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[ServerFiles] NewAge Final Release 6Class.

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
Files Updated NewAge:
Reduced the types of mobs in Ahizn and Elena's Altar dg to only those from the infernus portal.
Added new DG Celestia
Added new Corrosive and Ascending Perius Earrings
Added new Fairy Costumes (Costume), Fairy Wings and Wings of Bravery, Carnival and Festive chirpy motorcycle costumes and kits to change appearance at the NPC.
Fix some wrong descriptions.
= Removed:
- Custom hair change kit (sometimes it was buggy when changing color)
- Removed the following custom buffs:
Fast Force
Reflex Force Barrier
Puncture Strength
Strength of the Curse
Adaptive Barrier
- Removed effects from almost all Set's, now only Drei Frame's Set's and epaulettes have effects.
- Removed Knicks Sets and everything related to the set and NPC Boxes in Portal Infernus.
- The change of weapon and set appearances was removed and the system only remained for changing bikes/mounts.
- Removed the Professional Craft Demonite recipes (Weapons, Set parts and epaulettes) from the F shortcut.
= Changes:
- Adjusted several Game descriptions!
- Changes to the skill techniques tabs similar to the official servers:
Before: Sword (GU and DU)/Magic (MA and AA) Classes had their Sword/Magic Skill Techniques (Attack, movement, buff, debuff, over and healing)
in tabs together according to class type. (only GA and EA had separate attack, movement, buff, debuff and healing techniques)
Now: Movement and Attack Techniques (Sword and Magic) are combined in the Attack Tab.
Now: Supplementary Techniques (Buffs, Debuffs and Orvers) and Healing are combined in the Supplementary Tab
In all classes, thus improving and improving the use of skill techniques.
- Revised Various Skill Techniques:
Improved the duration of several Buffs and Overs (New Overs had their duration doubled to compensate for the casting time)
Adjusted the status values of several Buffs and Overs.
Adjusted the status values of battle mode specialties for all classes!
Changes to some techniques:
Break the Guard added in GA
Interference Resistance removed from almost all classes only remained in GA
Stormscream removed from DU
Sharpen removed from MA
Piercing Shield added in GA
Added Costume Change kit to NPCs (Grocery Store Owner) on the 3 initial maps.
Buy the appearance kit you like from the NPC and take it to the Npc Alquimista do Núcleo and change the appearance of your bike.
- Changed the name of crafts:
Destroyer to Destructive
Expander for Shocking
from Absorption to Vampiric(A)
- Changed the lvl of demonite sets and weapons to lvl 170
- Changed status of Demonite epaulettes to be inferior to Dragonium
- Changed the evasion of Demonite sets:
Changed Demonite Armor Set:
Evasion 175 → 213
Changed Demonite Costume Set:
Evasion 234 → 298
Changed Demonite Kimonos Set:
Evasion 351 → 448
Increased the maximum limit of status values on the character status screen (shortcut C):
Resistances only gave up to 100%, now 1000%
= News:
- Added New Dgs:
3 Infinite Merit Ascensions (Forest, Tundra and Desert)
Secret Base SCA-76
Tristy Sacred
- Added Core Material from (Demonite and Dragonium)
- Added Merit Technique Boxes (PVP and PVE, sword and magic)
- Added Elder Ghost NPC in tundra (next to the Infinite Ascensions entrance):
Added the Merit Quest to this npc.
How it works?
Have lvl 200 and go to the npc to do the quest (go to Infinite Ascensions of Merit and kill specific mobs)
collect and collect dropped merit tokens to open the quest rewards: Merit Technique Boxes
After finishing the quest you can choose between 4 boxes, and each of them will give you 3 passive skills transcending merit:
(It is only possible to learn 3 techniques on each character, after that it is not possible to change, choose wisely)
Merit Technique Box - PvP Sword:
Wield, Bravery and Endurance.
Merit Technique Box - Magic PvP:
Sorcery, Bravery and Endurance.
Merit Technique Box - PvE Sword:
Incursion, Persistence and Aggression.
Merit Technique Box - Magic PvE:
Occultism, Persistence and Witchcraft
- Added New Merit-transcending passive skills:
- Added recipes for epic accessories:
Contaminated Thorn Katus Ring
Turmacan Bracelet
- Added quests in Pierre to be able to get these recipes and create the item:
Epic Creation (Tainted Thorn Katus Ring)
Epic Creation (Tarmacan Bracelet)
- Added Dragonium Sets and Weapons lvl 185+ (Drop's in the new DG Secret Base)
- Added MasterCraft creation system for Demonite and Dragonium weapons, sets and epaulettes.
- Added Demonite MasterCraft Recipes to Npc Succubi in Portal Infernus
- Added Npc Elena in Arcane Vestige in front of the Golems and added Dragonium MasterCraft Recipes.
Consumed 1000 honor points for demonite and 2000 for dragonium per recipe used.
- How does the Mastercraft system work?
Now it is possible to create recipes sold at NPCs:
Demonite and Dragonium weapons, sets and epaulets up to 2 slots with 1, 2 or 3 different crafts in the same item.
For now only for the last sets of the game.
Each recipe comes with 20 random options, if you don't see MasterCraft with 2 or 3 options, one of the 15 random options available in the game comes (All at Craft Lv.7)
Chance of getting an item with 2 different craft options: 10 to 15%
Chance of getting an item with 3 different craft options: 1 to 5%
See which crafts come in the MasterCraft options:
- Weapons:
Critical Damage, Critical Rate, Increase of all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Armor/Costumes/Kimonos:
Defense, Max Critical Rate, Increase all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Gauntlets/Gloves/Fists:
Defense, Max Critical Rate, Increase all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Greva/Cortuno/Sneaker:
Swipe HP max per hit, Auto Heal HP, Increase all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Helmet/Visor/Mask:
Critical Damage, Critical Rate, Increase of all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Epaulettes:
Critical Damage, Critical Rate, Critical Damage Resistance and Critical Rate Resistance.
- Previous Versions 5.9 =
- Adjusted the passive domains of all classes, now improved and much more balanced.
- Boss damage fix, now everyone hits better than before.
- Fix specials and boss buffs that sometimes appeared with incorrect values
- Fix several bosses that had very low base attack and defense
- Fix Curse Strength and Astral Enchantment Skill Books that had their IDs changed and sometimes caused DC's when purchasing directly from the NPC
- Fix that it was impossible to use items even with the correct lvl and status.
- Fix Damage from all Bosses in the game, now they give the correct hits when attacking
- Fix Echs that often caused cabal to close when opening cabalmain
- Overlod's of War and Destruction reduced its duration to 270 seconds.
- Fixed Healing Skills such as Greater Heal, Mass Heal, Heal and Vital Recovery now all heal at % value correctly.
- Removed the Lock from all battle modes and almost all Skills (Only Spectral Body, Fast Movement, Destruction Overlod still have them).
- Removed all Rate Resistance, Critical Damage and All Techniques amp statuses. of the standard skills from ep.8 (Only Sword Brandishing, Absorption Shield, Great Luck have them by default)
- Changed the statuses of all new buffs that are not standard in ep.8 and now only these have Rate Resistance, Critical Damage and All Techniques amp.
- Adjusted the statuses of several epic and super epic gems. some were reduced such as HP, MP (now maximum 200) and Block (now maximum 15%) among other stats.
- Several Buffs and Debuffs have had their duration and cooldown times changed, some have been reduced and others increased.
- Adjusted some descriptions of some items.
- Renamed the name of the Jardim das Ruinas DG to Jardim Decadent, all descriptions, names of Mobs/Bosses related to this DG to the same as Cabal BR.
- Added the lines of the Bosses from DG Jardim Decadent to Chat.
- Added sounds of mobs/bosses from the Decadent Garden and fixed others that were changed or missing.
- Set effects returned to standard ep.8 (to avoid the bug in TG)
- Fix for Multi-Cannon Attack and Arrow Forest skills that had wrong damage status.
- Mastery passive skills of all classes have had their status reduced (to avoid the bug in TG)
- Fix Unon chests where some items with wrong IDs come out when opening the box.
- Reduced the HP values (Total upon reaching level 20) of Runes Level II to 250 and III to 300. (to avoid the very high HP bug in TG)
- Reduced the values (Total upon reaching level 20) of Level II Evasion and Accuracy Runes to 315.
- Fixed MoveSpeed and ChasSpeed bug for several mobs and Bosses that caused them to take a long time to attack when the character got close.
- Added 4 new Baldus Chests to the Incubos npc in PI, use the tokens that drop in the DG (Resurrected Baldus Arena) to open them.
- Moved the recipes for the pw5, qw7 and black qw7 motorcycles, Divine Liquid and Talisman DNA Cube to the Incubos in PI.
- Removed the use of costumes in TG.
- Reduced custom hair styles to 6 types and fixed colors (others disabled for now).
- Added 6 new Fluffy Chicken and King Dog body and head costumes.
- Fix Capella/procyon costumes for all classes at TG.
- Changed the mob custons for the game's officers in the Aizhan and Elena Altar dungeon
- Added some missing drops and increased the chance of dropping items to create epic jewelry.
- Added new Baldus Arena (the legendary arena is maintained) now there are 5 gentlemen
and every time he is born he grows stronger. (entrance at the same location, entry sold at npc unon).
- Fix dg Windmill that closed the customer at certain points of the dg or when entering.
- Removed some dlls that were not used by Cabalmain, leaving it cleaner.
- All Runes and Ultimates are now only enhanced with Enhancement Core and Arcane Core (Essence & Ultimate Rune)
- Increased the HP and Defense of all Mobs and Bosses by 2x, thus increasing the difficulty of the game a little more even in the easiest dgs to solo.
- Increased Damage to all Mobs and Bosses.
- Fix Bikes and boards that did not show their effects when summoned.
- Fix when breaking bikes from +15 to +20
- Now all motorcycles in the game that fall can be broken.
- Fix character animation when falling to the ground and remaining as if sitting.
- Fix Stormy Valley Closures (Awakened)
- Fix Demon Tower 1 and 2 and work correctly without bugs
- Fixed and revised some drops and added others such as Enhancement and Arcane Cores for Runes and Ultimates.
- Fix some of Unon's Daily quests (and now he gives the chest directly after finishing the quest)
- Removed the Unon Boxes (old from chaos) Renamed to Chaos Boxes, and removed the use of the Token to open
- Added instead 3 Secret Unon Chests that can contain various types of items that can help the character's progress.
- Fix Bm2 of AA so that when using a buff the channel drops.
- Fix Premium channels, now it is possible to enter any type of premium.
- Fix initial bosses on the first 3 maps that sometimes caused the channel to crash when using special skills.
- Removed +15 Palladium and Demonite weapon costumes.
- Adjusted some item descriptions.
- Changed and fixed some statuses of buffs, overs and debuffs
- Fix Dg Flaming Solo that closed the customer when entering
- New improved CabalMain, reduced closures and no previous bugs.
- Increased the Animation Limit
- New mounts (without replacing standard boards and bikes) and fixed animations for some bikes
- All Staffs now with their correct appearances (only the Knicks one is missing)
- All passive skill statuses now work without bugs.
- Increased the limit of motorbikes and mounts to 70
- Increased rune limit to 60
- Now GMs can see the character's set even if the set view is locked
- Faster login and relog
- Increased limit for saving DP to 10,000 and AP to 2,500
- New Twilight Lake added (as part 2)
- New costumes with wings and body added (latest released in Korean)
- Added new Turmacan Bracelet
- Added new Critical Rate Resistance, Critical Damage and Technical Amp and Technical Amp II runes.
- Added new custom hairstyles.
- Removed the Strange Monuments scattered across the maps as they were of no use
- Removed drops from epic jewelry recipes on all maps
- Removed Recipes from NPC Unon's skills and also removed from the server
- Added new quests to get the overlords skills at the NPC Pieere in Porto Lux 4 new quests
- Added new quests to get recipes for epic jewels (so you can only get one jewel per character) from NPC Pierre in Porto Lux in total 41 new quests
- Changed the effects of sets back to how they were before in the old version 8.0
- Bug fixes and adjustments to upgrades, slots, craft and item extenders
- Changed the cabal's login and entry skin, returning the default skin to the game
- Fixed some bugs in Unon's quests and added part II of some maps:
Missing Link, Pontus Ferrum, Portal infernus, Senillinia and Memories of Chrysos
- Fix the costumes of male/female heads that sometimes face them or hair comes out of the costume
- Fixed some errors in the craft that caused some DC
- Added new jewels Defensive Earring +8 and Amulet of Resistance +6 (Drops in T3, Mirage Island, Awakened Mirage Island and Labyrinth)
- Added the new jewelry Defensive Earring +8 and Amulet of Resistance +6 to craft (shortcut F)
- Adjusted and changed Drop's:
Changed T3 Drops from Palladium to Demonite.
Removed duplicate drops on several maps
Fix for some drops that had their options wrong which could cause a bug or DC
Reduced the drop rate of Enhancements and Arcanes on all Bosses and Chests on maps, DGs and DXs, and increased their drop in general
Removed drops from Weapons and Equipment with pink/purple craft on all normal maps (from the M shortcut)
Changed so that all last chests of all DGs and Dxs only drop pink/purple items on and off for the character
Changed so that Ruined Station, Weakened Ruined Station, and Patrem's Hideout drop pink/purple items from the legacy chest.
Changed so that Twilight Lake and Weakened Twilight Lake drop green items from Bosses and from Zigdris Faello pink/purple items
Changed so that the following Dx's Panic Cave, Crazy Engine, Cold Catacomb, Abode of Hellfire (Easy, Medium, Hard) drop green/pink/purple items from the last chest
Increased the chance of dropping rarer items in chests.
- Reduced from 4 Bosses to just 1 Boss on the hard 4x Channel (respaw time remains the same)
- Fix perfect drop on some bosses
- Added Boss messages in PT-BR from the new DGs:
The Cold Tower of the Dead (1SS Part 2)
The Cold Tower of the Dead (2SS Part 2)
Mirage Island (Awakens)
- Renamed the mob names to the correct ones from Miragem Island (Awakens)
- Added new DG Ruins garden lvl 190+
- Changed the Vital Recovery Buff from supplementary technique to Healing technique.
- Adjusted the statuses of various buffs.
- Adjusted the duration of new overs to match the Korean one.
- Fix +1 pain and luck ring drops that drop very easily on the initial maps
- Increased the chance of dropping up to 2 item slots on mobs/Bosses on all maps, DGs and DXs
- Increased the chance of dropping up to 2 slots in green/purple/pink items in the chests of all DGs/DXs
- Fix drops from rings/amulets now don't fall very easily
- Fix T3 that when finished, DG cabalmain closed.
- Added 2 new DX custons:
Evil Professor Colton's Laboratory
Ancient machines tunnel
- Reworked and redone Aihzn and Elena's DX altar:
Adjusted the HP of all Bosses.
Changed all DX mobs and readjusted their status.
Added gates as barriers to avoid passing to another room without first killing the Bosses.
- Reworked and redone the Insane Altar DX altar, removed wolves and added traps (beetles) and works in the same vein as the legendary Arena (from Baldus)
- Changed the Isano Altar's lvl to Lvl.180+
- Increased the HP of all Bosses on the GPS maps and the Death Knight Baldus (Legendary Arena)
- Adjusted the statuses of passive skills Domains of all classes and removed some bugs.
- Changed the names of the Art of War and Destruction skills to Overlods of War and Destruction
- Changed the status and properties of the Overlods of War and Destruction skills, their cooldown is now 300 seconds.
- Added new offensive and defensive Overlods passives
- Added recipes for these skills in NPC Unon (collect achievement tokens to create skills)
- Removed all epic and super epic recipes from the NPC, now they can only be acquired through drops.
- Removed the NPC Lion from Fort Ruína and his items were moved to Chloe's Recipes in Porto Lux.
- Professional crafting has been improved, the result of creating Weapons/parts of the set can now come out of up to 2 crafted slots.
- Improved the crafting of epic jewels.
- Added new items for item crafting:
Epic & Super Epic Certificates
- Added new epic items and their recipes:
Laxar Brooch
Fire Bracelet
Ice Bracelet
Ring of Amplification
- Removed the +15 effect costumes:
- New Dgs and Dxs added:
Flame Dimension (as dg for 7 players, on official servers and for guilds)
The Cold Tower of the Dead 1SS and 2SS as part 2 of the old dgs (the old ones still work normally).
Mirage Island (Awakens)
Terminus Machine
- Renamed mob names to the correct ones from Holy Kedrasil
- Renamed Holia Kedrasil to Holy Kedrasil
- Added PA/PD System (attack and defense points)
- Added Macro bm2
- Added Bm canceled by click
- Enhancement increased to +20
- Set effects at +15 changed to +20
- items can be broken from +15
- Class rank increased to 21
- Added quests to get Rank 21
- Increased the Bike limit from 40 to 50
- Fix speed of the ultram bike
- Changed the images of the Belt of Extreme Chaos items in the inventory
- Changed the name of the Chaos Belts of Minestas (the epics) to Belt of Extreme Chaos
- Fix some statuses of some epic and super epic jewels
- Removed the effects of epaulettes with full sets and left them only in epic sets (knicks and Drei frame)
- Fix for orichalcum and palladium staffs (knicks and demonite still missing)
- Fixed Chrysos' Memories Bosses not attacking
- Reduced the size of all formula cards to 1 slot
- Reduced unon quests to 15 only (one for each GPS map)
- Fix NPC Unon's lines
- All dungeon entries are now sold at NPC unon in tundra
- Fix angel/demon helmet costume icon in inventory
- Fix some costumes that used more than 1 slot of their real size in the inventory
- Improved the texture of knicks sets
- Reduced the size of all dungeon entrances to 1 slot
- Reduced the size of skill books to 1 slot
- Fix day and night mode
- Fix some Echs that caused Cabalmain to close
- Renamed the Frozen Gorge translations to the correct ones.
- Added Boss messages in PT-BR from the new DGs such as:
Flaming Ground
Ancient tomb and
Frozen Gorge
- Renamed mob names to the correct ones from Frozen Gorge
- Renamed Frozen Canyon to Frozen Canyon
- Fixed descriptions of some items.
- Fix and adjust the timing of all synergies of all classes
- Increased and adjusted BM1, BM2 and BM3 that took almost no damage with the new overs and buffs
- Removed some statuses that didn't work in some overs
- Removed bytes from data.enc that were not used
- Fix data.enc
- Fix sound of various mobs
- Fix sound of old and new dgs, dxs and maps
- Enabled hide xors in cabalmain
- Fixed some errors found in cabal.dec
- Fix some mobs from the new DG that closed the client
- Added DG entrance drop
- Added drops in the new DG
- Added new DG Sacred Kedrasil
- Fix icons of some skills that were changed
- Fix Pluma skill that attacked and didn't appear
- Fix inventory Demonite gloves, gauntlets and cuffs
- Added New Wing Costumes
- Added New weapon costumes
- Fix some weapon costumes that were changed and had wrong effects and rotations.
- Fix image of the Lagos Region map in the M shortcut, now it is possible to see the middle of the map correctly.
- Changed from Miss when attacking a mob or character to Block
- Increased lvl to 250
- Body Costume Limit Extended
- Extended Rune limit to 60
- Extended the limit of Ultimate Runes to 12
- Extended the Bike limit to 70
- Extended the limit of enhancement skills to 20
- Day and Night mode
- Zoom released on all maps, dgs and dxs.
- Name of the Character in TG.
- Damage Information
- Same Client can be Opened 2x Simultaneously
- Fix Closures
- New Bosses added to all Maps:
Guardian Agent - Tundra (Infamous Tundra)
Guardian Agent - Desert (Desert of Lamentation)
Guardian Agent - Forest (Forest of Despair)
Margonos Volcanic Heart (Porto Lux)
Ragno Striker (Fort Ruin)
Urhorn Deathhorn (Unholy Sanctuary)
Incarnation of the Frost Queen (Unholy Sanctuary)
Wandering Spirit Seth (Missing Link)
Mark of Destruction Reims (Lakes Region)
Altar Guardian Zaken (Mutant Forest)
Queen Andrew (Mutant Forest)
Weapon of the Future Gustav-Zg (Pontus Ferrum)
Punisher of Hellrider Flames (Portal Infernus)
Arcane Golem of Rage (Arcane Vestige)
Ancient Destroyer Kelosus (Senillinia)
Ancient Vanguard Kargos (Senillinia)
- The following maps have been added to the GPS in the M shortcut:
Memories of Chrysos lvl 200+
Nostalgic Forest lvl 230+
All monsters on these maps have been changed and adjusted.
- Missing awakening dxs have been added:
Abode of Hellfire (Awakened)
Cold Catacomb (Awakened)
Crazy Locomotive (Awake)
- New Dgs and Dxs added like:
Chaos Arena Lv.7
Demon Tower (part 2)
Flaming Ground
Ancient Tomb
Frozen Canyon
- Removed the pvp Arena.
- All new Dgs (other than the standard ones from the ep.😎 were checked and redone several times and all bugs found were removed.
- Removed the following items:
I'm a Promoter
I'm a VIP
I'm a Developer
I am the Event Winner
I am Procyon Nation
I am Capella Nation
I'm a loser
I am wise
- Eins Frame sets, weapons and epaulettes renamed to Knicks.
- New 11 Bikes added without replacing existing ones.
- Back to crystal bikes.
- Added various body, head, weapons and wings costumes.
- Removed the +15 effect costumes among other weapons:
Red Osmium
Captain America's Shield - Orb/Crystal
Fire Katana
Katana Thor
Escalibu Sword
Amount of Light
Daemon - Sword/Mount
Daemon - Katana/Daikatana
Guitar Spirit - Katana/Daikatana
Spirit of the Guitar - Sword/Mount
- Removed Head Costumes:
Lion's face
Elk Helm
Golden Buddha
Gas mask
Infamous Tundra Deer
Charismatic Panda Head
- Added new epic set boxes:
Deei frame
-Renamed the chaos boxes to Unon.
Boxes give items that can help and temporary customization items (costumes, bikes, boards)
To open them, you need the Achievement Tokens earned in Unon's quests.
- Added Conquest Token
- Added new epic items and their recipes:
Divine Fighter Bracelet
Bracelet of the Divine Sage
Sacred Bracelet
Sacred Earring
Healing Canyon Earrings
Elder Dragon Earrings
Sacred Belt
Sacred Belt of Anubis
Sacred Amulet of Anubis
Sacred Bracelet of Anubis
Sacred Earring of Anubis
Sacred Ring of Anubis
Shane's Bracelet
Renowned the following bracelets:
Bracelet of Force for Chaos Fighter's Bracelet
Bracelet of Magic to Bracelet of the Sage of Chaos
- Added new items for item crafting:
Piece of Mysterious Stone
Mysterious Stone
Mysterious Crystal
Piece of Sacred Diamond
Sacred Diamond
Eye of Anubis
- New Runes lvl. 2 and 3 added
- New Ultimate Runes lvl. 4
- New Enhancements for Runes (Ultimate)
- Added +6 Critical and Lucky Rings and adjusted statuses.
- Added Demonite sets and weapons to the Professional craft
- Added Critical and Lucky Rings +6 to Professional craft
- Added new NPC's:
Unon Vendeor Ambulante(Tundra Infame)
Lion(Fort Ruin)
Bean(Pontus Ferrum)
Succubi (Portal Infernus)
Renamed the Kyubo(Infernus Portal) to Incubes
- New Unon Quests that help a lot in farming and give achievement tokens as rewards.
- Added the sale of all dgs and dxs entries in the game in Unon and the rest of them in the N store.
- Added Unon boxes to NPC Unon
- Added Lycanus boxes and drei frame to npc Bean
- Added Knicks boxes in the Sucubos npc
- Added epic recipes in NPC Lion
- Added super epic recipes in the Sucubos npc
- Removed the following custom buffs:
Divine power
Divine Sustenance
Divine Blade
Divine Gift
Divine Art
Divine Desire
Warrior's Stamina
Dragon Strength
Fatal Impact
Fatal Mist
Fatal Spin
Fatal Compulsion
Fatal Shot
Fatal Explosion
- Added new Korean buffs instead of custom ones:
Force Unleashed
Sword of Destruction
Focused Instinct
Elemental Discharge
Primal Defense
Rhino Rigidity
Power Projectile
Vampiric Movement
Spiritual Walk
Elemental Barrier
Resistance Shield
Piercing Shield
Spirit of Charge
Vital Recovery
Blind Fury
- Added new improvement skills (only for transcendent rank):
Warrior's Domain
Duelist Domain
Mage's Domain
Archer's Domain
Arcane Guardian Domain
Arcane Swordsmanship
- All skills have been revised and become more balanced.

If anyone can upload it to another platform, I would appreciate it.

media fire :
google driver :
mega :

media fire:
google driver : uploading

XorKey for those who are too lazy to watch all the content: 80 20 35 25

Mini Tuto > replace cabal.dll with your preferred dll loading, xor, ver, ip........ just use the source from the previous post and it will work!
to correct the closure, when starting cabalmain. Just change the translation to eng, whoever translated it left it very disorganized.

Pass: ragezone

content creators !
rpgmmo for upload mirror links
Last edited:
Elite Diviner
Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks bro! First blood! :D

Mirror link.
Password: rpgmmo
Last edited:
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
Files Updated NewAge:
Reduced the types of mobs in Ahizn and Elena's Altar dg to only those from the infernus portal.
Added new DG Celestia
Added new Corrosive and Ascending Perius Earrings
Added new Fairy Costumes (Costume), Fairy Wings and Wings of Bravery, Carnival and Festive chirpy motorcycle costumes and kits to change appearance at the NPC.
Fix some wrong descriptions.
= Removed:
- Custom hair change kit (sometimes it was buggy when changing color)
- Removed the following custom buffs:
Fast Force
Reflex Force Barrier
Puncture Strength
Strength of the Curse
Adaptive Barrier
- Removed effects from almost all Set's, now only Drei Frame's Set's and epaulettes have effects.
- Removed Knicks Sets and everything related to the set and NPC Boxes in Portal Infernus.
- The change of weapon and set appearances was removed and the system only remained for changing bikes/mounts.
- Removed the Professional Craft Demonite recipes (Weapons, Set parts and epaulettes) from the F shortcut.
= Changes:
- Adjusted several Game descriptions!
- Changes to the skill techniques tabs similar to the official servers:
Before: Sword (GU and DU)/Magic (MA and AA) Classes had their Sword/Magic Skill Techniques (Attack, movement, buff, debuff, over and healing)
in tabs together according to class type. (only GA and EA had separate attack, movement, buff, debuff and healing techniques)
Now: Movement and Attack Techniques (Sword and Magic) are combined in the Attack Tab.
Now: Supplementary Techniques (Buffs, Debuffs and Orvers) and Healing are combined in the Supplementary Tab
In all classes, thus improving and improving the use of skill techniques.
- Revised Various Skill Techniques:
Improved the duration of several Buffs and Overs (New Overs had their duration doubled to compensate for the casting time)
Adjusted the status values of several Buffs and Overs.
Adjusted the status values of battle mode specialties for all classes!
Changes to some techniques:
Break the Guard added in GA
Interference Resistance removed from almost all classes only remained in GA
Stormscream removed from DU
Sharpen removed from MA
Piercing Shield added in GA
Added Costume Change kit to NPCs (Grocery Store Owner) on the 3 initial maps.
Buy the appearance kit you like from the NPC and take it to the Npc Alquimista do Núcleo and change the appearance of your bike.
- Changed the name of crafts:
Destroyer to Destructive
Expander for Shocking
from Absorption to Vampiric(A)
- Changed the lvl of demonite sets and weapons to lvl 170
- Changed status of Demonite epaulettes to be inferior to Dragonium
- Changed the evasion of Demonite sets:
Changed Demonite Armor Set:
Evasion 175 → 213
Changed Demonite Costume Set:
Evasion 234 → 298
Changed Demonite Kimonos Set:
Evasion 351 → 448
Increased the maximum limit of status values on the character status screen (shortcut C):
Resistances only gave up to 100%, now 1000%
= News:
- Added New Dgs:
3 Infinite Merit Ascensions (Forest, Tundra and Desert)
Secret Base SCA-76
Tristy Sacred
- Added Core Material from (Demonite and Dragonium)
- Added Merit Technique Boxes (PVP and PVE, sword and magic)
- Added Elder Ghost NPC in tundra (next to the Infinite Ascensions entrance):
Added the Merit Quest to this npc.
How it works?
Have lvl 200 and go to the npc to do the quest (go to Infinite Ascensions of Merit and kill specific mobs)
collect and collect dropped merit tokens to open the quest rewards: Merit Technique Boxes
After finishing the quest you can choose between 4 boxes, and each of them will give you 3 passive skills transcending merit:
(It is only possible to learn 3 techniques on each character, after that it is not possible to change, choose wisely)
Merit Technique Box - PvP Sword:
Wield, Bravery and Endurance.
Merit Technique Box - Magic PvP:
Sorcery, Bravery and Endurance.
Merit Technique Box - PvE Sword:
Incursion, Persistence and Aggression.
Merit Technique Box - Magic PvE:
Occultism, Persistence and Witchcraft
- Added New Merit-transcending passive skills:
- Added recipes for epic accessories:
Contaminated Thorn Katus Ring
Turmacan Bracelet
- Added quests in Pierre to be able to get these recipes and create the item:
Epic Creation (Tainted Thorn Katus Ring)
Epic Creation (Tarmacan Bracelet)
- Added Dragonium Sets and Weapons lvl 185+ (Drop's in the new DG Secret Base)
- Added MasterCraft creation system for Demonite and Dragonium weapons, sets and epaulettes.
- Added Demonite MasterCraft Recipes to Npc Succubi in Portal Infernus
- Added Npc Elena in Arcane Vestige in front of the Golems and added Dragonium MasterCraft Recipes.
Consumed 1000 honor points for demonite and 2000 for dragonium per recipe used.
- How does the Mastercraft system work?
Now it is possible to create recipes sold at NPCs:
Demonite and Dragonium weapons, sets and epaulets up to 2 slots with 1, 2 or 3 different crafts in the same item.
For now only for the last sets of the game.
Each recipe comes with 20 random options, if you don't see MasterCraft with 2 or 3 options, one of the 15 random options available in the game comes (All at Craft Lv.7)
Chance of getting an item with 2 different craft options: 10 to 15%
Chance of getting an item with 3 different craft options: 1 to 5%
See which crafts come in the MasterCraft options:
- Weapons:
Critical Damage, Critical Rate, Increase of all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Armor/Costumes/Kimonos:
Defense, Max Critical Rate, Increase all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Gauntlets/Gloves/Fists:
Defense, Max Critical Rate, Increase all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Greva/Cortuno/Sneaker:
Swipe HP max per hit, Auto Heal HP, Increase all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Helmet/Visor/Mask:
Critical Damage, Critical Rate, Increase of all amp techniques. and Increased all Attacks.
- Epaulettes:
Critical Damage, Critical Rate, Critical Damage Resistance and Critical Rate Resistance.
- Previous Versions 5.9 =
- Adjusted the passive domains of all classes, now improved and much more balanced.
- Boss damage fix, now everyone hits better than before.
- Fix specials and boss buffs that sometimes appeared with incorrect values
- Fix several bosses that had very low base attack and defense
- Fix Curse Strength and Astral Enchantment Skill Books that had their IDs changed and sometimes caused DC's when purchasing directly from the NPC
- Fix that it was impossible to use items even with the correct lvl and status.
- Fix Damage from all Bosses in the game, now they give the correct hits when attacking
- Fix Echs that often caused cabal to close when opening cabalmain
- Overlod's of War and Destruction reduced its duration to 270 seconds.
- Fixed Healing Skills such as Greater Heal, Mass Heal, Heal and Vital Recovery now all heal at % value correctly.
- Removed the Lock from all battle modes and almost all Skills (Only Spectral Body, Fast Movement, Destruction Overlod still have them).
- Removed all Rate Resistance, Critical Damage and All Techniques amp statuses. of the standard skills from ep.8 (Only Sword Brandishing, Absorption Shield, Great Luck have them by default)
- Changed the statuses of all new buffs that are not standard in ep.8 and now only these have Rate Resistance, Critical Damage and All Techniques amp.
- Adjusted the statuses of several epic and super epic gems. some were reduced such as HP, MP (now maximum 200) and Block (now maximum 15%) among other stats.
- Several Buffs and Debuffs have had their duration and cooldown times changed, some have been reduced and others increased.
- Adjusted some descriptions of some items.
- Renamed the name of the Jardim das Ruinas DG to Jardim Decadent, all descriptions, names of Mobs/Bosses related to this DG to the same as Cabal BR.
- Added the lines of the Bosses from DG Jardim Decadent to Chat.
- Added sounds of mobs/bosses from the Decadent Garden and fixed others that were changed or missing.
- Set effects returned to standard ep.8 (to avoid the bug in TG)
- Fix for Multi-Cannon Attack and Arrow Forest skills that had wrong damage status.
- Mastery passive skills of all classes have had their status reduced (to avoid the bug in TG)
- Fix Unon chests where some items with wrong IDs come out when opening the box.
- Reduced the HP values (Total upon reaching level 20) of Runes Level II to 250 and III to 300. (to avoid the very high HP bug in TG)
- Reduced the values (Total upon reaching level 20) of Level II Evasion and Accuracy Runes to 315.
- Fixed MoveSpeed and ChasSpeed bug for several mobs and Bosses that caused them to take a long time to attack when the character got close.
- Added 4 new Baldus Chests to the Incubos npc in PI, use the tokens that drop in the DG (Resurrected Baldus Arena) to open them.
- Moved the recipes for the pw5, qw7 and black qw7 motorcycles, Divine Liquid and Talisman DNA Cube to the Incubos in PI.
- Removed the use of costumes in TG.
- Reduced custom hair styles to 6 types and fixed colors (others disabled for now).
- Added 6 new Fluffy Chicken and King Dog body and head costumes.
- Fix Capella/procyon costumes for all classes at TG.
- Changed the mob custons for the game's officers in the Aizhan and Elena Altar dungeon
- Added some missing drops and increased the chance of dropping items to create epic jewelry.
- Added new Baldus Arena (the legendary arena is maintained) now there are 5 gentlemen
and every time he is born he grows stronger. (entrance at the same location, entry sold at npc unon).
- Fix dg Windmill that closed the customer at certain points of the dg or when entering.
- Removed some dlls that were not used by Cabalmain, leaving it cleaner.
- All Runes and Ultimates are now only enhanced with Enhancement Core and Arcane Core (Essence & Ultimate Rune)
- Increased the HP and Defense of all Mobs and Bosses by 2x, thus increasing the difficulty of the game a little more even in the easiest dgs to solo.
- Increased Damage to all Mobs and Bosses.
- Fix Bikes and boards that did not show their effects when summoned.
- Fix when breaking bikes from +15 to +20
- Now all motorcycles in the game that fall can be broken.
- Fix character animation when falling to the ground and remaining as if sitting.
- Fix Stormy Valley Closures (Awakened)
- Fix Demon Tower 1 and 2 and work correctly without bugs
- Fixed and revised some drops and added others such as Enhancement and Arcane Cores for Runes and Ultimates.
- Fix some of Unon's Daily quests (and now he gives the chest directly after finishing the quest)
- Removed the Unon Boxes (old from chaos) Renamed to Chaos Boxes, and removed the use of the Token to open
- Added instead 3 Secret Unon Chests that can contain various types of items that can help the character's progress.
- Fix Bm2 of AA so that when using a buff the channel drops.
- Fix Premium channels, now it is possible to enter any type of premium.
- Fix initial bosses on the first 3 maps that sometimes caused the channel to crash when using special skills.
- Removed +15 Palladium and Demonite weapon costumes.
- Adjusted some item descriptions.
- Changed and fixed some statuses of buffs, overs and debuffs
- Fix Dg Flaming Solo that closed the customer when entering
- New improved CabalMain, reduced closures and no previous bugs.
- Increased the Animation Limit
- New mounts (without replacing standard boards and bikes) and fixed animations for some bikes
- All Staffs now with their correct appearances (only the Knicks one is missing)
- All passive skill statuses now work without bugs.
- Increased the limit of motorbikes and mounts to 70
- Increased rune limit to 60
- Now GMs can see the character's set even if the set view is locked
- Faster login and relog
- Increased limit for saving DP to 10,000 and AP to 2,500
- New Twilight Lake added (as part 2)
- New costumes with wings and body added (latest released in Korean)
- Added new Turmacan Bracelet
- Added new Critical Rate Resistance, Critical Damage and Technical Amp and Technical Amp II runes.
- Added new custom hairstyles.
- Removed the Strange Monuments scattered across the maps as they were of no use
- Removed drops from epic jewelry recipes on all maps
- Removed Recipes from NPC Unon's skills and also removed from the server
- Added new quests to get the overlords skills at the NPC Pieere in Porto Lux 4 new quests
- Added new quests to get recipes for epic jewels (so you can only get one jewel per character) from NPC Pierre in Porto Lux in total 41 new quests
- Changed the effects of sets back to how they were before in the old version 8.0
- Bug fixes and adjustments to upgrades, slots, craft and item extenders
- Changed the cabal's login and entry skin, returning the default skin to the game
- Fixed some bugs in Unon's quests and added part II of some maps:
Missing Link, Pontus Ferrum, Portal infernus, Senillinia and Memories of Chrysos
- Fix the costumes of male/female heads that sometimes face them or hair comes out of the costume
- Fixed some errors in the craft that caused some DC
- Added new jewels Defensive Earring +8 and Amulet of Resistance +6 (Drops in T3, Mirage Island, Awakened Mirage Island and Labyrinth)
- Added the new jewelry Defensive Earring +8 and Amulet of Resistance +6 to craft (shortcut F)
- Adjusted and changed Drop's:
Changed T3 Drops from Palladium to Demonite.
Removed duplicate drops on several maps
Fix for some drops that had their options wrong which could cause a bug or DC
Reduced the drop rate of Enhancements and Arcanes on all Bosses and Chests on maps, DGs and DXs, and increased their drop in general
Removed drops from Weapons and Equipment with pink/purple craft on all normal maps (from the M shortcut)
Changed so that all last chests of all DGs and Dxs only drop pink/purple items on and off for the character
Changed so that Ruined Station, Weakened Ruined Station, and Patrem's Hideout drop pink/purple items from the legacy chest.
Changed so that Twilight Lake and Weakened Twilight Lake drop green items from Bosses and from Zigdris Faello pink/purple items
Changed so that the following Dx's Panic Cave, Crazy Engine, Cold Catacomb, Abode of Hellfire (Easy, Medium, Hard) drop green/pink/purple items from the last chest
Increased the chance of dropping rarer items in chests.
- Reduced from 4 Bosses to just 1 Boss on the hard 4x Channel (respaw time remains the same)
- Fix perfect drop on some bosses
- Added Boss messages in PT-BR from the new DGs:
The Cold Tower of the Dead (1SS Part 2)
The Cold Tower of the Dead (2SS Part 2)
Mirage Island (Awakens)
- Renamed the mob names to the correct ones from Miragem Island (Awakens)
- Added new DG Ruins garden lvl 190+
- Changed the Vital Recovery Buff from supplementary technique to Healing technique.
- Adjusted the statuses of various buffs.
- Adjusted the duration of new overs to match the Korean one.
- Fix +1 pain and luck ring drops that drop very easily on the initial maps
- Increased the chance of dropping up to 2 item slots on mobs/Bosses on all maps, DGs and DXs
- Increased the chance of dropping up to 2 slots in green/purple/pink items in the chests of all DGs/DXs
- Fix drops from rings/amulets now don't fall very easily
- Fix T3 that when finished, DG cabalmain closed.
- Added 2 new DX custons:
Evil Professor Colton's Laboratory
Ancient machines tunnel
- Reworked and redone Aihzn and Elena's DX altar:
Adjusted the HP of all Bosses.
Changed all DX mobs and readjusted their status.
Added gates as barriers to avoid passing to another room without first killing the Bosses.
- Reworked and redone the Insane Altar DX altar, removed wolves and added traps (beetles) and works in the same vein as the legendary Arena (from Baldus)
- Changed the Isano Altar's lvl to Lvl.180+
- Increased the HP of all Bosses on the GPS maps and the Death Knight Baldus (Legendary Arena)
- Adjusted the statuses of passive skills Domains of all classes and removed some bugs.
- Changed the names of the Art of War and Destruction skills to Overlods of War and Destruction
- Changed the status and properties of the Overlods of War and Destruction skills, their cooldown is now 300 seconds.
- Added new offensive and defensive Overlods passives
- Added recipes for these skills in NPC Unon (collect achievement tokens to create skills)
- Removed all epic and super epic recipes from the NPC, now they can only be acquired through drops.
- Removed the NPC Lion from Fort Ruína and his items were moved to Chloe's Recipes in Porto Lux.
- Professional crafting has been improved, the result of creating Weapons/parts of the set can now come out of up to 2 crafted slots.
- Improved the crafting of epic jewels.
- Added new items for item crafting:
Epic & Super Epic Certificates
- Added new epic items and their recipes:
Laxar Brooch
Fire Bracelet
Ice Bracelet
Ring of Amplification
- Removed the +15 effect costumes:
- New Dgs and Dxs added:
Flame Dimension (as dg for 7 players, on official servers and for guilds)
The Cold Tower of the Dead 1SS and 2SS as part 2 of the old dgs (the old ones still work normally).
Mirage Island (Awakens)
Terminus Machine
- Renamed mob names to the correct ones from Holy Kedrasil
- Renamed Holia Kedrasil to Holy Kedrasil
- Added PA/PD System (attack and defense points)
- Added Macro bm2
- Added Bm canceled by click
- Enhancement increased to +20
- Set effects at +15 changed to +20
- items can be broken from +15
- Class rank increased to 21
- Added quests to get Rank 21
- Increased the Bike limit from 40 to 50
- Fix speed of the ultram bike
- Changed the images of the Belt of Extreme Chaos items in the inventory
- Changed the name of the Chaos Belts of Minestas (the epics) to Belt of Extreme Chaos
- Fix some statuses of some epic and super epic jewels
- Removed the effects of epaulettes with full sets and left them only in epic sets (knicks and Drei frame)
- Fix for orichalcum and palladium staffs (knicks and demonite still missing)
- Fixed Chrysos' Memories Bosses not attacking
- Reduced the size of all formula cards to 1 slot
- Reduced unon quests to 15 only (one for each GPS map)
- Fix NPC Unon's lines
- All dungeon entries are now sold at NPC unon in tundra
- Fix angel/demon helmet costume icon in inventory
- Fix some costumes that used more than 1 slot of their real size in the inventory
- Improved the texture of knicks sets
- Reduced the size of all dungeon entrances to 1 slot
- Reduced the size of skill books to 1 slot
- Fix day and night mode
- Fix some Echs that caused Cabalmain to close
- Renamed the Frozen Gorge translations to the correct ones.
- Added Boss messages in PT-BR from the new DGs such as:
Flaming Ground
Ancient tomb and
Frozen Gorge
- Renamed mob names to the correct ones from Frozen Gorge
- Renamed Frozen Canyon to Frozen Canyon
- Fixed descriptions of some items.
- Fix and adjust the timing of all synergies of all classes
- Increased and adjusted BM1, BM2 and BM3 that took almost no damage with the new overs and buffs
- Removed some statuses that didn't work in some overs
- Removed bytes from data.enc that were not used
- Fix data.enc
- Fix sound of various mobs
- Fix sound of old and new dgs, dxs and maps
- Enabled hide xors in cabalmain
- Fixed some errors found in cabal.dec
- Fix some mobs from the new DG that closed the client
- Added DG entrance drop
- Added drops in the new DG
- Added new DG Sacred Kedrasil
- Fix icons of some skills that were changed
- Fix Pluma skill that attacked and didn't appear
- Fix inventory Demonite gloves, gauntlets and cuffs
- Added New Wing Costumes
- Added New weapon costumes
- Fix some weapon costumes that were changed and had wrong effects and rotations.
- Fix image of the Lagos Region map in the M shortcut, now it is possible to see the middle of the map correctly.
- Changed from Miss when attacking a mob or character to Block
- Increased lvl to 250
- Body Costume Limit Extended
- Extended Rune limit to 60
- Extended the limit of Ultimate Runes to 12
- Extended the Bike limit to 70
- Extended the limit of enhancement skills to 20
- Day and Night mode
- Zoom released on all maps, dgs and dxs.
- Name of the Character in TG.
- Damage Information
- Same Client can be Opened 2x Simultaneously
- Fix Closures
- New Bosses added to all Maps:
Guardian Agent - Tundra (Infamous Tundra)
Guardian Agent - Desert (Desert of Lamentation)
Guardian Agent - Forest (Forest of Despair)
Margonos Volcanic Heart (Porto Lux)
Ragno Striker (Fort Ruin)
Urhorn Deathhorn (Unholy Sanctuary)
Incarnation of the Frost Queen (Unholy Sanctuary)
Wandering Spirit Seth (Missing Link)
Mark of Destruction Reims (Lakes Region)
Altar Guardian Zaken (Mutant Forest)
Queen Andrew (Mutant Forest)
Weapon of the Future Gustav-Zg (Pontus Ferrum)
Punisher of Hellrider Flames (Portal Infernus)
Arcane Golem of Rage (Arcane Vestige)
Ancient Destroyer Kelosus (Senillinia)
Ancient Vanguard Kargos (Senillinia)
- The following maps have been added to the GPS in the M shortcut:
Memories of Chrysos lvl 200+
Nostalgic Forest lvl 230+
All monsters on these maps have been changed and adjusted.
- Missing awakening dxs have been added:
Abode of Hellfire (Awakened)
Cold Catacomb (Awakened)
Crazy Locomotive (Awake)
- New Dgs and Dxs added like:
Chaos Arena Lv.7
Demon Tower (part 2)
Flaming Ground
Ancient Tomb
Frozen Canyon
- Removed the pvp Arena.
- All new Dgs (other than the standard ones from the ep.😎 were checked and redone several times and all bugs found were removed.
- Removed the following items:
I'm a Promoter
I'm a VIP
I'm a Developer
I am the Event Winner
I am Procyon Nation
I am Capella Nation
I'm a loser
I am wise
- Eins Frame sets, weapons and epaulettes renamed to Knicks.
- New 11 Bikes added without replacing existing ones.
- Back to crystal bikes.
- Added various body, head, weapons and wings costumes.
- Removed the +15 effect costumes among other weapons:
Red Osmium
Captain America's Shield - Orb/Crystal
Fire Katana
Katana Thor
Escalibu Sword
Amount of Light
Daemon - Sword/Mount
Daemon - Katana/Daikatana
Guitar Spirit - Katana/Daikatana
Spirit of the Guitar - Sword/Mount
- Removed Head Costumes:
Lion's face
Elk Helm
Golden Buddha
Gas mask
Infamous Tundra Deer
Charismatic Panda Head
- Added new epic set boxes:
Deei frame
-Renamed the chaos boxes to Unon.
Boxes give items that can help and temporary customization items (costumes, bikes, boards)
To open them, you need the Achievement Tokens earned in Unon's quests.
- Added Conquest Token
- Added new epic items and their recipes:
Divine Fighter Bracelet
Bracelet of the Divine Sage
Sacred Bracelet
Sacred Earring
Healing Canyon Earrings
Elder Dragon Earrings
Sacred Belt
Sacred Belt of Anubis
Sacred Amulet of Anubis
Sacred Bracelet of Anubis
Sacred Earring of Anubis
Sacred Ring of Anubis
Shane's Bracelet
Renowned the following bracelets:
Bracelet of Force for Chaos Fighter's Bracelet
Bracelet of Magic to Bracelet of the Sage of Chaos
- Added new items for item crafting:
Piece of Mysterious Stone
Mysterious Stone
Mysterious Crystal
Piece of Sacred Diamond
Sacred Diamond
Eye of Anubis
- New Runes lvl. 2 and 3 added
- New Ultimate Runes lvl. 4
- New Enhancements for Runes (Ultimate)
- Added +6 Critical and Lucky Rings and adjusted statuses.
- Added Demonite sets and weapons to the Professional craft
- Added Critical and Lucky Rings +6 to Professional craft
- Added new NPC's:
Unon Vendeor Ambulante(Tundra Infame)
Lion(Fort Ruin)
Bean(Pontus Ferrum)
Succubi (Portal Infernus)
Renamed the Kyubo(Infernus Portal) to Incubes
- New Unon Quests that help a lot in farming and give achievement tokens as rewards.
- Added the sale of all dgs and dxs entries in the game in Unon and the rest of them in the N store.
- Added Unon boxes to NPC Unon
- Added Lycanus boxes and drei frame to npc Bean
- Added Knicks boxes in the Sucubos npc
- Added epic recipes in NPC Lion
- Added super epic recipes in the Sucubos npc
- Removed the following custom buffs:
Divine power
Divine Sustenance
Divine Blade
Divine Gift
Divine Art
Divine Desire
Warrior's Stamina
Dragon Strength
Fatal Impact
Fatal Mist
Fatal Spin
Fatal Compulsion
Fatal Shot
Fatal Explosion
- Added new Korean buffs instead of custom ones:
Force Unleashed
Sword of Destruction
Focused Instinct
Elemental Discharge
Primal Defense
Rhino Rigidity
Power Projectile
Vampiric Movement
Spiritual Walk
Elemental Barrier
Resistance Shield
Piercing Shield
Spirit of Charge
Vital Recovery
Blind Fury
- Added new improvement skills (only for transcendent rank):
Warrior's Domain
Duelist Domain
Mage's Domain
Archer's Domain
Arcane Guardian Domain
Arcane Swordsmanship
- All skills have been revised and become more balanced.

If anyone can upload it to another platform, I would appreciate it.



Mini Tuto > replace cabal.dll with your preferred dll loading, xor, ver, ip........ just use the source from the previous post and it will work!
to correct the closure, when starting cabalmain. Just change the translation to eng, whoever translated it left it very disorganized.

Pass: ragezone

Credits: content creators !
Xor Key?
Elite Diviner
Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
what should I read? What is the client's xor?
Here's to you lazy yellow named guy!

1696340582446 - [ServerFiles] NewAge Final Release 6Class. - RaGEZONE Forums


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Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
You make me laugh! Files and centos files are not the same as the ones I'm selling recently! And yes, they are much older, and using that source that you made available there will be a lot of bugs since there are many incompatibilities and it is not the same one that I have and am selling, normal for this community since nothing is released here and is 100% functional. Make the most of them, as they are old and not the same ones I have!
Elite Diviner
Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
Hope you are telling us the truth, but after I saw it and it's a bit outdated for some 6 months now.

1696342018985 - [ServerFiles] NewAge Final Release 6Class. - RaGEZONE Forums


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Elite Diviner
Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
just test. If I sold this I wouldn't want to see it for free either, I hope someone is happy with this :):)
Community is back to life again this time, and in some days there will be a lot of 6 class servers released.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
You make me laugh! Files and centos files are not the same as the ones I'm selling recently! And yes, they are much older, and using that source that you made available there will be a lot of bugs since there are many incompatibilities and it is not the same one that I have and am selling, normal for this community since nothing is released here and is 100% functional. Make the most of them, as they are old and not the same ones I have!
Yes, the source will work perfectly, both in these files, and overwriting some of the loader resources in the dlls auom, only some resources will not work because changes are necessary in the bin, if your knowledge is advanced you can go far ^^, only those who don't have necessary understanding in asm is bin will make false statements, so test everything before saying anything!
Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
Sim, o source irá funcionar perfeitamente, tanto nesses arquivos, quanto sobrescrevendo alguns recursos do loader nas dlls auom, apenas alguns recursos não funcionarão pois são necessárias mudanças no bin, se seu conhecimento for avançado você pode ir longe ^^ , somente quem não tem o entendimento necessário em asm is bin fará afirmações falsas, então teste tudo antes de dizer qualquer coisa!
I think that because I am the author of the files, I know how to say what works and what doesn't! Unlike you who never did anything and just leaks and nothing more. And this version is 6.2 and not the 7.0 that has been selling recently.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I think that because I am the author of the files, I know how to say what works and what doesn't! Unlike you who never did anything and just leaks and nothing more. And this version is 6.2 and not the 7.0 that has been selling recently.
good friend, let's keep the topic without arguments, I'm referring to the source and not the files, whether they are updated or not, I just hope someone is happy with this, Enthusiasts, test and post! #peace :coffee:
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