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Rohan Online lv115 Hero Skill Server File + DB + Client

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
I would suggest making your BWG thread here in the "Rohan Release" forum.

I will be doing the same with the Rohan 2.0 forum (I will also provide a RZ affiliate link-back even though they do not demand it here).

Ofc we will :)
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
I got 1 "spam" infraction for posting the RTFM smiley in reply to someone asking for files.

A 2nd "spam" infraction for replying "CREAMPIE!" to your cake and pies post.

The 3rd was the last post I made in the R2.0 thread.

Talk about having your head stuck up your own arse in a major way.

Got a ban for that Rito although mine is only temporary unlike old man's :D

I know RZ try to be a bit more "professional" about things but the forum categories could do with a slight tweak so we can stay within those and talk about a broader range of Rohan subjects.

If any of you are on good terms with RZ mods I would suggest:

Rohan Developments -> as is and allow work in progress to be posted for feedback.
Rohan Releases -> as is but allow active servers to advertise here. RZ is more of a development site as opposed to promoting your running servers but allowing active servers to post here would provide extra traffic for the site. Providing a backlink to RZ would be fair and appropriate.
Rohan Tutorial -> as is
Rohan Help -> as is
Rohan General Discussion -> I think this is something we could really use!

I would suggest making your BWG thread here in the "Rohan Release" forum.

I will be doing the same with the Rohan 2.0 forum (I will also provide a RZ affiliate link-back even though they do not demand it here).

Just be aware that for the time being I believe the releases section is for downloadable server resources and not for promoting playable servers.

Edit: You can advertise your server here http://forum.ragezone.com/f115/ but it's likely that thread will be lost due to Rohan not having a dedicated section, however a thread in the main subsection here with a link to the dedicated thread may be allowed.

Also I think general discussion about Rohan will be allowed in the main subsection too.
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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Finding out from staff what the best place to handle announcement threads. I have requested that announce threads be located within the Rohan game group of threads to keep them from being buried among a jumble of other games. However as Ishtaria pointed out there is a very well established free server promotion forum set here. Perhaps we can sweet-talk the admins into adding a Rohan server promotion subforum. What about it mods, Any chance of this? Pleeeease?

They also offer paid promotion as well.

From my experience with other games in this site my assumption is the main Rohan forum is the 'general' forum.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
As long as we can allow some sort of general ebb and flow towards the Rohan scene whilst keeping the development bias that RZ has then I'm all for it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 16, 2011
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I find it funny I have no infractions as I also "spammed" according to the new guidelines or whatever lol.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
What the f***? I've just been banned on my Milo account for multiaccounting!

I didn't post in any way or even inbox. I merely used it to keep track of any new posts and I got banned!

I really don't think I've breached any definition of "using" my alt account.

I reckon those jokers have been on here and read this. If they have, well f*** you and enjoy your pointless piece of poop indospam forum you f***ing power crazed wankers.


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Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2013
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Seen the new loli update coming for Korea Jimmy?
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 31, 2012
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Here we wait and re-crowded formerly quiet and enlivened by the best people from PvPers
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 14, 2013
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lets not release anymore files for rohan ...already enough indo's about without another forum full ......please spare us lol :lol:
Experienced Elementalist
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
lol this is a bit off topic :p section needs a moderator i think xD

LOL. Yeah I think a mod here would be a good thing. I posted a PM off to Madison but no reply has been forthcoming.

Let's hope whoever the guys here choose isn't a total asshat like they picked at that place-whose-name-must-not-be-spoken.
Overly anal moderators is what got that other place blackballed by the best devs. I haven't seen MentaL and his crew making that mistake here.

Developer scene seems to be more upscale here anyway.
Experienced Elementalist
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
I doubt the current crew will remember you - most of them are new when the company got renamed :D

They are spamming their upcoming "Trinity" release which i believe will finally be bringing their halfling lolis out from under the rock.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
Nope halflings? if so I may try playing again xD I've also sent in my resume to see if they remember me or not lul
To be fair Jim, no-one really knows.

The write ups are in typical cryptic fashion and it's even worse when translators spit out the results in Korengrish.

It's called Trinity and it revolves around 3 female characters. A loli and what we can clearly see is a light and dark manifestation with tigo bitties. I'm pretty sure that this is definitely not 3 new races but is it 1 new race and 2 new bosses? Just 3 new bosses? Have a look at the Korean site and see if you can figure any of it out.

I know someone who's got the Korean Client installed and updateable so once that update is live over there I'll have all the content for it too wheeeeee!
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
To be fair Jim, no-one really knows.

The write ups are in typical cryptic fashion and it's even worse when translators spit out the results in Korengrish.

It's called Trinity and it revolves around 3 female characters. A loli and what we can clearly see is a light and dark manifestation with tigo bitties. I'm pretty sure that this is definitely not 3 new races but is it 1 new race and 2 new bosses? Just 3 new bosses? Have a look at the Korean site and see if you can figure any of it out.

I know someone who's got the Korean Client installed and updateable so once that update is live over there I'll have all the content for it too wheeeeee!

Did you know, Korean Rohan got a Test Server ? :D
And its just 1 new Race.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
Did you know, Korean Rohan got a Test Server ? :D
And its just 1 new Race.
Yeah but it's obviously not working very well if this is the game we end up with xD

Are you sure about the race thing? It makes sense that halflings will finally come but I just can't make head or tail of the Korean site.

The loli is the new race and the 2 grown up birds with the boob jobs are light and dark bosses?

All 3 of them can't be involved in the new race. I just can't see them using the loli as the first class then the 2 grown ups as the 2 job change classes. For a start the bins in their current format couldn't support that.

We should leave this thread because it's just become general discussion now :p

Experienced Elementalist
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
I made my response in the new thread rather than pollute this one with more off topic stuff.

On Topic: No, I will not post the Rohan server files. :p
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
On topic: No, I will not post the Rohan server files I have for public use :junglejane:
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
The loli is just the base race. Either you change into the light/dark ones at job change or its similar to evolve. Those are definitely not bosses but kind of "evolutions" for one race.
ぐんっlあで わ
May 17, 2007
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I was think im gonna make gameguard on this game and give 1month trial for testing it will be good for it

I used pinkoff test gameguard bro if you can refer with that, please advise regarding your plan for doing it Because we need a professional looking gameguard for Rohan .. Amm it's ok if the trial will be limited use ( ex. few features) and the premium one will be all the defense and anti capabilities. Hope you can have short interested here in Rohan your are greatly welcome here.
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