• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Repack] Rusty Hearts 'Reborn' Binaries VM 

Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hydra Island
Hey everyone,

I am excited to present RustyHeartenstein , an enhanced repacked version of my initial Rusty Hearts release, available [here].

This project has been a year-long labor of love, and I'm happy to finally share it with the community.

rh - [Repack] Rusty Hearts 'Reborn' - RaGEZONE Forums

About this project:
Called RustyHeartenstein, this project is dedicated to bug fixing, restoration, and content porting from various client versions. This includes skill/enemy balance, maps, costumes, pets, and items.

Key Improvements:
- Brand new, completely rebuilt client.
- Ported content from diverse client versions, covering skills/enemy balance, maps, costumes, pets, and items.
- Cash shop updated with hundreds of new costumes and new pets.
- Enhanced and balanced rewards from various systems.
- Farm and Fishing systems enabled and improved;
- Updated and revised translations with English voiceovers.
- Table files now are organized into categories by folders.

Bug Fixes:
- Hundreds of fixes and improvements.
- Avatar skills have been fixed.
- Magic Chest of Change Item issue has been resolved.

Updates: Last Updated: 20/October/2024
- Added a fix for Collapsed Altar dungeon.
- Updated API/Launcher to 1.2 version
- Added a event patch folder with files to enable/disable events
- Disabled Christmas event
- Updated VM with 2024-01 Security Updates
- Updated VM from Windows 10 (Support ending soon) to Windows Server 2022 (VM password: @RustyHearts)
- Fixed a issue on character profile (Acessorie Slot)
- Updated Angela Skill Tree with the correct version
Updated the FPS of most Flash UI elements from 30 FPS to 60 FPS.

Halloween Event Enabled:
- Trade eyeball candy with poison for halloween related goodies.

Updated Craft System:
- Simplified the craft of all Gear items to use the same materials Steel/Solvent/Mithril.

Upated Shrine of Eternity:
- Obtain Vouchers by clearing floors.
- Trade Voucher of the Thousand Floors with Georg with items, acessories and costumes.

Updated Party Mission System:
- Daily Missions updated to allow 1 to 4 players
- Daily Missions now gives Bonus Zen.

Revamped Food Craft System:
- Replaced food craft with a Voucher that can be traded with ready foods.
- Meal Voucher is dropped by champion enemies.

New NPC: Alchemist
- Craft Gems from gem fragments.
- Gem Fragments can be obtained in Blood Mode or by dismantling gems.
New NPC: Izabel
- Trade Black Cards obtained from Party Missions with items and Costumes.

Updated Drop Groups:
- Updated the drop rates of all Unique and Epic items.
- Removed all food craft materials from the drops.
- Removed all unused gear craft materials from the drops.
Updates & Changes:


- **Shadow Monsters:**
- Increased spawn chance in Abandoned Wing, Public Baths, Steamworks, Debtor's Prison, Opera House, and Aquarium.
- Before: 1% spawn chance
- 50%/20% chance to drop Armor Package.
- Now:
- 2% spawn chance on Normal difficulty.
- 4% spawn chance on Hard difficulty.
- 6% spawn chance on Very Hard difficulty.
- 100% chance to drop Armor Package.

- **Lv 20 Raid:**
- Boss:
- HP reduced by 30%.
- Defence/Magic Defence reduced by 50%.
- Critical Resistance reduced by 20%.
- Attack Damage reduced by 33%.
- Mobs:
- HP reduced by 75%.

- **Lv 30 Raid:**
- Boss:
- HP reduced by 50%.
- Defence/Magic Defence reduced by 30%.
- Attack Damage reduced by 20%.
- Mobs:
- HP reduced by 50%.

Item Drops & Crafting:

- **Monster Drops:**
- Champion enemies can now drop Bronze/Silver/Gold Card Packs.

- **Boss Drops:**
- Increased Soul Piece drop chance from 30% to 50%.
- Now 50% chance for Clovis / 50% for Soul Piece.
- Added Mineral Water to boss drops.
- Added new seeds to Blood Mode boss drops.

- **Quest Rewards:**
- Added weapon/armor package rewards for the first quest of new gates/areas at levels 10/20/30/40.

- **Enchant Rates:**
- Updated enchant success rates:
- Levels 1–6: 100%.
- Level 7: 90%.
- Level 8: 80%.
- Level 9: 70%.
- Level 10: 50%.
- Level 11: 25%.
- Level 12: 10%.

- **Dismantling:**
- All armor types can now be dismantled to obtain Mithril/Steel.
- Adjusted chance/amount of Mithril/Solvent obtained from dismantling.

- **Cards:**
- Adjusted cards chance.
- No gold cost to choose another card.

Shops & Currencies:

- **NPC Shops:**
- Nadia/Elma now offer more items for vouchers.
- Added new items to the Black Card shop.

- **Event Shops:**
- Changed adhesives to "Incredible Full-Strength Adhesive."

- **Dungeon/Entry Conditions:**
- Blood Mode now only requires 1 Clovis to enter.
- Removed Slacker condition from leaving dungeons.

Quests & Rewards:

- **Dead Man Chest:**
- Increased selector rewards from 1 to 3.

- **Party Missions:**
- Updated rewards, added Reward Selector, and updated quest text.

- **Shrine of Eternity:**
- Added vouchers to quest rewards.

- **Raids:**
- Updated raid rewards, now can drop full gems.

- **Gem Boxes:**
- **Colorful Gem Box:**
- Adjusted rates, now can drop epic gems.
- **Colorful Gem Fragment Box:**
- Adjusted item amount.

- **Farming Seeds:**
- Farm seeds now require only 1 Mineral Water to grow.
- Softlock prevention: Don’t leave until the seed has fully grown.

- **Joheim's 'S' Club:**
- Added back Skill Point Up +10 as reward.
- Updated quest descriptions.



- Fixed missing buffs in various food items.
- Minotauro boss will now spawn in Abandoned Wing during the quest "Does You Know A Cow?"
- Updated Joheim's 'S' Club 3 to allow completion on Very Hard difficulty.

A sincere expression of gratitude goes to PrincessBeeT for their invaluable contributions to this project. Their collaborative efforts have been instrumental in shaping and enchancing the overall quality of this project.

Setup Tutorial
Original Release Tutorial

The setup tutorial for original release is avaliable [here].
Rusty Hearts Setup Guide
By: PrincessBeeT

Download Links
To view the content, you need to sign In or register.

WARNING: Rusty Hearts files are NOT recommended for production/public use due to various game breaking exploits. Use in a local/private environment only.

Have fun!
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  • IMG_20231221_023943 - [Repack] Rusty Hearts 'Reborn' - RaGEZONE Forums
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I have been informed that single player will work with 8GB, but 10-12 is my recommendation. Glad to hear all is well.
So, I've got a server setup. Lets me get to where I select the world and then it just goes to a screen that says Waiting...

Once it gets to this it doesn't load into the game and the servers don't appear to be doing anymore. Not sure of the cause. Any ideas?
So, I've got a server setup. Lets me get to where I select the world and then it just goes to a screen that says Waiting...

Once it gets to this it doesn't load into the game and the servers don't appear to be doing anymore. Not sure of the cause. Any ideas?
Hi nakashimakun,
After you double click the world and it says waiting forever (eventually quits), could be an issue with the XML or database config.
- Using RH Server Manager, Stop Servers if already running.
- Check RH Server Manager - Server Option tab: Private IP: Public IP: Your VM IP. SQL Address:
- Click Save Server Settings button, this will update the xmls.
- Click Save Database Settings button, this will update the config in the database.
- Start Servers using RH Server Manager, don't forget to Open Login and Start API etc.
- After selecting world, waiting screen should pass once dungeonserver_release.exe in the VM reaches about 1.3gig memory in Task manager.

If it is not a config issue, please also check that you have at least 10gb allocated to the VM to ensure the exe's can all fully load.

If you still have the issue after checking all of above, sort C:\RH\Server\ folder by modified date and zip and upload all the .txt log files with the server names modified at the time you last run the server (should be 11 files).
1703585954482 - [Repack] Rusty Hearts 'Reborn' - RaGEZONE Forums
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I changed my approach and instead of trying it behind a NAT I've just put it on a dedicated external IP. Works fine now it appears. But seems to be fully functional which is nice. Thanks for the support not played this game in so long I'm looking forward to the nostalgia.

So, Now I've got a working server how possible is it to generate custom story/events for the game?
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