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[Release] HappyVille

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Made by Jellefish of FunStory
(on the game I am known as Aiko)
A:Because it's funny, it was a Christmas event, and i'm adding all events back in.
First, add roony to your NPC's(serversource/scripts/NPC/1022101.js),
and add him next to the cab in Ellinia(serversource/wz/map/map1/101000000.img).
Don't know what to add to get him in Ellinia?
place this
  <imgdir name="23">
 			<string name="type" value="n"/>
			<string name="id" value="1022101"/>
			<int name="x" value="231"/>
			<int name="y" value="-43"/>
			<int name="fh" value="962"/>
			<int name="cy" value="-36"/>
			<int name="rx0" value="281"/>
			<int name="rx1" value="181"/>

beneath "life"

Roony's script (Roony's ID:1022101)
Ronney - Ellinia

var status = 0;

function start() {
	action(1, 0, 0);

function action(mode, type, selection) {
	if (status == 0) {
		cm.sendYesNo("Santa told me to go to here, only he didn't told me when...  I hope i'm here on the right time! Oh! By the way, I'm Roony, I can take you to #bHappyVille#k. Are you ready to go?");
	} else {
		if ((status == 1 && type == 1 && selection == -1 && mode == 0) || mode == -1) {
		} else {
			cm.warp(209000000, 0);

Then, add Rupi to your NPC's, he already is in happyville.
Rupi's script(Rupi's ID: 2002000):

/* Rupi
 HappyVille to ellinia

var status = 0;

function start() {
	action(1, 0, 0);

function action(mode, type, selection) {
	if (status == 0) {
		cm.sendYesNo("Are you done here?");
	} else {
		if ((status == 1 && type == 1 && selection == -1 && mode == 0) || mode == -1) {
		} else {
			cm.warp(101000000, 0);


Then, add the snowmen in happyville, to warp you to the christmas tree(just added a warp for 1 tree)
(All ID's: 2001001, 2001002, 2001003)

var status = 0;
function start() {
 cm.sendYesNo("We have a beautiful christmas tree.\r\nDo you want to see/decorate it?");
function action(mode, type, selection) {
 if (mode == 1) {
  if (cm.getChar().getGender() == 0) {
  } else {

Then rudolph the boss warper

Roodolph - Happy ville
var status = 0;
function start() {
action(1, 0, 0);
function action(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode == -1) {
} else {
if (mode == 0) {
cm.sendOk("Talk to me again when you want to.");
if (mode == 1)
if (status == 1) {
if (cm.getChar().getMapId() == 209000000) {
cm.sendYesNo("Do you wish to head to where the #bSnow Sprinkler#k is?");
status = 9;
} else if (cm.getChar().getMapId() == 209080000) {
cm.sendYesNo("Do you wish to return to Happyville?");
status = 19;
if (status == 10) {
cm.warp(209080000, 0);
if (status == 20) {
cm.warp(209000000, 0);
(credits for this to fantier123)
Then, add the scarf snowman, to warp you back to happyville,
(Scarf Snowman, ID: 2001004)

var status = 0;
function start() {
 cm.sendYesNo("I can warp you back to HappyVille.\r\nDo you want to go back?");
function action(mode, type, selection) {
 if (mode == 1) {
  if (cm.getChar().getGender() == 0) {
  } else {


Then, why a tree when you have no decoration?
run this script in MySQL
INSERT INTO shops ( shopid, npcid ) VALUES ( 73201, 2002001 ); -- Rudi Shop (Happyville)
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990000, 500, 1 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990001, 500, 2 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990002, 500, 3 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990003, 500, 4 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990004, 500, 5 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990005, 500, 6 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990006, 500, 7 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990007, 500, 8 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990008, 500, 9 );
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990009, 500, 10);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990010, 500, 11);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990011, 500, 12);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990012, 500, 13);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990013, 500, 14);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990014, 500, 15);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990015, 500, 16);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990016, 500, 17);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990017, 500, 18);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990018, 500, 19);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990019, 500, 20);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990020, 500, 21);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990021, 500, 22);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990022, 500, 23);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3990023, 500, 24);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991000, 500, 25);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991001, 500, 26);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991002, 500, 27);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991003, 500, 28);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991004, 500, 29);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991005, 500, 30);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991006, 500, 31);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991007, 500, 32);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991008, 500, 33);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991009, 500, 34);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991010, 500, 35);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991011, 500, 36);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991012, 500, 37);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991013, 500, 38);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991014, 500, 39);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991015, 500, 40);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991016, 500, 41);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991017, 500, 42);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991018, 500, 43);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991019, 500, 44);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991020, 500, 45);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991021, 500, 46);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991022, 500, 47);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991023, 500, 48);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991024, 500, 49);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991025, 500, 50);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991026, 500, 51);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991027, 500, 52);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991028, 500, 53);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991029, 500, 54);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991030, 500, 55);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991031, 500, 56);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991032, 500, 57);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991033, 500, 58);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991034, 500, 59);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991035, 500, 60);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991036, 500, 61);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991037, 500, 62);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991038, 500, 63);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991039, 500, 64);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991040, 500, 65);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991041, 500, 66);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991042, 500, 67);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991043, 500, 68);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991044, 500, 69);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991045, 500, 70);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991046, 500, 71);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991047, 500, 72);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991048, 500, 73);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991049, 500, 74);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991050, 500, 75);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3991051, 500, 76);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992000, 500, 77);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992001, 500, 78);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992002, 500, 79);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992003, 500, 80);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992004, 500, 81);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992005, 500, 82);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992006, 500, 83);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992007, 500, 84);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992008, 500, 85);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992009, 500, 86);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992010, 500, 87);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992011, 500, 88);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992012, 500, 89);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992013, 500, 90);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992014, 500, 91);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992015, 500, 92);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992016, 500, 93);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992017, 500, 94);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992018, 500, 95);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992019, 500, 96);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992020, 500, 97);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992021, 500, 98);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992022, 500, 99);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992023, 500, 100);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992024, 500, 101);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992025, 500, 102);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992026, 500, 103);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992027, 500, 104);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992028, 500, 105);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992029, 500, 106);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992030, 500, 107);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992031, 500, 108);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992032, 500, 109);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992033, 500, 110);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992034, 500, 111);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992035, 500, 112);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992036, 500, 113);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992037, 500, 114);
INSERT INTO shopitems ( shopid, itemid, price, position ) VALUES ( 57, 3992038, 500, 115);

I added all decoration I found, do I miss something? post it here


Then, the way to recover the magical mitten.
Run this script in MySQL
INSERT INTO reactordrops ( reactordropid, reactorid, itemid, chance ) VALUES ( 574, 2092001, 1472063, 1 );
Then, add this to your reactors(serversource/scripts/reactor)

function act() {

And name the file 2092001.js

Now is everything working what should be working, there are 5 NPC's with no purpose, from the five are 2 talking.

I hope everything was clear, i'm not English but Dutch so...
If you have questions, post them here!
How can I put new NPC's in a map?
RZ has a Search button!
And if you still can't find it, just add it to your NPC's, and search for the warp TO happyville another NPC.
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
only rupi is noit next to the cab
but half in the cab, you can see him very good altough.
Can someone give me the right pos etc. for rupi?
so just edit this:
  <imgdir name="23"> 
   <string name="type" value="n"/> 
   <string name="id" value="2002000"/> 
   <int name="x" value="259"/> 
   <int name="y" value="-37"/> 
   <int name="fh" value="0"/> 
   <int name="cy" value="-50"/> 
   <int name="rx0" value="67"/> 
   <int name="rx1" value="167"/> 

With the right details and post it here, so I can put it in my Release
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
only rupi is noit next to the cab
but half in the cab, you can see him very good altough.
Can someone give me the right pos etc. for rupi?
so just edit this:
  <imgdir name="23"> 
   <string name="type" value="n"/> 
   <string name="id" value="2002000"/> 
   <int name="x" value="259"/> 
   <int name="y" value="-37"/> 
   <int name="fh" value="0"/> 
   <int name="cy" value="-50"/> 
   <int name="rx0" value="67"/> 
   <int name="rx1" value="167"/> 
With the right details and post it here, so I can put it in my Release

i think !gps would help u or !pos i am not sure tho
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 21, 2007
Reaction score
in the room. Your items can be looted by other people. :)
Might wanna fix that.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
can someone tell me how to toggle looting off in a map OR how to expand the time with disappearing from items in a certain map?
Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
can someone tell me how to toggle looting off in a map OR how to expand the time with disappearing from items in a certain map?



MapleMapObject ob = c.getPlayer().getMap().getMapObject(oid);

Add under it.

		if (c.getPlayer().getMapId() >= 209000001 && c.getPlayer().getMapId() <= 209000014) {

Should disable tree-looting, but it also disables looting of your own stuffs.
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
im trying to make mittens work :p
i gonna make an new item called type mitten XD
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
did mitten already work??
if no then i made it work with snowballs :p
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
Santa told me to go to here, only he didn't *******tell***** me when...
:D lol
idk im bored nice release
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
Good release but it isin't the full happyville without The Snowman Boss. I made a few better Snowmen that warp to all 15 trees (big servers might need them) & also a Roodolph that warps to Extreme Frosty Snow Zone and back to Happyville. You might want to use them.

Also Roodney is the one that warps you to Happyville not Rupi. frantier, me and afew others already made a thread in development section long ago that includes that & some other stuff. Next time read before posting another thread with simillar stuff. Anyway good job! We need more people for Happyville development.

Here's our thread http://forum.ragezone.com/showthread.php?t=429323
Legendary Battlemage
Loyal Member
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Does the snowman work in priv server if so anyone no the id code?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 8, 2008
Reaction score
can u add the snowman monster in it? and when u put of ur magical kitten u die ? at that snowman monster place and can u add that snow powder? =] je land genood hier
Elite Diviner
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
Humm,Did You Not Code It 0.o ? When Other Player Comes To Ur Map Where Drop They Unable Loot Anything,Expect For You.