look a real "Jerk". I will invite you to my private server within the next two months, then we will see what you have to say. So please don't waste my time and other users that are looking for real answers to their questions.
Dec 3, 2010
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

:p: Well Psytrac, what a constructive answer this was! Yes I am a noob, and asking for constructive help, just like lots of noobs on this PW Forum. So what do I get back in return, some other noob that cannot understand the question, and has a peanut for a brain! Read the question again, then have another look at the answer you gave me!!! LOL. Please do not waste our time with answers like this, it just makes you look a real "Jerk". I will invite you to my private server within the next two months, then we will see what you have to say. So please don't waste my time and other users that are looking for real answers to their questions.

if you working and learning in next two mounths 24/7 on pw, you will be noob like now. when u spent YEARS by dev, and over some hundred USEFULL post here then you can blame any1 here.

he was jerk so what? you know why? coz we are epic-mega-ultra-xtreme-superbatmen-piratejesus tired on answering question which is answered / solved int * n times
Jul 26, 2011
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

What we all learned we learned by LEARNING we didn't have all these guides and people pushing us answers. When I was given my first server package, it had nothing done, the files were COMPLETELY untouched. I took the time to figure out everything and filled it out myself.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 28, 2013
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

If you change anything on the gshop you would still have timestamp etc, so why would it be a doddle?, which begs the question...why provide a matching set in the first instance if you would only change it anyway?

There is a lot to be learned from the 136 files, generally the quest for knowledge begins there and eventuates in the 145+ section.
When the server files 145+ are given, nobody cares about gshop, nobody that knows how to run them properly anyway...the files are not given with helpful hints or instructions...it is assumed you would know what is needed and just do it.
If you have played with the 136 files and read the 136 forum section you would know, infact the whole forum is absolutely chock full of any informations you seek.
gshop is easy, as for anything else required it is also very easy...providing you know what you are doing.
You know what you are doing from practice and thinking and reading and more reading and actually trying and failing till you get it right.
One final thing...you will remain a 'noob' forever if everything requires no effort or thinking, practice makes perfect.
Hi Argonaut, your reply was really helpful, as you know I am a noob and there are lots of us on this forum. The point you make is a good one, and I will go back and read all the old posts, but my real problem is getting to match up a server and client, when it may well be the gshop that is at fault (LOW) in the first place. Your question of "which begs the question...why provide a matching set in the first instance if you would only change it anyway?" Please note that it cannot be changed, if I cannot get the server and client working in the first place! and it may be the Gshop that is stopping it! Just one last point, as a noob, who has just joined the Forum, I went straight to ver 1.4.4 as these are the latest servers. Sorry about that.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 28, 2013
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

What we all learned we learned by LEARNING we didn't have all these guides and people pushing us answers. When I was given my first server package, it had nothing done, the files were COMPLETELY untouched. I took the time to figure out everything and filled it out myself.
Hi Psytrac, sorry I was a little hard on you, but I found your last answers NO help what so ever, in your #273 reply. I really thought the PW Forum was here to help, so any help to my previous questions would be very much appreciated. So please would you have another look at my question, and provide me with an answer worth reading. Thanks a lot, in anticipation of your constructive help.
Jul 26, 2011
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

So please would you have another look at my question, and provide me with an answer worth reading. Thanks a lot, in anticipation of your constructive help.
version low

wrong gshop.data or gshop1.data [ client ]
wrong gshopsev.data or gshopsev1.data [ sever ]
gshop = normal boutique | gshop1 = event boutique
gshop.data | 1 and gshopsev.data | 1 need same timetamp
Price ( value 0 : crash server) [ thx @ NoSlave ]
stack > max stack causes this too [ thx @ Psytrac ] > 343 says
... glinkd/gamesys.conf the version= may be set to the wrong number. [ thx @qwename ]

"figure things out using older server files or just guess and check"
"You install a client that matches the server from PWI, you edit gshop/gshop1 make a new timestamp, make a .sev version, and run the server. it's NOT hard"

you just don't read..

Here, personal story..
I started with the same questions, the same issues, I was told to work on it on my own, and when I had SPECIFIC questions, they were answered. "How do I make a server" was not answered
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 28, 2013
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

"figure things out using older server files or just guess and check"
"You install a client that matches the server from PWI, you edit gshop/gshop1 make a new timestamp, make a .sev version, and run the server. it's NOT hard"

you just don't read..

Here, personal story..
I started with the same questions, the same issues, I was told to work on it on my own, and when I had SPECIFIC questions, they were answered. "How do I make a server" was not answered
Hi again Psytrac, you are now starting to help solve my problem, with this (LOW).I can assure you I have read the above reasons for the LOL, and may I also add a few more,
"You need to get a timestamped gshop and copy it in server and client.Also copy elements.data airpolicy.data taks.data dyn_tasks.data from client to server or viceversa." (thanks to tawdarky, who has been exceptionally helpful in his replies). My story line is like this :- I have tried all these suggestions, on two different computers, one running Win8 with virtualbox and Ubuntu 12.04 desktop version and another computer running Win7 virtualbox and Ubuntu server. Have had the same problem on both systems. Just out of interest, I have had the 1.3.6 hrace009 server and client working with no difficulty on both computers. (Maybe this is why I am despite to get the 1.4.7. v80 up and running. Thanks for your help.:*:
Jul 26, 2011
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

and still you aren't stating what you did, how you did it, or anything..

post game1.log

(and don't worry about the gibberish, also put it in code tags. thanks)
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 17, 2008
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Hi again Psytrac, you are now starting to help solve my problem, with this (LOW).I can assure you I have read the above reasons for the LOL, and may I also add a few more,
"You need to get a timestamped gshop and copy it in server and client.Also copy elements.data airpolicy.data taks.data dyn_tasks.data from client to server or viceversa." (thanks to tawdarky, who has been exceptionally helpful in his replies). My story line is like this :- I have tried all these suggestions, on two different computers, one running Win8 with virtualbox and Ubuntu 12.04 desktop version and another computer running Win7 virtualbox and Ubuntu server. Have had the same problem on both systems. Just out of interest, I have had the 1.3.6 hrace009 server and client working with no difficulty on both computers. (Maybe this is why I am despite to get the 1.4.7. v80 up and running. Thanks for your help.:*:

Just so you know it doesn't matter where you run your server that problem is configuration related.And btw the gshop tools have a timestamp bug,both of them.best way to timestamp files is to get this windows shell extension ->
Works with XP and Windows 7 and you will have no problems with it.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,
Sep 8, 2011
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Just so you know it doesn't matter where you run your server that problem is configuration related.And btw the gshop tools have a timestamp bug,both of them.best way to timestamp files is to get this windows shell extension ->
Works with XP and Windows 7 and you will have no problems with it.
Ive done dozens of gshops and never had a problem with time stamps, but i'm not saying there is not a bug...just that i've never seen it or experienced any problems.
Anyway if this tool works then cool, more tools the better.
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 17, 2008
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

ok mr. IKnowEverythingAndYouKnowNothing..

I can't possibly have a server running fine using the tools provided, right?

Where did i say that?I sayd i tried both of those tools and none of them work.I always thought it;s the gshop that doesn't work but they actualy had a wrong timestamp,it just didn't timestamped it the same.Tried them with xp and windows 7 and same problem.I didn't mention that when i was using sgshop editor it was an older version and not the latest.
Oct 14, 2009
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Base64 is an encoding. All the authds use md5 in some way, what's different is the encoding of it, which I meant to express through that post.

I know, sorry, was just being a smart butt (not to you specifically, to the entire viewing audience) because -- of all the people that always are incorrectly saying "encryption" -- it's becoming one of the most over-used phrases <.<
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 28, 2013
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Re: [PW] Server 1.4.7 v80

Ok so you are still getting version low.What client do you use?Did you put those files where i told you? elements.data tasks.data dyn_tasks.data airpolicy.data gshop.data and gshop1.data -> home/gamed/config -> for server and pwclient/element/data -for client.It's impossible that it doesn't work.Take those files from the client except for the gshop,use the gshop i gave you.It's empty btw so you will have no gshop in game but it should work.
This is the client i recommend -> http://forum.ragezone.com/f751/perfect-world-client-v719-958168/
I uploaded it myself and it works.It's a PWI v719 untouched client so you have to do nothing to it just put the gshop in it.

Hello tawdarky, thank you very much for all your help, your an inspiration to to all us noobs. Sorry I have not replied to you sooner, I have been working away from home, most of the week. I would like to clarify a few points, firstly I am using ServerFiles1.4.7.zip as the Server, and the Sql_for_ Database.sql. Should I be using [Server] 1.4.7.SOW as the SERVER? The 2nd thing is when I run the client you suggested, it shows version 1.4.6 build 2305, should this not show 1.4.7? The third question is what config files in the client do I put my ip address into, I have noticed glinkd config file has in the first 4 locations and the rest has Do I need to put my if read from ifconfig display page into these 4 locations, or leave them Sorry to ask these questions, but the Forum pages do contradict themselves some times. Lastly which files in the server needs Just to clarify the above, I am using the instructions on the first page of the Forum to load the server and its database into VirtualBox 4.2.18 r88780 and Ubuntu desktop 12.04.3-desktop i386. The server files are ServerFiles1.4.7.zip as the Server, and the Sql_for_ Database.sql and the client are Perfect World TS.Part01 to 09. I have also followed all your instructions with Gshop and xxx.data files to the letter. Again I have noticed a coulple of things, one is when I copy files over to the server, they change from root to my username, is this normal? and 2nd thing is I have to delete gshopsev1.data as it comes up error 3 when I try to copy the new gshopsev1.dat over it. I am really sorry to have to ask all these questions, but I have had so much useful help from you, rather then some idiots on the Forum that want to waste my time, calling me, owing that I am a noob, and proud of it. We all started as a noob at some stage. Many thanks, in anticipation of your constructive answers.